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iGT2 - kissimmee, Fl - 9/1/07( new update 8/27)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
Really well done tourney, props to iNet and Hiroshi for setting this biz up. We're working on getting the vids up asap but there's a few random friendlies we've got to put up first, subscribe to http://youtube.com/HotSauceProductions and you'll see 'em when they're up (+ a thread will get done sooner or later, I promise).


Bob Hazz: We coulda done better in teams if we had a different bracket (johns) but still. Ggs and good matches in friendlies. That Yoshi is hotsauce.
Fabulous: For driving my punk *** to a tourney, again.
Bamn: Owned me in friendlies for the first couple hours.
Kat: Peach was as good as always, needs more stitch though.
Me2 and Nerv: Hot ****, good showing.
Hungrybox: I wasn't the mofo who wrecked the bathroom. No dropping deuces in public, son. Birth it.
Ted: You're now known as "T-Boozles". Stop ****** nubgirls with Boozer. No more Roy MMs for now.
Juib: Your Ganon is a beast. Good ish all day.
Trumates and Mastercard: Solid team matches. Queen and Tru know about the double Yoshi on Japes now.
Queen: Too good in singles, thanks for being cool and all. I'd rather get fubar'd then sandbagged any day man, s'all good.
Duran: Nice Ganon, can't believe I let that last match on Japes get away from me. Learn to shield!
Uuaa: Soda match at Gigs, that ****'s three months in the making.
Hiroshi: Solid as always. Don't get down on yourself though; WATO held it down better than you thought it could, eh?
Luis: Can't remember your smash nick or whatever, PM me or Fabulous about getting the dvd of crew footy to edit. Confusion glitch ftl.
FPYM: We'll get y'all next time, give me back that extra quarter.
Anyone I missed: Sorry, but you were awesome when you did that one thing. **** yeah.

Reps for goodness.
+Hiroshi for setting this all up.
+Hungrybox for placing two tourneys in a row.
-Hungrybox fo asking for shoutouts and saying I was the one who pulled that rancid ****.
+Hazz for holding down low-tier mains, hardcore.
+Fabulous for beating people with Mewtwo, people need to recognize already.
+Pasqual for doing okay in crews.
-Pasqual for going 0-2 in singles.

GGs on anything and everything else, I'm tired so peace.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
so yea that was pretty fun
I had a good time with marin.

hungry dont keep going on about our win.
I still dont see how it happened
skrach didnt even play neither did xyz or colbol
I cant tell you how unlikely it would be for us to win

hb,brian,eric,danny good matches
sorry crew I didnt help at all during the battle
that is why I quit link lol. im still looking for my next main..

even tho I suck at samus id like to play her ...I need that rohins trainin lol.

I hate typing on cell phones so no shoutouts
but everyone I played - good matches

Q I need to play you again I really didnt want to use link in that crew battle but I couldnt just turndown a link ditto. : )



Smash Rookie
Jun 1, 2007
Orlando, Florida
Good stuff everyone, maybe next time I'll get in some more friendlys.

Rohins- Your samus is too good for my peach, and your mario owns too. Your realy cool though, and it's always nice playing with you. Thx for all of the tips as well.
Mindfreak- Good games, I get the feeling you guys don't like brinstar.
Mastercard-Owned us, but the brinstar match was funny as well :p
Zoro&Marin-Good games, you guys are definetly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
Otru-Good matches, I did much better this time :)
Fabulous-Good games, I've always enjoyed seeing people use low tier charecters well.
BO!-Good games, though I wish my peach could have put up more of a fight...
Juib-Well atleast I've discovered who my alt is...
WATO-We should definetly try and crew battle soon.
Pancake-Though I didn't get to participate, there were some good matches in there.

Everyone I didn't get to play against-Hopefully we can get some matches in next time.
I-net-One of the best non gigs tournys I've been to. Keep it up.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
Good stuff everyone, maybe next time I'll get in some more friendlys.

Rohins- Your samus is too good for my peach, and your mario owns too. Your realy cool though, and it's always nice playing with you. Thx for all of the tips as well.
Mindfreak- Good games, I get the feeling you guys don't like brinstar.
Mastercard-Owned us, but the brinstar match was funny as well :p
Zoro&Marin-Good games, you guys are definetly becoming a force to be reckoned with.
Otru-Good matches, I did much better this time :)
Fabulous-Good games, I've always enjoyed seeing people use low tier charecters well.
BO!-Good games, though I wish my peach could have put up more of a fight...
Juib-Well atleast I've discovered who my alt is...
WATO-We should definetly try and crew battle soon.
Pancake-Though I didn't get to participate, there were some good matches in there.

