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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
There are three of us coming up from MO for this, and then ffc in omaha. Any good places for us to stay Saturday night?
I don't think Winona is staying again but, there should be room for you guys, how many, also if u do want to stay the night make sure you bring blankets and pillows.

Reminder guys, Don't park next to a mailbox, you should be fine a block down or so, and leave the far right side of my parking lot open for the people who live here can park, C.Love bring your TV if you can, Skizm too, and can either of you print a couple of the Stage list with rules and stuff, cause of the whole striking system and stuff, I'll still explain it on the Tourney, but it be nice to have it anyways. Oh and kudou mang you better bring KOF98 UL or I'll be a sad Panda.

So yeah guys Tourney starts at 1:00 PM, being Brawl Doubles, and Melee. We're taking a break in between for food, there's like a QT and a BK down the block, and yeah guys give a call to Skizm when ur going to be late, so we can add you to the bracket then pay when you guys get here.

OK guys till then.

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
So yea looks like Joker would be able to house u guys. :)

can ne1 see my new avatar?
Uhh... sadly i cant... :ohwell:

I don't think Winona is staying again but, there should be room for you guys, how many, also if u do want to stay the night make sure you bring blankets and pillows.

Reminder guys, Don't park next to a mailbox, you should be fine a block down or so, and leave the far right side of my parking lot open for the people who live here can park, C.Love bring your TV if you can, Skizm too, and can either of you print a couple of the Stage list with rules and stuff, cause of the whole striking system and stuff, I'll still explain it on the Tourney, but it be nice to have it anyways. Oh and kudou mang you better bring KOF98 UL or I'll be a sad Panda.

So yeah guys Tourney starts at 1:00 PM, being Brawl Doubles, and Melee. We're taking a break in between for food, there's like a QT and a BK down the block, and yeah guys give a call to Skizm when ur going to be late, so we can add you to the bracket then pay when you guys get here.

OK guys till then.
I think they said they are bringing up 3 people.

Also, I'll help u out with explaining the striking rule to peeps. ;)


JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
Good games folks in melee.

i gotta give a shout out for my crew because of all the support they gave me.

MN you guys brought your game and you guys were good i didn't expect anything less of you. I apologize if you didn't like the way in which i was trash talking to you guys it was in no way hateful towards you at all.

chexr your game and watch scared the **** out of me lol.
seanson your yoshi is quite intimidating.
james sparrow your falco is unorthodox but plays really smart
flux i didn't get the chance to see you play.
superdoodleman your peach was very good, i think my favorite match against you was on brinstar.

tyser thank you for the ride.

Joker i don't know if i got it across well enough but i really really appreciate you holding these monthlies they are alot of fun.

i think the date that we should have for the next monthly is the week before the 18 so would that be the 11th?

once again, GG folks

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
Good games folks in melee.

i gotta give a shout out for my crew because of all the support they gave me.

MN you guys brought your game and you guys were good i didn't expect anything less of you. I apologize if you didn't like the way in which i was trash talking to you guys it was in no way hateful towards you at all.

chexr your game and watch scared the **** out of me lol.
seanson your yoshi is quite intimidating.
james sparrow your falco is unorthodox but plays really smart
flux i didn't get the chance to see you play.
superdoodleman your peach was very good, i think my favorite match against you was on brinstar.

tyser thank you for the ride.

Joker i don't know if i got it across well enough but i really really appreciate you holding these monthlies they are alot of fun.

i think the date that we should have for the next monthly is the week before the 18 so would that be the 11th?

once again, GG folks
Oh thanks for my own little special shoutout... :mad:
Wutever tho.. i got my $1 from u anyways. :laugh:

The 11th? Thats less than 2 weeks away!
Lol... yea i know we cant have it during event 52 tho... Hmm.. idk the 11th just seems too soon.

Would still prob work for me, but idk about others. Thoughts?



Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
good games, i got pooped on early in singles but thats ok, by the time the next tourney rolls around olimar will be up to par, and it was fun playin melee again, i think im gonna get that game back and practice my *** off, i think im gonna enter the next melee tourney.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
GG everyone
MN is too good

idk if i want to go to the next one due to event 52
das a lot of money to spend in a month :O


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Tourney Results.

Well guys yesterday was fun as hell, MN guys thanks for coming down and i hope the housing was OK.

Uli good **** on Melee, Sparrow I'm sorry for keep doing the whole Kizzu thing on you, but since I don't play Melee as much that's the only thing it really stuck with me.

