Sporting a base 120 in every single stat, plus a ton of moves to choose from, Arceus could be anything. It gets Recover, Will-o-Wisp, Roar and more in the defensive side, and so many physical and special moves that it is impossible to mention a quarter of them in this little sentence. It can Swords Dance to boost its attack, and Calm Mind to boost its special attack. It has Multitype to become of any type it wants. To make long thins short, Arceus can virtually be a copy of any Pokemon and role except a Baton Passer. Want a powerful Normal type sweeper? You got it. Eccentric, and want a Poison type tank? You also got it. Want a Steel type special attacker and supporter? Arceus can do that, too. Because of this, Arceus can fit into any Uber team. When not using Multitype to change forms, Arceus can abuse Swords Dance and sweep with STABed Extremespeed