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KSSU: Revenge of Meta Knight Mafia - Game Over! Has Dreamland been conquered!?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Because the whole point was the assumption that kuz and myself don't share alignment. There was a good chance of contradicting claims toDay, which inevitably leads to scum. Him not sending me the message because he "doesn't trust me" is the most ridiculous cop-out because that's a huge reason why he should've sent it to me.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Tandora should also tell us who she thinks the play is. Bashing HL after a whole Day of inactivity is cool and all but that can't be all.


Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Ok, now that Kuz has confirmed I was his night target, I'm gonna explain the following post. It was a breadcrumb similar to Kuz's.

In short, HI KUZ.

I've never done the first letter spells a secret message before and frankly I realized it looked scummy, but it was hella hard to come up with a KUZ combination for me. For those who played Dexter, you'll remember my Debra breadcrumb post was really scummy too.

Kuz is town. As he mentioned we've worked well as lovers before and the boy loves to talk as much as I do. For those who recall NBC we conferenced a lot during that game. When he wrote me a huge, insightful post of his reads on the players, it confirmed he was town to me.

No AtE and just straightforward "X is town for this reason, I'm suspicious of Y for this reason".

I think the biggest selling point was in his letter to me, he admitted that he was wrong to have tunneled J. Kuz and J have spent a lot of time heads up vs each other. There is no way they're both scum. If Kuz was scum, he could have taken that opportunity to speak to me privately to sway me against J.

Lynching Kuz is a waste because he's proven his ability and I am only getting town reads from him.
Could you post this letter from Kuz, so anyone can see it?

EBWOP: My vote for HL was still legit at the time. I didn't know if the player slot was going to return as promised or if we would still get silence. I wanted to prod them for reactions.

I admit that they do have legit johns and they will ask people for their opinions. Yet, I don't like the "I"m too busy, suck it up" attitude. Possibly legit, but extremely scummy to me.
So, it's not extremely scummy to be all like, "I'm soooooooooo sorry! I wasn't here! PRETTY PLEASE don't lynch me!!!!!" You're confusing annoyed with scummy there, babe.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
I'm extremely bugged with trusting Kuzi even slightly.

Kuzi, I'm gonna have a hard time trusting anything you do this game. We told you specifically to message Gheb but you go against the plan which is just...=/ You do realize you are only alive because of your claim and you just went against the set plans which gives us even less of a reason to believe you? Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck. Your reasoning for targetting her over Gheb as well is just....*sigh*

Why couldn't you have just listened and targetted Gheb? =/

I don't know who to vote or what to do atm. I'll try a re-read and see what I get.
I really don't give a **** if he sent that message to Tandora. If it's truly this end all super town thing, then let us see it and form our own opinions.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker, you probably should start addressing women in an appropriate manner. Calling them "baby", "babe" or "cute" is pretty diminutive.

And this is looking like the Glyph - Gheb debacle from Dexter is about to repeat itself due to the inability of Tandora and Tiger using the simplest of logic. I mean it's not like Kuz wasn't scummy yesterDay already and the only reason we left him alive was his claim, which still leaves him unclear now. Why do you guys think I'm more likely scum than him? He's been pretty damn scummy all game and I haven't been scummy at all.


Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Lots of wrong in this post, sweetheart. Kuz ability isn't proven in the slightest. All we know is that you vouch for it, nothing more & nothing less. Your town read on him means as much to me as your town read on hidajiremi in Dissidia Mafia.

I mean seriously: We decided that Kuz would use his ability on me in order to find out whether theres scum between him and me [which was the basic assumption]. There's no town-aligned reason for Kuz to not follow this plan - EVERY ARGUMENT AGAINST IT IS JUST A COP-OUT. His motives, reasons and your vouching for him don't mean shit because ultimately it stopped us from gaining valuable information that potentially leads to Kuz as scum. But conveniently he decided to pick you instead ... this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.
Your top paragraph is right. Your bottom paragraph is bull****. How does it prove if there's scum among you. What if he's scum with his ability? What if you're scum and you're all like "Yeah man, I got the message." You proved nothing there. I don't see how the target really makes any kind of difference other than the fact that Kuz could have chosen a scum buddy, but if did, that only saves him for one night. He's gotta do it again.

Again, I don't give two ****s. Why should I?

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Kuz, you posted not once, but twice after my question directed at you. Fix it.

Tiger, assuming Kuz/Gheb are off the table. They both gain magical lynch protection armor today, who do we lynch.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Gheb I KNOW hes telling the truth.

I don't know if you're telling the truth.

Don't insult my intelligence... if you two are TRULY of opposite alignment, then you, gheb, are scum.

Why would you EVER say that?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yeah let's procrastinate the lynch of somebody who's playing extra-scummy because he fails to follow a simple plan and we're trusting him to do the step he already refused to do.

Yeah, I could've said that I got the message. But then I would've confirmed that he has his claimed power and his claim would've been a lot more credible. Guess why he didn't send a message to me?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb I KNOW hes telling the truth.

I don't know if you're telling the truth.

Don't insult my intelligence... if you two are TRULY of opposite alignment, then you, gheb, are scum.
Telling the truth about what? [In regards to both him and me].
I don't "insult your intelligence" but I have reason to mistrust your ability to find scum.
And I only support the idea that Kuz and I are of opposing alignments because I strongly believe that he's scum.


Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Yeah let's procrastinate the lynch of somebody who's playing extra-scummy because he fails to follow a simple plan and we're trusting him to do the step he already refused to do.

Yeah, I could've said that I got the message. But then I would've confirmed that he has his claimed power and his claim would've been a lot more credible. Guess why he didn't send a message to me?