Yoshimi our matches were so close down the line, Skizm couldn't choose a better Teammate

Tacoom man Pokemon was crazy, same goes for Mushroomring and Bonehimer, next time we have to figure out how to do teams of 2v2.

C.Love thanks for always bringing the Evo set up, I always enjoy playing those games.

Kudou you made my day bringing KOF98 UL, that's the best KOF ever since it includes Chars from 96, now you have to unlock Goenitz for me.

Razor and Jlo, you guys only beat us once in the Double Ike so Prepare Yourself, also we didn't got around doing the Razor Challenge, cause some one had to go home(Jlo :3)

Tyser we still didn't play our money match, but all in do time.

Blank man we didn't got around playing some GGX.

JBM, Congrats on winning Melee.

By the way Smeesh, Blank, you guys took the paddles with you, is fine, I just need to know so I don't have to look for them.

Well, Tourney was done around 12ish, I look around and it seem everyone was starting to pack up, I wanted to do Crews but I think people just wanted to go home since they had to drive for around 2 or 4 hours so yeah, so maybe we can do it next time.

Well that was my shout outs, again GG everyone. Oh and the results are on the First page, I'm working on the vids, so they will be up some time soon.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Actually I left the controller there, on top the table next to the bunk bed I think. I'm positive I didn't take it with me at least. Hope you find it, sorry should have given it to you before I left.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
JBM - I never got to play you 'cause you were too busy winning the Melee tournament and by the time that was over I was done for the night :p

Watched ya though and good **** O.o guess we can play at Kansas, there should be plenty of time lol.

Edit: Joker would it be possible for you to post the brackets for the events?


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
Awesome tourney for one that was being held in a basement! It had enough room to fit MN, IA, NE, and Missouri.


Blank - Thanks for being my partner and owning it up. Too bad we couldn't beat Joker/Skizm's team once more to make it to grand finals. I'll take the blame for the lost. Good job placing at both brawl events.

Joker - Great tournament, only complaint was we couldn't fit in crews. Next time, we should be allowed to play our matches rather than waiting for the round to be done. However, by doing this, a lot of people got friendlies in. Amazing comeback in brawl teams, you guys lost your first match (to us :D) and came ALL the way back from losers bracket to win it all.

Skizm - You + Joker = amazing team work. You guys routed out 3.5 MN crews in a row to win doubles. It was fun playing friendlies with you.

BC - You're a cool person, your diddy was hard/annoying as hell to beat. bananas = top tier. Too bad you got beat by the same person in 2 consective monthlies. I heard it was extremely close though.

CBK - LOL @ noises/expressions/the excitement while you're playing. You're really into it when you're playing, even when it's friendlies. I like that.

Andy - Nice wario, he moves way too weird so I couldn't handle him with my Ness. I think I would of had a better shot at winning if I used DK in our third match.

Missouri - It was funny when we had to ask you guys to move your car so we could go out and eat. No one knew who you guys were so we had people yelling across the room asking for Missouri.

Kit - Nice fox, we had some close tourney matches that could of went either way.

GW player - It was nice to warmup against you and your partner for doubles. I don't remember your name, but you guys played double jiggz.

Nebraska - good luck in FCC, tell SD I said hi.

Tyser - Had fun MMing with you. You slowly caught on to how I was playing and you probably would of won the MM had you won the IC match. I really thought you'd be some jerk, but you were an awesome person. I guess being an e-thug is just for show. When you come down to MN for soccer again (wttttf? who does that?) be sure to hit me up so we can get some pwnage boba tea.

Smeesh - I didn't get to play you at all, but you were funny to talk to. I don't know if it was your personality or you were a little "dizzy" ;), but it was fun to talk to you since you rambled about the most random stuff in the world. And wtf is a pole doing in Joker's basement? Actually, the better question is, why the **** were you dancing on it?!

Minnesota - Thanks for coming with me to this. It was an awesome trip for my first OoS expereince. Many funny moments I won't forget. Next time we go OoS, we're fitting 11 people in my van and chexr gets the trunk!

Deepak - And the winless streak against you in tourny matches continues. Thanks for uhh... helping me fill up gas. We don't have gas pumps like that in Minnesota! Good luck comforting that girl who called you at 2am at night.

Yoshii - That must hurt, the last game of the last set in brawl doubles. I truly thought you guys would of won 1st after beating us and Chexr/Cake. Oh well though, 2nd isn't too bad. Considering you got paid decently.

