History, read it sometime. You encourage crime with prohibition.
I specifically said I wasn't in favor of prohibition.
Really so if I go and punch someone in the face I can't get arrested for it unless I'm doing drugs? What reality do you live in? If someones violent they're going to jail.
What? This has nothing to do with anything I said. Where the heck did you get this from?
Without evidence it's an invalid point, you're dealing with just the abstraction at this point.
My first point was pretty much common knowledge.
My second point (about the margin of error) is based off of fact. The police have to assume someone is nonviolent unless proven guilty. So clearly they will miss some people.
Yes lets repeat history instead of learning from it.
Again, you are arguing the same thing as my point; I don't know what you are trying to accomplish by using sarcasm. You could just say "I agree"
How is he a danger? Elaborate.
Damaging to them selves not others.
Spraying Graffiti effects a buildings value thus he's damaging property. A kid doing drugs isn't damaging anything but himself.
If he is intoxicated he is susceptible to doing things he wouldn't normally do, including DUI. And for smoking drugs, such as pot, there's second hand smoke that is almost as bad as doing the actual drug. While the kid will not necessarily do any of these things (although he might), there are many people who will and therefore they have the potential to be dangerous.
The top three killers are Tobacco, Physical inactivity and poor diet, and Alcohol.
Ok.... this has nothing to do with the point you quoted. Drugs make society unstable; I don't even know how you could begin to argue against that. And these stats are old anyway.
Slippery slope argument. What if I feel unsafe walking down a street where I know a gun shop is located? Should the State close down that gun shop because I feel unsafe? No.
Good point.
Also if drugs were sold legally a lot of the shady dealings would be non-existent because theirs no risk to getting caught.
Yes, and they would be replaced by intoxicated, brain damaged people who will often do anything to get more of the drug they're hooked on.
More people die from prescription drugs then they do from illicit drugs.
Like last time, you didn't back up your point with evidence.
And even if your point is true, that doesn't compare death rates from before the legalizing of the drugs and after.
Not really. That still leaves hundreds of thousand or millions of users above 25 that use drugs. And plus, adults age 25 are out of college, so your data doesn't really fit anyway. Not only that, 37%* of people don't go straight to college anyway, so that means some 18-22 year olds on the street as well. And then there are the people that drop out of high school. So this is a pretty large group of people we are looking at here that don't do drugs just to be "cool".
EDIT: Ok, all of this debate has stemmed off of one main thing, which I never felt was really never answered. Whether or not this unbanning of drugs would cause a lot of deaths or only a little, I still fail to see what the benefit of legalizing the drugs would be, and how it could possibly outweigh the consequences. The only argument that I've seen related to why we should legalize the drugs is that it is within someone's rights.
In that case, I would say it isn't within someone's rights because other people can be endangered by second hand smoke and by the user of the drug because they will be intoxicated and probably brain damaged. So they are doing damage to others. In addition, many of these drugs, such as roofies, are used almost exclusively to harm others.
I know the argument will come up that we should ban alcohol and tobacco as well for the same reasons, which , yes, would be a good thing if possible. But we can all agree that banning these will not work, so therefore this argument is moot.
We should try to keep the illegal drugs illegal because we're trying to prevent as much damage to the people as possible, without the people (as a whole) becoming angry. The best way to do this is to keep these drugs banned, and only allow alcohol and tobacco since there is no safe way to get rid of them.