The better player should be the person with superior matchup knowledge, mechanic knowledge, and character knowledge, not the person who can press L when landing the most consistently. You miss an L-Cancel, you get a potential combo started for the opponent, or an IC grab.
Let me hit you with a difference scenario then:
An upcoming competitive player, no matter how brilliant, or how good his, idk, Peach is, no matter how much he knows the Peach vs. Fox, Peach vs. Falco, Peach vs. Marth, etc. matchups, no matter how much he psychologically plays his opponents, if his fingers aren't literally trained to muscle memory to L-Cancel with near-flawless accuracy, is going to get BODIED. That's ****ed up.
Using the same examples from before, DOA manages to be a fast paced combo-centric fighting game without frivolous half circle inputs (well, most of the time) or muscle memory anything unless you're doing a throw. Brawl+ does/did as well. And Brawl Minus. And Crusade and SSF2. Let's put aside our Melee boners, I love Melee too, but being realistic here... I doubt the series is going to go back in that direction. The beauty of Smash is simplistic inputs, being easy to pick up and relatively easy to be "good" at, and the only barrier between being "good" and being "pro" is your own mind.
You pick up any traditional fighting game and you're going to be garbage until you learn the frivolous inputs that developers set with the half circles and 3PP and another half circle frame 2 hit up then hit down and whatever the **** they feel like. Your fingers and your initial knowledge can make picking up a fighting game incredibly hard. To get truly good at Brawl and take your gameplay to the next level you need to know your OPPONENT, not the game. I think SSB4 will follow suit. We don't need L-Cancelling to be a good fighting game.
I would like someone to kindly explain to me what the motive is for pushing for an input that you want 100% of the time. If it's "not that hard" then you're going to be doing it consistently; 100% of the time. Meaning, making this "happen automatically" (reducing landlag, again, 100% of the time without requiring input) would carry benefit to those who don't know about L-Cancelling yet and not affect high level play. Are we trying to make competitive Smash a big brick wall closed garden or something? "Wats L Cancel? U don't know? Piss off"
Making it automatic enables the fun fast-paced gameplay we all want to see without ****ing over new competitive entrants. I see no downsides.