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Kakuna Matata 3 - I Can't Believe it's not Butterfree


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
How do you guys keep letting this scrub Snake win?

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
King Beef, we need some friendlies, intense ones! After fighting Nicole, I can see i need work on the matchup.
Sure we can do what me and Nope did: play a whole bunch of intense friendlies to learn each others characters then finish with a mm. Sound good?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
But you said I SHOULD sandbagged lol which is the "yes" in this situation, so therefore I did :laugh: As for the intimidation part, I get that alot, it comes from being in the God Kais. We have an aura that intimidates people. You should know about it, your with Legan all the time lol
I meant, girls mean opposite of what they say.

@ OS: Lawl

@ Hilt: No problem! I figured I'd help out since there was work that needed to be done? I dunno. I like to help.... And thanks for appreciating the cookies!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Besides, didn't you know that when a girl says no, it really means yes in ANY situation?


Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Sliq, u need to start coming to tournaments, your donations are greatly appreciated

Radium, lol im just messing with you I know what u meant


Smash Cadet
Dec 13, 2009
Kinda new to this whole posting thing…and shoutouts thing. I’ll do my best to mention everyone that I can match tag to face. But seriously, EVERYONE that I interacted with was very cool.

1: Infern- Sorry about that second game, I didn’t take you seriously after the 2 stock. Good third game, though. =).
2: Y.b.M.- Really great play.
3: Overswarm- 50/50. You’re starting to see it.
5: Hilt- Great job with the tourney under tough conditions, and your Olimar looked awesome, too.
5: Nope- We should have played a singles friendly, but our doubles match did have a few highlights.
7: Lain- If I see you triple nair to shuttle loop KO somebody at another tourney, I’ll try and react appropriately.
7: Rofa- I think you were the only person who was more wiped out than me at the end of this tourney. And oddly, it was inspiring.
9: Cook- DAHUDE, your girlfriend is STACKED!
9: Lou- Thanks for the help on G&W v Samus, I have some ideas for next time, but none of them are to stop trying to meteor. PS, you are good.
13: Tactical- Really great set, possibly my favorite of the day.
13: Nicole- …such a sweetheart.
13: Smash64- Samus – Ness is so fun. Great play.
13: Clove- I’ll be back, and better!
17: Crash - my chin hurts...
17: Jowii – When it’s my time in real life, I want to die by Kirby-cide.
17: Legan- You FOOL! As much as I love Steve, how epic would this have sounded at the CSS, “Meta Knight, Meta Knight, Link, Samus!”
17: Mister Eric- Exciting set. Samus-ROB is a good one, I think.
17: Sai- Smooth diddy.
17: Level 9 Snake- Really, Nikita? That was an odd choice there.
25: Mr. 9 – Good friendly.
25: VaMP- The tourney award for second most enthusiastic celebration.
25: Lyric- Fun friendlies, thanks for not infinite grabbing…
33: Alt F4- This tourney will not be the last time you thrive in the company of a beautiful woman.
33: Radium- Thanks for driving me home. ; )
33: Excel- I’ll be seeing a blue blur in my nightmares for weeks.
41: Sold2- Go straight donkey kong at your next tourney, you are good with him.
41: Guardian- Are you the guy who I talked to about Karate Kid? If so, good talk.


Smash Cadet
Dec 13, 2009
U didnt let me ban, I was gonna ban FD too lol its all good though
that's odd, because on the ride home, I was thinking I should have gone back to battlefield...I don't know if that is allowed though. (returning to the site of victory). When the Snake is as good with grenades as you are, I think that BF is better than FD in Snake v Samus.

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
I would have rather gone to BF then FD lol I would have allowed u back to battefield, and that time i would have played serious from the start lol


