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Koopa VS Kefka -- The Endless Tournament ends! Who took home the prize?

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
That's truly a conclusion that requires the brains of soup, Ryker, Xonar and Seph to work mad hard! :bee:

I'd really love to throw out my favorite platitude - "let's hunt scum and not care about the game mechanics!" - but I'm pretty sure this game's differences to conventional mafia games are too fundameltan to just ignore. Tbqh I'm not even sure whether this game can be played like a mafia game at all and if so, how.

It can't. After reading the rules, while the objective of "find scum" remains, the entire process and the endgame goals are completely different.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Somebody thinks he's smart! :bee:

But I am not entirely convinced. Talking about characters the way you suggested will also make the info available for scum. It might not be as good an idea as you think it is because the cons could outweigh the pros - potentially by a lot.

The pro is that townies learn characters easier. The con is that you're also informing the mafia. I don't see any other upsides or downsides beyond these two. If the information helps town's victory, I don't see the problem with it. Scum finding out would be a necessary evil in that case.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
That's good to know! :bee:

I wasn't sure what you were talking about in that post as its wording was pretty confusing. But it's definitely a better suggestions than fab's because it allows us to keep the info to ourselves until we can catch somebody in a contradiction. I'm very much OK with that plan.

Yeh, but is that contradiction scummy? What if that's a townie lying for the sake of trying to do the very thing you're saying should be done?

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Wots All This Then? have been actively trying to do a lot of work both in-thread and in our hotel room. They're a pretty cool hydra. Soup's assertion that they're excited about rolling town and are subsequently clogging up the thread is stupid. I don't see them being excited at all, nor are they clogging up anything. They're just diving into important issues while soup's hotel room talks about "hey guys we should probably give beneficial things to town instead of mafia." Soup's play so far is really irking me. Captain obvious on duty.

amg actual direction

actual good direction

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
A lot of work that isn't really any work at all. They're clogging the thread because they're not allowing anyone to give any input and they seem to be forcing things. It's townie of them because I don't believe either slot would put themselves in such a position nor waste their time asking a bunch of stupid things that will either A) Inevitably get answered or B) Ignored completely. Your move, Kantplay.
I really don't see how anything you're doing is actual work. Literally all this game has been is either discussion of mechanics or hotel room bull****. Kantrip shows up and calls you out for being your usual mechanical self in games with different mechanics to them and your reaction is to get uppity?

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
J-Hydra: Don't fight me on ****. just let me lead town and we'll be fine. Please don't be silly and lynch me like in Cirmafia, because that will make me very sad-panda.
I was saving this for Soup but:

Kantrip's soup thing is so blegh. So much blegh. Soup is just fine for now. Him stating obvious whatever facts for whatever reason is null.
Stop trying so hard to read him as scum.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.

Yeah, Soup is fine for now.

Kantrip getting all up in soup's face is null.

We should only use the "remove" by a vote, and we should only use it early on I think.
I would prefer we wait a day or two at least before we use it. The more information we have to apply to it, the better. Right now, all we have are hunches at best since Kantrip is the only one willing to call players out at scum and two players jumped at him immediately for it.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
I'm not ruling out the former, but i have no reason to jump to that conclusion. If you know something I don't know, based on your hotel room convos, I'd be interested to hear it.

Bye: Joker
I don't like this whole "giving byes to ourselves" thing going on. If every single one of us think that they can do this, no one'll end up with a bye. That's bad.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I really don't see how anything you're doing is actual work. Literally all this game has been is either discussion of mechanics or hotel room bull****. Kantrip shows up and calls you out for being your usual mechanical self in games with different mechanics to them and your reaction is to get uppity?

I think you misread that. I was describing my town-read on WATT or as to why I was. What's your opinion on WATT anyways? Am I wrong to town-read them the way I am?

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
I think you misread that. I was describing my town-read on WATT or as to why I was. What's your opinion on WATT anyways? Am I wrong to town-read them the way I am?
I like WATT. I don't think you have the right reasons for townreading them. You're certainly not making any analogies based on me multiposting despite the fact that this is way more clogging the thread than anything that slot has done.

FWIW, I read the quote right but I wanted to call you out anyway.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Soup is fine because I don't see the need for a maf member to preen at pretending to look all townie, when they have a easy advantage to winning matches with their cheating thing, I don't think soup as Maf would be so self-conscious to not just play normally, the assertion that he's maliciously trying to appear townie doesn't appeal to me, nor make me re-think him yet. Call it rushed or w/e but it's just the feel i got from my interaction with him.