Sparrow - I'm glad you went, even though you didn't place, you got 4th in brawl/melee singles. That's pretty legit. It was fun to have you in the car since you said funny ****. My favorite was when Apologize was on and you kept making the moaning noise. I seriously thought it was part of the song.

SDM - Thanks for picking up everyone. Considering how long it took me just to pick up and drop off Flux. I probably wouldn't be home til like 8 in the morning if I had to drop off everyone else.

Chex Mix - toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. (and funny for randomly taking picture of people on your cellphone)

Cake - Finally got to meet you. Didn't get to play you that much since you were mostly around the melee area


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
First and foremost, I appreciate Andy and BC and everyone else that gave me advice on how to play half of these characters/people. You guys helped me out a bunch cause I don't get to play this game as much as I would like. I fight against the CPU more than I would like to admit. I'll stop with that, I don't want ya'll thinking I'm throwing out excuses. That said, Blank, Chex Mix and whoever else, don't try that multi-jump character trash again. It won't fly, and it almost didn't fly in both of your cases (i.e. It is safe to read that as I can beat ya'll :) ). I will admit though, if I want to get better I might need to make some trips to MN. To all the Iowa people, can we figure out something (read as: get a consistent time where we can get together and play) so random people from other states don't come here, beat us down and take our money? :) I happen to respect the players here in Iowa, and there is no real reason why we shouldn't be collecting ALL checks from these guys and not the other way around. ...just a thought...


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Who is up for some razor challenges this week? I didn't get to do them at the tourney do to a certain friend of mine that shall remain nameless....

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
Neomagic - Haha.. yea nannerz are pretty good i gotta say ;) Was nice mettin you and hella fun playin ur ness :laugh: Hope to see u again at the next monthly

PortCity - Hey man no problem... Guess u shoulda went MK on battlefield tho huh? Sry bout that... I think u may have been able to do it to. Your MK is pretty good :)

Tyser - Rofl... That monthly didnt really seem to go too well for ya.. Heh... Sry bout them MMs and all to >.<



Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska

Love/Kudo/Schism - Dude the restaurant was too good. We should fire it up again, this time we should kreep one that has Mocha/Coconut bubble tea. I didnt get to play you guys in singles either :-(. Next time mah ****.

Joker/Bone - Thanks for hosting the tournament as usual. Always fun playing down there and it was nice to hold the tournament for our one hour long lunch :p. Didnt get to play you guys in singles either, but next time maybe.

BC (half breed) - Im not playing Pikachu vs. Diddy anymore. You're nerdy. Good games though, they were interesting.

CBK/Razor - Didnt get to play you but good seeing ya there.

JLO - We finally played. Good games bro.

Andy - Our games were close. It was fun.

PortCity - Cool meetin ya man. Our games were pretty intense.

Blank - We didnt get to play at all :'(. Perhaps next time. Gratz on 3rd in Brawl (I think you got 3rd right?). Youre too damn good bro.

NeoMagic - Cool meetin you finally. Illest and first Ness Ive ever played. Ill give you a call if Im ever in MN to fire up some games.

Chexr - I didnt talk to you much this time around o.O but good shit on winning Brawl singles and Melee teams. Hopefully we get to play at least a friendly or something next time we're in the same building.

Flux - Had some fun matches with you in Brawl and Melee teams. Maybe we can fire up some 1v1 Melee at KC :p.

Sparrow - Didnt talk to you much this time around either :'(. Was hoping to play you in Melee but you seemed kinda busy the entire time. Maybe at KC :D.

SDM - Make another AR video man. They're the illest. Good meeting you also.

Jordan - Good games bro. They were close O.o. Good meeting you also.

Kit - You pooped on me at FFC :'(. Who does that? JK, but it was good meeting you.

Other MO kid (Im sorry, I forgot your name and I feel like a jerk) - Had fun playing friendlies and shit with you.

Smeesh - Hey borsch. The drive was more fun with you there and so was the tournament. Good shit.

Echo - Shoulda just went with us man. Being scared of MN smashers isnt a good john.

Yosh - Your alarm on your phone is the realest deal in the nation.

Uli - I better get that job at BK because if I dont Im going to assassinate everyone that went to Joker's tournament.

JBM - You won Melee singles. WOOT! You better fire up Brawl singles next time.

Matt - Hope you had fun man. Your first OOS tournament! ZOMG!

Anyone I forgot (Sorry) - Good shit you donk.

Dedede - Youre not as good as you used to be so Im dumping you for Meta Knight.

Diddy Kong - Youre a stupid char who throws bananas like a newb. GTFO newb!

