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LAST Smash: 9/22/07 Baton Rouge, LA- Southern Smash Circuit!


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
( My last name is in your address LOL ) I'm going to call my crew buds and get a status report. and since Taylor said to go to Mr Kyle's on Friday and later that night we'll find out where we will be housing we will probably do just that.


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2005
Lafayette, LA
No no, Taylor, we don't need housing. 'Tis but a 45-minute drive :) ... and I have a wicked-long algebra assignment to do so I won't be smashing overnight :)


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2003
So if I can manage to get a ride to BR, I should go on friday night to kyle's house? Even if I don't have a place lined up to stay? BTW I don't think I've ever met kyle, so I hope that's okay. I don't want to impose or anything.

Looking forward to seeing you guys again, it's been quite a while!

Deleted member

ffox and jake are coming from there i believe. if not i know varuna is so u can probably get a ride and stay at someones house friday, then ride back with someone after the tourney saturday. for anyone whos never met usea hes the NICEST AND MOST RESPECTFUL smasher i've ever met. when he stayed at my house he refused to accept anything but water and slept on my small *** 2 person couch with no blankets or real pillows because he didn't want to impose. we can most definitely find housing for you dude.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

If I want to go to this, I'll have to pay 300 dollars for a plane ticket . . . and get a ride form Matt.

Deleted member

me- 225-892-4778
kyle- 504-810-4394
vaughn- 225-485-5213
cyphus- 985-232-5410
lee- 985-860-3223
eet- 225-405-7766

that should be enough. peace

Deleted member

i assume if its me lee or you getting first then we'll buy. but jon might be gay, so let's not let him win!

no one get to kyle's until 5:30


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006

dudeee we'll have housing for everyone. i posted like last page or something everyone just come to kyle's house sometime past 5:30 and all the br ppl can play with all the oos people and everyone will have fun and be jolly, then when it starts getting late; we'll split up into where we're going sleep.
addy: 1155 jim taylor apt. 6, baton rouge, la


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
making final preps before we leave, like sandwhich stuff and all that jazz. see everyone later.

Chad bring the goods and I shall summon the finest STD free sluts you've ever seen. and Candy!!!


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Great tourney everyone. LAST cannot be the last. :(

Laser Tag closed at 12:00, and they ran out of time in singles finals. Top 3 singles are Chad, Jon Wu, and Lee. Let me know how it finishes!

It was very nice to see everyone again.

Patrick-it was an honor to team with you. We had a lot of fun and did very well in teams together. We should do it again next time!

Eric-Good matches! Your fox killed mine. I'm sorry that we had to play in the losers bracket. D: I'm making our favorite pie next time. Just make sure to get another tourney organized. :p

Vaughn-Zelda. I can't get over it. Best zelda ever. I'll see you next time; good matches.

ShyGuy-I had fun playing against your fox and falco. Your mario beat my marth. :O good ****. Relax and feel better. I'll cya around.

Cyphus-I'm banning corneria against you everytime now. :) I hope we get to play more in future tournaments. Your doc destroyed me and I enjoyed it. You didn't see my counter coming in our first match! xD

Taylor-We got to play a few friendlies. Your falcon is very sexy.

Lee-We never got to play any friendlies! You were too busy kicking *** in teams and singles. -.- Goodgame though. I'll cya around buddy.

Johnny-I enjoyed our friendlies a lot. You liked my samus? :D

Tim-Russsia helo there. I don't remember us playing a lot of friendlies. :( I liked your double shines with fox! You've gotten a lot better.

Jon Wu-We never got to play man! Good job on 3rd place atleast in the tournament. I don't know the results yet.

Ricky-Lol I got you confused with ray.

Ray-XD I got you confused with ricky. It's always a pleasure to watch you two play smash.

Kyle-We only got to play a few friendlies and a few team games. You beat me everytime. :O My sheik did okay I guess. You were talking on your phone while beating me though. :D

Please forgive me for forgetting anyone; It's 2 in the morning, and I've been on the road all day. I don't know a lot of out of state players because I'm a noob, and I don't know a lot of new in-state players because I'm a noob. It's good to be back. Please ssbm, don't die now.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Yeah, gg ffox <3.

but yeah, as most people know, Lee defeated Cyphus, and then took on Jon Wu in the losers finals. He won, then beat Pika chad in the first set, and then pika won the other two, i believe.

so i believe the results are..