Everyone I didn't get to play against-Hopefully we can get some matches in next time.
I-net-One of the best non gigs tournys I've been to. Keep it up.
no doubt bro, ur peach is beast


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Just to clarify the team name was supposed to be
"There is No Ucles" (honk honk get, it, there is Noucles...he was in my team)

ggs to everyone I played. Props to Hungry Box and Vericz for takin me out. Major props to Vericz to stepping his game up so much since the last time I've played him.

Zoro - I'd be glad to share some Samus knowledge. I'm hot for Samus.

Bergoth - True, you guys are really chill. I felt bad I was being kinda a **** when I was playing your crew mate, but I was getting seriously pissed at that dude yelling in the background all the matches.

Noucles is a hotty.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2007
Portland, OR
Fabulous or pasqual- Anyway you guys can make the crew battle downloadable?
It depends on what Skrach wants to do. He can either upload the edited versions after he's done with the battles to filefront/sendspace, or we can up the parts as needed. Fabulous has all the vids on his laptop but next time I see him I'm going to try and get most of them on a flash drive; I spend a bit more time on here and wouldn't mind needing to up **** once in a while. Good job in the crew thing, btw, your Falco is getting vicious.

All in all, we got 27 vids at this tourney; 9 from the WATO vs TNT crew battle, 7 from the Knights Who Say Knee/Team Pancakes vs FPYM crew battle, 3 tournament matches, and 8 friendlies. It's my bad we didn't get more tourney matches I guess but we'll work on being a little more thorough in match choices at Kinetix and Gigs and whatever.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2007
Ocoee, FL 34761, in Orlando
Props to Hiroshi for organizing all this, it was a great tourney, nice turnout, iNet has a great setup and I cant think of anything really to make it better.

Freindly/Tourney vids: putting them up asap on youtube.com/hotsauceproductions

Crew Battles: Skrach, you said you wanted to do the video editing, I can burn them on a dvd and we can meet up at UCF on tuesday. Let me know, pm me. Otherwise I can just load them up on youtube...

Pancakes!: good matches, glad pasqual and I joined ur crew for the day, (ours was absent).
Bamn: did we play? other than pwning in 2v2's? gg
Kat: ganon > peach, not statistically, but who cares about stats? gg man.
Me2: cole slaw dog, cole slaw. good match.
Nerv: some good team games nice jiggly, I like playing vs jiggs tbh, hope we can play next time 1v1.
Skrach: good set, I really gotta work on my second, for those hopeless matches that mewtwo just cant cope with. ps. (mewtwo is in a whole nother' tier when hes on battlefield, good ****)
Otru: good games, nice talkin bro, see you at UCF and future tourneys
Juib: good set, you have an excellent ganon, quite ridonkulous if you ask me, my fox is coming for it!
Bergoth: very close games, very exciting too, glad we could play, and yes, I gotta keep it real with the low tiers, the REAL low tiers.
DET: good matches, afraid I got a lil' unlucky with the second match, oh yeah, and M2 glitch ftw!!
Ted: marth... maybe we can play another time, lol
Bob hazz: some nice friendlies, low tiers baby.
HungryBox: I'll play u next time man, lol, it was fun though.
Duran: I like to see ganons, keep it up, and start shielding.
Rohins: maybe next time, good talkin to ya though.
Pasqaul:Shouts to you son, you didnt do so hot in singles, but u made up for it in the crew battle. Also for spending some 45 mins tagging all the vids. Nice work, im posting as I type this.
Verics: u had some nasty combos, glad they werent on me, lol
FPYM: one day we'll have our full crew, ready to pwn you, good games.

Everyone else, I either forgot your name, am too lazy to type, or didn't play/chill with you, so Imma just shout you out now: GOOD ****!

NT vs. WATO: awesome crew battle, im getting with Skrach to see what we are gonna do with the vids.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2007
Ocoee, FL 34761, in Orlando
Yes kinetix is equivalent to the deed in which someone did to destroy the iNet toilet, but if i go, ill bring my laptop/tv setup to record, lagg free thank god.

I gotta check on dguy's thing.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Probably waveshining really fast somewhere, K-town
Hey guys. Like i said before Inetz was fun and here are the SHOUTOUTS! :


uuaa- I did good today. was fun. placed pretty high top 5 for both singles and doubles. goood stuff. tru.

vericz- MINDFREAK!! we did aight not too shabby lol. we will own next time.

hiroshi- good stuff in doubles. couldve done better in singles. and stop getting mad lol.

zoro- its your first time actually not having a main character to stik with soo its truu that you didnt place high but i must say link is still with you. Nice ditto in crews btw lol tru.

