Kaila, what you're not understanding is that the entire purpose of my bold offer wasn't to get you into my carpool, but to give you leverage for forcing the people in your carpool to contribute in some way since you're being offered a much cheaper option. Be a little smarter in terms of looking out for yourself and stand up for yourself a bit more; just explain to them that your offer wasn't that smart and that you can't really afford paying for all of them.
Yeah dawg, I should have to contribute money AND 24 hours of driving + potential harm to my car! Good plan, chap.
Small contribution wouldn't be bad, though. Baby Z, how much you wanna donate to this pot?
It is. Your financial situation is much better than hers and she is supposedly a friend of yours so you should want to be nice. You should contribute fairly to the trip, and you're not the only one in the car with a license, so you don't have to do all of the driving. Wear and tear is easily made up for with the formula I provided.
Small contribution would be cool. Making her pay for all of you is crazy and greedy and I can't believe all of you were okay with it and going to do it. If you went through with it without a second thought, regardless of her offering, I probably would have stopped talking to you people since you're showing your true colors imo.
Inui of all people to be *****ing about cash whenever I drove you I got gipped on gas money FROM you (and Atomsk)
Of ALL people in this community that has been generous to driving people around and that is me. I don't charge much at all.
My generosity is extended towards those either truly in need, good friends of mine, or both, and you are neither. Sorry?
Don't compare my generosity to yours. I bet I've given more to my sister's family in TX than you've given to everyone combined in your whole life, lol.
And Inui, if you didn't notice, if someone offers you something and you refuse, it is also insulting to not accept it as "it is not a worthy gift" or something along those lines.
She made that offer in order to guarantee a ride, not to be some saint giving a nice gift to some ungrateful kids.
Also with carspace...Me+Atomsk+NinjaLink+Ally in 1 car to MD/VA was already packed like sardines with bags and luggage, like uncomfortable. You guys really have to think about bags and stuff and TV's when going to trips like this
My car is bigger than yours. My trunk is massive. The back seat is several inches larger in all areas than most cars. Do I have to post the descriptions again?
Yup, pretty much. You even complained about last weekend when I contributed for half of the trip myself. I offered and can afford it...but Kaila is not as fortunate as I. Try to be considerate of her situation.