1 chad
2 lee
3 jon wu
4 rice
5 taylor

not complely sure but randall should have the full bracket soon


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Singles Bracket

Teams Bracket

Here is who the teams are:

21st Death = Steven and Tyler
al Bundy and George Jefferson = Rook and RAM
Bermuda and NES Noob
Big Hot Carl = Boomstick and Rice
Cave Story Revolution = -Chad- and Iori (Klaptrap in Singles)
Chaddly & Pierre
Divided by Zero = ihavespaceballs and Zero
DT is AOK = fakegeorge & Mocha
Juicy Melon = EET and Mister Z.
Magical Unicorns = Cyphus and Lee
Marf Trbl = Taylor and Kyle
pwn = DJ and John Wu
******* = Ricky and Raynell
Shai Hulud & 3GOD
Team Death = Flarefox and Patrick
That Guy and Me = Sirska and Ever Power

Alright, there are the brackets. We ended up having 62 entrants for Singles and 24 teams participate, so congrats to everyone who made it this far.

More importantly, thanks to everyone who came to this tournament.

Alex and Gary were a huge help in keeping things running as well as they did. This tournament would have sucked without those three.

Vaughn. You were also a giant help in running this, I seriously couldn't have done it without you. DT is AOK was awesome, and I know I had a lot of fun teaming with you. I'm sure we'll own next time. Also, awesome job in Singles. Your Zelda owns.

Everyone who supplied anything, TVs, cubes, controllers, and recording devices especially: thanks a lot. Everything was most useful, and it made it all easier on me.

Thanks to Kyle and Patrick, too, for letting us finish the tournament up at the apartment.

Cyphus and Lee, your teams matches were amazing. Well played in those I watched, by you two and Boomstick and Rice.

For those (sadly) very few that I played friendlies against (I think only Phil, Drumma, and John Wu), they were fun. I never really play that many different people, so it was a blast playing new faces (and Phil, haha).

And Flarefox, don't worry, I don't think this will be the last one I'll do. LAST Smash = LASer Tag Smash. Plus, the new Gameware opened up, so we may be able to have tournaments more frequently, if we're lucky.

Anyways, I think LAST went really well, and I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on future tournaments. I definitely learned more about running Smash tournaments from this, so any future ones should be even better.

Thanks again to everyone who came to the tournament. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too (seriously).


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2006
SHYGUY posting from dylans comp

wow this tournament was ********, not cuz of the set up or the turn out, but because of the bracketing,

i pay 10 dollars and it pretty much comes down to one match, i knew jonwu would beat me 2-0 and i would beat the other guy 2-0 so it comes down to one match vs. tim, probly the person i played more than anyone else and know my stye better than anyone else, ( how is that fair?) i mean atleast match me up against some out of staters, i dont see how u can tell anything from this kind of format, now ur probly saying ya ya whatever stop complaining if u want to get farther in a tournament then get better, and to that i say shut up im pissed off, Other than that the tournament was pretty cool , i had some friendlies that were fun and gave me a better idea of which characters im better with,

Shoutouts - i dont really care about that so everyone will go into the same generalized response - hey man ur awsome the matches we had were awsome....... everything and everyone is awsome

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
To everyone who beat me at the tourney: I hope you and your children, future or present, will die from a hell fire. Joking.

This tourney was fun. :) In the future, I would suggest more than 4 people for pools. lol It allows for more accurate seeding and it allows people who can't make it into brackets more matches.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
Indeed this was an awesome tourney. I'd like to say some words too.

Randall - Thanks so much for getting the tourney up and running. You gave everyone what they were hoping for and more. It was great teaming with you and you helped me get the confidence that I had that day to do well. I salute you, chum.

Alex and Gary - Thanks for helping out and being awesome. You kept things happy under stressful times for sure. It was great having you there.

Eric and Phil- We talked quite a bit that day. Telling inside jokes and having fun like we always do.