Hungray Box- GOOD $H1T on placing thrid really it was unexpected. im proud :)

Noob Testiment

QDVS- Man.. i mostly had fun today playing you in tournament and out and in crews lol. I almost had you that firsst game of our match in battlefield lol but oh well it happens to the best of us ;) Friendlies were fun learned alot from you and our crew match was awesome too except for that last stock..where you know..you killed yourself >.> lol just maybe it was an even game either way or not. GGs hope to do some more with you. ps: my falco suks againt you lol

Skrach- Your too **** good boi. lol. I cant beat you in a set. ...well i probably can just havnt yet you know? lol i got you that one game and then ***** me the next lol its cool thoughh. GGs either way.

otruuuu- lol chilin with you is cool. I can nw finally play fox dittos !! lol hope i impressed you. tru? lol GGs either way truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Dop- :laugh: Just like vericz said you are wayyyyyyyy too funny man. played you like once and peach is gay in a good way lol BAMF peach. cool hanging out with you.

SheerMadness- played you like once well once or twice in friendlies but still it seems that your falco got much better and good **** in the crews with your pika very good pika.


Ted- lol it may have happened once last IGT but it didnt this time lol good stuff though. 1. That rest out of the stage shouldnt have happened. 2. Shouldve went Marth like once lol. GGs though getting much better.

Juib- Good Luigi!! its hard to come across good luigis'...besides Derf and GM.. and maybe BobHazard lol no offense Bob. good stuff though.

Rohins- Rohins! my man..didnt play you like once except for the teams match that you guys recked us in lol GGs anyways fun hanging out. watch out for that fly on your forehead again LOL

Bo!- man... we come back from BK and out of NOWHERE you show up lol

Michelle- Fun hanging out again. with your bug EYE sunglasses lol

Pasqual- Thanks for recording our crew battle it was tight! and yess.. i still owe you for that soda match lol thats gonna go on for like ever lol

Noucles- cool stuff that your hanging with us now. your Fox still holding it down. GOD I hate fox dittos lol.

Inet- Thnks for holding the tourny again it was great coming back venue as always is great. see ya next time.

Crew Battle

WATO: 1 stocks
NOOB Testiment: 0 stocks

Crew Battles were nasty... if Skrach was in it i would say it wouldve been alot different. good stuff NT. we shall have a TRUE crew battle when we ACTUALLY have all of our teams and crews together.

BK- Burger King good food wat can i say? lol oh and funniest highlight of the day: Zoro and HungryBox in the playground :laugh: they were using the trays on the slide lol

ANYWAYS good day today it was. Hope to see you guys all soon. maybe at gigs but i dont know if im going to it but ill see to it. peace.. oh.. wait..i forgot someone:

Colbol- MASTER!!! IM SORRY BUT I HAVE FAILED YOU!!! NOOOOOO!! couldnt keep the promise of making it first place. Its okay though it is understandable....right? lol thanks for all the tips you gave me the day before right before you went out camping :laugh: truuu.

okay... done. Peace

- uuaa


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
Good **** to Tampa winning teams.

Hungry Box with 3rd again? I guess Twilight Showdown 6 wasn't a fluke after all.

Did Noucles not compete in Singles?


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2007
Orlando, Florida
/minimal effort

Well, I normally don't post, but... since I had a shout out I feel obligated to do the same.

Overall the tourny was ran pretty well, ect, what everyone else said...

Shout outs -

Me2 - (I think? Sorry if I have the wrong name... ) I don't like Sheik mirrors, although they were pretty fun, ... I guess.

Mindfreak - Nice game, it was fun to see that taking you to Brinstar had such good results, though...

Rohins- Hmm... A good Samus, as usual... but to be honest I was more impressed by your Mario which you dominated me with. And yeah, I guess them yelling during our match was kinda annoying. ... Ouch ... Corneria, that has left a permanent scar in my being... I now have Corneriaphobia.

Fabulous- A good Mewtwo, you beat me in that friendly we had, which to be fair surprised me, and gave me a run for my money (technically literaly, I guess) in the crew battle. Yeah, Mewtwo glitch really caught me off guard... I felt bad that I started needle spamming after that happened... /mumble

Pasqual - Nice Marth, you outdid me in that single match in the crew battle we had.

Pancake- Thanks for the crew battle, it was fun. We should do it again, sometime.

Hiroshi - We had some pretty decent friendlies, although you seemed distracted and/or mad, which was kinda disappointing... not sure how serious you were.

Guy who gave ride for food - I don't know your name, unfortunately... but you gave a ride, and food was involved. (I'm bad with names, I forget them unless I've seen them like 40 times (in a single given hour) )



Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Rohins- Hmm... A good Samus, as usual... but to be honest I was more impressed by your Mario which you dominated me with. And yeah, I guess them yelling during our match was kinda annoying. ... Ouch ... Corneria, that has left a permanent scar in my being... I now have Corneriaphobia.
Yeah my bad man I usually control my temper a bit better than that.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Kissimmee (Central Florida)
Yeah my bad man I usually control my temper a bit better than that.
It's coo man, that shouting of his was unnecessary. After a while he realized that we know who is who and can find our opponent without shouting behind ppl who are doing a tourney match.

