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Last duke biweekly! Online prereg! $20 venue $0 entry|m2k, armada, pp, ally attending

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Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
told you he's good at edgeguarding... ***** goes for the gold.

btw, how was the spread of matches?
i didn't go ganon at first, cause i figured he might have cold hands. he won those matches. then, at first when i went ganon, he won with dr a couple times i think, and then he went peach and beat me probably...5-7 times. straight. then i finally won a match, and right after i won, he switched to dr. when he switched to dr, i won the (steep?) majority of those matches; i'd adjusted to his dr. while still thinking about the peach. so when he finally went back to peach, i picked my spots a lot better, and started owning. we played a ganon ditto which i 2 stocked him, and then barely won the second one, and i beat his DK (JV 3, lol). i think thats about it. you can ask him too, but i was as honest as i can remember.

using lightshield against the turnip to edgehog was one of the funniest and smartest ideas i had lol. i use the lightshield edgehog against mario/dr to safely get the edge. but against turnips...that was cool.

edit: his initial winning streak may have been longer than 5-7. but he won all the pre-ganons (3), and all the dr. matches, and then i think all the peach matches until i won.

overall, he ***** me at first, i adjusted, and proceeded to own. now i'm banking on him adjusting in the next few days, and him coming at me with whatever MM's we're supposed to have.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
can people state attendance for this? right now, i only know about chris, tj, wilmington, and outer banks

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
i didn't go ganon at first, cause i figured he might have cold hands. he won those matches. then, at first when i went ganon, he won with dr a couple times i think, and then he went peach and beat me probably...5-7 times. straight. then i finally won a match, and right after i won, he switched to dr. when he switched to dr, i won the (steep?) majority of those matches; i'd adjusted to his dr. while still thinking about the peach. so when he finally went back to peach, i picked my spots a lot better, and started owning. we played a ganon ditto which i 2 stocked him, and then barely won the second one, and i beat his DK (JV 3, lol). i think thats about it. you can ask him too, but i was as honest as i can remember.

using lightshield against the turnip to edgehog was one of the funniest and smartest ideas i had lol. i use the lightshield edgehog against mario/dr to safely get the edge. but against turnips...that was cool.

edit: his initial winning streak may have been longer than 5-7. but he won all the pre-ganons (3), and all the dr. matches, and then i think all the peach matches until i won.

overall, he ***** me at first, i adjusted, and proceeded to own. now i'm banking on him adjusting in the next few days, and him coming at me with whatever MM's we're supposed to have.
He speaks the truth.
So I guess I need to work on my adjusting, again. *sigh* so much work.

Anyways, after he left, I went over to play with Theo and DJ, who was pretty happy that he was working theo in marth dittos, I think. I'm probably wrong about that. I played Doc and Peach against whatever they could throw at me, I ended up *near the end of that set* owning Theo's Marth Falco and Falcon, *and maybe his shiek* with my Peach, and ****** DJ's fox and marth with the same. I got tons better from just playing Chris. Too bad it didnt kick in til after. *frown*

I learned not to turnip/dash attack.


Edit: AND **** YOU CHRIS!! You knew I wasnt practicing DK. *shakes head* I only agreed to that **** cause you smiled so warmly.

Things I learned today:
-Dsmash is **** against recovering falcon/ganon
-dtilt is **** against recovering marth
-when in doubt *and your opponent is in the air* shield and oos nair and/or turnip throw
-Anyone can benefit from waveland, even peach.
-Dsmash.Dsmash.Dsmash. . . oh. . and Dsmash *thanx Theo/DJ*
-If you put your back to your opponent while standing and throw a turnip at them, it goes further.
-Dair to dsmash. . . . . Either your shield is broken or you're flying across stage.
-Mr. Saturn + Stitch or Jr. = DAYUM!!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
dash isn't amazing if you CC it. i did a lot...so i got free dtilts...which led to free fairs...still generally, they're really useful though. its all about spacing. i got under ur turnips and uaired some, TJ. at a different angle, i can't get under them (they'd hit me in the forehead), and you'd get a free fair.

glad you got even better TJ. i look forward to seeing this **** peach on saturday.