Taylor and Kyle - You helped us by providing stuff and just being cool. Egyptian Rat Screw ftw!!

Johnny - We got a lot of friendlies in. You're starting to play smarter. Keep it up, man. And thanks for getting some confidence in me as well.

Wesley and Patrick - You guys were great in teams. Though I hadn't played with you guys in a while, you still surprise me. And thanks for the complements from both of you. I really like my Zelda. We should do some friendlies sometime so I can show what she can REALLY do. HAHAHA!!

Tim and Grace - I'm glad you're still around.

Cyphus - Our match was incredible. Corneria killed me, but the other 2 fights were awesome. I didn't even expect to beat you once. Incredibly close fight, but you're still too awesome for me. Thank you for your complements on my Zelda. That's all I wanted was to be the best Zelda in LA, and now I have your approval.

NOLA - You guys are just awesome. There's nothing else to say.

Lee - Nice to know you didn't COMPLETELY destroy me. Haha.

Chad and Drumma Boi - I'll see you around the interbutt sometime so we can play some Stepmania and Pokemon Puzzle League.

Good job to everyone that was there. We really made this thing happen. And don't worry, I work at Gameware. I'll talk to Stephen about getting more tournies up sometime.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
insane f*cking tournament. really. ill do shoutouts later bc im just so insanely tired. i had some really good matches in the tourney, it was mucho fun. way too close with chad. :D


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i had a really awesome weekend. one that i'll def remember forever.
biggest and best Louisiana tournament ever. First off, much thanks and respect for Randal hosting and running this whole thing. 2ndly, thanks for Kyle and Patrick for lending their apartment for all of us to smash and sleep at...and congratulations to all the winners.

if anyone can barely read the brackets (like myself) cuz of the blurryness this is correct so far...
1 chad
2 lee
3 juju
4 rice
5 cyphus/ricky
7 taylor/klaptrap (Iori)
9 raynell/nes n00b/ram/spaceballs

it was really great getting to see so many old faces like flarefox and the FL guys. This was a very hard tournament with alot of varied skill spanning most of the atlantic south and I know half the matches I saw and personally had, could have gone either way. So much close competition...but it was really exciting. I hope everyone was a good sport about it that due to so many good players participating in this
I don't really have any beef with how the tournament was run. I think it was done about as good as it could be given the limited resources and time.

Vaughn...best zelda in LA? i think so. You got so much better since i last played you. You have good spacies and a sick zelda. I was sweating my balls off in our match...i'm sure you noticed in our 3rd match i pillspammed extra hard (i deffinately learned my lesson about pillrushing from our first one that you won, lol) Amazing stuff man.

Flarefox...yea, picking marth against me is a bad idea ;) You seem really smart on the counterpicking though. Nice Samus too. I hope to see you again sooner of later at the next smashfest.

Spaceballs has a mean samus.
Chad's pika is too good...but the best part of his matches against Lee was his phantom rest. it was just oooh SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.

Also some interesting info for everyone... Lee used 8 characters this tournament, and quite efficiently i must add: Fox and Marth. And Sheik, Capt, Jigs, Ice, Mario, and Young Link where he saw fit to using non-top tiers to his advantage. The Azen of the South East?

I had a really great set against Lee...i thought i was going to win-...a first in a long time, but i'm glad to have gotten as far as i did anyway, especially after my anybody's-game-set with taylor.
Either way me and lee did phenomenal in teams, imho...and i can't wait to see all our vids versus rook and rice in the finals. hehehe.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Man, I was really upset about not going to this because of homecoming..turns out we went to homecoming for like...30 minutes and then came here. The last 3 hours before Erica had to be home made it worth missing the tournament. Then I come and read all this and really wish I could have gone to the tournament. : (

I'm definitely coming to the next one no matter what. :x

Deleted member

klaptrap is iori.

