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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
You are confusing relevancy with recency. Even if we conflated both definitions, Duck Hunt is relevant again thanks to Nintendo making a big deal out of Duck Hunt for Wii U Virtual Console... they actually bothered to reprogram the original code to allow us to use Wii Remotes and HD TVs when playing Duck Hunt.

I am a fan of K. Rool too.
DKC 1-3 just got rereleases on the eshop. Relevant.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Actually, there is one good thing to come out of the DKC ports on the GBA, and that would be DKC3. New levels, new music, and graphics that aren't too bad.
Yeah, but it's not a substitute for the core experience. It's worth playing if you're curious about the new content, but I would definitely recommend playing the SNES versions before anything else.

Dairantō Smash Brothers

Smash Historian
Aug 17, 2014
Yeah, but it's not a substitute for the core experience. It's worth playing if you're curious about the new content, but I would definitely recommend playing the SNES versions before anything else.
Yeah, I understand. I actually don't remember owning the original or third game on the SNES, only DKC2. :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2014
gay baby jail
I actually only had DKC 1 and 3, funnily enough. DKC 3 is still my favorite Donkey Kong game. I got myself a SNES copy of DKC 2 a few years back, and I love it, but I guess my nostalgia keeps me from liking it as much as most people do.

There's something satisfying about being able to say that I don't need VC releases of DKC, 'cause I've still got all three on SNES. I still support it, of course, but y'know. :upsidedown:

Relevance is a stupid argument that shouldn't ever be used ever


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
I actually only had DKC 1 and 3, funnily enough. DKC 3 is still my favorite Donkey Kong game. I got myself a SNES copy of DKC 2 a few years back, and I love it, but I guess my nostalgia keeps me from liking it as much as most people do.

There's something satisfying about being able to say that I don't need VC releases of DKC, 'cause I've still got all three on SNES. I still support it, of course, but y'know. :upsidedown:

Relevance is a stupid argument that shouldn't ever be used ever
I'm jealous. I miss playing dkc on the snes all the time...


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Then I guess people can stop calling him irrelevant or unimportant...
Who were calling him unimportant or irrelevant? I know I did not.

In my opinion, I do not think that adding K. Rool would make people want to buy Tropical Freeze or even Returns. He wasn't in those games. Retaining Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong would encourage people into buying those games... including Dixie Kong or Cranky Kong would influence people into buying Tropical Freeze.

This is why I never understood this thought process... K. Rool in Smash = people buying Tropical Freeze... when K. Rool wasn't even in that game.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
I'm going to provide my two cents:

There's a hidden implication on consumers by seeing new content in Smash from their respective franchises. This includes new characters.

I call this "hidden implication" exposure.

It is for this very reason why a lot of people became interested in the Earthbound/Mother series when Ness was first unlocked in Smash 64, or afterwards when they looked up Earthbound/Mother stuff while they had access to the internet.

A similar thing could happen with King K. Rool. The people who had no idea who he was could become exposed to him through Smash. This isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's a good thing. It wouldn't take long for these people to figure out that he's tied in with the DK series, given the DK logo that would appear in his percentage counter (or by other means). From this, the interest value is created.

It is then up to them to look up K. Rool further. Seeing the Earthbound/Mother and Fire Emblem track record (in regards to Smash Brothers exposure), it can yield very positive results.

This is what I was getting at when I created this post on the previous page:

"Sweetly, sweetly, blew the breeze. On me alone, it blew." - A hypothetical quote from people who celebrate their most wanted characters getting in and denounce others' most wanted characters for not getting in.

Y'know, I'd figure that Nintendo could add literally any newcomer they'd want and Smash would still sell well. Familiarity comes with exposure.

I mean, look at Ness from Smash 64. Or Marth, Roy, Mr G & W, and Ice Climbers from Melee. Or R.O.B. from Brawl.

