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KSSU: Revenge of Meta Knight Mafia - Game Over! Has Dreamland been conquered!?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Woooooow totally did not even realize that I was the one lynched hahahaha. Thats what you get for skimmin' I guess (I saw those votes on HL and assumed he was the one who got the boot).

Yeah I'll full claim.

I'm Blade Knight, VT, Knight Aligned.

Zen I think is okay, Gheb I remember saying something like "I haven't done anything scummy" which honestly leads me to believe he's scum.

So yeah I'd be fine with him dying as well.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX

Glyph, (Blade Knight, Vanilla Townie) has been routed and has retreated to the helm!


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
What in the world? Well alright.

Kay, Kuzi's tell us who you choose. Then let's see if they got the message.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.

Haha, funny troll post there, buddy(s). I'm glad there was no Night Kill. Keeping that in mind, I think we can afford to push HL for content. Unless I've miscounted again. Zen and J should keep up the good work as town leaders.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Screw off, I honestly can't put up with your constant bullying me every single damn game.

@Mod: Replace out or modkill Gheb.
**** that AtE threat. It's useless and you can suck it up. I've seen that **** plenty of times and manipulation of other people's feelings and assaults on their credibility are both tools to be used in this game. For all you know, his Win Con could be to make you replace out. You have no idea what anyone is playing to do and this empty threat (the only person I've ever seen follow through on it was Smargaret despite seeing it 5+ times) needs to be put away.


Anyway, I've read the last 3 pages, but all I really got out of it was Jscum=Ghebtown and Ghebscum=Jtown. However, not Ghebtown=Jscum or vice versa.

J was pushing some dumb bull****. That "scum slip" he posted was bad. However, I remember Gheb being one of my scum reads (Tandora being the other I remember) for remaining horribly null and for (like everyone else on the wagon when I asked) not explaining why Kuz is scum.

@Zen and Kuz - Is that still an accurate depiction of Gheb.
@J - Of the inactive players, myself included. Who would you like top lynch the most?
@Gheb - Is J scum or dumb town?

At least one of us (Hard Lemonade) is in town, so yeah. I hope to play this phase.

Am I missing a claim that wasn't Kuz's which is some kind of night communication power?

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
I'm glad there was no Night Kill. Keeping that in mind, I think we can afford to push HL for content. Unless I've miscounted again. Zen and J should keep up the good work as town leaders.
First sentence: Bragging scum.
Second sentence: By telling me that you're pushing for content and not a lynch, you nullify any realistic sense of pressure.
Third sentence: Town doesn't need leaders and why would any townie not want to be one if they exist? I have no faith in Zen anymore. J's back and forth with Gheb, regardless of both players alignments was incredibly stupid.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
First sentence: Bragging scum.
Second sentence: By telling me that you're pushing for content and not a lynch, you nullify any realistic sense of pressure.
Third sentence: Town doesn't need leaders and why would any townie not want to be one if they exist? I have no faith in Zen anymore. J's back and forth with Gheb, regardless of both players alignments was incredibly stupid.

I like how you spent this whole post debunking my post. How about some content on why you noted you thought I was scum in your previous post? How about some content instead of just poo pooing every little post?

As you said, why would any townie not want to be a leader? Every single one of your heads is a leader on his own, so why is this hydra such a sheep? I've seen more "What should we do?" and "What's the play?" style comments than any actual scumhunting.

This means either terrible town play or careful scum play on your behalf and I refuse to believe any aspect of this particular player slot is a bad town player.

Thus you're scum.


Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
I liked it before the quickedit Zen.

"I spent his whole post debunking your post because everything you said was scummy."

@Tan - I've said it before, you derp. I'm talking about reads from forever ago that I would act on if I had to. AGAIN you're asking me for content that I'm trying to ****ing create because I don't have the knowledge that everyone else has.

Where in the hell have you seen ANY of us play without asking people what they think?

What does the third section even mean?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
HL said:
@J - Of the inactive players, myself included. Who would you like top lynch the most?

Inactive-wise? Still you.

I'm kindof glad this game died down for a bit because it's like a refresh and I can get back into it without that horrid AtE schpeil and re-evaluate things.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
I remember Gheb being one of my scum reads for remaining horribly null and for (like everyone else on the wagon when I asked) not explaining why Kuz is scum.

@Zen - Is that still an accurate depiction of Gheb.

Am I missing a claim that wasn't Kuz's which is some kind of night communication power?
And I left the bottom question on for kicks.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Tiger though he declared V/LA recently and was more active then JTB.

JTB is the other inactive though the day just started really so...yea...lol.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
No, as in did someone else claim other than Kuz who I know claimed a role that involves night communication.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Okay Zen, you have a town read on Gheb. Fine and not what I'm asking, though I didn't ask clearly. I'm asking if he's actively looking places or if he's just sitting there. That's the information I want.

