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Ike Vs meta knight advantage

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Imo ive gotta say ike has a clear advantage.

ike out ranges meta and over powers him. meta is light so quick kills.

now before i get flamed keep in kind that you CANT PLAY OFFENSIVE against meta because if you do then his speed kills you



Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
MK is faster, has like no lag, can punish Ike like it's no one's business, he ****s him off the edge, etc.

The answer is no silly bear, MK is not a good matchup for Ike.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Power means nothing if the dark ball is flying circles around you, I can't really see what Ike has over Meta Knight, and I regret saying that I own Meta's like there's no tomorrow, I must've been drunk (not really) then, now that I see it.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
I feel like adding a bit more.

Ike's range will never ever save him from MK. He can not out space MK, if he uses his big range moves, MK can punish the lag. Range doesn't mean **** if he cant land anything.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
The only things Ike has in his favor VS MK is:

1) Range
2) Power if he ever manages to hit
3) He can stop Mach Tornado (Eruption, Fair, Ftilt, Counter) and Drill Rush (Eruption, Counter, Ftilt) with a fair amount of ease. But all that means is that MK is going to approach from the air or another method. >_>

Even his weight is both a blessing and a curse. He's harder to knock away, but easier to juggle/gimp if not within aether distance. Ike's not as had against MK as some people are (Bowser, Ganondorf, C.Falcon anyone?) An Ike's "best" hope would be to manage to MK to enough %dg that an uncharged fresh Eruption will kill him. I *think* thats around 60-70%. Good luck doing that though.

EDIT: Falcon, I think the range can save him from Mach Tornado with retreating Fairs. But thats about it.

Lex Crunch

Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
Alameda, CA
It's practically impossible for Ike to be advantageous against Meta Knight. MK is actually one of the best to kill Ike because of his aerial chase during Ike's revoery. Should Ike get hit backwards even once during his recovery attempt (and with MK, it'll happen more than once) then he's doomed more than 90% of the time.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Ike can no way have and advantage over him. The only thing Ike has for him is range, wieght and power, everything else belongs to MK. He'll punish all your laggy moves, and can easily gimp you.

The only possible way Ike can win is if the Ike is really good or the MK is really bad.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
The only possible way Ike can win is if the Ike is really good or the MK is really bad.
I'll disagree, I think that at the equal level, Ike doesn't have to get a miracle to win, he just has to play smart.

Ike has to be able to use his less laggy attacks and, while he won't outspeed MK, he'll at least leave little room for punishment, the AAA combo, grabs, the back air and neutral air are all good options. Eruption is a good way to catch MK off guard for the kill as well.

My opinion? It's a bit in MK's favor at higher level, 6-4 I'd say.

Deleted member

Ike does fine vs MK, certainly better than most of the cast. I put it as 5-5 (even).


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
In case anyone was wondering, lol, I'd put it at like 6/4. I'm not saying he cant beat MK, but the idea that he somehow has an advantage is just complete ********.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
playing a defensive and interputive game breaks meta apart.

so wat hes quick and low lag it doesnt matter a well spaced fair or nair will interrupt him nasty then you can go for a jab combo or w/e

ive played some of the best meta knights in fl and have either won or done well (take in mind there alot better than me)


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I think it is 6-4 as well which isn't to bad, maybe even 5-5 I've seen a few good people think of it like this or between these not just umbreon. Most people make it sound like its 9-1.

Un charged eruption is Ike's worst kill move I think so don't go with that idea.

Unlike other fights you can actually stay on the ground here since you out range MK and he has no projectiles. Of course he is going to be trying to get you off it so you need to play a good defensive game.

Nair is actually a good baiter in this match is they don't know how small the lag is they will rush in even if they didn't predict it and if you've been Fairing to keep him away an Nair can trick him into charging and when it auto cancels you jab him. If you shield his attacks drop it and start jabbing. That is pretty much the only way to land them.

Something that gets said a lot is that Ike can't hit MK and this has to be extremely stupid because if it where true the the match would be 10-0. It doesn't matter how slow your attacks are you will get a hit and with MK being super light you don't need your smashes. You should actually stop using them in this match because there are very few times when you can get a clean hit with them. Utilt will probably kill him like 10% above Usmash anyways so its not that big a deal.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
6-4 MK's favor, imo. fair deals with Machnado, so that threat is out. You have more range, so spacing can work well with fair. Ike can also KO at really low %s.

But MK has everything else. Quicker. Recovery gimpage. Aerial comboing. Tilts.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I think it is 6-4 as well which isn't to bad, maybe even 5-5 I've seen a few good people think of it like this or between these not just umbreon. Most people make it sound like its 9-1.

