We stand upon the corpses of a billion billion deceased lifeforms, constantly benefiting from their deaths- be it a week or an eon ago.
Life is fueled by other life. These animals were raised to be eaten. They very literally would never have existed at all if they were not to be food. We controlled their evolution from random wild creatures to the modern domesticated feedstock they are now. We are responsible for nearly all modern varieties of cows, chickens, pigs, goats, and sheep.
Propaganda films like the ones PETA puts out use very simple psychological techniques to sway simple minded people in their favor. They will outright lie or misrepresent actions (which they very clearly did several times in this "documentary") in order to demonize anyone who doesn't agree with them. There are equally gruesome preparations that occur at fishfarms, yet I have never seen any propogandumentaries created publicizing the plight of fish. Why is this? Several types of food fish are intelligent as pigs or chickens (tuna are very smart, swordfish are apex predators capable of flanking strategies, octopodes are probably as smart as lower order primates). They not only have developed nervous systems, they actually have EXTRA ****ING SENSES. They can feel pain, even very simple shellfish will avoid negative stimulus. So why? Fish aren't adorable fluff balls for you to hug. They're wet, mucus covered creatures who swim in their own feces and urine.
PETA will lie to and try very hard to extort money out of you. They cater to people's love of the cute and fluffy and make food animals out to be pets. The tremendous amount of bold-faced lies they are willing to spread to "prove" their point instantly invalidates the opinion of anyone who is seriously trying to debate meat in a diet.
tl;dr: **** PETA.