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Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Miramar, Florida
Dyum dyum dee dyum.

well, 1) if u go back and look, i remember voting on day 1, didnt totally agree with it, even still dont, because i like evidence before i vote, and our drawn out argument on day 1 revealed evidence so i voted on it... So, after being explained why its good to vote, AND finding evidence, i did vote.

2) i went after dark ermac (until role was revealed) because i thought his stupid play would be detrimental to the long term survivability of the town. Also, he showed no signs of "learning" the game (as i still was) and was [seemably to me] just playing dumb..
Question: How would be Dark_Ermac be dangerous to the town if he was mafia, which you clearly thought at the beginning of the game?

3) i didnt completely dismiss the possibility he was trying to use it as a scapegoat (tails that is) i just dont think it was enough to lynch at that time.
Yet you still were more suspicious of Dark_Ermac. What did you have on him? Plus, Pythag was still hovering in the background.

4) I guess i was wrong, sinz did defend me, i guess, at the time, i was debating with everyone trying to get me lynched, so i didnt exactly fight against him helping, u know?
4b) Please note, the batman dude and common also defended me, as did frozen at one time.. yet they arent looked at all? only the 2 that were mafia count..
I specifically stated in my previous post that I wasn't using Sinz's defenses as evidence that you were mafia. Just pointing out where he defended you. >_>

5) I went after lonejedi BECAUSE he is aggressive. I honestly wanted to see how he would react if someone went after him. I dont know how people play in other games, so i figure "Hey someones REALLY fckin aggressive, lets play his game, and see if hes trying to hide something by scaring people off..." so i went after him to see if i could find any information out
OK, I can understand going after lonejedi for being aggressive, but...

This game IS about finding mafia, so its beneficial to make claims on people and get them talking, see if they slip up, or watch for common mistakes

Honestly, i still am suspicious of lonejedi and pythag (if theyre still in the game) and ill hopefully see if i can dig up the reasons exactly why...
---Is there a way to search this thread for posts by a person?--
How can you still be suspicious of them? Did you take this into consideration?

Pythag has a bunch of FOS's on him, but now that we know tails is mafia, it wouldn't make sense for him to also be scum (judging mainly from the beginning of the game when he attacked tails). Oh, and lonejedi has some suspicion surrounding him, but I dug up and argument with him and camo-man. Once again, if lonejedi was mafia, I don't think he would attack his brethren.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
1) Dark Ermac: i didnt feel he was directly dangerous because i felt he was mafia, but because i felt (sadly, but honestly) that if u all seriously wanted a day 1 lynch, might as well get the person who seems like he would put the least into finding mafia, rather than causing havoc by being dumb... Cuz if were all looking at him for being dumb all the time, maybe the mafia wont be noticed as much if they slip up? just my train of thought...

Pythags ALWAYS hovering in the background, he is major lurker imo, and thats one of the reasons im suspicious of him.

People that are either extra assertive (lonejedi, aggressiveness) and pythag (lurking, sitting back, bandwagonning when theres probable cause) i always feel those people are acting at extremes because they are afraid of attracting attention/getting investigated by everyone.

Again, can someone tell me, is there a way to pick someone (kevinM as an example) and find all his posts in this thread?


May 7, 2007
Arkengate, how the heck am I bandwagoning when I've started the attack on both tails and you?


May 7, 2007
Oh, more importantly, how am I a lurker?
Just beecause I happen to care about other things and don't post every single day?

...In fact I think it is YOU that are teh LUrKORZ! what with getting banned and all. I mean, all that time you had to read what was going on while not posting. Gosh look at that! /sarcasm


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
No, it goes beyond that. I didnt even check the site, ip banned, couldnt get in, kthx.
and also, you seem to be getting mighty defensive by just a small claim, as well as adding in lots of sarcasm to try to make people think im stupid...
Eh, may be a ploy to get people to not look at you, maybe not. We'lls ee as time progresses.

FOS: Pythag


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Miramar, Florida
1) Dark Ermac: i didnt feel he was directly dangerous because i felt he was mafia, but because i felt (sadly, but honestly) that if u all seriously wanted a day 1 lynch, might as well get the person who seems like he would put the least into finding mafia, rather than causing havoc by being dumb... Cuz if were all looking at him for being dumb all the time, maybe the mafia wont be noticed as much if they slip up? just my train of thought...

Pythags ALWAYS hovering in the background, he is major lurker imo, and thats one of the reasons im suspicious of him.

People that are either extra assertive (lonejedi, aggressiveness) and pythag (lurking, sitting back, bandwagonning when theres probable cause) i always feel those people are acting at extremes because they are afraid of attracting attention/getting investigated by everyone.

Again, can someone tell me, is there a way to pick someone (kevinM as an example) and find all his posts in this thread?
So you were going to lynch Dark_Ermac because he would put the least effort into finding mafia. And that he would cover up mistakes of other mafiats. That's your reasoning for lynching a townie? Really? This makes you look even more scummish, not because of the fact that you wanted to lynch a townie for a stupid reason, but because you seemed to pull out some random logic when questioned. And by "hovering in the background" I didn't mean lurking, I meant he was still a viable attack for you rather than Dark_Ermac.

I noticed you missed some questions from my two previous posts, like the last one concerning lonejedi and Pythag. Answers plox.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2007
the mountains
Game gets replaced while Sakurai and the creators of The Powderpuff Girls make a new video game with extra fluffiness called Ponys,Ponys, and more Ponys


May 7, 2007
Arkengate it's a wonderful tool I call irony.
Earlier whenever I mentioned my suspicions of you, you answered my suspicions by casting suspicion on me.
My main question was how am I lurking?
You addressed only the sarcastic idiotic are of my post. (of course I know you can't check the site when you're blocked. One of my friends got blocked :p)

You seem to pick and choose which parts of arguements you go after.