If I dont win the next tournament, consider everyone who has ever been to any of Joker's monthlies, dead men.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Great games everyone, I had a pretty good time. I really don't remember who all I played but whatever.
Joker- We *****.
Blank- I still need to play you in friendlies sometime.
Cock Butt Kock (CKB)- Diddy is a ***. Play more Pikachu.
Razor- We still need to MM. :laugh:

JBM- Good **** dude. You are indeed Perfect Cell.
Yulai- Melee friendlies were way too good.
Tyser- You're a nerd.
Matt- I don't think I even played a match of anything with you. :ohwell:
Vietnamese Restaurant- You were delicious.

MN People- It was awesome that you guys could come down.
NeoMagic- Friendlies were too good, and you and Blank gave us a tough battle in teams.
Team Yoshiimi- Good games in doubles guys, it was too good.
Seanson- I'm terrible at melee. Way to **** me with Yoshi. :ohwell:
Chexr- I believe I only got the chance to play you in Brawl doubles, but good **** in melee and brawl singles.

Missouri guys- You guys are too cool. Friendlies were pretty sweet as well even though I was tired as hell at the time.:laugh:

Also, if any games are happening this week I'd be happy to show up wherever.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2007
Kirksville, MO
This is Jordan, one of the Missouri guys (the G&W whose tag was &Cash).

I really need to thank Joker for hosting a really cool tournament and for putting us up for the night (I suppose a thanks to Bone is also in order for that). So, thanks a lot, we are very grateful.

Played a lot of fun friendlies with BC, Matt, a guy who played Falco and Kirby (maybe Deepak) and some others but I can't remember his name (sorry), a guy whose tag was **** (I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it was his real name), and a bunch of team games with various people that didn't take Hurricane Ike (double Jiggz) too seriously. Next time maybe we'll have figured out how to play as Jiggly Puff and you'll all be in trouble.

People I played in singles:
Smeesh: Next time Peach and G&W are together they will bond due to their shared interest in frying pans and things that make them float (umbrellas and parachutes) instead of you beating me.

Cake: Good Luigi, close match.

Joker: Again, thanks for putting us up and for hosting the tournament. I really enjoyed playing your Snake (even when you three stocked me). Also, you and Skizm embarrassed us in doubles.

Tyser: After you told me that I wasn't allowed to sleep anywhere in Des Moines I was prepared to hate you but you turned out to be a pretty cool guy. Sorry I beat you, but I guess you got your revenge today at FFC. :(

Razor: You seemed like a pretty cool guy, it was nice meeting and playing you. Good match, maybe next month we can have a Razor challenge.

Sparrow: ZSS is too good, you were the only person who beat me on Rainbow Cruise all weekend and I'll look forward to playing you next time.

Other people:

Greg: Human GPS, thanks for the directions we made it to IHOP perfectly.

Skizm: Nice meeting you, stop playing doubles so well.

Andy: Nice meeting and talking to you (I don't know if we played ever). I'm looking forward to this tournament you mentioned where there will be a bar. Keep me updated.

Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone, but there was a lot of people so whatever. It was cool meeting everyone and hanging out, this was my first tournament so I had a really good time.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
now i wanna see some vids ><, i can't believe i lost to a ness in singles lol, after like the first 3 tourneys and all i ever played was peach/ness and this neomagic comes outta nowhere and spanks me lol, maybe i shoulda played peach, but oh well no johns. hella ness you got there man, im lookin forward to round 2, oh and next time joker, bowsers revenge, snake better watch his ***.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Des Moines, IA
I am bad at shoutouts so all I am gonna say is that I love gold. I purchase registered gold bars and bury them in a property I have so I am immune to economic failure and also because I love burying gold.

I put on a pirate hat and dig the hole with an old shovel, it is my wealth and treasure. If you want it, I'll let you have it. Look for it, I left it all in one piece.


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2004
Thanks for housing joker. I enjoyed playing melee again and gettin destroyed by JBM. Been a couple months since thats happened. Feels good man. Hope we can come down for others

ps. Iowa highways are pro, though probably because no one drives on them.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Time for my shout-outs!

First and foremost, I feel as though Razor let most people down this last tourney, and I am saying right now that won't happen at the next tourney.

Joker - You rock. Not only for housing the tourney, but just for being a cool guy (and your smash ability adds to the coolness.) But keep in mind that me and Jlo did some pwning of u and luger's ditto teams this time :) And someday in the near future whenever you have time lets do that Razor Challenge.

