I just say, if Nintendo doesn't care about him, why should you do? If he really was such a must have for SSB, than he would be in. But his not. You will see, you all will be upset again, when he is not a DLC-Character. And I'm pretty sure, he won't be. Juts give up and give your whole love and support popular characters like Rosalina, Palutena, Miis and more.
"Juts give up your love and support popular characters like Rosalina, Palutena, Miis and more."
1. Why provide support for characters that are already in?
2. "
support popular characters" "
popular characters" "
popular" King K. Rool is a popular character, if he wasn't he wouldn't be one of the most requested for SSB and people wouldn't even ask for his to return to the DK series and even though King K. Rool went missing for quite a while he is still known to this day.
3. Nintendo of America reps do care about King K. Rool, Nintendo of Japan just may not know that people still care about him and our voices just need to be heard by them, the only person who probably legitimately doesn't care about the Kremlings is Shigeru Miyamoto.
4. Even if K. Rool doesn't end up DLC this time around the support will still continue until he reappears in the next installment of SSB as playable rather than a trophy.
5. Do you really expect passionate fans to give up based on your little remarks? Why continue? (Rhetorical question, you're a troll.)
6. Reply, I don't care, your comment will just be ignored.