Un charged eruption is Ike's worst kill move I think so don't go with that idea.

Bah, when I said Eruption can trick him, I meant as an edgeguard. It reaches high above, so flying a bit over isn't an option. They can't ram into you due to SA frames either. A mistake on their part leads to swift death at low percents. Dtilt can also catch his up B or if he hangs around of the ledge too long.

Sorry for the confusion. In any case, Ike doesn't have the advantage, as I said. But 5-5, 6-4 are both possible outcomes. It's not 7-3 or above, that's for sure.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
6-4 MK's favor, imo. fair deals with Machnado, so that threat is out. You have more range, so spacing can work well with fair. Ike can also KO at really low %s.

But MK has everything else. Quicker. Recovery gimpage. Aerial comboing. Tilts.
u mean meta have gimpable recovery or ike does


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
playing a defensive and interputive game breaks meta apart.

so wat hes quick and low lag it doesnt matter a well spaced fair or nair will interrupt him nasty then you can go for a jab combo or w/e

ive played some of the best meta knights in fl and have either won or done well (take in mind there alot better than me)
If a you can fair an MK while he's using an aerial, he's being a ****ing moron. And last time I checked, only nair can lead to a jab combo and that wont happen to often since most MK's are airborne like 90% of the entire ****ing time.

And seriously, your arguments are horrible, my God. MK can basically grab you and then fair you off stage if your even kind close to the edge, his moves are lagless, and quick ****ing acting like his pros aren't good enough to beat Ike, he's the ****ing best character in the game for a reason. He's uber hard to punish, and lololololololol, like I said, Ike cant just defend and interrupt MK, he just cant. F Air is slow enough to react to without too much difficulty, Nair does not have enough range to save his ***, etc.

Start making some real ****ing points, and for god sakes can you type like you're older than me, **** like "so wat" to a point that actually had some valid points gets under my skin like nothing else.

I love this "well placed fair or nair" ****. Using this logic, Captain Falcon has an advantage over his worse match ups by using 'well placed knees of justice'.

An once again, MK ***** Ike's recovery, either respond to this or keep stating really nub comments, your turn.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Ike is pretty good against MK.
Has has little need to use the slow laggy hits because his fast few are enough to deal with MK's weight.
Aether recover - do not quick-draw.
Dair spike.

You will certainly not win in a crazy fingers speed match, but playing smart and controlled will give you a much better chance. Regardless however it certainly is an up-hill battle.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Ike is pretty good against MK.
Has has little need to use the slow laggy hits because his fast few are enough to deal with MK's weight.
Aether recover - do not quick-draw.
Dair spike.

You will certainly not win in a crazy fingers speed match, but playing smart and controlled will give you a much better chance. Regardless however it certainly is an up-hill battle.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
If a you can fair an MK while he's using an aerial, he's being a ****ing moron. And last time I checked, only nair can lead to a jab combo and that wont happen to often since most MK's are airborne like 90% of the entire ****ing time.

And seriously, your arguments are horrible, my God. MK can basically grab you and then fair you off stage if your even kind close to the edge, his moves are lagless, and quick ****ing acting like his pros aren't good enough to beat Ike, he's the ****ing best character in the game for a reason. He's uber hard to punish, and lololololololol, like I said, Ike cant just defend and interrupt MK, he just cant. F Air is slow enough to react to without too much difficulty, Nair does not have enough range to save his ***, etc.

Start making some real ****ing points, and for god sakes can you type like you're older than me, **** like "so wat" to a point that actually had some valid points gets under my skin like nothing else.

I love this "well placed fair or nair" ****. Using this logic, Captain Falcon has an advantage over his worse match ups by using 'well placed knees of justice'.

An once again, MK ***** Ike's recovery, either respond to this or keep stating really nub comments, your turn.
uggghhh what the hell is your problem dont get all edgy about it. were just debating here chill out. i respect your opinion because i know you know what your talking about but dont get all angry about it

and about the typing thing were on the internet. does it really matter. were not writing a research paper or anything so wHat if i wanna abbreviate some things


your not keeping in mind that im speaking of a defensive style. with an offensive style meta just plain ***** ike no questions asked but in a defensive style the match chages a bit.

imo this matchup is all about spacing. so if you can space well you have that. now yes every once in a while meta will get at you at its hard to escape. chances are hell kill you. also u do have a chance of escaping with quick draw then while hes coming back to u do a rar fair or nair or bair or w/e u want


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
uggghhh what the hell is your problem dont get all edgy about it. were just debating here chill out. i respect your opinion because i know you know what your talking about but dont get all angry about it

and about the typing thing were on the internet. does it really matter. were not writing a research paper or anything so wHat if i wanna abbreviate some things


your not keeping in mind that im speaking of a defensive style. with an offensive style meta just plain ***** ike no questions asked but in a defensive style the match chages a bit.

imo this matchup is all about spacing. so if you can space well you have that. now yes every once in a while meta will get at you at its hard to escape. chances are hell kill you. also u do have a chance of escaping with quick draw then while hes coming back to u do a rar fair or nair or bair or w/e u want

Wow, thanks for once again blowing off the fact that MK ***** Ike to oblivion off stage, and ignoring my statements about why Ike cant just outspace MK.

