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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
201st post.
What color do you want me to change it to Skylink?


don't have any ideas right now, so yeah.......... and Gotmink, that's obviously because you're bad at this game cause your a james bond sympathizer. that's right, you and that guy that stole my avatar! name was like ligulsoi or somethin.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
This really was a bad time to put a time limit on day one, seeing as how a whole bunvh of players are still gone on trips and have limited computer access, hence their lurking.

Anyway, at the moment skylink is looking the most suspicious to me. First he says that voting no lynch is NOT an option. Why not? If we have a deadlined day one and we haven't rooted out someone with strong mafia tells, then why shouldn't we voet no lynch? Voting no lynch is the best thign to do when a good choice for a lynch hasn't been found, because a random lynch definately will not help the town in any way.

Secondly, he's already jumped around with his suspicions three times, first he votes SideEffect, then he more or less FOS's everyone on the small marshigio bandwagon, and then he votes TahjMach because in his one post he sais he didn't want to get bandwagoned for lurking like Marshigio. I don't find anything scummy about that.

So, which what little I have to go with, I think my vote is best placed on Skylink at the moment. Vote: Skylink


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I think you've got it Frozen. Those are valid reasons, I support them.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Hmmm...those are good points frozen, but the main one I see is his votejumping, and honestly if he was mafia I'd think there would be more focus to his votes than the randomness he's been doing, although I certainly agree he's trying too hard to find a lynch off of too little information. No vote yet though.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Pirates was sold out, so we rented the Big Lebowski. Donnie, you're out of your element! Anyway...

I really don't think we cant treat this day one like other day ones. In the past, we had plenty of time to do stuff and get reactions, ideas, etc. Now, we're on a pretty strict limit. Lynching a player like Skylink, who has contributed quite a bit early in the day, doesn't seem like a good idea. Naturally, we'd like to lynch mafia day one, and to do that we'd need information. IMO, we won't have that kind of solid information day one. I think our best chance would be to lynch an inactive player, who doesn't contribute at all to the game, or to not lynch at all. I think most players have at least checked in (or are away).

But, a vote count would be appreciated, as well as how much time until deadline. Remember, the player with the most votes is lynched at deadline. So a few semi-random votes could result in a lynch. And if a player is lynched with so few votes, the mafia can easily have an advantage.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
What happens if 2 players have the same amount of votes?

Da Man

Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2006
Canterburt, Kent, England
I need to win the next bet then. Oh BTW I also got loads of time on my hands to do a match if you want me to since I'm done with school.
And I bet 1 on Marth.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 1, 2006
I do not want to
please do not make me do that
for it sounds boring

Make 1 about Your favorite ssbm character


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006

Well this voting on marshigo is a bad idea in my opinion. If we lynch him because he is inactive and doesn't say much means we have nothing to discuss about on the next day like who he favored or who he tried to get lynched. By lynching Marshigo we can't discuss these patterns. Therefor I think voting any inactive at this point will not benefit the town...let the posting rules weed out the inactives...

Frozen you make clear and valid points on skylink...indesiveness can lead to confusion as he vote hops around...that could be dangerous with the limited days... vote: skylink

don't have any ideas right now, so yeah.......... and Gotmink, that's obviously because you're bad at this game cause your a james bond sympathizer. that's right, you and that guy that stole my avatar! name was like ligulsoi or somethin.
first of all the name is LIGOLSKI not ligulsoi...and I never stole you avatar, you stole mine as I have been in this site longer than you have AND I have been in more mafia games than you have...Plus do you even know what that avatar is and what it is from without googling it?.?.?.

And I think we have till tomarrow...vote count plzzzzzzzzzz......................

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
thedocsalive said:
I really don't think we cant treat this day one like other day ones. In the past, we had plenty of time to do stuff and get reactions, ideas, etc. Now, we're on a pretty strict limit. Lynching a player like Skylink, who has contributed quite a bit early in the day, doesn't seem like a good idea. Naturally, we'd like to lynch mafia day one, and to do that we'd need information. IMO, we won't have that kind of solid information day one. I think our best chance would be to lynch an inactive player, who doesn't contribute at all to the game, or to not lynch at all. I think most players have at least checked in (or are away).
You bring up a good point, but ligolski brings up a better one IMO.
ligolski said:
let the posting rules weed out the inactives...
Why should we focus on lynching inactive players when the game mechanics are simply going to eliminate them anyway? Even with these time limits, we still need to make an attempt at finding mafia.
thedocsalive said:
But, a vote count would be appreciated, as well as how much time until deadline.
QFT. Get on it camo-man! :chuckle:

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
I'm not sure that skylink should be voted for, because he was one of the people who DIDN'T jump to conclusions and just figured I wouldn't be posting at all. Then again, I think everyone who originally voted for me voted for someone else after I posted.

No, we shouldn't lynch the inactives either, because they might eventually post by the deadline like I did. I just with I knew when the deadline actually was.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Can it also be Brawl characters?

Wario is a badass
He uses his assattack
That has to smell bad!