What I'm trying to get at is that people usually soften up to characters as they're introduced to the game--never mind their resistance to certain characters before they actually get in. I know I have felt this way to a lot of these characters I had no idea about (mainly referring to older Smash games).

It could work the other way around, too. For Nintendo, that is. What I mean here is that they don't have to abide by recency, relevancy, or whatever. The end result for the consumers from exposure would be the same.

However, if they do choose characters for certain reasons, we're not going to be able to stop them.

And still, I can't help but wonder about some of these other characters, such as K. Rool, etc...
The exposure can build interest in part of the franchise they did not know previously about.

The same thing could be said about Krystal, among other characters...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Who were calling him unimportant or irrelevant? I know I did not.

In my opinion, I do not think that adding K. Rool would make people want to buy Tropical Freeze or even Returns. He wasn't in those games. Retaining Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong would encourage people into buying those games... including Dixie Kong or Cranky Kong would influence people into buying Tropical Freeze.

This is why I never understood this thought process... K. Rool in Smash = people buying Tropical Freeze... when K. Rool wasn't even in that game.
That's why he'd clearly be promoting the eShop rereleases of the DKC trilogy, silly :awesome:


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
You were just talking about how a generation wouldn't know about him because he wasn't in two games and that no one would care about his existence. I can't even....

And no one believes that k rool= tropical freeze; I have 0 idea what shelf you pulled that idea from.

"fans who grew up with the original DKC trilogy are more likely to complain about the lack of Kremlings in new DKC games... remember that there is about 11 years between DK64 and DKCR... 15 years with Tropical Freeze... that means there is a whole new generation of DK fans who did not grow up with the Kremlings. I think they are less likely to ask for Kremlings in future DKC games, much less K. Rool for Smash."

Maybe I misinterpreted.
Yes, you misinterpreted.

I said that I think that the younger DK fans who grew up with DKCR/TF are less likely to ask for K. Rool in Smash than the older DK fans who grew up with the original DKC trilogy.

Where did I say that K. Rool was unimportant or irrelevant in my quote?


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Seretei, California
Yes, you misinterpreted.

I said that I think that the younger DK fans who grew up with DKCR/TF are less likely to ask for K. Rool in Smash than the older DK fans who grew up with the original DKC trilogy.

Where did I say that K. Rool was unimportant or irrelevant in my quote?
Probably where you said they wouldn't want kremlings in dkc games, but hey I clearly misinterpreted that.

Which brings on a greater question, why bother making that assumption in the first place? We are on a k rool support thread where we all want him in, who cares about how much people 15 years from now will ask for his return in smash?
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Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
Every character's epithet on the Boxing stage was shown off and I was thinking of some fitting epithets for K. Rool.
"King of the Kremlings" King K. Rool
"Blunderbuss-wielding Pirate Kaptain" Kaptain K. Rool
"Mad Scientist" Baron K. Roolenstein
"Champion Boxer" Krusha K. Rool

Any other suggestions?
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2014
New York
I just had a random thought. The first thing I would do if I had a time machine is travel back to 2002 and make sure Nintendo owned 51% of Rare so Microsoft couldn't of bought them out. That is the one event that screwed DK over, made him have a hiatus and made Nintendo not want to use Rare created DK characters that aren't Diddy, Rambi, Cranky and Dixie (at least in main DK games that is). I mean that's why Jungle Beat was created. I love Jungle Beat to death, but it was a VERY different and almost awkward take on a DK game. It completely threw everything from DKC 1-3 and DK64 right out the window and I wouldn't be surprised if people were concerned about this being the new norm for DK.

Anyway, sorry for a little bit of rambling. I just really want K. Rool and the Kremlings to return. Then we can all be happy and not complain anymore about Nintendo and Retro not wanting to use them.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Probably where you said they wouldn't want kremlings in dkc games, but hey I clearly misinterpreted that.

