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Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
well, 1) if u go back and look, i remember voting on day 1, didnt totally agree with it, even still dont, because i like evidence before i vote, and our drawn out argument on day 1 revealed evidence so i voted on it... So, after being explained why its good to vote, AND finding evidence, i did vote.

2) i went after dark ermac (until role was revealed) because i thought his stupid play would be detrimental to the long term survivability of the town. Also, he showed no signs of "learning" the game (as i still was) and was [seemably to me] just playing dumb..

3) i didnt completely dismiss the possibility he was trying to use it as a scapegoat (tails that is) i just dont think it was enough to lynch at that time.

4) I guess i was wrong, sinz did defend me, i guess, at the time, i was debating with everyone trying to get me lynched, so i didnt exactly fight against him helping, u know?
4b) Please note, the batman dude and common also defended me, as did frozen at one time.. yet they arent looked at all? only the 2 that were mafia count..

5) I went after lonejedi BECAUSE he is aggressive. I honestly wanted to see how he would react if someone went after him. I dont know how people play in other games, so i figure "Hey someones REALLY fckin aggressive, lets play his game, and see if hes trying to hide something by scaring people off..." so i went after him to see if i could find any information out

This game IS about finding mafia, so its beneficial to make claims on people and get them talking, see if they slip up, or watch for common mistakes

Honestly, i still am suspicious of lonejedi and pythag (if theyre still in the game) and ill hopefully see if i can dig up the reasons exactly why...
---Is there a way to search this thread for posts by a person?--

Okay, someone tear this defense up, and lets keep this rolling. I wanna see pythag and lonejedi in this...
And kevinm, especially, i havent heard much from him, and i remember i used to be suspicious of him, just not sure why, lol... maybe it was just i didnt like him..

The more people debating, the better, information comes out faster =) and from more people


May 7, 2007
oh don't worr Arkengate, I'm still here, and I'm thankful that you are finally defending yourself.
Although, I still find you suspicious. You refuse to defend when I was suspicious of you, and now that its becoming apparent that you are scummy, you are posting nice long defenses. that just plain ol ' irritates me.
Does anyone else know who came out and defended tails in the beginning?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Pythag, at that time, honestly, i didnt care if u were suspicious of me, because i was suspicious of u in return lol...
Eh, its not apparant im scummy, im trying to show why im not.. ^_^


Smash Rookie
Oct 8, 2007
In a crystal, in Krazoa Palace
Ho ho, someone for it >:p

*Throws away the bob-omb just before it explodes, which lands in Spikehappy's hands. Calls on the Krazoa Spirits to help steal back the magical horsie while Spikehappy stares at the smiling bob-omb. Rides away on a rainbow* XDDD


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
That's my horse!

(I said it with such confidence and authority that whoever has the real horse--I'm really not sure who it is at this point--just gives it to me without thinking.)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ok well i'll find posts to figure out you being scummy later on but to point out the clueless voting excuse for me voting on you, i've only made i believe three or four votes this entire game and if you check the other game, my votes have been pretty spot on. Its a good indication when i vote for you that i've got a particularly good reason.. so i'll bbl to show you why.
That's because you had Eor making all the accusations for you. :p

I still dont think Arkengate's defense of Tails was anything abnormal. There's really no reason to lynch a person who votes for himself in what may or may not be a joke. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't lonejedi defend Tails as well? He's pretty much confirmed townie, in my mind, because he pointed out ligolski's error with Ermac when no one else saw it. So if a townie can defend mafia, even if unintentional, I dont see why Arkengate is the extreme case here.

In fact, depending on the way ligolski moderates the game, he could have revealed to the mafia that he was going through a purging before he announced it to the rest of us. I'd be more suspicious of any last minute votes of Tails if that were the case. Of course, this is all hypothetical. :( I've never played in a game as mafia with ligolski as mod.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
hur hur hur

I only brought that up because some moderators (on another site which I will not mention) like to chit chat with the mafia on their little secret mafia-only board. ;)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Common Jerkface :( said:
That's because you had Eor making all the accusations for you.
Haha i have to admit Eor has been pretty spot on, but i claim the Ronike fiasco as my own, and Liggy wasn't that hard..

Eor is too good though.

<3 for Common hah


Arkengate you're hardly doing a good job to defend yourself and as soon as you make what you think is a clever defense you just say the arguement is over. You're extremely cocky perhaps the "Haha you can't catch me" euphoria is intoxicating? Sorry to have been inactive these last couple days, but my vote still stands as he has given me no solid evidence defending him.

I'll make a re-read tonight most likely.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
i never said the argument is over, itll keep going, but there should be more shown against me -_-
i cant really defend myself when you guys are just like "Your scummy, vote arkengate"
Try putting something together so we can have a decent argument ^_^
hard to defend against aligations when theres nothing behind them..
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