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
1: Infern :snake:/:ike: You're a fun guy, it was good meeting you. I really wish I had gotten to play you in singles, but oh well. Sorry for being so annoying during your mid-tier matches with Nicole. ;) I respect the fact that you are a dry waller.
2: Y.b.M. :kirby2: Really wanted to play you in singles, too. Still, the doubles matches were fun, Kirby is a matchup I enjoy.
3: Overswarm :metaknight: I dunno why you get so much hate, you're a fun guy. I'm just now realizing things I should have done against you, so I really hope I get to play you again some day. Come to Hot Dickings!
4: Kel :metaknight: Just like OS, you let me **** you for a bit and then destroyed me. :(
5: Hilt :olimar: Nice tournament, man, and good to see you again. Next time I want to practice my Marth against you, I need Oli experience.
5: Nope :snake: Nice seeing you again. I never really talked to you the first time I met you, but you're pretty cool. Def one of the best Snakes I've played.
7: Lain :popo: Thanks for your support during a lot of my matches. Your loss against Kel was pretty rough, but I guess you can't win EVERY tournament. I really wished I'd gotten to play you in bracket. Maybe next time...
7: Rofa :metaknight: I've never played you or really talked to you but you used my phone. That's neat.
9: Tamama :kirby2: You beat my girlfriend, I don't really like you for that.
9: Cook :olimar: :psycho:
9: Kero :olimar: Man, there were lots of Olimars. I didn't really see you play, but apparently you did pretty well.
9: Lou :gw: Hope that the Oli practice helped you, it's a tough matchup. You def got better every match, though, so maybe I shouldn't play you anymore. -_-
13: Tactical :lucario: I've never played you so I have NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU.
13: Nicole :peach: ur hot
13: Smash64 :ness2: Thanks for wrecking me in teams, but at least I got you back in singles. I hope I get to see all y'all God Kais again.
13: Clove :samus2: Dude, I know what you mean.
17: Crash :luigi2: I'm glad that I was the source of your favorite Smash moment ever.
17: Jowii :kirby2:/:falco: Have fun in TX, nerd. Come see us!
17: Legan :link2: Play Marth against MK. Create more Earth.
17: Level 9 Snake :snake: Just quit, you haven't gotten any better since Kahoka Me Your Moves and you aren't going to get any better.
33: Alt F4 :diddy: Oh, Steve, just don't quit my life. I can't handle that.
33: Radium :kirby2: Thanks for driving and snacks and stuff.
33: Excel :sonic: You've improved a lot since I last saw you, keep doing that.
Tyr: I'm still happy that Lucas' most useful AT is rocketing into the ground. Why no singles entry???
MK: **** YOU.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
1: Infern- Good Job... You Owned me the Last 2 sets.... You totally deserved 1st place.... Looks like there's a rivalry started now. I'll get you next time.... :p

2: Y.b.M.- myspace.com/ybm7 to listen to some of my music...

3: Overswarm- You are the Man!!! Hands down your are great. Your words before our match make me all bubbly and warm inside... Thanks man

4: Kel- You brought it back from Losers after a tough lost... Good ish

5: Hilt- Thanks for hosting. Thanks for being the person you are...

5: Nope- Ohio Top 5. We had way too much fun in our lil friendlies. You are really good company, can't stop laughing when we joke around....

7: Lain- We had some really intense matches. Don't hate me now. I got love for you regardless. Thanks fa coming out pimp.

7: Rofa- Nice pool matches... Glad you came out... It was too good kickin it with you again...

9: Tamama- Hmmm...Not sure If I remember you... But Nice placing.

9: Cook- You have a good Olimar... I look forward to seeing you around more...

9: Kero- Great Job Pimp... you are getting better and better...

9: Lou- Nice seeing you again Old man.. haha... Keep up the good stuff...

13: Tactical- You defeated one of the best Brawlers in the Midwest.... Congrats... Next time work harder for it...

13: Nicole- You have an amazing Peach... don't get discouraged after a lost... you learn things after every match... Talk to King Beef.... He has a really good Peach....Keep up the Good stuff

13: Smash64- We must practice...So we can all be at the top of the brackets... You're too good for these placements..

13: Clove- You placed very well for playing Samus... Keep up the good stuff man

17: Crash- That I'mma man Ish was very interesting. We could have used more ShoryuKens though...Speak up!!

17: Jowii- Nice Matches in pools... Keep up the good stuff

17: Legan- GOD KAIS!!! Glad to see you once again. You are too cool to be around.. I will try my hardest to come to the tournament in STL...

17: Doctor X- Glad to see you sticking to Pit... That's the way to go...

17: Mister Eric- My brother.. I'm glad you came out and kicked it with us.. Can't wait to see you again... Which will probably be sometime next year...

17: Sai- Keep on getting better... You are really steppin it up

17: Level 9 Snake- You are so lucky I didn't get to play you...I would have ****ed you up SON!!!

17: Calic- Nice games in pools... keep getting better

25: Clay- nice meeting you..

25: JoshKip- Cool Sonic Gloves...