Hard Lemonade

Smash Rookie
May 19, 2011
Not at this point, no. I don't have the time. You can lynch me for that if you want, but it's not going to make me read the game until I have more time I want to devout to this game. Hell, the reason I wanted to play was so I didn't have to pay complete attention to it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm gonna devote time to this tomorrow. I'll try and gather my thoughts cuz honestly I don't remember much besides Kuzi's claim and I liked Tanny and that Gheb was town.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

What in the world? Well alright.

Kay, Kuzi's tell us who you choose. Then let's see if they got the message.
That plan looks fine. All your points considered, Gheb is a pretty good target. No scum would be dumb enough to kill Gheb toNight with the way he has been playing, so I'll message him. Doubt he'll believe my claim even when he gets my message, though.

Originally I had planned on using my message on someone else, but the fact that I claimed means there is a possibility that my action could somehow be tampered with. Rather play it safe in this case.

Ack, my power seems so much less useful once it's out in the open.

So yeah, crumbed my real target in the same post saying I was going to target Gheb. Message went through and Tandora can confirm this as well as her ability to send a reply.

Reason for not targeting Gheb:

  • I don't trust Gheb and if he's scum aligned he could lie about not receiving my message to get a free ML.
  • I have a town read on Tandora and thought I could safely trust her with my message since we have worked well in the past as lovers.
  • Scum think they know who I targeted so any type of interference or interception that they may have is thrown off.
Gheb, you mad?

In our messages we pretty much just gave each other our detailed list of actual reads/stances and our reasoning for those stances.

Did some work on reading the thread during the Night, will share my thoughts on my re-cap of D1 tomorrow when I'm not so tired.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I don't trust Gheb and if he's scum aligned he could lie about not receiving my message to get a free ML.
If Gheb lied about not getting the message, your mislynch would result in his scum lynch. Do you not think that would be a fair trade?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
HL probably town. EE is occupied with other games, adumb doesn't play mafia and Ryker just got back. They were legit inactive.

J town. Zen probably town.

Kuz is scum, more details in my next post.

Vote Kuz


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Haha, funny troll post there, buddy(s). I'm glad there was no Night Kill. Keeping that in mind, I think we can afford to push HL for content. Unless I've miscounted again. Zen and J should keep up the good work as town leaders.

@Gheb - Is J scum or dumb town?

I like how you spent this whole post debunking my post. How about some content on why you noted you thought I was scum in your previous post? How about some content instead of just poo pooing every little post?

As you said, why would any townie not want to be a leader? Every single one of your heads is a leader on his own, so why is this hydra such a sheep? I've seen more "What should we do?" and "What's the play?" style comments than any actual scumhunting.

This means either terrible town play or careful scum play on your behalf and I refuse to believe any aspect of this particular player slot is a bad town player.

Thus you're scum.


[*] I don't trust Gheb and if he's scum aligned he could lie about not receiving my message to get a free ML.
[*] I have a town read on Tandora and thought I could safely trust her with my message since we have worked well in the past as lovers.
[*]Scum think they know who I targeted so any type of interference or interception that they may have is thrown off.
Gheb, you mad?

In our messages we pretty much just gave each other our detailed list of actual reads/stances and our reasoning for those stances.

Did some work on reading the thread during the Night, will share my thoughts on my re-cap of D1 tomorrow when I'm not so tired.

Unvote Vote Kuz
Unvote Vote Kuz
Unvote Vote Kuz




Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Ok, now that Kuz has confirmed I was his night target, I'm gonna explain the following post. It was a breadcrumb similar to Kuz's.


Haha, funny troll post there, buddy(s). I'm glad there was no Night Kill. Keeping that in mind, I think we can afford to push HL for content. Unless I've miscounted again. Zen and J should keep up the good work as town leaders.
In short, HI KUZ.

I've never done the first letter spells a secret message before and frankly I realized it looked scummy, but it was hella hard to come up with a KUZ combination for me. For those who played Dexter, you'll remember my Debra breadcrumb post was really scummy too.

Kuz is town. As he mentioned we've worked well as lovers before and the boy loves to talk as much as I do. For those who recall NBC we conferenced a lot during that game. When he wrote me a huge, insightful post of his reads on the players, it confirmed he was town to me.

No AtE and just straightforward "X is town for this reason, I'm suspicious of Y for this reason".

I think the biggest selling point was in his letter to me, he admitted that he was wrong to have tunneled J. Kuz and J have spent a lot of time heads up vs each other. There is no way they're both scum. If Kuz was scum, he could have taken that opportunity to speak to me privately to sway me against J.

Lynching Kuz is a waste because he's proven his ability and I am only getting town reads from him.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
EBWOP: My vote for HL was still legit at the time. I didn't know if the player slot was going to return as promised or if we would still get silence. I wanted to prod them for reactions.

I admit that they do have legit johns and they will ask people for their opinions. Yet, I don't like the "I"m too busy, suck it up" attitude. Possibly legit, but extremely scummy to me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm extremely bugged with trusting Kuzi even slightly.

