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LAST Smash: 9/22/07 Baton Rouge, LA- Southern Smash Circuit!


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
WOW ********. I might be able to come to LA this weekend XD

Awesome timing ofr me. Glad you guys had a great tourney. And congrats to LA for doing well against the rest of the SE.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
La is totally underrated. 5 or the top 7 placers in the tournaments were La players. this touanment included alot of the best players from like 5 or so hours away (except nite).
Yeah, you had me and. . . . . . . .I will stop there. :laugh: Yeah, good job for LA having this tourney and doing so well.

nes noob- i didnt get to play you but you ***** kyle in brackets. i have alot of respect for him as a player and to beat him so bad with link you must be one of the best links in the world. nice job
If you saw later on, he did much better. I think the reason it happened was. . .1. It was on Yoshi Story and he was Marth so he thought he had it pretty much made against a Link. 2. Link against Marth is only slightly in Marth's favor. 3. Yoshi Story is a good stage for Link, too. 4. I like fighting Marth's especially on Yoshi Story :) 5. After the shock of the first two stocks, he got nervous and lost the confidence to play well so yeah. . . . . *insert me being one of the best Links here*

About these shoutouts, not enough NES n00b praise. >_>

Iori: Your DK is freaken broken. . . . how and the heck am I suppose to beat that thing?

Rice: Sorry for all the racket in the back while playing but I am the underdog Link. So yeah. . . it happens. Those combos on Yoshi Story were too good. >_<

Cyphus: We couldn't finish our match. . . and it was looking good, too.

Shai Hulud: Best purple Fox in MS. :laugh: Those cheers were too good and I know you will be really good someday.

3GOD: Same as Shai Hulud besides the purple Fox thing. You should practice the Yoshi so there will be Yoshi sexiness in tournies. :laugh:

Eet: Good matches. Still don't understand how you made that comeback. The Fox matches were close, too. Didn't think I would win.

-Chad-: Good job at winning this tourney. I will have to play your Fox sometime in the future.

ihavespaceballs: Dang it. I should have played/watched your matches more. Good job on your placing.

Everyone else: Keep doing what you do. . . . . . .


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2003
This is Ross, if you're not familiar with my handle.

I had a lot of fun this weekend at the tourney and at kyle's. Nothing but love for everybody I met.

First of all, Cyphus and Taylor thanks for making me feel at home in the community even though I'm rarely around. You guys are top tier and good friends. And Kyle thanks especially for letting like 90 people stay at your place overnight and giving me a ride to the tournament.

-Boomstick I watched you play falcon a lot at kyle's, I love your style. You impressed me a lot. I'm envious
-Lee your young link perfected me like 3 games in a row. You're too good.
-Tim, I hadn't met you before and you're a really cool guy. Hope to see you again.
-Everybody from out of state and everybody from LA that I hadn't met before, you guys were really cool. I was surprised at all the friendly people.

The tournament itself was good. Lots of time for friendlies, a ton of setups, and the location was great. I liked the laser tag place. Sorry I had to duck out early to catch my ride home. I was also extremely tired from little sleep the night before.

See you guys next time.

edit: lol who keeps shushing people during that cam video of lee vs john wu? were you trying to not wake people up or something? This isn't golf haha


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
klaptrap is iori.

shyg you probably would have lost first round no matter what the tournament set up was like. dont be mad because of the pools. you should play people and try to get better or not enter tournaments or care about the game. nothing against you i just think its a stupid reason to complain.

whatever, i payed 10 dollars i get to say whatever i want, and yes if i went up against u first round i would have most definetly lost, but like u cant say how i would have done against other people, the people i lost too were both from LA, i came to this to see how i did against other people ihavent played before in a tournament and i didnt get to do that.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2003
whatever, i payed 10 dollars i get to say whatever i want, and yes if i went up against u first round i would have most definetly lost, but like u cant say how i would have done against other people, the people i lost too were both from LA, i came to this to see how i did against other people ihavent played before in a tournament and i didnt get to do that.
I lost to Taylor and DJ. It's all good. We got to play 3 matches instead of 2 in a normal double elim bracket. I'm pretty sure it was seeded by region since we had to put our area when we signed up. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't make it meaningful.

Given the number of players there from LA compared to out of state, and the vast number of highly skilled players, there was little chance for either of us to escape our pools and to lose to people out of state. You're just upset that you lost, because there is no reasonable basis for your complaints.