Oct 1, 2005
I don't think we should take him off just yet, just incase someone tries to jump the boat.

Unvote Arkengate

Say all you want, but I think we should give arkengate at least one more day to defend himself before we lynch him.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Miramar, Florida
I don't think we should take him off just yet, just incase someone tries to jump the boat.

Unvote Arkengate

Say all you want, but I think we should give arkengate at least one more day to defend himself before we lynch him.
OK, he has one more day, but seriously. His defenses have barely helped him. ¬¬
I want my suspicions addressed!


May 7, 2007
To Jiano:
I guess I was waiting for something possibly more substantial. I feel that voting first and asking questions later doesn't do a whole lot of good. The vote is on the tip of my tongue though don't you worry.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
*traps Krystal in a crystal like in the game (oh man, that game was full of emotion: hearing Krystal say, "Please, help me!" with a choking voice totally pulled at my heart strings)*

Wait, did someone already do that? Oh, well.

*baits the horse with some bait, throws a rock at it, baits it again, throws a Safari ball, and captures the horse*

That's my horse!


Smash Rookie
Oct 8, 2007
In a crystal, in Krazoa Palace
Why does everyone have to do that? (Everyone meaning spikehappy and Jammer XD)
You must be really soft if you were affected by listening to Krystal cry for help.

*let's Jammer get away this time........*

Ok, now someone help XDDD


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
Why does everyone have to do that? (Everyone meaning spikehappy and Jammer XD)
You must be really soft if you were affected by listening to Krystal cry for help.
Probably because your username is Krystal and your location says "In a crystal, in Krozoa Palace." Anyone who has played Star Fox Adventures knows the reference.

And yes, my throat got sore and my eyes watered up during that cut scene. "I'm...so...weak..." (You can now imagine me shaking my head to clear it of the image.)

I guess I'll use the extra time gained by this post to fly to Belarus, and hide in the catacombs beneath its largest city (please note I don't know what the largest city in Belarus is, and I doubt it has catacombs).


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
Probably because your username is Krystal and your location says "In a crystal, in Krozoa Palace." Anyone who has played Star Fox Adventures knows the reference.
You don't even have to have played to know that. As long as you know things about StarFox, you would get it.

I guess I'll use the extra time gained by this post to fly to Belarus, and hide in the catacombs beneath its largest city (please note I don't know what the largest city in Belarus is, and I doubt it has catacombs).
You mean Minsk? You are **** lucky it does.
*blows up catacombs*
*Horse lands in front of me*
Mine now, son!

Lol, ok then.
Well, I guess you are lucky this time.
*waits for someone nice enough to help me* O.O
*Frees you.*
You owe me.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2007
-Pimpslaps MysticKenji person-
-Walks away with horse-
Seriously. That's my horse.
Nao git. I gotta get this boy to New Jersey in time for the Breeder's Cup, ya hear?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
"Aww it appeared to be caught!"

Anyway, Arkengate has to SERIOUSLY be voted off! We already have enough proof to lynch him, so why don't we lynch him? His lackluster defenses can't save him now.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Vallejo, CA. Its a small city whom many people ove
I forget, wasn't this supposed to be smash-related? LOL, anyways

*throws pitfall at Sandwich, then charges up a nice big helping of FALCONNNN PUAAAAAWWWNCH!!!!! The Pokeball that had the horse dropped to my side. I pick it up, and say"Hehe, I got it!" Then leave into the darkness...*

Oh, and oh yeah
*Gives krystal a ride home to Fox's pad*

There, you're in good hands.


Oct 1, 2005
Arkengate, I think it's time for you to show your role. You're basically gone, why don't you show your role, it might help your chances.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
in all honesty, ill say im town, and that my "defenses dont seem to help me" because i dont understand what proof there is against me this time around. i did much better in kingdom hearts mafia cuz when people put something against me, it seemed reasonable and defendable.

In all honestly, i dont see much against me, you guys just dont know where else to look but someone that defended a mafia at the beginning of the game, which is horse ****.

You guys have been aiming to take me out for the past month, and its already locked in your heads that im mafia, jsut because you have no where else to look. im kicking up dirt, great, im tryin to figure out who is mafia CUZ I WANT THEM GONE.

But right now, your all retardedly looking at me because i
1) went and defended a mafia person, not knowing he was mafia, on the sole purpose of i didnt think there was enough evidence
2) going after lonejedi for being aggressive, cuz i wanted to see if he'd crack anything
3) being suspicious of pythag, and me not remembering why i was.. lol, its been a month, give me a break, like i remember?
4) going after dark ermac because i felt he wouldnt help us at all, and actually hurt us by having us always look at him instead of mafia.. or just palying stupid enough that we would ignore him?

I, honestly, at this time, have no suspicions of anyone.. the lurkers maybe. But beyond that i have no clue where to look because no one has cared to look at anyone but me so theres not much room for anyone to mess up

If you want to lynch me, honestly, i cant stop you at this point. Most of your guys' minds have been made up for a few weeks now it seems, so, if you want to knock off an ally whos relatively new to mafia and is just trying to get people to **** up and slip somewhere, then fine, boot me off. Your call. No one else is being agressive in attempting to find details about who mafia is.
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