pro tip: objectively, fox wins all matchups 100-0 on perfect level. Saying that anyone wins over him is basically saying that a good X wins over a bad fox.
some points:
Marth should always have to approach, if you even get into the situation of overshooting and dd game instead of him countering your approaches then hes playing it wrong.
You forgot to mention that shine wins over grab, and running shine needs prediction to be punished.
Why would he need to go into full run to approach? he can just do quick dash turns to keep him able to turn around. He can also WD/Shield/jump etc.
Marth cannot deal with good platform camping (shield drop abuse + mango v taj style drops annihilate him)
Marth cannot kill him reliably (esp if he platform camps) while fox kills him at 70.
Fox is at an advantage when he is on the edge because of his broken wd with invincibility and safe stall which means marth cannot corner him.
oh and you cannot cc in a dash dance and his nair is safe on cc over 25% and asdi "cc" is moreor less only useable vs his dash attack and jab (add this to grab,shine and dair beating any cc).
cba writing more, mm at apex niko ;D
disagree with statement 3, shine wins over grab...learn to space grab properly
disagree with statement 5; imo marths get wrecked by platform camping when they try to approach too's funny on the ground they take the time to dashdance, but when fox is all over the platforms they just go in like idiots.
disagree with statement on platforms is a combo video..i'm kind of amazed you can even make that kind of statement.
agree with this:
Fox is at an advantage when he is on the edge because of his broken wd with invincibility and safe stall which means marth cannot corner him.
fox has an easier time getting back than marth.
but my practice partner is practicing wd on lately....and honestly punishing it is not that hard unless they start queueing rolls out of just hard predict it...sure it weakens your coverage of other stuff fox can do to get on stage..but the other stuff isn't that scary....spacing for a hard predict waveland on also gives you the space you need to destroy phantasm on stage on reaction...
so the options that will win assuming you cover the waveland on in place properly are stand on or waveland the platform....both of which can be pressured even after hard predicting and adjusting your spacing for the waveland on.
disagree highly with this statement
his nair is safe on cc over 25%
this highly depends on where the nair hits and how the marth is DIing. If your statement were actually true, armada would have a hell of a time dealing with foxes..but the reality is even though a shine may get out after a nair...guaranteeing the spacing where the shine will actually be in range is not nearly so easy.