A lot of work that isn't really any work at all. They're clogging the thread because they're not allowing anyone to give any input and they seem to be forcing things. It's townie of them because I don't believe either slot would put themselves in such a position nor waste their time asking a bunch of stupid things that will either A) Inevitably get answered or B) Ignored completely. Your move, Kantplay.
Don't try to play us for suckers!
@blue: Both statements need citation. Nothing about WATT's posts disallows other people from making input, not even implicitly. I also don't see them attempting to force anything.
@red: Completely wrong. If what you are accusing WATT of were actually true then it
would be a scumtell by all means. You also fail to explain what kind of position you are talking about when you say "such a position" and why they'd want to avoid it.
@green: Why not? In all honesty, it's you who has been making that kind of input - a lot of "captain obvious"-style statements that will either get ignored or be pointed out as such. This looks more like justifying your own play as townie rather than WATT's who really hasn't done anything you've accused him of.