isn't that the question? this isn't the Sonic matchup thread right? i thought we were takign about viability comparisons in copetative brawl. the matchup between the two doesn't mean too much, since Sonic isn't metaknight or snake or wario...
yeah, the matchup with D3 is really bad apparently (DDD matchup thread) even if the bowser is good. the reasons are obvious.
Then why is bowsers worst match up important? I brought up Luigi and DK in response to A2ZOMG's post just before it "I don't see how a character that can be infinited by D3 is better than sonic." Bowser match up with D3 has a small impact on his match ups over all, and that is what defines how good or bad a character is.
I wasn't trying to compare bowser to luigi or DK
Bowser's recovery is very easy to beat, what kind of BS are you giving me? His Up-B has no priority. If the stage is NOT battlefield, and especially if it is final destination, Bowser should NEVER be able to successfully recover if you have a good gimp tool, like Mario's Cape. Or if you can't gimp him, free 60% as long as you keep hitting him away from the stage. Landing onstage is not viable for him either due to landing lag leaving him open to be punished heavily.
False, bowser is invincible on start up of UpB.
His upB has great horizontal speed which lets him get back to the stage quickly.
His upB has a big sweet spot that can easily counter GaW's Dowtilt :/ don't even know where you got that from.
he still has his klaw which even off stage makes approaching him in the air from the front a problem for a lot of the cast.
Which has ridiculous range and low start up again compared to most of the cast.
Assuming the bowser is smart and he still has his second jump gimping him off stage is a task for most of the cast.Watch any bowser and see how many times they get gimped off stage.
And this is all assuming the bowser isn't DIing correctly and recovering high from most of the cast high angled kill moves.
Landing on stage with your upB will get you punished... like most of the cast thats true. but because of bowsers weight it rarely ends in death, but more likely a grab dash attack or running usmash.
Actually one matchup for him does become unwinnable on BF. G&W is a completely unwinnable matchup for Bowser on Battlefield. D-tilt edgeguarding in addition to G&W's vastly superior zoning, pressure, and tools in general means Bowser actually has no options once he's offstage.
that is not an unwinnable match up by any means.
ftilt out ranges everything GaW can do on the ground. upB wrecks any poorly spaced aerials and those can happen a lot because of dash in sheild and situations where GaW is recovering high and left with no other choice but to land on bowser.
Do reseach watch bowser versus GaW if you don't trust my word...
Bowser only has one viable approach, and that's betting on Klawhopping, which is insanely predictable. Everything else sucks and is not worth mentioning. F-tilt and F-air are significantly punishable on block or whiff. Jabs would be amazing except Bowser is huge and easily outzoned, which makes them unreliable and situational.
Mmm... I disagree again. ftilit and fair are not significantly punishable on wiff, definitely not on block if spaced properly, short hop klaw (you end with normal landing lag), dash claw, dash upB, dash grab, dash sheild is really powerful because you can upB out of sheild anything they try and meet you with on reaction as well as sheild grab.
Personally I don't think claw hopping is a viable approach because as you mentioned its predictable and only works well against people who try and meet you in the air.
But I also feel that jab is a really good move, fast at five frames or so with very good range, it is actually safe on sheild versus a lot of the cast and sudo combos into grabs and even tilts if you do connect. jab is a very solild poking tool.
Klaw is not great. It is good, but not great. The grounded version sucks. The aerial version is decent, except it comes out in 17 frames, which you should be interrupting.
I think klaw may in fact be a little over hyped but 17 frames into going to be enough to just say "meh, I'll inturupt it." aerial klaws best atributes are it's range which makes inturuting very hard for most of the cast, the fact that it will give you grab armor if you are hit while that hit box is out, again in most cases, and the fact that it has vitually no landing lag which will allow you to punish spot dodges and rolls and teh like a lot of the time.
the grounded version is very very fast, thats why it is good, I think its around five frames? that would put it at fasted grab move in the game, and his fastest ground option aside from jab, it can also be used directly out of your run which makes for a good 18 damage punisher out of a run something most of the cast can't do that quickly. gorunded klaw definitely has a place in bowsers moveset.
Bowser has next to no good matchups, and he gets hardcore ***** by the S/A tiers, and several mid tiers also **** him.
According to the bowser boards no one really ***** him spare D3 and ICs, diddy to an extent. He goes about even or slight disadvantage with most of the cast but He doesn't really have any favorable match ups.
Random fact: If you klaw snake out of his upB you get a free kill.
Honestly I think they are being a little modest. but for the most part bowser's ability to survive and punish people with poor or even average approach options.
Bowser is way too limited and unsafe to be the better character.
Limited sure, but unsafe? never. bowser is kind of the definition of safety with the best out of sheild options in the game and an amazing sheild there are very few situations bower can't react to in a safe fashion.
And good pokes that are safe if you know their ranges. on everyone in the game.
Bowser is in fact one of my secondaries keep in mind.[/quote]
Bowser is one of my mains. :/
I'm not trying to make bowser out to be some god, that obviously isn't the case but he is definitely a beast in his own right. He has great tools espeacially defensively that most of the cast just can't answer head on.