edit: but i think for most of the forehead turnips, i just...wavedashed back and decided not to approach. that was probably the main adjustment, simply not getting hit in the forehead by turnips. and uairing you when they werent forehead turnips. simple, but it did take me a few matches to see lol.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
just got back from the fest. i'm tipped off. cost me 8 bucks just to park (thanks for covering that TJ, you're the man), and i left my phone there. drag. not to mention i rushed back here to take a quiz, and get my cousin to work, but there was no quiz, and my cousin is sick and not going to work. WTF. . . . Drag.

but yeah, good stuff getting better TJ. i'm glad i got better too, or i'd be really pissed off right now. you have gotten a lot better at edgeguarding. Credit: Cam good thing i can tech now lol.Yeah, its not really a problem with peach, but my doc should figure out what to do your doc was legit, but your rolls got predictable at times, which made things a little easier.My doc isnt even supposed to roll. Call that getting too excited. I'm SUPPOSED to waveland all over the place, my hand wouldnt even be near the r button if not for that. Your peach was really good; a lot better than i expected to be honest.and it keeps getting better i had to learn to bait the dair->bair/nair while you were above mei aint doin that no more, and those bairs as edgeguards were pretty good, and off the edge so i couldn't tech them. just work on knowing when you can actually pull those turnipstryin too hard to be armada. if i'm a wizard foot or closer, you don't want to be reaching into the ground. other than that, good stuff, and i look forward to seeing you on saturdayidk man. will barber tryin to get me to go somewhere else..
read the post.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
but i think for most of the forehead turnips, i just...wavedashed back and decided not to approach. that was probably the main adjustment, simply not getting hit in the forehead by turnips. and uairing you when they werent forehead turnips. simple, but it did take me a few matches to see lol.

I wasnt doing nearly as much with the turnips as I could have. Theo reminded me that I could drop them. throw them up, throw them down. I didn't start throwing from shield until our last match. I think I'm averaging like. . . 3 stitches a match. and one bomb every 4 matches. I wonder how good that is.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I should be bringing Dshep. no other greensboro has implied that they wanted a ride to this, so my car right now is just me ashley and Dshep.

edit: read the post TJ. do you mean like me teching you can get over with peach, but your doc isn't sure what to do? honestly, you can just cape me. i don't have a sweetspot, so itll work unless i reverse up b from well under the stage. if i still make the stage, you can just WD back and f/dsmash. against peach ur right, if you bair offstage, i got nothing. if i recover low hoever, i think i can tech the bair, and i can easily tech the dsmash. i'm still working on that techjump bair, and itll take me more than a few days to polish that, to be honest lol. i forgot about the thing will barber is trying to get you at. your decision is yours. when would you be back? i might need to camp in your room...we're not sure of our scheduling. oh and i didn't know you could throw from shield...thats cool.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
DJ, obv i'm def going. {**** internetz}

@Chris and TJ: **** i'm glad yall had some good matches, idk how long you played though, it doesn't seem like it was for too long, probably more time and TJ would have counter-adapted. he does that y'know. but it seems like if you had just met in tournament in situation, my prediction would have been correct ;). obviously good job adapting though Chris, sounds like you've def improved a lot cause i know TJ has. i look forward to our battles.

just know i'm confident in my Luigi beating all the characters you lost to. :bee:

@Kevin: dude... where the hell are you gonna be??? :(


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
dj is a compulsive falsifier of the truth. Did u forget my 3 stock on ur "falcon" with sheik?

i owned everyone today ;) See you all on Saturday.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
...he got there at 2:30 ish, and i had to leave at 4. and yeah, given only three matches, assuming he went peach from the start, even with tournament mindset, i don't think i wouldve adapted in time. good stuff training my boy cam, looks like he's in good hands. (wish i was...dshep plays such a weird old school 2005 falco. its weird to face, but doesn't help me against 2009 falcos that, say...L cancel.)


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
MBA layin down the law. she don't want ya'll

and maria, i'm bringin my girl ashley to this. maybe me and her vs you and josh can have some team matches. that'd be fun.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
if me vs gofg can somehow get hype, i'm sure this can reel some action. hope your falcon will be better than it was last weekend, or else this'll be almost too easy.
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