Shut the **** up, I'm looking for stances, not saying they can't be lynched.

His power is nothing but a bunch of WIFOM. I don't even know the case against Kuz, but I can recognize that his PR is only a scum tell if he can't produce and is in no way a town tell. It's why I want the ****ing message he sent.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Then why are YOU posting that it would make his claim more credible? Zen is the only other person I've seen pointing out that it doesn't matter at all.
Do you even understand what I'm saying? Zen, you and I are the only one's to whom it'd even occur that Kuz' claim - even if proven - doesn't prove his alignment. It makes his claim credible to everybody else, which is essentially what matters because they are the majority.

Post less random bullshit.


Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
I've never learned that term and probably don't give a **** about it.

Dude, who, besides Tiger apparently, thinks Kuz's role clears him? Tandora is saying his message is what changed her mind.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I call BS on Tandora's explanation. I'm 99% sure that Kuz proving his ability to her means she has him p. much clear. Whether it's the content or the message itself is only a technicality because she believes him either way. YesterDay I also had the impression that J was willing to let go off him should he be able to "prove" his claim, which is arguable now.

Which'd mean that it's up to JTB which side gets the majority and I don't want that to be left to a player as untrustworthy as him. I'd rather have J keeping his opinion to himself until JTB comments on that tbh

J, can you agree on that?


Kuz can totally die but I need to watch out to not tunnel. I'll be looking for alternatives to not end up in a dead-end in case Kuz flips town.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
And in regards to Kuz being scummy I'd like to add that his Day 1 play has been bad, his "case" and his pushes on J have been bad and that he's only living on his claim right now which is also bad because his claim really isn't that great. I really don't see how people can get town reads off him based on that.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You told me to specifically message Gheb and I realized it would be much safer and more productive to message Tandora. I pretty much had my heart set on her as soon as I claimed and I just went along with the plan to give scum the illusion of knowing where I was going. I honestly don't care if I went against the set plans or if you believe what I'm saying or not if that means I get the most pro-town results out of my actions.

My reasoning for targeted Tandora over Gheb boiled down to two points. Not that though to understand.

-It was much more productive to talk to Tanny over Gheb as Gheb probably wouldn't have responded to my message regardless of his alignment.

-I don't trust Gheb.

What do you mean by saying "Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck."?
You are not even getting the point. Look at the lime. I don't care what you thought was the most "pro-town" results because we have no reason to trust you at all! Absolutely none. You just don't get it. Your points are horrendous. "Because Gheb might not talk to me..." are you kidding me? That's childish. And you don't trust Gheb? I don't care whether you trust Gheb or not. It wasn't your decision to make.

Even though Tanny got your message and that I like her it doesn't mean anything to me but bleck. It's something I can't trust because it's something you did independently.

Ever heard of LAL? Yeah that dumb thing that's gotten you lynched the past?

J proxy your vote on me for as long as you feel like it.

Nah I'm good. I don't vote people who are town, but thanks for the offer. =p

Which'd mean that it's up to JTB which side gets the majority and I don't want that to be left to a player as untrustworthy as him. I'd rather have J keeping his opinion to himself until JTB comments on that tbh

J, can you agree on that?

Mhmm sounds good.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sad thing is, I think Kuzi is more town because of his stupid shenanigans.

Good gog this game is hard to get reads in.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Computer completly died as I was trying to fix Skype. ****ing viruses man.

Brought it to the shop, should be ready tomorrow afternoon. Will post then



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
sorry guys, forgot about this with the forum being down


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
@ Tandora, what do you think of Gheb?
I think he's an *******. He uses my play in Dexter as obvious proof I'm a moron leaving out the fact that a town cop had already flipped and I was also a town cop. That game was completely broken mechanics, but *I*'m the dumb one for believing there were more than two town cops despite all the mafia bull**** power roles. (sarcasm for those who cannot tell)

I have every reason to believe Kuz because of my previous D1 read and because I did receive an email from him via Gova. Gheb is butt hurt because he didn't get it because he was expecting it. Obviously he can only trust himself, right?

All things being equal, I'm more inclined to believe Gheb is town. His attitude is just plain mad at someone who "jeopardized" town by not following the plan. He cannot honestly say Kuz is town because Kuz didn't trust him.

However, you cannot plan a game around night actions. I've been in a game where town blatantly proclaimed our actions and it just allowed Mafia to manipulate us. Kuz going against the plan is actually a fairly smart move if people are willing to believe our sincerity.

Regardless of my read, I am standing by the statement that I received communication from Kuz. It was sent from Gova and my reply was sent to Gova first. This means it is possible either missives were read or altered.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Could you post this letter from Kuz, so anyone can see it?
Unfortunately, no. As per the rules, I cannot copy any conversations with other players. I can paraphrase, so if there are specific questions, I can try to answer them as best to my ability. I can give a detailed outline of the letter. But I cannot just post it.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Could you post this letter from Kuz, so anyone can see it?
No. As per the rules, I cannot post direct conversations with other players. I can paraphrase so if there's a specific question I can try to answer it in my own words.

Would people want me to give a detailed outline of the letter?

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
If it really is full of reads, you can say that he told you x is scum because y without quoting it. Paraphrase.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
WTF @ Tandora hyperboling my completely legitimate critique on her current play. What's wrong with you? When the **** did I call you a moron? Why are you getting so ... passionate over this? I said that based on your performances in the recent past you've shown tendencies to trust the wrong people and that's pretty well backed-up [after all you don't even address my point on your mis-read in Dissidia Mafia].

But since when are you taking that so personal? You have no reason to.

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