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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Hey, Anthony! I finally got to the "Max" part of Insanity.
It's taken me forever because Imma hella slacker; you know me :')
But yeah, it's brutal just like you said. Jesus M. F. Christ!
its fun isnt it lol. i just got to phase 2 in p90x and its pretty awesome as well. on a side note, i might be down for games in ames on thursday since thats my day off. it all depends on whos all goin and how long we're gonna be there. im gettin way to addicted to k-dramas and its takein over all my free time the past couple days


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
I'll reserve the place for Thursday. We can start playing at 6. That is when it will be for sure shut down. I'll need someone to help me bring my tv, to and from my apartment, besides that we are set to go. We can just use the tv's i got and the one big one. I might get the projector, but i'm not sure....


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
its fun isnt it lol. i just got to phase 2 in p90x and its pretty awesome as well. on a side note, i might be down for games in ames on thursday since thats my day off. it all depends on whos all goin and how long we're gonna be there. im gettin way to addicted to k-dramas and its takein over all my free time the past couple days
I'm starting Insanity again next month, it's going to suck.

I'll reserve the place for Thursday. We can start playing at 6. That is when it will be for sure shut down. I'll need someone to help me bring my tv, to and from my apartment, besides that we are set to go. We can just use the tv's i got and the one big one. I might get the projector, but i'm not sure....
I don't work Thursday night/Friday morning so I'm free to do stuff till whenever.

Also: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=286577

LOL Negligible tier.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Hey Kudou. I got a question bout things.
So I've been doing Insanity + running a few miles a day and not really much happening at all.
I understand it's only been 1.5 months, but at least a little should have changed by now but it isn't.
I'm gonna go on a whim and say it's because of my diet, which consists of not dieting at all.
What are some tips you can give me? What's good and what isn't?
How many cals do you eat per day, typically?
I really wanna get into shape and look good, but things aren't looking too promising atm.
Anyone else who knows about eating right and working out and such is welcome to give their comments.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2010
Des Moines, IA
Hey Kudou. I got a question bout things.
So I've been doing Insanity + running a few miles a day and not really much happening at all.
I understand it's only been 1.5 months, but at least a little should have changed by now but it isn't.
I'm gonna go on a whim and say it's because of my diet, which consists of not dieting at all.
What are some tips you can give me? What's good and what isn't?
How many cals do you eat per day, typically?
I really wanna get into shape and look good, but things aren't looking too promising atm.
Anyone else who knows about eating right and working out and such is welcome to give their comments.
whats your diet like right now? do you have any idea how many calories you eat a day?

what do yo do for excercise?

what are you trying to do right now:
gain muscle
loose fat

it's a lot easier to gain muscle if you are ok with putting on some fat too, but it is possible to do both at once ( you need a really good diet though.)

In general, lift 3-4 times a week. Change your workout bi weekly to keep your muscles guessing. Eat ALOT of protein (1gram per lb of body weight.) Eat about a 500 calorie surplus more than you need to maintain your weight. Eat at least 6 meals a day (every 2-3 hours). This keeps you metabolism active and allows you to get those excess calories without storing too much fat. Don't eat as much before you go to bed.

edit: Diet really means A LOT. You need to be getting just the right amount of good carbs, but not too many. (excess gets stored as fat if you don't burn through them.

generally, carbs in the morning/early afternoon, then try and cut back on them as much as possible the rest of the day.

A good meal at night would be something like chicken/veggies. (generally unbreaded meat with some sort of veggie cause veggies fill you up alot more per calorie.)


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Well, I don't lift at all. Never have in my entire life actually -_-
I just do Insanity and run 3-4 miles a day.
Somewhat light, but it's all I am willing to do xD.
Thanks for the input/tips though, I'll try to eat better.

Forgot to answer questions.
My diet right now consists of Taco Bell at least twice a week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Then my folks usually prepare a banquet of food at night which I eat without restraint.
Usually contains a lot of greasy goodness that is bad for my health but is tasty.
Then at night, about 30 minutes to an hour before I go to bed, I eat cereal or a pizza.
It sounds like I'm joking, but I'm dead serious unfortunately.