Which brings on a greater question, why bother making that assumption in the first place? We are on a k rool support thread where we all want him in, who cares about how much people 15 years from now will ask for his return in smash?
Well... we are not getting younger... we all grow old... and the longer the Kremlings aren't in DKC games, the more people grow indifferent and apathetic toward K. Rool... the next generation of young gamers are less likely to care about K. Rool if he isn't in a future DKC game... and as the shrinking population of older generations of DKC fans who want K. Rool in Smash start dying off or start having busy careers and raising families, the growing population of younger generations of DKC fans are growing up without K. Rool so they aren't attached to the idea of K. Rool in Smash.

Characters from retro franchises don't have to have new games to get characters in Smash... they will just get in as the token retro reps (Ice Climbers, ROB, Duck Hunt Dog, Mr. Game & Watch, and Brawl!Pit) but characters on hiatus from franchises that aren't on hiatus don't benefit from this because they are competing with characters who aren't on hiatus and the characters who aren't on hiatus are the ones selling those new games.

Why would Nintendo choose Geno or Wart over Rosalina and Bowser Jr. if Geno and Wart weren't in new Mario games for decades? In that same sense, why would Nintendo choose K. Rool over Dixie Kong or Cranky Kong if K. Rool wasn't in a DKC title for 15 years?

I seem to recall some K. Rool supporters hoping that K. Rool was in Tropical Freeze because it could boost his chances of getting in Smash... and then when it turned out K. Rool wasn't in Tropical Freeze, those supporters say "relevance (or recency) doesn't matter!" I am sorry but that gave me the impression of talking sour grapes. I am sorry but Nintendo is a business, not a fan service charity. They will deliver fan service if it profits them (not just for Smash sales, but for other games' sales).

This is why I am always getting hyped for Toad getting in new Mario games as a playable character (or better yet, getting his own game for the first time in 20 years).... because that meant Toad is still in the spotlight... that he is getting increased visibility since he is exposed to more gamers... that his popularity is growing.

This is also why I was always asking Nintendo to remake Duck Hunt or at least release Duck Hunt on Virtual Console on these Club Nintendo surveys for six years (after Brawl)... all I wanted was for Nintendo to make Duck Hunt relevant again for obvious reasons. This is why I am still asking Nintendo to keep including Dixie Kong in future DKC games (I don't want to lose her after having her back in DKCTF) and the Kremlings as the villains in future DKC games (even though I truly enjoy the Tikis and the Snomads). This is also why I am still asking them to include Tingle in future Zelda games (still baffled that Agitha got in Hyrule Warriors over Tingle but she's still cool regardless).


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I seem to recall some K. Rool supporters hoping that K. Rool was in Tropical Freeze because it could boost his chances of getting in Smash... and then when it turned out K. Rool wasn't in Tropical Freeze, those supporters say "relevance (or recency) doesn't matter!" I am sorry but that gave me the impression of talking sour grapes. I am sorry but Nintendo is a business, not a fan service charity. They will deliver fan service if it profits them (not just for Smash sales, but for other games' sales).
You've made this faulty 'recollection' multiple times before in this thread, and likewise, this isn't the first time I've called BS on it. "K. Rool fans only started calling into question the 'relevance' mania after Tropical Freeze's release" is a bald-faced lie; this thread, among others, is riddled with proof.

The users intent on continuing the farce that is "muhrelevance" were constant thorns in the side of K. Rool fans (since Returns, but especially) after Tropical Freeze's release. They constantly spewed about how "K. Rool has no chance if he's not in this game, Dixie is a shoo-in to be Donkey Kong Rep, and you're delusional if you disagree." Because of this, the vast majority of K. Rool fans weren't so much hoping to "increase his chances" with a new appearance, but to shut up the trolls that had badgered them for so long. Basically, swap out K. Rool and "irrelevant" for Ridley and "TOO BIG," and it's the same situation on a smaller scale.

