Recoded was an entertaining jaunt through memory lane. I enjoyed the gameplay, but the story was mostly exactly what they sold it as. A side story. You go in expecting KH3, you're going to be disappointed.
I was not expecting KH3, but to have the audacity to sell this game for full price, and simply make it a trip "through memory lane" is an insult in its own right. What you are implying (not saying, but implying), is that you enjoyed Recoded, because it reminded you of a good KH experience. There is nothing wrong with that, but I don't look at video games, because I'm a fan of "X" series. I look at video games as whether or not if they are good as a whole.
As far as 358/2, I don't enjoy the progression as much as, say, BBS. However, just because you and I find it repetitive doesn't mean it was bad. Monster Hunter sells and it is simply "Go do this mission" with much less of a colorful story. The multiplayer is extremely entertaining and the actual gameplay elements are fine. It's a difference in taste. Many people enjoy games who's appeal is mainly located in the 100% complete element.
Monster Hunter is a very poor comparison to KH, because it has never emphasized any semblance of story. One of KH's appeals is story, along with the inclusion of disney characters and gameplay.
If you want to point out them milking a franchise, then your best bet would be Rechain or the Final Mixes. However, each of them gave you something new that fans wanted. They're not repackaging the same game or delivering me low quality product. I'm perfectly fine with them creating more in this universe.
From what most of my friends and from video game boards tell me, Recoded was essentially garbage in terms of story until the last few hours, when it revealed some information about 3DS and some stuff about KH2. Gameplay wise, KH has never fixed the plat forming issue, and it's much of the same thing in Recoded along with the same gameplay from series past. If you can tell me, right here, right now, that they are putting as much effort into these side games as they did to KH 1 and KH 2, or BBS, then I'll respect your opinion of the fact they have not "milked" this franchise, but it is something I believe, because the effort is clearly not as present compared to other games.
Okay, first off, are you really saying that the spin-offs should outscore the core games? Seriously? That's what your first sentence implies and it's laughable.
Why not? If you put the correct effort into the game, then why should it not score just as high if not better? If you improve on what makes KH good...that is the inclusion of Disney elements, gameplay, and its story, then what's not to say it doesn't deserve a better score? What you are implying is a form of prejudice against side games. Yes, there are spin off games out there that are considered "bad" by many such as FFX-2 or Dirge of Cerebrus. But there are also spin offs that resonate a good feel such as Crisis Core or the Zeldas that have been released on portable systems. These games don't have to be made. But they are, and I see more effort and time put into these games, then I did these KH titles.
The game doesn't need to be a must buy. It's there to keep the established fan base interested and advertising for you in the long time between the release of the latest installment.
If you are a fan of any series, you won't forget it. There's a reason why people still clamor for a new Jak and Daxter game. There is a reason why a new Sly Cooper game is soon to be released. Why do you think Operation Rainfall was a success? The last "Xeno" game released was in 2006, and people still today care for the Xeno series. I don't think KH would be forgotten anytime soon.
Are they good for KH fans? Are you a KH fan? That's where they're aimed and they're not touted as the next end all, be all aside from possibly BBS which delivers very well (8.5 meta critic) but that's because it was designed and marketed as a major installment.
I consider myself a "fan", but I don't succumb to any game thrown at my face. And to say BBS was the only marketed major installment, anytime you slap the words "Kingdom Hearts" you instantly have claimed a huge interest. There's not much marketing to be had, given how established the fanbase is.
It appears to me that the problem lies with your high standards for side games. Look at your other example of prevalent franchise milking, CoD. They bust out a new game every year like they think they're Madden. Each game is sold as something new and exciting, but is just a rehash of the previous game with different gun properties and maps. Your KH games each offer something different in game play even if they aren't the epic console adventures you appear to be searching for.
I confess, I do have high standards for games. Primarily because, any title will get a 9 or above in today's gaming society, and it's distasteful to me. It shows such leniency, despite the fact reviewers will go into detail about flaws, yet still slap a high score on it. And to your point, I don't think 358/2 added anything mind blowing to the gameplay. Every CoD "tweaks" and "adds" new perks and game mechanics. What's to say that by replacing "equipping items" with a "panel" is not the same thing?
If you don't want to read through all of that, I suggest you read this. All I'm saying is, I don't think these spin offs are treated with much respect compared to their console counterparts. I don't believe in such trivial things such as "it's a spin off, therefore, it shouldn't be as good" nonsense. A game is a game. It can be good depending on how much effort you put into it. If you are playing with a franchise name recogition, quite frankly, you are gonna make money no matter how good or bad the game is. This is the treatment I feel like KH games have gotten, and this is why I feel like they are cash cows. Because these games are so heavily flawed.
I should note, there is nothing wrong with being a cash cow, so long as the games are good. Practically every series today has some form of cash cowing. Mario with all its spin offs is a good example, though I do question the quality of some of their games. You can make the case that KH was a cash cow to begin with, given they decided to mix in Disney of all things into the game. Then to have the state of mind to release spin offs on different systems...just making dat money man.
Spinoffs don't move the story foward.
You don't need to get mad. I apologize if our views on what a "spin off" is, but this is the definition I got from Wiki.
"In media, a spin-off is a radio program, television program, video game, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work (e.g. a particular topic, character, or event)."
So these games do constitute, in that definition, as spin offs.