Oh, and my goal...
All I want is to get my 6-pack back and lose some weight because I'm getting chunky.
I used to have a really ripped 6-pack and since I stopped playing sports it went away partially.
My logic is that if I burn off the fat on my body and work out a little also, it'll show up again.
I just want it back and to lose weight in the process. That's the goal.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2010
Des Moines, IA
ok well you don't have it THAT hard then.

Many studies show that running in the morning when you first wake up is the best way to burn fat. (something about how your body runs on burning fat while you sleep and your body is still in "sleep mode" when you first wake up.)

If you want improvements fast, run twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (running at night will probably give you the munchies.)

eat a bunch of small meals if you can. If you really like big meals and don't want too.... just run more.

500 calories deficit- no more cause your metabolism will slow down and go into starvation mode.

and here are some measuring thingys

a little less then 3500 calories is 1lb of body fat.
and 1 mile jogged at a good pace is 100-150 calories burned depending on your pace.

so if you go on a 500 calories deficit and run 2 miles a day, you could burn about 1 1/2lbs a week of pure body fat. thats 5lbs of body fat in one month which is quite a bit.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
I would swim, but I don't know how to.
When I was 13, I almost drowned to death *story time.

I was at a public pool at my uncle's apartment complex with my sister, my aunt and three of my uncles. Well, at one point, I got out of the pool to get a drink or something. I walked past the 10 feet deep area and my uncle ran up and threw me into the pool. Little did he know that I can't swim worth shit. So I'm in the pool, flopping all over the place and screaming for him to help me out since I can't swim. He thought I was trolling him so he just laughed at me for a while. Eventually, I went under and didn't come back up for like 5-10 seconds. I guess they realized I wasn't joking around and so they got me out. Was a pretty ridiculous experience. /story


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I try not to brag (cough) but if you ever need advice on swimming or need to learn how to I was a 2 time all-american in high school (I'm dead serious).


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
I would swim, but I don't know how to.
When I was 13, I almost drowned to death *story time.

I was at a public pool at my uncle's apartment complex with my sister, my aunt and three of my uncles. Well, at one point, I got out of the pool to get a drink or something. I walked past the 10 feet deep area and my uncle ran up and threw me into the pool. Little did he know that I can't swim worth shit. So I'm in the pool, flopping all over the place and screaming for him to help me out since I can't swim. He thought I was trolling him so he just laughed at me for a while. Eventually, I went under and didn't come back up for like 5-10 seconds. I guess they realized I wasn't joking around and so they got me out. Was a pretty ridiculous experience. /story
Don't feel bad man, I don't know how 2 swim worth a **** either and not because of a sterotype, I just don't care and feel embareessed when I do cause I'm fat which is funny cause I'm a piscis when it comes to horoscopes fish out of water.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Tyser: Lift some weighs, it well worth it when u feel the burn and the results and balance your diet cause I used to do this alot when I was pretty hardcore into sports my freshman school of high school where all I did was play football and wrestling even though I was really nerd at the same time at people gave me **** behind my back casue I play PKMN and yugioh at that time as well.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
You guys should give your thoughts on the Nebraska Brawl Power Ranking at Aura's thread.
It seems trivial to generate one but supposedly, some OoS tournies look at that for some reason and seed you based on your standing on the list -_- Stupid Brawl.
So yeah, give your thoughts because we're trying to make a starting list and then after that we'll just use tournament performances to figure out the rest.
Elitist Competitive Smash Player, out.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
LOL...this is the most WTF thread around.... Topics include: Pokemon, J-Pop, Starcraft, RPG's, Working out, Depression, General Trolling, Melee, Mega Man, BlazeBlue, etc. LOL...I might as well talk about marriage life in here, seems appropriate lol.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
LOL...this is the most WTF thread around.... Topics include: Pokemon, J-Pop, Starcraft, RPG's, Working out, Depression, General Trolling, Melee, Mega Man, BlazeBlue, etc. LOL...I might as well talk about marriage life in here, seems appropriate lol.
I'm getting married soon, how much should I spend on a ring? Lol. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Dude, there's this girl who I've been going out with for as long as I can remember.
I'm thinking about proposing to her and such but I dunno if she's gonna freak or something.
What should I do, Sekou? I need some advice from a pro.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@greddang: As little as possible. Save the money for either a rainy day or for a big wedding. Good weddings make memories that last a life time. Having a huge rock on your finger gets old, unless the girl you are marrying is into showing off all the time, then switch my advice up. This advice is just in case you were NOT joking :-D

