"Twenty-three states - Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, Utah, and Vermont – as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have passed laws prohibiting smoking in almost all public places and workplaces, including restaurants and bars."
-the link you gave me
Last time I checked 23 is less than half.
many of these facts lack enough information to give a thoughtful person reason to go against smoking. for example, the first bullet fails to tell exactly how harmful any specific amount of second-hand smoke is. it's a lot of propaganda
Apparently its harmful enough to kill people. Try telling the families of people who died from second hand smoke that it's harmless.
you expect me to accept your reason because you found a situation of tobacco robbery? things like this happens all the time!
Exactly my point. You seemed to believe those things don't happen when you said tobacco, ecstasy, and marijuana don't induce violence.
you could say jewelery should be banned because it does not have a "practical" use and provokes robbery. you are not being reasonable when considering the harm of some drugs, rather you're just trying to find anything potentially bad with it and throwing it out here in hope that it'll convince someone.
You're not listening. Someone who robs jewelry, again, clearly has something wrong with them, but drugs addiction can force normal people to rob places. Again, those robberies by people who are just like that can't be prevented. So why add to them by legalizing drugs?
again, not all drugs do this
there you go again, grouping all illegal drugs into one category as if i support the legalization of ALL legal drugs.
First of all, you never said what you supported, so how was I supposed to know?
Second of all, for legalizing marijuana and ecstasy (which seems to be the two substances you're pushing for), see the last argument.
harmful drugs are not the only ones you can DUI with
This doesn't have anything to do with my point. You will add to DUI-related deaths if you legalize any drug.
it's not intended to be an attack on you personally, but you make too many assumptions that need to be let go if you want to be able to seriously debate with someone about this.
Again, you're just making random claims without backing them up. What assumptions are you talking about? You can't just say things with nothing to base them off of "if you want to be able to seriously debate with someone about this".
When you make these random claims all it does is force me to ask what you're talking about, which stalls the debate. It's really not helping the flow of this. I'm tired of reading your posts that don't give me some sort of substance to actually debate about.
no, it's not. it's about the general legalization of drugs. i'm arguing that the ones that only harm the user should be legalized. and if you're going to debate with me, it's going to be about that topic
First of all, can you stop with the "if you're going to debate with me" stuff? You're being ambivalent and unreasonable.
Secondly, marijuana and ecstasy can definitely harm those other than the user.
For one thing, issues that already exist with alcohol and tobacco would be increased, such as drug related robberies and DUI.
Marijuana: One in six (600,000) high school students drives under the influence of marijuana, almost as many as those intoxicated from alcohol. The amount of deaths that could result from this is scary.
Source (and more info):
First of all, you said it wasn't addictive. However, 43% of people that use it become addicted, so that is not necessarily a true point (
http://www.nida.nih.gov/InfoFacts/ecstasy.html). In terms of it harming those other than the user, since it's a pill, it won't emit any smoke. But there are still DUI deaths every year, and due to impaired judgment, people will do things to others that they wouldn't normally do. So there's no real argument that it only harms the user. Some examples of issues with ecstasy:
www.adicbc.com/publications/article4.pdf (first few pages)