And lololololol, it's not that hard to type **** out, and it **** sure makes you look smarter.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
Wow, thanks for once again blowing off the fact that MK ***** Ike to oblivion off stage, and ignoring my statements about why Ike cant just outspace MK..
I thought MK ***** Ike all over?
I haven't read this thread because I wish it was a joke thread but it probably isn't. He's not just going to walk into a fsmash lol.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
I thought MK ***** Ike all over?
I haven't read this thread because I wish it was a joke thread but it probably isn't. He's not just going to walk into a fsmash lol.
MK has an advantage, but if you use Ike smartly enough it's not that bad. It's the fact that he really kills off a lot of Ike's semi slow attacks that give him an advantage, along with Ike's amazing recovery skills. If MK throws you off stage, it's done.

Also I love how doom dragon is listing like no reasons to support his match up opinion and instead, continually keeps talking about Ike's aerials being a good way to deal with MK, and nothing else. It's not even a debate even more because he wont debate anything, he just keeps saying rather vague **** and leaving.


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
From my experience as Ike, it pretty much boils down to:
If MK camps against you, you lose.
If you both play normally, you have a chance.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
4/6, MK's favor. While you can give MK hell with defensive playing, MK can slip under your guard with a dash attack between your aerials.

Deleted member

Wow, thanks for once again blowing off the fact that MK ***** Ike to oblivion off stage, and ignoring my statements about why Ike cant just outspace MK.
In a game where no one can **** anyone since it's so slow, Ike vs MK is no different. MK might be the best character, but it's not by a large margin.

And he's right, you're edgy as ****. Calm down and make your points, we can't read asterisks.

Radiant Howl

Smash Rookie
Sep 2, 2008
i find it almost impossible to see how ike outmatches metaknight, although the range might be good, mk's ring of death will almost always gimp ike


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Angleton, TX
Ike's got 50/50 against MK.

I main both MK and Ike, so I see major weaknesses in the metagame.

Ike is a tad slow, and MK is a lightweight.

Mindgames are equally effective.

Just depends on who's playing, I guess....


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Ike's got 50/50 against MK.

I main both MK and Ike, so I see major weaknesses in the metagame.

Ike is a tad slow, and MK is a lightweight.

Mindgames are equally effective.

Just depends on who's playing, I guess....
Uh.... WOW.... o-o A Metaknight main saying that he has an even matchup with Ike?

Methinks someone is a little biased... I think even saying 6-4 Metaknight may be stretching it......

Havoc Cycle

Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Alberta, Canada
speed is power, nuff said...
And power is nothing without knowledge.

I agree, Ike does have a fairlty good mathchup against the flying deathball, but I wouldn't say it's Ike's advantage. They are quite even, I think what it really boils down to is how well Ike is going to space himself and predict the Mach Tornado and Drill Rush. Unlike most situations the counter works extremely well on MK.

Basically the first time your knocked off stage counter as he chases, do it the third time. And begin mindgames. If you can't space yourslef your not playing worth a ****. Ike has more prioty then MK for sure, just space yourself, predict Dril Rushes and Mach Tornadoes and pick stages in your favour.

If your picking Final Dest and can't space worth a **** you're asking for an *** kicking.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2007
Republic, MO
ive been starting to think ike had an advantage in this match up. i dont often lose when i play ike vs mk. his range advantage makes a huge difrence imo.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
ive been starting to think ike had an advantage in this match up. i dont often lose when i play ike vs mk. his range advantage makes a huge difrence imo.
Until he starts whorenadoing you to hell and back.

I saw the thread title, and I thought to myself,"lulz"....
mk rips ike apart...


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Until he starts whorenadoing you to hell and back.

I saw the thread title, and I thought to myself,"lulz"....
mk rips ike apart...
Ike is one of the characters that has a BUNCH of moves to cancel the tornado... I never had a problem with fair'ing it... Plus you could always just counter it, OR you could use Eruption and if he's 110% or more, you could kill him... xP That'd make the Metaknight think twice before he tried the tornado again...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
A properly-executed Whornado sets Ike up so MK can combo him to 50%. And Dsmash totally screws Ike.
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