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July WA Gameclucks Results!


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington

1st- Felix/Nerd
2nd- Jem/Eggz
3rd - Bladewise/OMGage
4th- t1mmy/t0mmy


1st- t0mmy
2nd- Felix
3rd- Jem
4th- Bladewise
5th- Nerd
5th- Eggz

Good stuff to t0mmy. He played a new style of ROB I have never seen before. I'm very familiar with the ROB matchup, and he still 3-0'd me in Losers Finals in ROB vs MK (He won the set 3-2, he went MK on my CP's which I won.)

t0mmy recorded Games 3 and 4 of winners finals (me vs felix) and all of losers finals (me vs t0mmy) and all of grand finals (Felix vs t0mmy)

t0mmy forfeited his Winners bracket round 1 set because he was upset at various things/grumpy/hungry. then went on to beat t1mmy/eggz/bladewise/me/then felix twice.

Best rob in the country easily. I'll let you all know when videos are up :)

Felix beat me 3-1 in Winners finals, Doubles went to Game 15 last stock last hit (me vs felix, how appropriate) no continuation rule here. (we won 3-2 WF, they won 3-2 in both GF sets) t0mmy 3-0'd felix first set of finals, then won the second set 3-2.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
What did he do with ROB that was so different???!?!?!?

Nonetheless, good ****@Rob winning a tourney with pretty good competition.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Apparently how I described it to people, they said thats how the Japanese play.

he was b reversing all the time, bairing around in the air, making him basically unpredictable on where he was going to be. while throwing gyros/lasers at me. I couldn't nado because he'd air dodge through then punish me. He was playing reallyyyy good. And since MK has no projectile I just have to sit and wait and hope to hit with an uair. But he's really patient, so if I jump up at him he isnt just going to air dodge. he'll b reverse or bair or nair. he was also playing reallyyyy good on the ledge and off stage haha.

I'll just have to come back next time more prepared and better. :)


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Yup, not sure when though. When t0mmy lets me know ill be sure to let everyone know. Felix vs t0mmy was a great 8 matches to watch. losers finals on the other hand.. ha ha. little scared to see how badly i'll get bashed XD


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
t0mmy is da bess lol

Jem please post top 8 and brackets next time or get them

i really like to see everything


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
PNW tournaments have been dying lately, there was only 20 singles entrants :/. once everyone starts attending hopefully we'll be back in the 40's

So basically everything i posted is the summary basically lmao.

t0mmy forfeited winners round 1
felix lost to t0mmy x2
I lost to Felix and t0mmy
Bladewise lost to me + t0mmy
Eggz lost to me + t0mmy
Nerd lost to felix + bladewise
t1mmy lost to felix + t0mmy
b0jangles lost to Nerd + t0mmy
busy (IC player) had work so he couldn't participate

thats stuff i know for sure.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
thats a 0 in there to you, M R!

They're good vids. Don't you guys want to see game 3 and 4 of me vs felix too?!?!

/acts like people weren't sick of watching jem and felix after the 20th time playing in tournament


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
lol you cant just nado rob when they play that way. the "lolnadohimn00b" doesn't work on good robs. you'll have very rare opportunities.

chibo im sorry i just think t0mmy is highly underrated and ive watched both of you (admittingly only played you in doubles @ genesis, but that was a year ago but thats not what im basing off of)

idk if i'll be at MLG Raleigh, next time we're at the same tournament i'll be glad to MM though :)

EDIT: got some bad news on t0mmy vs felix. i think my MK getting 3-0'd by t0mmy's ROB is in good condition though!

t0mmy wrote at 12:44 AM on Jul 04, 2010 :
I know you guys don't want to hear this, but... some bad news on the recordings... first, missed the first two rounds of Jem & Felix, which were really great matches (I think last two were saved to SD card though). I think their next two were recorded, but for some reason the grand finals are wrecked they're all choppy&super sped-up (and has no audio), I don't know what happened why it didn't turn out right... this was the first time I tried video capture and looks like I really don't know what I'm doing... this is what we get for not having D-mac there :^(


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
lol you cant just nado rob when they play that way. the "lolnadohimn00b" doesn't work on good robs. you'll have very rare opportunities.

chibo im sorry i just think t0mmy is highly underrated and ive watched both of you (admittingly only played you in doubles @ genesis, but that was a year ago but thats not what im basing off of)

idk if i'll be at MLG Raleigh, next time we're at the same tournament i'll be glad to MM though :)

EDIT: got some bad news on t0mmy vs felix. i think my MK getting 3-0'd by t0mmy's ROB is in good condition though!

t0mmy wrote at 12:44 AM on Jul 04, 2010 :
I know you guys don't want to hear this, but... some bad news on the recordings... first, missed the first two rounds of Jem & Felix, which were really great matches (I think last two were saved to SD card though). I think their next two were recorded, but for some reason the grand finals are wrecked they're all choppy&super sped-up (and has no audio), I don't know what happened why it didn't turn out right... this was the first time I tried video capture and looks like I really don't know what I'm doing... this is what we get for not having D-mac there :^(
Sorry, after playing Holy's Rob I understood that he's easily gimpable, no, tornado is good on rob, but that's not where the MU is based on. Grats to Tommy, but shame on MKS losing to rob >.>


