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KGD - The Kewkky Thread! - Kirby's Wasteland: Dead Social


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Petition? o_o

Sadly, petitions online, when regarding groups who use data to fuel debates, don't do much to help a cause. I've seen petitions get signed and denied. There's not really something you can do besides showing them signatures of people who want MK banned, no different than a poll in Competitive Discussion.

Still, I've noticed a lot more MK talk around the Competitive Discussion forums... Maybe you should ask there if you still want to fill out a petition?

Also, on a completely unrelated note... This and this.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Those are awesome.

As for a petition, unless it's a petition to balance X-factor values, I don't care.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
So for the past months I've been neglecting Kirby so much it's not even funny.

Jiggs - 70% of my time
Peach - 15%
Mario - 10
Kirby - 5%

And then I recently owned this Marth so bad with Kirby. Kirby is definitely my Marth killer out of my 4 mains.
Mar 15, 2008
Are we doing this now?

35% Peach
30% Toon Link
25% Metaknight
5% Sonic
5% Kirby

It's cause I play against CPUs all the time though.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC

40% touhou
40% minecraft
10% MapleStory
5% emulators
5% Wii

Yeahh... I can't play without people or my GCN controller. Those crappy small cheap ones just don't cut it for me. :(


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
lol... WIFI is so bad I wouldn't use it even with those options.

Now if they'd just make a decent server for it, then maybe it would be okay.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Stupid smashboards being all 100% dumb and making me double post.
I know how you feel. Bad Gateway is driving me nuts. Heck sometimes I get it 7+ in a row before I finally can get directed to where I want to go...

I almost double posted now because of how it takes way too long to connect and direct to the next page. That makes it more difficult to tell if my post went through.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I know how you feel. Bad Gateway is driving me nuts. Heck sometimes I get it 7+ in a row before I finally can get directed to where I want to go...

I almost double posted now because of how it takes way too long to connect and direct to the next page. That makes it more difficult to tell if my post went through.
We all should make a thread regarding the 502 error. Each one of us only posting once. Let's see how many people double-post. Lol. We could even make a game out of it. We keep posting, and whoever double posts is out of the game.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Might as well just do that in social threads, with long non-spam replies. If SWF crashes on you and deletes your long replies, YOU LOSE.

... I wouldn't do it, I'm tired of my posts getting deleted, it's making my activity go down. Write up something, post and gets deleted... It happens all the time, mang... :(


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
I've lost quite a couple of posts in the BBR... Totally not cool.

Twinkie, can you explain the theory of relativity to me? Then string theory on another post? Then quantum theory on yet another post? Then the intricate workings of your favorite instrument in a very detailed fashion on one last separate post?

If your posts still haven't gotten deleted, I will go to PR myself and give you $25.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
I'm just going to leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR6k5ZPezeE because I need a second opinion. I'm not sure I like it, but I don't hate it.
Your second opinion:
I now know why Nintendo Protagonists don't talk. Ever. Please let's forever keep it that way.

Speaking of the String Thery (and really this only briefly mentions it but I'll leave it here anyway)...
String Theory, Blue Cheese, and Creation in general:

Blue Cheese has been found to be a most controversial topic in our modern society. Seriously, have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone about Blue Cheese? It is nearly impossible to find someone who can actually converse for any amount of time about what Blue Cheese truly represents in our society.
So, what exactly does Blue Cheese represent in our twenty-first century?
I firmly believe that we must first take an in-depth look at what Blue is, then do likewise with Cheese.

