I'm Ranmaru. Originally I was Sumo_066, and then Orthopedics, and now this. I still don't like my name, and I may want to change it to Poison IV.
I'm an aspiring doc, but I don't learn quickly I guess. I practice very hard, and I play very hard. I play with my friends No Cash, Aicila (my Girlfriend), Vorosh, and temple friends often (Bnnza, Canismash, and others).
My Doc is getting better. I went to rom3, with Nocash and Aicila, and Shyguy. Didn't do well, I only got one match.
I am still working on getting out of pools, or getting a better placing in a tournament. So I can't really say I have anything special about me, but I'm working on it.
I may be annoying/silly on the boards, and loud in person. Oh well. ;P
and YES, I'm going to read your intros, I want you guys to read mine. : ]
I am good, just not good enough to get out of pools yet. I WILL GET BETTER. That, I am sure of.