The reason I asked why Roxy said that most of those of you who did recommend him are spammers/trollers is because I think in all of the content that Roxy HAS posted here she isn't much better;
obviously she cares enough about her job to moderate and keep her cool while all at the same time providing meaningful opinions here and there, but... Really, all she's done in the past month is confront a few troll/fun topics, mod people for obvious !@#$, and then get her !@#$ jumped on because she used words like "blacklist" and got it taken way out of context for some two pages of another thread. Not to mention all this drama she keeps talking about between her and you guys.
I'm seriously sick of it. Sick of the Pits getting their s**ts in a bunch, and sick of our Purple bequeathed mod to react in such painstakingly obvious troll moments and direct teasing of the boards and whatnot. It's ********. Yeah, you all are dumb for defending Abel's trolling and telling people to stop banning him for breaking rules. Get over it. But also, this mod vs board !@#$ needs to stop one way or another.
Maharba, your post exemplifies exactly what I'm tired of seeing. I understand your !@#$ing sentiments, but let's just push it aside and be the bigger men by giving our recommendations and concerns privately to
administration on behalf of the Pit forums. If you have a problem with Roxy's modding, so be it, but you better have a good !@$%ing case for the
Support Forum because she IS doing her job.
Edit: I just re-read your post and noticed the end part being that you're not directing most of what you're saying to Roxy, so that's good. Sorry. This isn't exactly all about you anyways.
Rox, again, no one asked you to change the thread title, no one asked you to escalate/encourage Abel's behavior. If people instigate stuff like they have (I'm watching you, Pits...), then you have every right to ask them to stop going off topic. Hell, if we
don't have a discussion leader, may as well do it yourself instead of locking topics only after a little while (looking at Side-B to attack thread)...
And hey, quit calling our boards small and insignificant while you're at it, I think the Pit boards are some of the most active and living boards out of the mid-tier range character boards.
Getting back on topic in a freakin social drug thread, link, I know your pain about IC's. You shouldn't quit because of them though, you should ditto them