Semi-related tangent, the way that the Smash fanbase reacts to new character appearances has really poisoned them, taking away a lot of enjoyment, in my opinion. It's assumed that K. Rool fans want their character back, not because they really like him and enjoy seeing him, but because it's a mere move on a chessboard to "increase his chances" at another appearance. Same sort of thing happened when Splatoon was announced at E3; so few of the reactions were "Oh, cool, this game looks like a lot of fun," they were largely "OMG the Splatoon Squid is a shoo-in to be New IP Rep in Smash!" No one can ever enjoy what's in front of them anymore, because it's all about Smash, all the time, and nothing else matters, or even comes close.
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Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Duck Hunt was added as a retro rep. :rolleyes:

You seriously cannot compare a retro character from a non-retro franchise (Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, etc.) to a retro character from a retro franchise (Ice Climber, Duck Hunt, Game & Watch, etc.)because I said so.

Also, the Koopalings aren't retro. They stopped being retro in 2009.



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Yes, a mere move on a chessboard to "increase his chances"... I started talking about Duck Hunt on Club Nintendo six years ago after Brawl came out and I didn't stop till I got what I wanted... I got Duck Hunt Dog in Smash... I got Duck Hunt for Virtual Console... yes, all according to plan. :evil:

I didn't get Toad in Smash but I finally got Toad's own game... time for plan B! :idea:

IMO, Splatoon haven't earned a character in Smash. It needs to prove to Nintendo that it can make money for Nintendo. I mean, we did get Wii Fit Trainer despite almost no one asking for her even though both Wii Fit games each selling over 20 million units.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2014
New York
You've made this faulty 'recollection' multiple times before in this thread, and likewise, this isn't the first time I've called BS on it. "K. Rool fans only started calling into question the 'relevance' mania after Tropical Freeze's release" is a bald-faced lie; this thread, among others, is riddled with proof.

The users intent on continuing the farce that is "muhrelevance" were constant thorns in the side of K. Rool fans (since Returns, but especially) after Tropical Freeze's release. They constantly spewed about how "K. Rool has no chance if he's not in this game, Dixie is a shoo-in to be Donkey Kong Rep, and you're delusional if you disagree." Because of this, the vast majority of K. Rool fans weren't so much hoping to "increase his chances" with a new appearance, but to shut up the trolls that had badgered them for so long. Basically, swap out K. Rool and "irrelevant" for Ridley and "TOO BIG," and it's the same situation on a smaller scale.

Semi-related tangent, the way that the Smash fanbase reacts to new character appearances has really poisoned them, taking away a lot of enjoyment, in my opinion. It's assumed that K. Rool fans want their character back, not because they really like him and enjoy seeing him, but because it's a mere move on a chessboard to "increase his chances" at another appearance. Same sort of thing happened when Splatoon was announced at E3; so few of the reactions were "Oh, cool, this game looks like a lot of fun," they were largely "OMG the Splatoon Squid is a shoo-in to be New IP Rep in Smash!" No one can ever enjoy what's in front of them anymore, because it's all about Smash, all the time, and nothing else matters, or even comes close.
I'd like to kindly disagree with you. I was very excited for Nintendo to finally introduce a new IP for the Wii U and I didn't even make the connection to Smash until people wouldn't shut up about it. I'm certain many people reacted the same way since many Nintendo fans wanted a new IP to emerge and we happened to get TWO of them, the other being Codename S.T.E.A.M. which also looks quite promising. Even though Smash is my favorite franchise, I don't consider it to be the only thing that matters and many others (even those in the Smash community) believe the new entries in previously existing franchises and brand new franchises are important outside of anything Smash related.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2014
BKupa hit another nail on the head with that post of his. I'm excited about Splatoon and S.T.E.A.M. and could care less about Smash Bros. at this point. I don't care if they appear in Smash or not, I care about them on their own. I care about the main series that Smash borrows from. Donkey Kong, Zelda and Pokemon are good on their own. So what if K. Rool doesn't appear in Sma5h? I know he'll appear in a future Donkey Kong game and I'll be looking forward to it. If the two new IP's get something in Smash, great. If not, no skin on my back. X and Y delivered, Tropical Freeze delivered, A Link Between Worlds delivered and Majora's Mask 3D and the Gen III remakes are sure to deliver. If Smash doesn't or can't appeal to me, I go to other games that do. Simple as that. And a lot of games and series have delivered. I'm saying this with the mindset that was me during the aftermath of Brawl's impresson and seeing the game for what it was.