Deleted member

lol shyg. while that was funny, it had no relevance toward the argument at all.

thx for the defense ross, but ima try not to say anything after this.

you got to play friendlies with any oos player you wanted. it's not always about tournament matches.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
There are a number of things that I won't ever forget from this tournament.
The team finals were epic.
The Cyphus vs. Taylor set was the most touching of all singles.

Yeah Taylor. I will definitely be making more trips to Baton Rouge if you guys get together to have some fun and play some friendlies. Just give me a heads up and let me know what's going on.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
The pools were too small to have meaningful results. I came from 4 1/2 hours away for three games, basically.

Yay for MS having 2 of its 4 players in the top 10.

Deleted member

i agree that i would have rathered have pools of 6 top 3 advance but i really dont think it would have made much difference in the placement. if u didnt get out of a pool of 4 with 2 good players would you have made it out of a pool of 6 with 3? it was also seeded by region not skill so you could end up with 3 really good players from different places in one pool of 4. either way im against using tournament bracket programs to create pools because it doesnt come out fair, but i really liked how the brackets came out.

yeah i really enjoyed me and cyphus's match. it seemed to be pretty backwards though. im confident against mario chars with my falco and in the past ive proved to take cyphus's doc with my falco, but we both played like **** in that match up and i ended up losing. (i mess up recovery and get edge gaurded last stock after we both sucked all match, then as im up+bing cyphus air dodged off the stage but i die first lol) then on yoshi cyphus sd's twice at ko percentage which probably averages to one really bad sd and he still brought me to my last stock at almost ko percentage, so maybe he really shouldve won that one. then we had an epic battle on mute city where i feel i made a good choice of capt falcon because falco wouldve gotten ***** without a ledge to go to, and while i was ahead a whole stock in the end, i kept getting caped+ downsmash when i landed on the stage and i could eded up basically dieing at 50% my last 2 stocks. i would try to recover until like 120% but every time i would just get like 25% added to my stock. i wish i wouldve tried to falcon kick back because we were both at ko percent on our last stock but it just didnt occur to me. it may have not change the match at all and it was a great match in general so i dont have any real regrets.
i have a pretty versatile list of chars to play but i just havent been confident enough to use them in tournaments since falco has a laser for a lot of comfort in a serious match and marth's range just makes me feel better. then falcon comes out for tight situations, but im going to try to implement more guys into my arsenal. im hoping to hold some smaller tourneys for br, n.o, houma, and laff. sometimes soon i just want to find a good place for them. im thinking maybe my garage if we can find out a day that doesnt rain. anyone want to propose a date that is good? i think this tournament has gotten me into liking smash again.

Deleted member

do we have full tournament results posted anywhere? i want to see what marf trbl got in teams xD


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Athens, GA
Good turn out and fun tournament - got in a lot of friendlies.

It's been mentioned already, but I think the pools were really lame. There should be at least 5 or 6 people per pool to get any kind of accurate seeding for the bracket. Does it really change the placings for the top 3? Probably not, but people other than top 3 also care about placing/getting to play more rounds.

NES n00b - Best Link in the south for sure! Probably top 3 in the country honestly! I'm glad you came and can't wait until we get to play again. Scraaaaahhh!!!!

Shai Hulud - Thanks for the housing and for being the best purple fox in middle MS. You are truly an inspiration for me to become the most technical Red Yoshi at Mississippi State University. We can always remember when we took a game from Lee/Cyphus in teams (thanks to their 4 or 5 self-destructs).

Chad - Glad to see you again and congratulations on the win!

IHSB - Sorry we didn't get to hang out/play more - next time my Yoshi will suicide Fair you all four stocks :).

Lee - You have an awesome fox...very very few technical mistakes.

Cyphus - I haven't ever seen you play before, but I believe you definitely have one of the best Docs in the country.

3GOD - Stop n00bing it up during tournament matches and play more like you do in friendlies. Also, pick a main for goodness sake!

Deleted member

nvm i found the results. me and kyle tied for 5th with chad and piere (lol)
we'll do better next time.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
I was thinking pools of 6 would have been way more acurate, u get to play 5 other people, so the results are much more acurate. If icome in fourth out of 6 i dontcomplain at all because i played enough matches and then im happy with whatever happens. I think i would have a better chance of placing 3 ina pool of 6 than 2 ina pool of 4. Of course the better u are the less people u want in pools cuz then u just have to beat two people instead of worrying about 5 opponents, ofcourse if u completley suck than it doesnt matter either way, anyways imnot happy with this format if there is a tourny in the future with pools of 4 im just not going to enter.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Small pools are bad : (