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
rob has too many off stage options for MK to reliably edgeguard him, let alone gimp a character who has like 8 jumps o_O. t0mmy isn't an air dodge noob, he's one of those snake plays who bairs and nairs and b reverses and stuff back to you never really know which way he's going to go. lol its frustrating. Rob's ledge game and recovery game are mad good, its frustrating. Rob's fair goes through all of MK's moves that aren't nado. (if youre frame perfect) at worst, rob trades with mk's fair/etc (if you're parallel). t0mmy almost took a game off Dojo at MLG Columbus in tournament apparently, but no one watched because he's from the northwest :p


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
rob has too many off stage options for MK to reliably edgeguard him, let alone gimp a character who has like 8 jumps o_O. t0mmy isn't a spot dodge noob, he's one of those snake plays who bairs and nairs and b reverses and stuff back to you never really know which way he's going to go. lol its frustrating. Rob's ledge game and recovery game are mad good, its frustrating. Rob's fair goes through all of MK's moves that aren't nado. (if youre frame perfect) at worst, rob trades with mk's fair/etc (if you're parallel). t0mmy almost took a game off Dojo at MLG Columbus in tournament apparently, but no one watched because he's from the northwest :p
I know how rob works, I played the best one afaik for 3-4 years. there's no rob in the south, lack of MU exp. I'll gladly MM tommy and show how its done >.>. Btw a fairing rob at the ledge can be easily beated by a dtilt lol.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
you never ledgehop fair with rob. that **** does not work lol

getting off the ledge is the hardest part of the mu for me. if t0mmy found good ways to get back on I'd love to see them


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
umm rob's that recover high are easy to bet imho. most characters, you want to recover high, but t0mmy was recovering parallel with the stage, which really limits mk's options. he'll grab the ledge before dtilt hits, he'll nair if you jump out and try to dair, maybe he'll bair around so he's just moving everywhere. shoot a laser at you, which either forces you to power shield or air dodge, which still will get rob safely to the ledge.

i guess we'll see when the videos are up. i don't know if I was playing at 100%, I seemed flustered, but I guess we'll just see. i know t0mmy was playing amazing though and nothing can discredit that. ill leave it for others to see if i was playing bad compared to what they're used to seeing.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
umm rob's that recover high are easy to bet imho. most characters, you want to recover high, but t0mmy was recovering parallel with the stage, which really limits mk's options. he'll grab the ledge before dtilt hits, he'll nair if you jump out and try to dair, maybe he'll bair around so he's just moving everywhere. shoot a laser at you, which either forces you to power shield or air dodge, which still will get rob safely to the ledge.

i guess we'll see when the videos are up. i don't know if I was playing at 100%, I seemed flustered, but I guess we'll just see. i know t0mmy was playing amazing though and nothing can discredit that. ill leave it for others to see if i was playing bad compared to what they're used to seeing.
i think we should just stop arguing, leave it as a results thread. I think you are lacking somewhere because ROB has no safe approach / easily countered in a matter of secs.

Good job tommy though.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
hey, can someone kindly post the videos in this thread when they're up? since I have no idea where to find them personally


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
rob has too many off stage options for MK to reliably edgeguard him, let alone gimp a character who has like 8 jumps o_O. t0mmy isn't an air dodge noob, he's one of those snake plays who bairs and nairs and b reverses and stuff back to you never really know which way he's going to go. lol its frustrating. Rob's ledge game and recovery game are mad good, its frustrating. Rob's fair goes through all of MK's moves that aren't nado. (if youre frame perfect) at worst, rob trades with mk's fair/etc (if you're parallel). t0mmy almost took a game off Dojo at MLG Columbus in tournament apparently, but no one watched because he's from the northwest :p
posts like this are why you lost

trying to justify your lack of prowess through data that you haven't even properly analyzed

-shakes head-

MK mains are like.. literally -all- bad


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
uh, im not trolling

jem lost because he doesn't know what he's ****ing doing

NOT because rob actually has viable tools for consistently combating metaknight like he's claiming

sorry Jem you just aren't as good as you think you are, step it up


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
you actually think that's trolling, if you put time into metaknight you would see that most mk mains aren't even good at the game

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Nah he's right. Most MK mains I've seen/played have terrible habits that go unpunished more than they really should. In some cases it's the opponent's fault for not punishing, and for others it may be because he's just that good of a character, who knows.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
yeah i guess im pretty bad i didnt do good at columbus while unseeded and stuff :)

so are mk's that lose to diddy's bad too? lol.

i didn't claim rob is unbeatable. learn to read. i said rob has more options than people think. people act like rob has to sit on the ground and eat nado. i said its a style myself and felix haven't seen before. and felix is even better than me (which is better than most brawl players too) so im pretty sure its not just me lol. t0mmy is THE highest national placing rob so :p if you haven't played him keep your mouth shut!

its also unfortunate that t0mmy has a boatload of johns, so not many people get to play him at his best (again, he almost took a game off dojo in tournament at columbus lol.) i know the almost game is not something to rely on, but if the matchup is that bad it shouldn't come down to last stock ;p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
post full results or at least the amount of entrants and pay outs for once!
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