25: Mayling- You have an amazing Pit... Keep it up

25: Mr. 9- You were like invisible or something... Next time say something

25: VaMP- It sucks that we had to play 1st round.. But don't get angry... Just get better pimp...Hopefully I'll see you this weekend....

25: Shy Guy- I see you opening up a lil more that's good and I'm glad to see that....

25: Lyric- You made it out of pools... Good stuff... Keep improving...

33: Alt F4- Nice matches is Pools....

33: Radium- You are really a great woman. You have a fun personality that makes the environment much more chill, Keep on Reppin Kirby. I'll make sure to help you out with him whenever....

41: C4NT1- Nice matches in Pools...Keep it up

41: Th3 Composer- We have to get you out of pools... Rep that Kirby Pimp

41: KassandraNova- Come on pimp... GTFO of pools... You are waaayyy to good to be hittin Ice Bergs... Thanks for the motivation before my match with Lain... it did help...

Tyr: Next time you are entering Doubles... Rep that Lucas Pimp

I had a blast at this tournament. Cincinnati Dominated Teams. The God Kais Wrecked Singles... Altogether Ohio held it down... We did really well. I like that area it was fun. I'm glad that Missouri came down.... I hope you all had a safe trip back home. I really wish you all weren't so dang on far away...*sigh*. Never underestimate The God Kais... we are moving up in the world... East Coast better watch out.. We are coming for you at Pound 4...;)

I had fun at this tournament... even though I got home at 6:17 in the Morning... RaRaRa

*I'm not correcting typos, so make sense of what is said"...... but most important..



Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
It's true you can't. I rejoined since we all know I love them... + I love it when they cheer for me rofl


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2006
Springfield, OH
1: Infern - /sigh I missed another opportunity to get my rematch in bracket, Grats on First keep it up. Also you guys need to make another trip up here soon.

2: Y.b.M. - I'm the come back King! either that or your ZSS chokes end of the match hahaha. As always fun hanging out with you and playing friendlies. We could probably play for hours with different match ups, but then again you might get tired of losing over and over again ;)

3: Overswarm - Good Matches and thanks for the advice. Bring my Stand to the next tournament you are going to! Iron Man next time, 4 characters Deep be ready!

4: Kel - We didn't play this time but nice rollback through LB, let me know if are going to be able to make it up here for a ride for this weekend.

5: Hilt - bah!! your not aloud to beat me, I will be out for revenge next time. Thanks for hosting the tournament and I know we will see you soon. Also the match for the Deed is this weekend, are you ready?

7: Lain - I'm sad we didn't get to play this time around, more matches next time. Also don't drop grabs! Your better then that.

7: Rofa - I always like seeing you at tourneys, fun matches as always. You were playing much better against me after my set vs OS, you learned quick. Keep composed and play your game and you'll be just fine. I hope to see you and more of MI soon. Also soooo excited for the Video this spring.

9: Tamama - Friendlies at the beginning of the day? Thanks for playing they were fun. I think you changed your name on me.

9: Cook - Fun matches, I wish we could have played more, it was super fun with MO here and I hope you guys come back soon! If not we will make it that way sometime.

9: Kero - Great games in tourney, you had me scared. Also Purples usmashing me out of motarslide?! lol good stuff.

9: Lou - Your better then this! More patience and lets do better in teams, no more silly little boys.

13: Nicole - Thanks for all the friendlies, I'm glad I could help you in the match up even if it was just a little. Your Peach is very good! So is your diddy so have faith in him. Keep your head up during disappointing sets, your better then that! Again everyone from MO was really chill. We will be coming up there sometime soon. It seems I have a reputation I need to change if that's what you were told. So I will be there soon.

13: Smash64 - Good matches in pools, I am sad you guys beat us in teams! We will be getting revenge! Also you need to be up Higher!

17: Crash - always fun hanging out with KY see you guys soon I hope!

17: Jowii - Fun pools matches, thanks for running pools for us so I just sat down when I was told and played matches. Also thanks for leaving 64 and I for last haha

17: Legan - Best Link Ever! Great matches, I wanted to play you more but there wasn't enough time. Come back to Ohio soon.

17: Sai - Fun 1 match we had, lets play more next time

17: Level 9 Snake - your CP isn't working for you lately, it's just getting you Dtilt locked so maybe you should explore some other options.

17: Calic - Thanks for playing me to warm up! hopefully we can play more next time.

