As much as I am a fan of Lloyd Irving and the
Tales of series, I can't imagine he'd be too high-priority for Namco from a marketing perspective. Pac-Man is a vidya icon no matter how you view it, while even Heihachi would be good promotion for upcoming
Tekken games. Lloyd would be a great character, yeah, but I can't imagine Namco had much interest in promoting him to a full-on newcomer. The Mii costume is a nice touch and, I think, isn't
too surprising considering the other characters that have turned up as costumes.
Flying Man is interesting too, albeit in the same way that KK Slider / Isabelle are interesting: an NPC with a costume-based tribute in lieu of a full fighter. Didn't see it coming, yet in hindsight, it makes decent sense.
K. Rool still baffles me. If what @
said is true and Sakurai hasn't re-tweeted the K. Rool kostume, then I'm even more baffled.
Can somebody confirm if Sakurai has re-tweeted the other costumes, or just Lloyd?