Singles Bracket
Teams Bracket
Here is who the teams are:
21st Death = Steven and Tyler
al Bundy and George Jefferson = Rook and RAM
Bermuda and NES Noob
Big Hot Carl = Boomstick and Rice
Cave Story Revolution = -Chad- and Iori (Klaptrap in Singles)
Chaddly & Pierre
Divided by Zero = ihavespaceballs and Zero
DT is AOK = fakegeorge & Mocha
Juicy Melon = EET and Mister Z.
Magical Unicorns = Cyphus and Lee
Marf Trbl = Taylor and Kyle
pwn = DJ and John Wu
******* = Ricky and Raynell
Shai Hulud & 3GOD
Team Death = Flarefox and Patrick
That Guy and Me = Sirska and Ever Power
Alright, there are the brackets. We ended up having 62 entrants for Singles and 24 teams participate, so congrats to everyone who made it this far.
More importantly, thanks to everyone who came to this tournament.
Alex and Gary were a huge help in keeping things running as well as they did. This tournament would have sucked without those three.
Vaughn. You were also a giant help in running this, I seriously couldn't have done it without you. DT is AOK was awesome, and I know I had a lot of fun teaming with you. I'm sure we'll own next time. Also, awesome job in Singles. Your Zelda owns.
Everyone who supplied anything, TVs, cubes, controllers, and recording devices especially: thanks a lot. Everything was most useful, and it made it all easier on me.
Thanks to Kyle and Patrick, too, for letting us finish the tournament up at the apartment.
Cyphus and Lee, your teams matches were amazing. Well played in those I watched, by you two and Boomstick and Rice.
For those (sadly) very few that I played friendlies against (I think only Phil, Drumma, and John Wu), they were fun. I never really play that many different people, so it was a blast playing new faces (and Phil, haha).
And Flarefox, don't worry, I don't think this will be the last one I'll do. LAST Smash = LASer Tag Smash. Plus, the new Gameware opened up, so we may be able to have tournaments more frequently, if we're lucky.
Anyways, I think LAST went really well, and I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on future tournaments. I definitely learned more about running Smash tournaments from this, so any future ones should be even better.
Thanks again to everyone who came to the tournament. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too (seriously).