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I'm trying.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Now I realise that sometimes I don't think before before I speak. I say some disrespectful and seemingly harsh things. A lot of the time I don't mean them in the way that they're recieved and I realise it's my fault. I'm making this thread to both apologise to everyone I've insulted or hurt in the past and to make this emotionally important to me. If I didn't open up about it, things wouldn't change and as people can clearly see "I" won't change.

Don't get me wrong either, I'm not falling back on the incredibly overused excuse of "I was just joking" or "I was just mucking around". Sometimes this is the case, but I'm not moronic enough to not realise that I do say things out of anger or frustration. I just want people to know I'm trying to fix things, it's not only impacting on my life within Smashboards, but also my real life. I have never had much control over what I say so I'm trying.

I'm making an effort.

If I say something that you don't approve of, (personally, not something that's being maturely debated) tell me. Without the flaming or the insults. I will apologise for it. I make mistakes. I'm human. Admittedly I make a plethora of mistakes. And as I said, I'm trying to make things right.

Behind the mistakes I make on Smashboards, I'm really easy to talk to. I'm easy going. I like to have fun as much as anyone else.

All I ask is that people help me by just telling me they didn't like what they heard without the insults. I ask for the same effort I'm putting in.

I'm sorry.

If there's something that I've said/done that you don't think I've made up for. Let me know. Perhaps we can sort it out. I'm not a bad guy, I just make way too many mistakes...



Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
Well you're brave enough to announce this to everyone, so that's good for you =).

I'm sure people will understand scott, as for everyone else, don't provoke anything here. Hes making the effort to say sorry, so please be respectful.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Play SF4.

Realise that everytime you rage in a match it makes you worse.

Stop raging.



Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I was going to suggest this to Michael (Sieg), as in, to 'try' to get his emotional problems fixed, but it seems as if he doesn't see himself as having any.
Which is fine, I suppose, except it affects everyone that isn't him, which means that he should get it looked into. =]

Nonetheless, SWORDSAIOIONT, everyone forgives and forgets.
Apologies are always good, and it's neat to see you're trying to do something about your frustration.
Really, it's not so hard to do something about it.
I used to have issues with controlling my temper and such, but basically all I did was tell myself there's no reason to be angry or sad or whatever, just let it go and forget, and if I have anything really stupid to say, then not to say it at all.
Really it's just a frame of mind.
If you tell yourself you're happy/fine/good then eventually you become that. =]
Or just work.
But work is boring. d:
So work OUT!
Working out is good, actually, if you don't do it. Good for you, mentally and physically. =]


Actually, some people write their feelings or whatever in a journal.
I don't do it, but for the people I know that do do it, they're pretty calm and collected.
Maybe should give it a shot.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
yeah work out, i hear alot of people at jail do that to get over there problems.
and they dont murder anyone on the outside with their huge muscles.

good for you scott, i tend to say things without thinking 2 >.<


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
I don't exactly remember what u've once said to me, but u have attacked me be4 on this site or mywii. Which had led me to not liking you. However what u have now said changes that.

I'm like the same as u though, i might say dumb things and provoke ppl every now and then, but irl i am a nice person. I am like a pacifist or so i get told.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Don't worry as everyone here should know that people are completely different irl then on forums, what is said in the internet stays in the internet and should be brought against you when people actually meet you


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
You start somewhere. Least you're putting the effort it into changing. Good start.

In regards to my posts directly at you, I was coincidentally bored that night and just had the urge to type something in. :)

It's ok, remember, theres always someone new that gets hated then wubbed.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I was going to suggest this to Michael (Sieg), as in, to 'try' to get his emotional problems fixed, but it seems as if he doesn't see himself as having any.
Which is fine, I suppose, except it affects everyone that isn't him, which means that he should get it looked into. =]

Nonetheless, SWORDSAIOIONT, everyone forgives and forgets.
Apologies are always good, and it's neat to see you're trying to do something about your frustration.
Really, it's not so hard to do something about it.
I used to have issues with controlling my temper and such, but basically all I did was tell myself there's no reason to be angry or sad or whatever, just let it go and forget, and if I have anything really stupid to say, then not to say it at all.
Really it's just a frame of mind.
If you tell yourself you're happy/fine/good then eventually you become that. =]
Or just work.
But work is boring. d:
So work OUT!
Working out is good, actually, if you don't do it. Good for you, mentally and physically. =]


Actually, some people write their feelings or whatever in a journal.
I don't do it, but for the people I know that do do it, they're pretty calm and collected.
Maybe should give it a shot.
Thanks Kas. I think I might do that.

I don't exactly remember what u've once said to me, but u have attacked me be4 on this site or mywii. Which had led me to not liking you. However what u have now said changes that.

I'm like the same as u though, i might say dumb things and provoke ppl every now and then, but irl i am a nice person. I am like a pacifist or so i get told.
Eh, I don't remember what I've said to you either lol. Though I don't doubt you Ant. Sorry man.

You kept calling me Stupid on msn. But i never took it as an attack or a flame. Since i know how you roll.
You're too nice for your own good. ;) Sorry Alan.

Don't worry as everyone here should know that people are completely different irl then on forums, what is said in the internet stays in the internet and should be brought against you when people actually meet you
yeah they should know but there as some who think otherwise and believe how ppl act on forums is exactly the same as they act irl.
Thing is this though, I like to remember that although it's the internet, there's still people on the otherside reading what you have to say about them.

You start somewhere. Least you're putting the effort it into changing. Good start.

In regards to my posts directly at you, I was coincidentally bored that night and just had the urge to type something in. :)

It's ok, remember, theres always someone new that gets hated then wubbed.
I'm not new. :p Been around like a whole year, but thanks for the understanding/forgiveness.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
Wait a minute, scott usually says nice things to me. Should I be really really afraid??? >.>



Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Everyone makes mistakes. The real idiots are the ones that try and act as if they make next to none.

Scott, given that I have bipolar myself (extreme ups and downs for those that don't know) I can understand why you're somewhat loud sometimes, and then quiet and depressed during others. I'm definitely not saying you have this condition, but I can certainly empathise with extreme changes in mood (which can be caused by all kinds of things) which can often lead to incredibly impulsive and reckless decisions or in bad cases, just really bad things to say during disagreements.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
The smash community is so nicenice :)

wubs all around, even if you didn't do anything to me.

Turts is a perfect example of someone who is completely different IRL


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
So is elton. Lol I remember the first tourney he came to which was also my first tourney.

Swordsaint has never said anything to annoy me so I'm not mad with him lulz
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