Schism - Didn't play you at this last tourney despite the fact that we were supposed to do both a Razor Challenge and a G&W ditto. U and Joker figure out a day that works for both of you and I'll come down to do those.

Tyser - Didn't get to play you either at this last tourney, which for me was very disappointing. We need to Razor Challenge as well so get ready for that. And now that mk is gonna be your main....I guess I will have to challenge that s_hit as well in a ditto! (I know you hate them but let me know if you are interested.)

CBK - Didn't get to play you either....this is starting to sound repetitive.... Man no disrespect but bring back Pikachu. I respected you and your Pikachu ability, but Diddy....I won't respect another diddy. Lets plan a time with to play at Jlo's soon. And remember my pokemon trainer is at a much higher level so work on that....

BC - Not going to lie, I'm kind of glad I didn't have to wrestle with that diddy of yours. Lets play at Jlo's soon, I need exposure to him if I'm gonna learn the perfect counter for him.

Andy - It was good playing with you bro at this last tourney. I wanna come train with you and Sekou any chance I get between now and the next tourney so keep me updated. And next time we play I'm giving you all I got. Razor challenge next time we meet?

Sekou - We didn't get a chance to play either. I wanna shot at that diddy and mk of yours. We haven't ever played singles so I'm curious to see how I fair against you. You and Andy need to set up times when you can both play and I'm come a runnin.

Mushrooming (Matt) and Uli - those teams were fun as **** at the end of the tourney. It was good meeting you matt and Uli its always a pleasure. We need to do some more of that next time we meet.

&Cash / Jordan - Impressive G&W man. You best be at the next tourney. I want a chance at redemption. Not using this as an excuse but I wasn't at my best this last tourney so be prepared.

Chexr - Thanks for playin some friendlies with me at the end of the tourney. I'm gonna give that wolf and kirby a run for their first place brawl singles money next time we meet, which hopefully will be at the next tourney.

Blank, Smeesh, Sparrow - Didn't really talk to or play any of you at this last tourney. I want to remedy that next tourney. Whether that means running into you in the tourney, friendlies or mm's I want to play all of you.

JBM - You are a character....I will leave it at that. If you change your mind about a brawl mm let me know. Also are we doing your worst melee character vs my best at the next tourney cause I think we should :)

Well that about takes care of what I wanted to say, I'm sure I am forgetting to shout-out to a few people but you'll have that. See you all at the next tourney.

I'm up for any Razor Challenge as well, let me know!


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
I'm Andrew (Cook was my tag), the Missouri fella that no one remembers :( (probably because I did real bad (no johns) and didn't talk much). Anyway, I should probably do some shoutouts, too.

Joker: Thanks for putting on the tournament and being a really patient, nice dude (same goes for Bone). And for having a million blankets for us use so that sleeping on concrete wasn't as bad as it sounds. And for three-stocking Jordan.

Skizm: I had a lot of fun with our friendlies. The double spike with Ike and Samus was hilarious.

SDM: It was really great meeting you and playing against your ROB. I just watched Perfect Control again today: still good.

Razor: I didn't really talk to you much, but after hearing about the Razor challenge I really wanna do one with you sometime. We'll probably start doing them here now, because it sounds badass.

Sparrow: You ***** my Olimar and made me feel bad. :(. Seriously, though, I did not realize Zamus could be so amazing. I hope I get to play you again and not suck (no johns).

Andy: You farted on my Olimar. Or at least your Wario did. Good matches, man. I need to stop trying to hit Wario when he has super armor, because it turns out that it doesn't work. I hope I get to play you again. Oh, and you do definitely have to let us know about that Ames tournament. It better be called Super Smashed Bros.

Smeesh: You're crazy. Peach should not be able to be good.

Tyser: I really enjoyed our friendlies, even if you did destroy me. Your matches with Jordan were the tensest I saw.

Guy Whose Name I Don't Remember, But Said That it Was Better to Just Kill Yourself and Only Fight While You Have Invincibility: First of all, sorry for not remembering your name. I suck (no johns). Second of all, it was great talking to you, and our friendlies were some of the most fun I had. Sorry I lied when I said I was going to kill you with a knee and ended up using a smash attack. Mindgames, son.

Yoshii: Nobody around here plays Metaknight, so it was nice being able to play one. Whorenado sucks, though.

Kit and Jordan: Thanks for the bro trip.

If I forgot anyone it's probably because you're way too cool for me to mention. This was my first real tourney and it was a great experience. Next time I'm hoping to not suck (no johns).
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