This thread is the craziest thing ever....someone says something innocuous...and the WHOLE THREAD blows up in less than 10 minutes...
@Joker: I have no problem teaming with you if Bpx can't come and OOS shows up, but if it is just Iowa and NE then we can chill. I'll team with Skizm in that case.
@Cook: I think you missed the point of Prisoner's Dilemma. It says that from a utility maximization aka rationality standpoint, if someone plays ANY other character than MK it is best for you to choose MK and dominate them. However, the other person knows this, and says "Hey I'll pick MK also!", so you both fight the ditto... That argument setup my MAIN point which was character diversity. We would have seen a wide variety without MK had he been banned earlier. I'm glad he is, but I fear it is too late. You are right, that are no MK players here, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be banned.
@Bpx: starting drama, for once, you actually missed Joker's point. He said we don't play top teirs, but you know what he meant. He was talking about in tournament. None of us play MK in tourney, except sometimes CBK and sometimes Skizm (even though I have never seen him do it).
@Yink: Hi, little lady. How are you doing?