It doesn't encourage people to keep coming to tournaments when they only get to play 2-3 people and then they're done. And bigger pools do allow for more accurate seeding, and gives people a more fair chance to make it into brackets.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
Taylor - To be honest I did'nt know Drumma was going to tell you that so I apologize because everyone know that Marth does insanely well against Luigi. But I don't think I desereved anything bad to happen to me, I try to be as nice to everyone I meet and know and consider any smasher I meet a friend of mine. The only reason I go to tourneys anymore is so I can see old faces and hang out with them and have a great time. Shoutouts later.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2005
lol @ going cfal on mute city being a good idea...even w/o ledges..you still don't die on mute city with Falco. I mean, it's not like falcon's up-B lags or anything when you land.

and trust me, Ram didn't do anything wrong on purpose, hope you found your controller. alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Bigger pools would have been nice, but I think given the time that we had and everything, it was better to have the smaller pools. I think the bracket turned out nicely. I think it would've ended up in the same results anyway.

By the way, 3God, I don't know if you remember, but we had a really good fight in our pool. I was that Zelda that you played against while loud people were watching the LSU game. Good stuff, dude.

I wish I coulda had more friendlies with the oos people, but that's ok. Next time for sure.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2006
New Orleans, LA
Well I had fun.

I lost to Boomstick (crazy CF) and to I think NESNoob (Link??)

Amazing Link player =D

Was fun watching the close Team battles as weel between Cyphus+Lee vs Rice+(dont know his teamate).

Then cyphus and lee vs taylor and kyle was a good match too.

How long till the videos that manage to get recorded will be up?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Vaughn's right about the pools, basically, we had a few too many people to do larger pools. Before the tournament, I decided that if pools went to 8 people, it'd take too long. That's 23 matches per TV. If matches averaged 15 minutes a piece, then that's over 5 hours in pools, then the 32 bracket and teams. I seriously don't think that we would have had time for fewer pools with more people. Now, maybe we could have done two rounds of pools, but it still would have come out to significantly longer than what it was. 5/6 people per pool = 15 matches in round one, plus whatever there is in round two. I would rather have been in a larger pool myself, but the time we had to do this (which was stretched anyways) suggested we do otherwise.

Anyways, for the future, I know more about what the community wants based on this. Thanks for the feedback; it'll only make any future tournaments I run that much better.

Regarding prizes:
1st $372
2nd $186
3rd $62

1st $144
2nd $72
3rd $24


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
The only reason I go to tourneys anymore is so I can see old faces and hang out with them and have a great time..

Yeah, i agree with this philosophy. I find I enjoy the community and friends, just as much, if not more, than the actual game itself.

Much <3 to all.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Well I had fun.

I lost to Boomstick (crazy CF) and to I think NESNoob (Link??)

Amazing Link player =D

Was fun watching the close Team battles as weel between Cyphus+Lee vs Rice+(dont know his teamate).

Then cyphus and lee vs taylor and kyle was a good match too.

How long till the videos that manage to get recorded will be up?
Yeah, if it was Adult Link it was me. Who did you sign up as so I can remember? I am sort of new to the tourney scene so I still don't know alot of the people who posts alias/screen name or whatever.

Edit: I wish I could have played some of the FL people. =( And whoever that Young Link player was looked amazing. Wish I could have played these people, too.

Edit: I remember. You are that Samus player. Great games especially on Battlefield. Glad that matchup is pretty even. =D


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
the other good young link player is Ray (the guy who looked like a Goron).

NES n00b, sorry we didn't get to play a full match, deffinately next time :] it sounds like u r pretty awesome, good stuff on taking out Kyle and Matt.

OMG i can't ****ing WAIT for the videos..i want to see them all right freaki'n NOW.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
the other good young link player is Ray (the guy who looked like a Goron).
lmao I don't know if he'd appreciate being compared to a Goron.

And yeah NES n00b is basically the best Link there is. **** Aniki.

Cyphus your Doc is scary and I should stop counterpicking people on Poke Floats because they always switch to Falco. Assorted Johns here.

Deleted member

yeah i was just joking about the match ram. dont think i care at all about him telling me not to use marth.

turns out the controller kyle claimed as his when we were looking for mine actually was mine, but now he is missing his silver. but he didnt like it anyway so he doesnt rly care.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
I just posted the results in a results thread, so people can have fun with that, too.

I don't recall seeing an extra silver controller, so I guess it's good that Kyle doesn't care.


Smash Champion
Dec 29, 2005
Memphis, TN

A lot of my boys went to this. I wasn't there to support them. What kind of father am I?!?!?
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