@resTY: This one is easier than Greg's question. Don't propose to her until she practically begs for it. Just like girls often make it obvious when they don't like you, they make it obvious when they are really in love. She will hint about it, talk about it, make facebook status updates about it, so you will know when the time is right. So when you do ask her, yeah, she will freak out, but in the good way :-D ... of course your girl might be different, and if so I'll need more details. My advice pretty much applies to 75% or more of the female population. *PRO-TIP* Make sure your life is in order (good job, she knows about all your STDs (:-D jk), money saved, etc), cause if your life is clearly in disarray and she knows it, then there is a pretty high chance your proposal or the engagement period will go bust. ... I could continue but i'll stop there


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Dude, there's this girl who I've been going out with for as long as I can remember.
I'm thinking about proposing to her and such but I dunno if she's gonna freak or something.
What should I do, Sekou? I need some advice from a pro.
...Don't cut yourself on that thing bro.
I think I know another answer to my question.
Depends on how much she puts out.

Apparently Dante looked like a bitch when he was younger?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Apparently Dante looked like a bitch when he was younger?[/COLOR]
Thats not Dante, hes always had silver hair.

Unless its some weird pre-demon Dante, or probably someone being brainwashed into thinking hes Dante. But yeah I doubt that Edward Cullen dude is Dante, they just gotta redesign the game to appeal to Americans obviously.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
You guys should give your thoughts on the Nebraska Brawl Power Ranking at Aura's thread.
It seems trivial to generate one but supposedly, some OoS tournies look at that for some reason and seed you based on your standing on the list -_- Stupid Brawl.
So yeah, give your thoughts because we're trying to make a starting list and then after that we'll just use tournament performances to figure out the rest.
Elitist Competitive Smash Player, out.
*sigh* Yeah I was told the same thing and that I should also have a power ranking for Iowa but I don't know man I just never really liked rankings, it's like rankings for either a FPS or fighters some of them may actually be good or just means they play a lot and get's them up there. If anything IA should have a doubles ranking right Sekou ^.^

Apparently Dante looked like a bitch when he was younger?
0.0 this is just WHAT?!
Man they are either rebooting the series or just another game called DMC which is stupid already cause you tend to refer Devil May Cry as DMC >.<


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Apparently Dante looked like a bitch when he was younger?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

What did they do to Dante, he looks like a punk.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
apparently that has nothing to do with DMC. I mean original DMC storyline.

It nothing but a fan-game that Capcom is allowing. It does NOT connect to the current Devil May Cry series in any way, shape, or form.

but yeah, that dude looks like a punk.

when is the next weekend brawlfest? I cannot make anything that is during the week : (
I want to brawl EVERYBODY I get shy and scared when we get together sometimes and don't say anything. but next time, it's deuces with me everywhere!!! especially if I feel comfortable.
there are many instances where I'm not comfortable and therefore I don't like to attract attention.

reachbeaches. I'm very sad I got a ps3 instead of the reach bundle Dx

lolz, naah, I love my ps3. but... Reach sounds nice right about now.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 2, 2010
College Park, MD
when is the next weekend brawlfest? I cannot make anything that is during the week : (
I'm currently talking with kuares and ngamer about planning a smashfest for the weekend of the 24th, for those of us not trekking it out to nebraska for their monthly. We're kinda thinking about doing it on sunday the 26th as of right now, but I'll post details at some point in the next few days once I hear from both of them. It will probably be at Cornell College (15 mins from cedar rapids, 20 from iowa city).