Now honestly, who in the world knows what Blue is?
Blue is a color. That is the most common answer, and perhaps the most accurate. Can we actually say much more about Blue? Short of giving the different sorts of Blue (ex. Light blue, dark blue, navy blue… etc) and the frequencies of Blue in the light spectrum, no, we cannot say much more about Blue. If you need proof, just describing the color Blue to a blind person. You can't. Why is that? Because Blue is fundamentally different from everything else in the universe. That is a very important statement. Since Blue is fundamentally different from everything else in the universe, it is safe to assume that Blue is indivisible into any smaller pieces. Indeed, it would be ridiculous to try to separate a color into pieces. Now, what do we know about things that cannot be divided into smaller pieces? I dare you, go home from school or work one day and tell your wife/husband/mom/dad that you found a piece of Blue laying in the road on your way home, and that you were going to give it to them, but lost it. It is generally accepted that the smallest thing in the universe, the “building blocks” of the universe, would be absolutely indivisible, as is the case with Blue. Those silly scientists never thought that a color could possibly one of the building blocks of the universe, and yet, here it is apparent that Blue shares the theorized characteristics of the most fundamental part of the universe. The universe is made out of Blue. I’ll give you a moment to let the implications of that statement settle in. You are partially made out of Blue. This supports the theory of creationism, as God made us out of the Blue. It would only be logical, then, that Blue is some sort of divine substance, constituting, at least partially, the very fabric of the universe.
Now, some people might argue that Blue is not the only color, and that thusly all colors are an essential part of the universe. These people are in a state of sin. It is only logical that, if Blue is in fact a color- which, by definition, it is- then it is, by implication, the only color. Why? Simple math:

If A=B and B=C then A=C

Let us put this into context. We would see that since Blue is a color, and if Orange were a color, then Orange would be Blue. What we see here is apparently impossible. And yet, we cannot possibly deny the existence of Orange, or, for that matter, Green, Brown, or anything else that we call ‘color’ in the twenty-first century. So what are they? Well, we know that Blue has creative properties, so it would be possible to assume that Blue created Green, Orange and Brown. As it happens, when one mixes Blue and Yellow, he obtains Green. This experiment shows that Blue is indeed fundamental in the creation of those things we have until recently called ‘colors’. What then are Green, Orange and Brown? The in-depth explanation would be far too long and complicated for your simple brains, but suffice it to say that at length we would have come to the perfectly logical conclusion that Green is Freeze-Dried Pudding, that Orange is Rigdabulu and that Brown is Hoards of Mass Cherry-Rollers. It is also important to note that through a similarly long and complicated demonstration, we would have seen that White is a Shade, Black is Caudicus Watanabi and Gray is Something in Between. In other words, all shades of all colors are nothing but variants of Blue, so though they are not true colors, we have called them as such for lack of a better word. A word like “Phleps”
And so we have seen that Blue is in fact the only color, as well as the source of many things in our world, things for which we should be thankful, things such as Freeze-Dried Pudding. But how does this affect us in our twenty-first century societies? Well, the simple knowledge that we, and the rest of the world, are in fact partially constituted of colors is fundamental in the accurate perception of our world by scientists today. How does one intend to uncover the secrets of the universe without even knowing what the universe is made of? The discovery that Blue is an essential part of life could be a monumental breakthrough in medical sciences. I only hope to see the day when a doctor pumps massive amounts of Blue into a patient to cure cancer and AIDS. And of course, we cannot forget to take into account that Blue is used in virtually every form of art. With the creative properties of Blue, it might be possible that paintings could in fact be a window to alternate dimensions. We might be able to create artificial life by exposing a computer to intensive amounts of Blue. Has nobody ever tried to paint their computer Blue? Of course we haven’t discovered the secrets of AI yet! The possibilities are limitless!!! They are BLUE!!!

Ahem… Now that we have seen the effects that Blue can have on men, let us look into vast domain of Cheese.

