Smash Lord
There's still a lot we don't know and won't know about DLC till E3. There's that packs option for DLC so who knows maybe we will see stages start getting released with newcomers in packs. So new character + stage + new music and who knows what elese they could add in. It's not out of the question to see a plethora of DK Kongtent haaaaaaaa added through DLC. I'm still of the mind that K. Rool can possibly be coming regardless of the ballot, call it a pipe dream but Kremlings in Smash run was big to me it's clear Sakurai didn't ignore that aspect of the DK franchise. If he's willing to put K. Rools minions in the game despite their "irrelevance" I'm sure he'd be willing to put in K. Rool plus not to mention that he did mention K. Rool in his Brawl notes so he's aware of him clearly. I'm sure he's aware of the fan following aswell. That's just me though...