Brawl did too much damage and it lingers to this day. It doesn't help that Sakurai chose to focus on gameplay this time around and decided to do things people didn't expect in an attempt to make the games stand out. All of my worst fears came to pass and I hate myself for it. The roster is very disappointing and sloppy, even with Mega Man, Pac-Man and Greninja. Good on everyone who realized that a few pages back. I'm so numb to Smash now it's not even funny.

But nonetheless, the Kremiling King will return someday...
Should he return as the King or with a new moniker?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2014
Yes, a mere move on a chessboard to "increase his chances"... I started talking about Duck Hunt on Club Nintendo six years ago after Brawl came out and I didn't stop till I got what I wanted... I got Duck Hunt Dog in Smash... I got Duck Hunt for Virtual Console... yes, all according to plan. :evil:

I didn't get Toad in Smash but I finally got Toad's own game... time for plan B! :idea:

IMO, Splatoon haven't earned a character in Smash. It needs to prove to Nintendo that it can make money for Nintendo. I mean, we did get Wii Fit Trainer despite almost no one asking for her even though both Wii Fit games each selling over 20 million units.
I don't necessarily agree with this statement. Ness didn't need to prove anything to get into Smash 64 and Earthbound didn't exactly have cult status by that point while Roy only needed fire to get into Melee and I like them both fine enough.

As for my overall opinion on the roster pre-DLC...I like it just fine (and maybe that's because of my Fire Emblem bias showing). It's missing glaring omissions, but just about every addition is fine by me. I warmed up to Pac-Man, Mii Fighters, and Dark Pit enough to be neutral on the latter two's inclusions. Although since this is a DLC speculation period, arguments over the final roster in the initial release just seem pointless to me.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2014
candy kong's dance studio is really hard in this port, luckily i just got 101%. i'm on hero mode now, up to gorilla glacier. I like the song in slipslide ride.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'd like to kindly disagree with you. I was very excited for Nintendo to finally introduce a new IP for the Wii U and I didn't even make the connection to Smash until people wouldn't shut up about it. I'm certain many people reacted the same way since many Nintendo fans wanted a new IP to emerge and we happened to get TWO of them, the other being Codename S.T.E.A.M. which also looks quite promising. Even though Smash is my favorite franchise, I don't consider it to be the only thing that matters and many others (even those in the Smash community) believe the new entries in previously existing franchises and brand new franchises are important outside of anything Smash related.
Yeah, I'm excited to see them really branching out with new series and universes for the first time on a console since Pikmin, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe it's too much to expect people to not continually discuss those series in relation to Smash on the web's biggest Smash forum, but it just comes across as trivializing anything that's not Smash, and that's sad. It wasn't like this back before Melee, and even before Brawl, it wasn't nearly as pronounced and "mechanical" (that's my word) as it is now.

Yes, a mere move on a chessboard to "increase his chances"... I started talking about Duck Hunt on Club Nintendo six years ago after Brawl came out and I didn't stop till I got what I wanted... I got Duck Hunt Dog in Smash... I got Duck Hunt for Virtual Console... yes, all according to plan.
I take no issue whatsoever with people wanting a character to appear so, as a side effect, people will want to see that character appear more in the future. It's when Smash becomes the only appearance that matters, one that all other appearances are supposed to feed into, that's unfortunate.