Make me one about Stickman.


hmmmmm ya flame that a pretty good idea about skylink. not sure if i want to vote for him though. gotta think about it some more.
ligolski said:
first of all the name is LIGOLSKI not ligulsoi...and I never stole you avatar, you stole mine as I have been in this site longer than you have AND I have been in more mafia games than you have...Plus do you even know what that avatar is and what it is from without googling it?.?.?.
ligulsoi...ligolski....same thing pretty much dont get so upset. I obviously didn't steal yur avatar cuz as soon as I registered here I went right into the avatar selection and found this so you obviously stole mine and yes I do know what it is, it's a space marine from the game warhammer 40k. you probably don't even play, whereas i have a 2000 point army so ha n00b.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Riciardos said:
What happens if 2 players have the same amount of votes?
Good question. One that camo-man should answer. I've seen various rules for that kind of situation, but I have no idea what camo-man is using.

ligolski said:
Well this voting on marshigo is a bad idea in my opinion. If we lynch him because he is inactive and doesn't say much means we have nothing to discuss about on the next day like who he favored or who he tried to get lynched. By lynching Marshigo we can't discuss these patterns. Therefor I think voting any inactive at this point will not benefit the town...let the posting rules weed out the inactives...
Well, first of all, the votes on Marshigio for being inactive are moot, as he has posted frequently enough since. Secondly, there were plenty of reactions to gauge from proposing a campaign to lynch lurkers. Look at what happened:
I say we could try lynching lurkers, and vote Marshigio.
SideEffect disagrees, and says no lynch is better.
Skylink says we can't vote no lynch, and votes SideEffect.
ZMan doesn't comment.
pezaddict agrees with me.
Lance agrees with me.
Tahj agrees with me.
Skylink is suspicious of people for following my idea.
Sinz agrees with Skylink that four votes on an inactive is odd.
frozen says it isn't a terrible idea, but doesn't agree with it.
Marshigio shows up.

So you see, you can't say there are no reactions and nothing to discuss with a lurker lynch. Again, it's irrelevant because Marshigio is here. But let's say he wasn't, and he was lynched. We gain the information of his alignment, and information about all of the aforementioned reactions.

As for the rules weeding out inactives, it won't work on day one necessarily. It was a random number of days between four and seven, and if it's not four, then no lurker will be modkilled day one. However, it is a good point relating to lurkers for later on.

frozenflame751 said:
Why should we focus on lynching inactive players when the game mechanics are simply going to eliminate them anyway? Even with these time limits, we still need to make an attempt at finding mafia.
Of course we'd rather find mafia, but with the 96 hour day one, that's very difficult. I really don't think Skylink is all that suspicious. While I don't agree that voting no lynch isn't an option at all, it certainly isn't preferred. As for his jumping around, well, at least he's posting original ideas and suspicions. That's more than what can be said for many players here thus far. I think most of his suspicions were valid, and worth pursuing on a day one. Anyway, I think I've found a better target: Sinz.

While Sinz earlier agreed with Skylink that the four votes on Marshigio were suspicious, he later proceeded to vote Skylink on frozen's reasons. It seems like frozen's best reason for voting Skylink is his jumping around with suspicions earlier, while Sinz agreed with most of those suspicions (the ones voting Marshigio).

Vote: Sinz

Oh, and deadline is apparently July 11th at 10:15 p.m. EST. That's exactly four days after we started.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
So we only have 2 days to get 13 votes on someone. I don't think it was strange that Tahj, Lance, and pezaddict agreed with you, but I DO think it's strange that none of them unvoted me after I posted(correct me if they did or if they left)

Or maybe they just wanted to lynch someone right away so the game could get on a roll. It didn't seem to me that they thought about everything, and decided to rather just lynch an inactive rather than just search and destroy a mafia member.

skylink doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong and maybe people are just too critical. Sinz hasn't said much either, but neither has the people who originally agreed with thedocsalive, so I'm still saying no lynch, not based on what we've seen so far anyway.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Wow, I came to this site today and had 7 Pms asking about this. I should try and stop being so lazy.

Chara8hellokitty has only posted in this thread, and only posted then. I actually think that he is some fake name of someone else that is in this game, and Agentli took himself off of the list. If agentli wants to come back in, then he can. I am going to hold off of Varuna's death.

Give me a little bit to figure everything out, and then Ill start the next day.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003

I just accidently deleted a role PM and forgot what it said. I'm going to Pm that person to try and figure out what it was.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Doc you make a good point...But those reactions still give us next to nothing zman and pezaddict always randomly agree with someone and give them their support and vote...your point about Sinz is true enough but everyone is entitled to change their mind and support different ideas...maybe you could quote for me the instances where he did the above mentioned to make it a little clearer for me...it would be appreciated...I would like to here from skylink first before I unvote him and I would also like to here from Sinz...

ligulsoi...ligolski....same thing pretty much dont get so upset. I obviously didn't steal yur avatar cuz as soon as I registered here I went right into the avatar selection and found this so you obviously stole mine and yes I do know what it is, it's a space marine from the game warhammer 40k. you probably don't even play, whereas i have a 2000 point army so ha n00b.
I am no noob! I own 2 companies of space marines, the first being 3,000 to 4,000 pts. strong and the second being somewhere around 2,000 to 2,500 pts strong...so HA! I have been playing for much longer and therefore YOU are the noob...lol :) FOR THE EMPEROR!!! and note my location and how it references to warhammer 40k


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm

Anyway, I'm not agreeing with anybody/votingright now. I'll put a vote someone and he'll be town alligned, but that's my problem

BTW: FOS on Sinz for beating me in our $1 mm. with his shine-spaming Fox.

(j/k of course)
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