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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I knew there'd be some kind of loop with that charge shot that didn't involve 214 command dash/baroque. The double charge shot ground loop might only work on Tekkaman like a lot of combos though. Same with the 6A > 5A in the corner. The relaunch is probably that double 623, the low trajectory must be why it works.

The jC > 236A > jA comboing was funny. 236A must end really fast lol.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
I got a call to sub, so I'll already be half way to Joker's. At this point I will probably venture down to that neck of the woods, and it will prolly be at around 5 or so.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
I knew there'd be some kind of loop with that charge shot that didn't involve backwards hadouken command dash/baroque. The double charge shot ground loop might only work on Tekkaman like a lot of combos though. Same with the foward A > netural A in the corner. The relaunch is probably that double shoryuken, the low trajectory must be why it works.

The jC > hadouken A > jA comboing was funny. hadouken A must end really fast lol.
fixed sir. according to Hurricane, we dont specify moves by numbers. its either hadouken or shoryuken \(^o^)/

Hey Schism, do you know what day we're leaving for Sherman's?
yeah about that, i just found out today that im scheduled to work saturday night. so uhhhhh, can make it again. im sad now ;_;

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I don't think zero has a 6a unless you just mean holding forward before you press it. Also vids for TVC are up for anyone that didn't know yet:

Its probably his 6B considering Zero is charging. Basically his purple dashing normal.

He spaced Tekkaman just slightly above it, and then continued to combo him afterwards. Usually it doesn't work without a charge shot, but maybe Tekkaman just falls into it.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Done >.<

I knew there'd be some kind of loop with that charge shot that didn't involve 214 command dash/baroque. The double charge shot ground loop might only work on Tekkaman like a lot of combos though. Same with the 6A > 5A in the corner. The relaunch is probably that double 623, the low trajectory must be why it works.

The jC > 236A > jA comboing was funny. 236A must end really fast lol.
fixed sir. according to Hurricane, we dont specify moves by numbers. its either hadouken or shoryuken \(^o^)/
lol that's something he would say and I totally agree I didn't know what the fack Blank was talking about don't need to be all fansy and **** keep it simple hadouken or shoryuken <(^.^<)

yeah about that, i just found out today that im scheduled to work saturday night. so uhhhhh, can make it again. im sad now ;_;
This just sucks Kudou never gets to go OoS T.T
We could have team you where the choosen one >.<

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Numbers are so much easier and efficient for me. I don't understand how people can just say QCF or hadouken, I try and it just feels awkward. Too much effort.

None of my chars have long ground loops or fancy relaunches yet, they got cheated out of the jB loops and both their assists are terrible for extending ground bnbs for the most part. Maybe I should pick up chars that are more flash.

People still play Tekken Tag? Lulz.

I'm bringing Bloody Roar, Gotcha Force and Kirby's Air Ride to Sherman's. Love, bring Mario Party!?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Oh and I'm bringing Mario & Sonic at winter olympics. Y'all gun get schooled, never even played the game.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Iowa melee power rankings!?!?!

1. Jbm - owns everyone's faces
2. Bolt - crazy cheap
3. Matt - crazy weird samus, has the ability to attract mad hype.
Since Bolt brought it to the Nebraska Thread, I thought it'd be interesting to give my Melee Ranks for Iowa:

1. JBM
- He's better than everyone by a couple dozen country miles, 'nough said.

2. Bolt
- He's nowhere near as good as JBM but he ain't bad.
- Despite his rustiness, he gets the job done and puts in work.
- He plays Sheik really simple but efficient.
- Has a lota bad habits that people don't capitalize on; mindgames?

3. Joker
- Despite his lack of Melee, he's still the best player in Des Moines, IMO.
- He understands the game pretty well.
- He has decent spacing considering how often he doesn't play.
- He has a lot of potential to be ridiculously good in Melee.

4. Captain Love
- Despite many bad habits, he gets the job done, sometimes.
- Plays a pretty campy Sheik, which is pretty efficient.
- Lacks execution and spacing but is still better than the others in Iowa.
- If he could control his character better, he can be pretty decent.

5. Schism
- Too one dimensional of a player to be higher on the ranks.
- His simple strategy gets the job done, which is good, but needs to learn mix ups.
- Too dependent on Down Smashes which gets him killed a lot.
- If he learned a little tech skill, he could be really really good.

6. V2K
7. Mushroomring
8. Kudou
9. BC
10. Blank

Yup, that's how it is folks.
If you don't like it, too bad because I'm not gonna edit this post.
Just my insight on the Melee scene and how I think y'all are whatevered because I'm bored.
Y'all should get some Brawl Power Rankings happening XD.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Des Moines Melee Rankings:

1. Bone - Owned Tyser with Ganon.
2. Greg - Plays Sheik.
3. Kudou - Spectre fanboy.
4. Joker - Spins like a pro.
5. Schism - Spins like a Peach.
6. Nova - Didn't make it on Tyser's rankings.
7. Blank - Kid doesn't deserve to be ranked.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I demand a re-do tyser. You forgot Bone, i hardly think blank is at the bottom. I think BC probably is, and V2K doesn't even play anymore...

Idk after me and JBM it gets fuzzy. JBM what's your opinion?


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
I demand a re-do tyser. You forgot Bone, i hardly think blank is at the bottom. I think BC probably is, and V2K doesn't even play anymore...
Bone is not among Top 10 in my book.
Remember that this is my input.
The reason I place BC so high is because when he does show up, he ***** the shit out of folk with his crazy nub ass style lol.
Blank is getting better but hasn't proven himself as a better player than the people above him.
If V2K came to a tournament and played, he'd be better than the people below him on the ranks.
If you really want to exclude him though, move everyone below him up one spot and put Bone as #10.