La is totally underrated. 5 or the top 7 placers in the tournaments were La players. this touanment included alot of the best players from like 5 or so hours away (except nite). rly nice tournament and im satisfied with the results. i didnt get to play alot of the people i wanted to. i planned on being ready for jon and lee but i lost to rice and cyphus. i made a bad choice in falco dittoing rice (not that i rly think the outcome would have been different) but i did much better with marth. even though we both made tons of mistakes in that match, i would have loved to have 2 or 3 rly close games instead of one 2 stock and a close game. me and cyphus's game was rly fun though. i had fun and glad so many people came.

shyg you probably would have lost first round no matter what the tournament set up was like. dont be mad because of the pools. you should play people and try to get better or not enter tournaments or care about the game. nothing against you i just think its a stupid reason to complain.

drumma- ggs and lots of fun at kyle's house. we'll keep in touch about a get together later.

ram- sorry about your controller but it made me rly excited to win so hard. you probably deserved it after drumma tried to trick me into not marthing you!

rook- ggs at kyle's house and it was good talking to you that night. i'll let you know about our smash di experiments and you should have a religion battle with cyphus lol.

kyle- gj losing to DJ and link LOL
but good **** in teams. too close games with chad+iroi and cyhphus+lee. marf trouble will take first next time i promise.

boomstick- didnt get to play you at all but it was good hanging at kyles. i'll come see yall soon.

rice- you're rly quiet bro but your rly good at smash. good game in the tournament even though we were both full of mistakes on yoshi and my death combo to spike saved you on the cloud lol. hope you're more out of the box next time we hang.

tim and eric- lol

cyphus- ggs dont get high around us anymore

lee- we didnt rly get to play but its always cool to see you.

-chad- had fun in friendlies and teams and i wish we wouldve got to play a real game of hearts. we'll chill more next time. peace

iori- you're loud.

randall- thx alot ill see you at school tomorrow lol

ffox- nice marth and samus. i hope you forget about ms and start playing with us again. br smash has missed you!!

jake- love you

ihsb and xero- yall are cool as ****. ggs in teams and yall are a pair of rly nice and funny guys. hope we play again

dj- you'll never read this but you've calmed down alot when you lose. ggs in brackets.

ross- you're still the man. hope you dont quit smash any time too and your bro is rly nice too.

ricky and ray- i love you

nes noob- i didnt get to play you but you ***** kyle in brackets. i have alot of respect for him as a player and to beat him so bad with link you must be one of the best links in the world. nice job

vaughn- great job impressing everyone with zelda. keep practicing and you'll be winning tourneys in no time

sorry if i didnt say anything to you, if i remember some more people later i'll add to this



Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
i had a lot of fun at this tourny, i got to meet some EXTREAMLY cool people so i guess ill give shoutouts like everyone else.

cyphus- GREAT job in teams, and in singles. also, dont listen to taylor, you're fckin halarious when youre stoned. but its all good.

lee- PILLOW MONSTARRRR! lmfao, youre great dude. good job in the tournament you and pika-chads matches were the highlight of the night, like, i dont usually like to watch smash, but those matches were so intense and they were just all around great.

rice- seriously man, you are one of the coolest people ive ever met. like rly, if i lived in florida, i think you would prolly be my best freind hahahahhaha. great job in doubles and in singles. next time we have a get- together, you should show me afew things with falco :]

RAM- RAMMMMMMMM i love you man!!! you are so awesome, and your Luigi is one of the best i have ever seen o_O youre an aweosme guy, cant wait until next time :]

rook- youre pretty awesome too, next time we meet in a tourny, hopefully it will be a better fight with no hard-feelings :] ggs bro.

taylor- i dont know what in the world happend but i think you and me finally got along for more than 2 hours. :D ggs with the tournoment bro, you had some good ****.

drumma-boi- OH MEH GAWD, FOX *****! hahaha much <3 man cant wait until next time.

zero- dude. i love you.

iori- BIG BLACK BEAR!!!!! all i gotta say about you. and not to spill beer on kyles floor/blankets anymore :p

randall- dude, GREAT job running the tourny, it turned out so good you have no idea.

vaughn- you have really improved your game, its rly turning into something else hehe :] keep it up man.

eric- dont suck in singles next time. i <3 you

boomstick- youre awesome. end of story.

the rest of the florida/TN people- cant wait to see you guys again, keep it real nigras, thats right, i said nigras. you guys are some of the coolest people ive ever met.
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