Also, grapes are NAAASSTEEE GUY. (nastee in a good way :))


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
tru my bad qdvs for ****in up we shouldve done better.... i suck but whatever we still got second, good stuff bro it was mad fun teaming with u, good stuff on first in singles

this was good times...

rohins: u r too good with up B's, u intimidated me to the point where i had to camp... sorry for the camping i was frustrated, u wont see a campy otru again, good job brah

uuaa: too good i suck.. ur fox is betterish

vericz: lol at crew battle, goodish, u wont play me again so good job, falco is gayish?

hiroshi: dont worry about it, it was a fluke, im not good u wont see my a$s again

zoro: i like ur link but i didnt see it when u played me, wish i wouldve... u held it down on crews, ur too good bro

hungrybox: u know my sheik wouldve had a chance against ur jiggz if we wouldve played, well we kinda did but we didnt finish... doesnt count, i hope u dont get big headed cuz u beat skrach first round although he beat you in losers finals, like yeah you've gained my respect and all that, ur a good kid, my bad for being a ****

pasqual: ur cool bro, yoshi and jungle japes are goodish! we got lucky cuz we were fox

fabulous: i like ur mewtwo, good ****, get better u got potential, if taj can do it y cant u?

hazz: luigi ftw! sry bro that i havent been able to play you this whole week, ive been busy at school and work

noucles: yeah i need to get better at fox dittos ur too good, colbol lets practice!!!

dop: nair ftw! i got lucky and u know it, ur better than me, but ur silly for not entering singles

sheer: ur pika is too good, and ur falco is also good!! keep it up bro u rep it hardcore for the noob testament

Hardcore Bo!tru: holding it down son!! good **** on showing up, i wasnt expecting that


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
good stuff to uuaa and vericz
for being good
but more importantly for thinking im funny.
im pretty down with that.

in other news:
hahahaha, ****ing shoutout johns from hungryhungryhippo over here.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
Crew Battle

WATO: 1 stocks
NOOB Testiment: 0 stocks

Crew Battles were nasty... if Skrach was in it i would say it wouldve been alot different. good stuff NT. we shall have a TRUE crew battle when we ACTUALLY have all of our teams and crews together.
im glad u guys realize we didnt play with the best of our crew (colin and louis), good job though, uuaa held it down

queen held it down, too good


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
good stuff to uuaa and vericz
for being good
but more importantly for thinking im funny.
im pretty down with that.

in other news:
hahahaha, ****ing shoutout johns from hungryhungryhippo over here.

your a clumsy mother****er for not entering singles and owning!
Good **** andy. hmmm......I have to go up to CFL and see how good you guys have gotten, prolly gigs.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
yeaaaah ima get that rohins trainin
im in the middle of a character crisis
after playing link for 2 years its wierd not playing him

thanks man were not really a great team yet
we got a low synchronization rate for now
but were learning hope to get another match with u guys


Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2007
Tampa, FL
great stuff at iNet. This being the second tourney I've been to (TS6 the first) -- the venue really impressed me. That was QUITE the gaming center...and in Kissimmee?! Why are there not nice gaming centers like that here in Tampa? The research to find some has shown that they open up and close down w/ a quickness...probably poor management. So, iNet your center was really impressive.

Thanks hiroshi for the tourney and help getting there. Google maps deceived me a bit with how far I'd be driving down Orange Blossom. Me and my teamie got beat down pretty fast, but that's why we came, to learn and get better.

Thanks to the guys we played some friendlies w/ on the big screen (pikachu/jiggly combo). We enjoyed it and is exactly what we needed -- some people somewhat close to our skill level, but still giving us a challenge and handing our ***** to us every other round. Fun games.

Couldn't stay for the whole day again...but, one of these days our schedules won't be so busy and we will...One of these days.

Thanks again all.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
i want to but all of our cars are ****ty, im talking about sheer's and mine, it sucks cuz ive been wanting to play against u guys pretty bad lately


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2007
Ocoee, FL 34761, in Orlando
Fabulous you're a n00b.

Your sig is gay.

Skill has nothing to do with the tier list.

StipesOrBars, Do I know you?
Anyway, I know the tier list has nothing to do with skill. It is based upon tournament winnings, hence why mewtwo is last.
With " SKILL > TIER LIST RANKING" I was simply stating that if one has enough skill, tier list means nothing to them. i.e. taj.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
rohins: u r too good with up B's, u intimidated me to the point where i had to camp... sorry for the camping i was frustrated, u wont see a campy otru again, good job brah
Don't quit man. You've done very well in teams and have been improving in singles. I know it sucks when we don't have our best tournament but you got to pick yourself up and try harder. Maybe take a break for a little bit then get back into training when your mind is clear. We don't need to lose any more good smashers.
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