Wow this thread has teetered off, but I’d like to reply as I’m a huge supporter of 3rd party even though nothing about my interests would give off that. I really only play Nintendo since I got a Wii, and I’d say a majority of the 3rd parties in Smash are from games I haven’t played, but I love the inclusion.
I see so much about how Snake, Joker, and Cloud don’t fit, but honestly that’s what compels me to like them more than most of the other franchises. Snake is so radically different from the entire cast that he in turn becomes one of the most fitting. He’s so much fun to have and adds this realistic military and rated M style we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Snake, along with Bayonetta, depicts everything Nintendo is against to a point in which I don’t want to lose this part of Smash’s identity. Nintendo finally putting their big boy pants up and having rated M characters shaking hands with Mario is fantastic.
I feel that 3rd parties really show the gaming landscape as a whole, which I heavily appreciate as Nintendo fans should get out of the bubble every now and again and try new franchises that are radically different from Nintendo’s. When it comes to 3rd party I want heavy hitters that are completely unusual in design. I want Minecraft as that’s a genre not yet depicted in Smash, and is a game with such a unique art style to boot. I want Doom as it’d be cool to see a big time gory rated M mascot join the fight. Heck, I’d even be okay with someone like Scorpion from MK joining as at least it’s different.
I actually like many of the non-Nintendo picks at this point for 3rd parties as well, as I feel the more Nintendo lab.ed ones are so nothing or fit to much to be unique. Shantae, Shovel Knight, and Banjo are all very Nintendo DNA infused franchises to the point where they don’t feel like they’d offer anything radically new or different and in terms of popularity in the main stream they are certainly on the more obscure side. The only one I actually really care for is Rayman and the Rabbids, I don’t know why, but Rayman has always been a very strange series and the Rabbids are pretty mainstream all things considered.