If you do not play Melee competitively then this debate is not for you. If you don't plan on attending tournaments, then certain gameplay elements won't apply to you and your enjoyment with the game.
It has been and will always be impossible for a casual player and a competitive player to communicate coherently about strategies and counter strategies due to different playstyles and knowledge.
The fact of the matter is, removing l-canceling is a bad thing. In order to counteract this removal, something has to be added. Why remove a gameplay element and not implement something something different? By removing this option, you are removing depth. It is like Sakurai released Chess 2.0, but in his version you can't castle. It isn't a huge deal to people who play chess occasionally, but to those who play everyday and compete, this is a big deal.
Now, if he were to simply change it or implement something new, that is a different story (i.e. air dodge system). This doesn't mean the new mechanic will be better, but it will be new, and its inclusion will add depth, the amount dependent on how useful this mechanic is.
Now from the looks of it, the new air dodge system seems inferior to the old system because with the old system, it opened a **** ton of options including: wavedashing, wavelanding, substitute third jump (Yoshi, Ness, Jigglypuff, etc), and grapple sweet spotting.
The application of the new system completely removes all of these aspects (grapples auto sweet spot now, so that point may be mute). However, it could also open up new options. I speculate that it will be more shallow than Melee based off of my extensive familiarity with Melee and the information we currently have about Brawl.
Now they removed l-canceling. What they should do is implement something similiar (or not take it out in the first place). If they had made l-canceling automatic, I would be fine with that. If they had kept the old way of FFing then attacking, I'd have been fine with it. But they seemingly just removed it and replaced it with less laggy aerials, but still too laggy.
Now with laggy aerials, if you hit someones shield as you are falling, you will land and get shield grabbed. Basically, anytime anyone jumped, all you'd have to do is position yourself close enough to shield grab, hold R then hit A. It would get boring really fast, because no one would attack without playing a huge spacing game, which takes a lot of time.
Every match would be just like playing a Jigglypuff ditto. Spacing for 8 minutes and occasionally hitting maybe a 3 hit combo. With an improved DI system and less hit stun, combos are going to be scarce.
What it whittles down to is that the best choice will be the defensive choice, and the whole match will be about poking and spacing, with less emphasis on combos.
Also edge guarding. With the snap feature, no longer will there be cheap outs or edge guarding outside of wait on the ledge, let them hit the ground, hit them again. Everyone recovers like Sheik, and it's boring once again. No longer do you need skill or talent to sweet spot, it is done for you, which I find unacceptable. Maybe I don't want to snap to the edge? Maybe I want to go above it? But now I can't; I DON'T HAVE THAT OPTION.
This game will still be great. But it might blow for competitive play, which is what we are concerned about. This game will be everything that casuals want. But by removing a lot of what made Melee great and replacing it with a seemingly inferior mechanic, or no mechanic at all, makes the competitives expect the worst.
No one will know until it comes out, but based off of the information we have now, we can make an educated guess about what Brawl will be about. I hope to God that Brawl is good for competitive play. I don't care about exploits or glitches or any of that bull****. I care about depth. If a glitch or exploit adds depth, then I'm all for it and I'll welcome it. But it seems pointless to remove depth, which is what seems to be currently going on.
All in all, we can only wait and pray.
Note: I will not reply to any comments from anyone that joined within the past 6 months unless they provide some evidence that they play competitively.