Joker/WATT: What did you think of soup's responses to me ?
I don't think he's trying to appeal to towniness for malicious reasons, what I don't trust is his mechanical play in regards to the game having other features that go above and beyond mafia and the fact that his reaction to the first person to actually call someone scum was to get defensive. If Kantrip had no basis, I think he would've reacted differently.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Don't have the right reasons for townreading him?
Your entire basis is that he wouldn't clog the thread like this as scum because he wouldn't draw this much attention to himself. I've not seen Dietzscum to comment and Orbo is either here or not here from my memory of playing with him, so saying meta **** fails on me. If you can't look at his posts, see him trying to get direction to read players amidst all the armchair KvK critic comments and the content he posted from posts 116-119 and see a townie, I don't know what to tell you. Him "clogging the thread" isn't even a true statement.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Oh? Why do you think this? The position being that they're pro-active and clogging the thread, it's something I gut town-read them for now because it matches up with their meta. It's a lot of posting that would bear no reason for them as scum and yes you can argue "They just want to be town-read!" Well jee maybe they're actually town like I am and you people are being stupid? It's not like I can't change my goddamn mind so don't jump down my throat if you don't have something other than conjecture. What? I'm not sure why you're comparing nor do I understand your point to do so. Justifying my own play as townie? Lol, that wasn't the intention at all and you're ****ing nuts, I just wanted to give my reason for town-reading WATT and I've got people like you analyzing me like I made a 10 page case on him or something, calm your horses.
Every time you post something about you being town, the more my doubt for the slot grows.

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
The pro is that townies learn characters easier. The con is that you're also informing the mafia. I don't see any other upsides or downsides beyond these two. If the information helps town's victory, I don't see the problem with it. Scum finding out would be a necessary evil in that case.

Exactly. Mafia will also talk about it themselves so if we don't actually say anything they'll have a slight advantage anyways. This is why I mentioned the room thing option.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
1. Wots All This Then? (Orboknown/JDietz43)-should probably stfu already tbh
2. pawndidater2 need to hear from
3. Ryker should speak up more.
4. PrivateJoker-Brown aight.
5. Shocodoro Blagshidect (Sephiroths Masamune/Xonar) Talk damnit.
6. thethirdkoopa should post
7. Red Ruy should post more.
8. Gheb_01 aight
9. Picture Perfect (J/WashedLaundry) wtf J post.
10. soup aight
11. Potassium aight
12. Super Fabulous (-Masquerain/Ranmaru) should post more
13. Anomandaris_Rake should prolly post more.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Soup tells everyone why they're wrong: part 1

Do you want me to give you the same answer I gave Joker? Or do you want me to reword so you understand it? Either way, this point here is garbage because if you can't tell me with a straight that when you're town you want to be read as town then for the love of god just playing mafia right now. I swear if someone comes in here and says "B-but mafia want to be read as town!" well ****ing yes they do and I understand that you think I could be scum just trying to manipulate but it isn't the case. My actions are for that reason because as previously said this is not a normal game and I cannot approach it in the same way I would if it were normal. Do you remember what Acrostic said at the end of Diner's Philosophy? You should really look it up because I feel like Acrostic truly understands why I play the way I do and why people always instigating these ****ty scum-reads out of fear need to ****ing can it. I can't believe I'm breaking out paragraphs to defend myself over something silly as this.

Because I'm town and I want people to not waste 3 pages trying to misread me based on crappy meta and jumping to conclusions. I want people to trust me so I can move further in the bracket for the town.
the ****

It's called baiting for a reaction and forcing people to solidify their stances so I can read them better. I do it all the time.
is this ****

for real soup, i get everyone's on your back but you're looking hella defensive in a game with one lynch.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Underlined, what does that matter? Doesn't really show much scum intent. You disliking soup to dislike him? :smash:
It is a definitive scumtell as it shows a distinct effort to appear town. The things he's saying have pro-town intention at their core, I'll give him that. But they are soooo incredibly obvious that everyone already knows them and they should go without saying them. Saying them, therefore, is unnecessary. Doing so is just faking towniness.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I love it when my scumplay becomes so infamous that everything I do to seem townie is actually just me being a scum mastermind bent on the destruction of the whole town.
I laughed at this.

Doubting read because of it, though. Blowing his scum play out of proportions like this doesn't make sense in his position as scum. Lashing out, yes. The ego? Not as much.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Didn't have time. Hell, he still doesn't have time. You're mostly gonna get me for the next few days until his job situation settles down.
That's totally cool and I like your stream of posts.

Talk to me about Rake. I'll pull up and paraphrase the activity in our hotel room. It would be nice if we could have a paraphrased run-down of what happened in every hotel room.
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