Now, first and foremost, we must ask ourselves, what is a Cheese? According to Wikipedia’s Wiktionary, Cheese is “a dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk”. It also says that Cheese is “any particular variety of cheese”. I agree with that last statement, and would like to explain any possible implications. If we simplify the latter definition we obtain something meaning ‘Cheese is Cheese’. Now, though this may seem obvious, we can soon realize that this statement carries with it some very philosophical implications. From this statement about cheese, a man can understand the following: “I am me.” This carries with it the full realization of the self, enlightenment. Since that is the definition of Cheese, we can deduce that Cheese is a physical manifestation of enlightenment. Stephen King once said that “a slice of pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.” Though at first sight this statement might seem to refer only to certain acts in regards to certain parts of the anatomy, there is clearly something more to it. If you don’t get a “squeeze” that is because it is forbidden, much like it was forbidden for Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Here again we see that Cheese is used metaphorically to represent knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. Clearly, Cheese is the very essence of wisdom. It was also said by someone who’s name is way too long and complicated for me to remember it and write down here that “a meal without cheese is like a beautiful woman who lacks an eye.” It is once again clear that a distinction is made between substance, represented by the meal and woman, and the more subtle yet more important Cheese, the true appreciation of life.
However, it is thanks to Homer’s Odyssey that the true nature of Cheese is understood, as Odysseus and his men enter the Cyclops’ cave…

“We soon reached his cave, but he was out shepherding, so we went inside and took stock of all that we could see. His cheese-racks were loaded with cheeses, and he had more lambs and kids than his pens could hold...
When he had so done he sat down and milked his ewes and goats, all in due course, and then let each of them have her own young. He curdled half the milk and set it aside in wicker strainers.”
Here we see that Cheese is created by a divine being, a being that is fundamentally beyond human comprehension, or even biological possibilities. This shows Cheese’s ancient and divine origins, having been created from a divine creature. We clearly understand that Cheese is a supernatural gift.
So Cheese is a divine understanding, created by a divine creator. How does that matter in our modern society? Well, it certainly would help us understand the universe we live in. Knowing what we do now, it is clear that the String Theory, a theory created to help us understand the universe, does not employ normal string, but String Cheese. If only it were socially acceptable to have Cheese with us anywhere beyond the dinner table, perhaps that the only intellectual conversations would not happen in formal restaurants that serve Cheese. In fact, it can be believed that the whole concept of the dinner table originally started out as an altar to worship Cheese, which was then consumed at the end of the meal. Note the symbolic meaning of this: man imbibes enough to sustain himself, then he consumes knowledge; the whole symbolic meaning of the dinner is to sustain Life. Yes, Cheese is no doubt a bringer of Life.

So we have seen that Blue has unusual creative properties, and that Cheese was created, an ultimate knowledge of the universe. We see here a unison between the two, and it has a name: Blue Cheese.
There is a very interesting sentence concerning the subject. As G. K. Chesterton said, “Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.” Now, most people might not see what this has to do with Blue, but most people don’t know that the word ‘poet’ comes from the ancient Greek word for ‘creator’. And we know that the creation-based aspect of the universe is Blue. Thusly, the word “poet” is in fact a direct reference to Blue. Now what would that sentence mean then? Quite simply, Blue created a universe, but it was meaningless, just matter randomly spawned across an infinite space. So he gave it meaning by creating Cheese, Understanding and Life, creating Life, the Universe and Everything. Thusly, the combination of both Blue and Cheese is Blue Cheese.

Blue Cheese is the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything, a.k.a. 42

Something my brother wrote a while back for the hell of it.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
☯ If you had drank Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper then you wouldn't feel sick. =P

☯ I just now realize that Kirby Wii brought back the guard button. =D


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2008
Lurking the Kirby Social thread with my rock buds.
Radium88 made it through the first round of Genesis 2 Pools! If the stream's ever going to go up, it's here if you don't have it...


M2K just ragequit after getting trapped in his 3rd CG of the game vs Esam's ICs. MY LIFE IS NOW ****ING COMPLETE.

Esam won $10 for 3-stocking M2K, haha


Aaaaand M2K beats Ally in GF 3-1 after not wanting to play it out. In true Brawl fashion, the final game is an MK ditto that goes to time.

Triple posting because **** that ****.
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