I'm looking for the input of active tournament players.
Randoms, I can't control you but you probably don't have a valid opinion and would be polite to keep it to yourselves :]
<3 jesus.
I want to drive a discussion here about the stage list and stage selection and its impact on what some people call "metagame".
A few questions to start:
1. Do you feel the stage list is balanced. Do you believe "balance" to be a relative term to your preconceived notions of the represented word and etcetera??
2. Do you feel the addition of any stage (i.e. Onett) would benefit the tournament structure??
3. Do you think the removal of any stages (DL64 specifically) would be beneficial??
4. Do you believe, as I do, that BF is the best stage??
5. If not, why? What is your preferred stage and why??
If this gains any sort of momentum I suppose more questions will arise on their own.
1.well, the Neutrals as a whole I feel are ideal(that's their job, right?) though Ican understand the FD issues some have. in my heart and mind, the Neutral stage is defined as the areas where a majority of the cast can fight on the stage with no major drawbacks(not factoring in character matchups.)
2. I feel they should bring back most of the counterpicks that were banned. in my mind, a counter pick is a stage that gives an advantage over a certain character class, but not to the extremes where it's impossible to win for the other. Brinstar for example would be like this to me, whereas a stage like Termina isn't.
3. at least not from neutrals. I do think that with only 1 major CP now, they should just cut CPs altogether, or bring back some more of them.
4.I feel BF is one of but not the most balanced(though i may just be biased against the "dead zone" beneath the ledge).the most to me is...
5....Ok, i'm probably the minority, but Yoshi's Story. the way it's designed seems to work for pretty much everyone-walljumpers, floaties, fastfallers, Marth, cap, Bowser, and so on-and the stage chaos is controlled even. some complain about Randall, but as it follows a pattern, and has a maintained effect on fights(moreso then Arwings on Corneria), it seems just right to me. I mean heck even when items are on, all it does really drop on the stage is food. by my definition,it seems like the Ideal neutral to me.