Danny, Why is your not ROB listed? I have harder time with that robot than the pikachu tbh.
Ares isn't listed. And honestly, I'd write a better bio for myself, but that would feel pretentious. Someone else should write a bio that's not:
While not known for his tournament accomplishments, (Lux) is the think tank for the Ice Climber boards in terms of Advanced Technique Development and Metagame Advancement. Probably most known for his ridiculously long acronym labeled techniques, his discoveries and testing has made him a member of the Smashlab. He's a former member of the dubbed "Ice Climbers Intelligence Agency" but recently resigned his post as primary researcher for the organization due to personal reasons. Warning, do not read his threads. They will take too long and hurt your eyes.
When playing him, do not worry about getting grabbed. Despite writing the guide on chaingrabbing in the IC forums, it has been confirmed that he does not know how to CG to save his life.
Speaking of, whatever the hell you just said..
where was u tonight?
Also, im gonna spend some time thinkin what i wanna do 'main-wise'..
ggs tonight
I work closing shifts the next two weeks on Monday nights. I can't get out of it so I won't be there this week or next.
And main the climbers. Then I won't be doing it Sopo anymore.