Zash will play anyone for the top melee spot. He has been nerding melee recently and says he is entering the next tourney for it.
Intriguing; Iowa bringing it back?

This makes me want to play more hell since the tourney all I have been playing is Melee in matter of fact expect me to play a bunch of Melee at sherman's oh and TvC ^.^
This almost brought a tear to my eye.
Joker, I knew you were mah boi.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
The Iowa Brawl scene needs to have the same love and dedication that Sanford Kelly has for the East Coast in SF4 and MvC2.


I like what he said. Help people out, play them and share info. Everyone here does this and I respect that, a lot. Once we finally get some dang technical skill here in Iowa, I have no doubt we will wreck. I say this, in brawl, Iowa has plenty of knowledge, but not a drop of consistent REAL tech skill. I'm talking Zeton and Mara type tech skill. Joker is the closest thing we got to tech skill, with Zash, Blank, after him....we got to step our game up and hard, cause EVERYONE else around us have rediculous tech skill and movement. We have plenty of mindgames and that gets us HELLA far in brawl but sometimes in the words of Tyser..."If we could control our characters better" we would wreck...like seriously. Just a little motivation from ya'll Smash Grandpa :)


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
This dood talks about brawl tech skill and leaves me out...
Oh besides teching stuff, i got nuffin. School jonz on that part.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
Idk with iowa lol

Joker, then blank, then love.

Scism i read like a book, so i mean if i didn't i'd say he's pretty good. Scism you know i do man no hate :)


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Incase y'all are wondering what I based my rankings off of, it is about how well these guys play against everyone.

JBM ***** everyone and doesn't leave no remains.
Bolt destroys everyone in Des Moines and Ames and that general area of Iowa.
Joker does well against higher level players than other Iowans.
Love and Schism are honestly pretty even in my book. I give Love the benefit of the doubt because he seems like he's getting better and Schism seems like he's hit a wall.

Everyone else after this is a little sketchy:

Matt does really well against you Iowans for some reason and deserves this spot IMO.
Kudou is getting really technical but needs to get faster and learn to execute better. I dunno his status among Iowa.
Blank plays a more technical Peach than Schism and is, in a sense, more efficient in some eyes but he lacks a lot of experience and doesn't know match-ups. If this kid gets more experience, he can be great.
Bone makes his intentions really obvious. If he could learn mix ups and play the game more seriously, he has potential to be a formidable player.

More whatevers about rankings.
No more school means more boards for Tyser XD.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
This dood talks about brawl tech skill and leaves me out...
Oh besides teching stuff, i got nuffin. School jonz on that part.
I'm talking about technical skill period :)...hahaha....and as much respect i have for you bolt....you have only been playing the game for 5 minutes. Hahahaha...you aren't on the score board yet :)


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
Des Moines Melee Rankings:

1. Bone - Owned Tyser with Ganon.
2. Greg - Plays Sheik.
3. Kudou - Spectre fanboy.
4. Joker - Spins like a pro.
5. Schism - Spins like a Peach.
6. Nova - Didn't make it on Tyser's rankings.
7. Blank - Kid doesn't deserve to be ranked.
Well thank you blank for remembering me

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Well thank you blank for remembering me
You'd probably be higher but I don't get to play you much. Only in doubles really. =\

Iowa may just start playing more Melee nowadays though. Seems that way.

Sanford Kelly is the only reason I want to play or even watch MvC2 at Evo at all. His Cable shenanigans are the best.

I think Iowa has tech skill, Brawl just doesn't need it. I will say most of us are inconsistent though.

Joker we must play TvC and stuff. Glad you like the game. <3


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Y'all should get some Brawl Power Rankings happening XD.
I don't think we could even do a ranking beyond top three lol.
Well pretty much any "tech skill" in Brawl is character dependent, and honestly no one here really has a problem with that. We just lack matchup experience other than with each other, and matchup experience is like 80% of playing Brawllolol. We're also crazy inconsistent.

Idk with iowa lol

Joker, then blank, then love.

Scism i read like a book, so i mean if i didn't i'd say he's pretty good. Scism you know i do man no hate :)
My tech skill is slightly better in Melee now, and I've changed some stuff. Except for doubles. I still just dsmash because it works until people figure it out lolol.
Iowa may just start playing more Melee nowadays though. Seems that way.

Sanford Kelly is the only reason I want to play or even watch MvC2 at Evo at all. His Cable shenanigans are the best.

I think Iowa has tech skill, Brawl just doesn't need it. I will say most of us are inconsistent though.

Joker we must play TvC and stuff. Glad you like the game. <3
I played TvC for a bit today, Online was horrible. I did manage to get the last hit with Doronjo's taunt in 4 matches though. Too good.
Also I know some Alex combos now. He's so awkward.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Yeah man, lunge > air grab and hitconfirm double charge moves? Though he can wavedash to continue combos too which is pretty hawt. I'd play Alex if I could 360.

Just start up that Frank infinite, its the easiest thing in the game lol. 3C > command grab > 5A repeat. It starts off just about anything, including anti-airs, and goes mid-screen. And that is why Capcom shoulda made launchers hitstun scale at some kind of rate lulz.

I know most of you don't click on links and such. But i absolutely encourage you to watch this. Most epic thing ever.

Best Automatic Mario I've ever seen. I wonder why JP likes Queen. By Freddie Mercury they really meant Sol Badguy. :3
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