Anyhow, on the subject of the GBA games, a lot of DK fans don't really seem to enjoy them all that much, but I really enjoyed a handful of the mini-games they added as extras, and would love to see a few similar ones in Retro's games. Funky's Fishing, Expresso Racing, and the various Funky Missions were all quite a thrill.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
(I'm not sure if this deserves a thread or if there's a better place for it, so feel free to close/move this if needed)

So... I finally did something interesting for once. I've heard things like "X series is overrepresented" or "X character shouldn't be in because his series has enough characters". And while I don't think series should be limited for how much content they get, I tought it would be interesting to see how much representation each series gets. So I made a list of every series represeted in Smash, and, with the help of a calculator, I'm adding up all characters, stages, items, assistants, enemies, bosses, trophies, stickers and songs each series gets in Smash. Below, you can see a list of the score each series got (currently incomplete). Also, this doesn't include Smash Wii U, since we don't know everything about it yet.

Characters are worth five points
Stages are worth four points
Items and assistants are worth three points
Enemies and bosses are worth two points
Trophies, stickers and songs are worth one point

1. Mario - 603 (7 characters, 19 stages, 22 items, 4 assistants, 22 enemies, 1 boss, 226 trophies, 104 stickers, 38 songs)
2. Pokémon - 584 (9 characters, 7 stages, 2 items, 73 assistants, 5 enemies, 1 boss, 218 trophies, 38 stickers, 18 songs)
3. The Legend of Zelda - 351 (6 characters, 7 stages, 8 items, 4 assistants, 10 enemies, 135 trophies, 75 stickers, 27 songs)
4. Kirby - 218 (3 characters, 5 stages, 6 items, 2 assistants, 9 enemies, 86 trophies, 34 stickers, 21 songs)
5. Donkey Kong - 162 (2 characters, 5 stages, 4 items, 3 enemies, 63 trophies, 37 stickers, 14 songs)
6. Kid Icarus - 161 (3 characters, 2 stages, 6 items, 2 assistants, 19 enemies, 62 trophies, 4 stickers, 10 songs)
7. Metroid - 146 (2 characters, 5 stages, 1 item, 3 assistants, 3 enemies, 3 bosses, 50 trophies, 29 stickers, 13 songs)
8. Star Fox - 142 (3 characters, 4 stages, 1 item, 1 assistant, 58 trophies, 32 stickers, 15 songs)
9. Earthbound/Mother - 112 (2 characters, 4 stages, 2 items, 2 assistants, 2 enemies, 1 boss, 31 trophies, 26 stickers, 11 songs)
10. F Zero - 88 (1 character, 4 stages, 1 assistant, 32 trophies, 18 stickers, 14 songs)
11. Yoshi - 76 (1 character, 4 stages, 2 enemies, 16 trophies, 27 stickers, 8 songs)

Next one to be added will be Fire Emblem.

I hope you find this interesting, because it took a lot of work. And it's not even done yet!
5. Donkey Kong - 162 (2 characters, 5 stages, 4 items, 3 enemies, 63 trophies, 37 stickers, 14 songs)
6. Kid Icarus - 161 (3 characters, 2 stages, 6 items, 2 assistants, 19 enemies, 62 trophies, 4 stickers, 10 songs)
Nope, no bias/anti-bias here. :rolleyes:



Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
They aren't.

Nothing has been announced, at least.
If it stays that way, they can get the big middle finger from me. I've been wanting to play the DKL's again for some time without using a ROM/emulator or some such.
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Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
If it stays that way, they can get the big middle finger from me. I've been wanting to play the DKL's again for some time without using a ROM/emulator or some such.
Yeah, playing DKL on an emulator is totally for losers... It's not like I am currently doing that or anything... That would be lame! :lol:


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
Just finished Tropical Freeze. Didn't fight Fredrick until I had all the letters+puzzle pieces. Man, what an adventure. May even top DKC2.

As for Freddy himself, I think I would like him a lot more if he didn't feel like such a knockoff. You could pretty much reskin him into K. Rool, and several of his attacks seem suspiciously similar.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Strange how we haven't had supporters recently, oh well.
If K. Rool gets a trailer, his tagline should be "King K. Rool Krashes the Kompetition".
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