Kuzi, I'm gonna have a hard time trusting anything you do this game. We told you specifically to message Gheb but you go against the plan which is just...=/ You do realize you are only alive because of your claim and you just went against the set plans which gives us even less of a reason to believe you? Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck. Your reasoning for targetting her over Gheb as well is just....*sigh*

Why couldn't you have just listened and targetted Gheb? =/

I don't know who to vote or what to do atm. I'll try a re-read and see what I get.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Too bad you aren't a triple voter Gheb.

If Gheb lied about not getting the message, your mislynch would result in his scum lynch. Do you not think that would be a fair trade?
We know this how?

There are other situations I was worried about wrt how Gheb could have handled my message. If scum had a roleblocker Gheb could get away with that excuse after my ML if he was scum or possibly been MLd for it if he was town.

Due to numbers 3 MLs probably would have endgamed us which would have put put town in LYLO with two consecutive Nights of possible scum actions upon my ML.

That's not a very good trade for one possible GhebScum.

@Tanny: Hi tanny. Didn't even notice the breadcrumb, pretty good.

J said:
Kuzi, I'm gonna have a hard time trusting anything you do this game. We told you specifically to message Gheb but you go against the plan which is just...=/ You do realize you are only alive because of your claim and you just went against the set plans which gives us even less of a reason to believe you? Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck. Your reasoning for targetting her over Gheb as well is just....*sigh*

Why couldn't you have just listened and targetted Gheb? =/
You told me to specifically message Gheb and I realized it would be much safer and more productive to message Tandora. I pretty much had my heart set on her as soon as I claimed and I just went along with the plan to give scum the illusion of knowing where I was going. I honestly don't care if I went against the set plans or if you believe what I'm saying or not if that means I get the most pro-town results out of my actions.

My reasoning for targeted Tandora over Gheb boiled down to two points. Not that though to understand.

-It was much more productive to talk to Tanny over Gheb as Gheb probably wouldn't have responded to my message regardless of his alignment.

-I don't trust Gheb.

What do you mean by saying "Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck."?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
In short, HI KUZ.

I've never done the first letter spells a secret message before and frankly I realized it looked scummy, but it was hella hard to come up with a KUZ combination for me. For those who played Dexter, you'll remember my Debra breadcrumb post was really scummy too.

Kuz and J have spent a lot of time heads up vs each other. There is no way they're both scum. If Kuz was scum, he could have taken that opportunity to speak to me privately to sway me against J.
Of course they can be scum together. You're an adult woman - stop being so naive.

Lynching Kuz is a waste because he's proven his ability and I am only getting town reads from him.
Lots of wrong in this post, sweetheart. Kuz ability isn't proven in the slightest. All we know is that you vouch for it, nothing more & nothing less. Your town read on him means as much to me as your town read on hidajiremi in Dissidia Mafia.

I mean seriously: We decided that Kuz would use his ability on me in order to find out whether theres scum between him and me [which was the basic assumption]. There's no town-aligned reason for Kuz to not follow this plan - EVERY ARGUMENT AGAINST IT IS JUST A COP-OUT. His motives, reasons and your vouching for him don't mean shit because ultimately it stopped us from gaining valuable information that potentially leads to Kuz as scum. But conveniently he decided to pick you instead ... this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.

You told me to specifically message Gheb and I realized it would be much safer and more productive to message Tandora. I pretty much had my heart set on her as soon as I claimed and I just went along with the plan to give scum the illusion of knowing where I was going. I honestly don't care if I went against the set plans or if you believe what I'm saying or not if that means I get the most pro-town results out of my actions.

There are no pro-town results from your actions.

My reasoning for targeted Tandora over Gheb boiled down to two points. Not that though to understand.

-It was much more productive to talk to Tanny over Gheb as Gheb probably wouldn't have responded to my message regardless of his alignment.

-I don't trust Gheb.

What do you mean by saying "Even though Tanny is saying she got your message it's bleck."?
Way to strawman the point. No, I wouldn't have responded to your message. So what? That's not what it's about - it was about finding out whether there is a liar between us or not but fortunately you did us the favor and showed that it's you already.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
J proxy your vote on me for as long as you feel like it.

Tandora, why are you so easy to play. You already fell for Glyph's obvious bullshit claim in Dexter Mafia, didn't you learn your lesson? Do you realize that it'll be incredibly hard to justify your actions if Kuz flips scum? You'll just much up the rest of the game with SIFOM after that happens...



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
I wont be very active this week, but I couldn't resist.

@ Gheb
I mean seriously: We decided that Kuz would use his ability on me in order to find out whether theres scum between him and me [which was the basic assumption]. There's no town-aligned reason for Kuz to not follow this plan - EVERY ARGUMENT AGAINST IT IS JUST A COP-OUT. His motives, reasons and your vouching for him don't mean **** because ultimately it stopped us from gaining valuable information that potentially leads to Kuz as scum. But conveniently he decided to pick you instead ... this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.
Explain to me why again he should've sent the message to you. Also...

Way to strawman the point. No, I wouldn't have responded to your message. So what? That's not what it's about - it was about finding out whether there is a liar between us or not but fortunately you did us the favor and showed that it's you already.
How does him sending you a message confirm or deny there is a liar between the two of you?
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