25: Clay - Come to my monthlies now that you know! Your marth was much better then when we played in teams! Keep working on it

25: Mayling - Fun matches in pools, your pit has really improved since July! I was impressed.
I hope to see you at more tournaments soon.

25: VaMP - Fun talks see you this next weekend.

25: Andy Pandy - Paladin I haven't seen you in forever, come to more touraments.

33: Radium - Nice talking to you and yes the kids I coach are super awesome and bought me a sweet jacket. Don't forget to sign up for soccer in the summer! I hope to see more of you and MO soon.

33: Excel - matches next time for sure!

33: GX - Nice ZSS, I was looking forward to playing a Lucario (my brother mains him and I like the matchup) but you switched it up on me.

33: Today - My car is full right now, but I will let you know. It depends on what warfie and cincy does.

41: Guardian - Fun talking with you outside, and good pools matches.

41: KassandraNova - Beat Lou for me next time! Grounded Shuttle Loop his GnW to kill him!

To everyone else we didn't really talk, play or hang out at this one sorry! Also congrats on the placements. Especially the MO people I wanted to play with all of you but I didn't. If I missed anyone then I'm sorry let me know!

P.S. God Kais Suck, Smashfield!

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
I feel bad for the people who apparently lost to the level 9 Snake. Apparently he both got out of pools and beat some one in bracket. Kinda discouraging/humiliating to go to a tournament and lose to a CPU.

I am under the impression that it's an actual CPU and not some guy's tag, since I think entering a Level 9 Snake is a tradition with Kentuckians.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I feel bad for the people who apparently lost to the level 9 Snake. Apparently he both got out of pools and beat some one in bracket. Kinda discouraging/humiliating to go to a tournament and lose to a CPU.

I am under the impression that it's an actual CPU and not some guy's tag, since I think entering a Level 9 Snake is a tradition with Kentuckians.
You don't have to worry, there's a long (funny) story behind it, but trust me, nobody was discouraged, humiliated, or (tbh) defeated by L9S in an actual set. How he made it through brackets (and out of pools) is a secret that he will take to his grave, but I assure you that nobody will carry the reputation of being defeated by a CPU because they technically didn't. It's pretty impossible for someone to lose to Level 9 Snake (he's really dumb) but if he would be up against someone that I would be worried about actually losing to him, I would switch things around, to prevent the possibility of that happening and causing problems, and even if he did actually beat someone, L9S would probably feel bad about them and give them the win anyways (but that doesn't matter because he won't win). Someone actually losing to a CPU wouldn't be something I would allow.

Let's just say paladin was scared XD


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
You don't have to worry, there's a long (funny) story behind it, but trust me, nobody was discouraged, humiliated, or (tbh) defeated by L9S in an actual set. How he made it through brackets (and out of pools) is a secret that he will take to his grave, but I assure you that nobody will carry the reputation of being defeated by a CPU because they technically didn't. It's pretty impossible for someone to lose to Level 9 Snake (he's really dumb) but if he would be up against someone that I would be worried about actually losing to him, I would switch things around, to prevent the possibility of that happening and causing problems, and even if he did actually beat someone, L9S would probably feel bad about them and give them the win anyways (but that doesn't matter because he won't win). Someone actually losing to a CPU wouldn't be something I would allow.

Let's just say paladin was scared XD
i will definitely second that notion.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Oh yeah, forgot to ask, did Lain delay anything at the tourney? And if so then how long? lol


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
He wasn't in long enough to delay it.


Haha, nah. Him and Rofa took smoke breaks but they were reasonable and all that.

Also, there has been ONE person who lost to a level 9 snake in tournament. Dun dun dun....


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
The only thing I don't like about level 9 Snake is that two people that both got first seeds (like OS and I) didn't get equal first round brackets. I had to fight (and in turn lose) to Tactical while OS got to "fight" (effectively a bye) LVL 9 Snake. It's essentially giving people byes where they aren't deserved and don't belong.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
The only thing I don't like about level 9 Snake is that two people that both got first seeds (like OS and I) didn't get equal first round brackets. I had to fight (and in turn lose) to Tactical while OS got to "fight" (effectively a bye) LVL 9 Snake. It's essentially giving people byes where they aren't deserved and don't belong.
That's a good point. This is actually the first time this has happened with L9S. Usually we do not use elimination pools in tournament, and by not adding snake, there would be a bye in that place, where he would have been. So I apologize for that.
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