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
Bad news...at least for today. The clubhouse is reserved for some famous chef of something. So unless I can find another spot, we will just have to play at Joker's house. I'll reserve it for next thursday. It is still open. I'll just drive by Joker's house around 5 today.

@Blank: Yeah I have chu-chu rocket, i have an arcade stick but it is with my little brother.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Someone bring 360 sticks and pads, tomorrow.
Tomorrow!? WHERE!? I haz a 360 controller. and by pad I assume you mean pad.. not controller. But I actually have never seen a pad in person before. I saw this one that I thought was a genesis controller with SFIV chun li on it. 'twas interesting

but yes. where? because I'd like to throw down in some Blazblue : P GAWWD Video Games Etc. had no BlazBlue!!!!! I wuz liek, WTF!!! and I refuse service to the Lindale Gamestop. dude cards me everytime. I'm going to best buy to get BB probably today.

Speaking of PSO does anyone have Phantasy Star Portable 2, if you do you should play it with me and my roommate :3
I was actually going to get it. is it in NA yet? it looks BA. I remember the XBL PSU demo dayz... lolz because of that my xbox broke. long story but yeah. that game sucked besides messing around with friends.

Bad news...at least for today. The clubhouse is reserved for some famous chef of something. So unless I can find another spot, we will just have to play at Joker's house. I'll reserve it for next thursday. It is still open. I'll just drive by Joker's house around 5 today.

@Blank: Yeah I have chu-chu rocket, i have an arcade stick but it is with my little brother.
Chef John? if not idc. lolz


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Hey Kudou. I got a question bout things.
So I've been doing Insanity + running a few miles a day and not really much happening at all.
I understand it's only been 1.5 months, but at least a little should have changed by now but it isn't.
I'm gonna go on a whim and say it's because of my diet, which consists of not dieting at all.
What are some tips you can give me? What's good and what isn't?
How many cals do you eat per day, typically?
I really wanna get into shape and look good, but things aren't looking too promising atm.
Anyone else who knows about eating right and working out and such is welcome to give their comments.
overtheunder pretty much told u the jist of what u have to do really. i did pretty much what he explained when i was goin throught insanity. i did the insanity workout first thing in the morning because when u wake up u have no calories in ur body, so high cardio right after u wake up will make ur body try to find extra energy that it doesnt have so it starts to burn off stored fat. eating small meals throughout the day will control ur blood sugar level and prevent u from goin into starvation mode. durring insanity my focus was weight/fat loss so 1500 cals a day, 300 cals meals 5 times is what i did. i got down to 8% body fat because of it. eating right and resting is just as important as the workout itself. if ur not gonna eat right, ur gonna get stronger but not look it. resting on the other hand is when ur body actually builds muscles and changes so should get atleast 7 hours of sleep per night.

right now im more focused on buidling muscles and getting bigger than getting lean. so my diet is different for p90x than during insanity. right now i eat 3 eggs in the morning with whole wheat bread. eggs for protein and bread for carbs which will give energy. for lunch i basically just eat a turkey sandwitch cause thats what's easy for me to make for work and it fits my budget. dinner is always protein, and veggie/fruit heavy. for what im doin i want to intake as much grams of protein as my weight per day. so like 150g of protein per day cause i weight about 150 lbs now. i eat what i do cause of protein timing. eggs in the moring because first thing in the morning, the period between when you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning is the longest that your body goes without food. providing much needed amino acids for muscle maintenance and rebuilding. i take my fast acting protein pre and post workout and a slower acting protein right before bed. protein pre workout primes ur body for growth with branched chain amino acids and other amino acids. protein post workout in the 30-60 min timeframe following exercies is the most important time of the day to get protein. its like the time of opperunity when all ur system r actively repairing and rebuilding. a slower active protein before bed prepares ur body for the long fast ahead before u go to sleep. when its a slower acting protein, it get digested at a much slower rate releasing its amino acid constituents over several hours throughout the night while you sleep. it really helps protect against muscle breakdown and helps rebuild muscles when ur alseep because that is when u start to build muscles. well but this is just what i do for my workout, so yeah its pretty indepth
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