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I Will Believe In Myself: Miles "Tails" Prower Support Thread

The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
true, we toad fans are still a little disappointed that he was ignored
I feel sorry for you Toud fans, Captain could have been a awesome character, at least he's in Smash tho, it's an honor!

Yo I looked back, holy **** you're right....they do mention background characters normally. OoOOOooohh~~~! That's interesting. Arguably that's really interesting because they could have outright said that Sonic's friends run through the loop and Knuckles also appears as an assist trophy......but nothing. I'm getting a little anxious, not gonna lie.
IKR! Guess we might not have to get hit by the 'Tails is Decomfiemed because he appeard in Green Hill' Excuse, I know I was kinda gloomy before, but this THEORETICALLY could give us a better chance!!

Also, it was RineYFD who pointed out the possibility of no cameos being mentioned in the Blog Post, so credit goes to him Ghost.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
I feel sorry for you Toud fans, Captain could have been a awesome character, at least he's in Smash tho, it's an honor!

IKR! Guess we might not have to get hit by the 'Tails is Decomfiemed because he appeard in Green Hill' Excuse, I know I was kinda gloomy before, but this THEORETICALLY could give us a better chance!!

Also, it was RineYFD who pointed out the possibility of no cameos being mentioned in the Blog Post, so credit goes to him Ghost.
Alright cool. I couldn't remember exactly who it was that said it originally but that was a solid deduction that actually had weight behind it. Though it's even more suspicious that there was no mention of the background characters at all but the goal post of all things. Did they mention Tails, Knuckles and Silver in the brawl stage description? If so it's definitely weird.
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The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
Alright cool. I couldn't remember exactly who it was that said it originally but that was a solid deduction that actually had weight behind it. Though it's even more suspicious that there was no mention of the background characters at all but the goal post of all things. Did they mention Tails, Knuckles and Silver in the brawl stage description? If so it's definitely weird.
Most likely, every Brawl Description I've seen has all 3 characters, Tails, Silver '& Knuckles'.


Maybe they ported/easily copied over old stages from Wii U and 3DS,and the Demo they used was early development and still had the characters present and now they might have removed Knuckles and Tails, and maybe Silver (Silver being the most likely to stay as a cameo if the characters are having different roles).

Knuckles Becomes An Assist Trophy, Mii Costume could've hinted a Upgrade for him. And now he dosen't Appear in the Stage.

And Tails was Upgraded Into A Playable Role/Assist, Hinted at the Mii Costume he got. And He has also been removed or replaced from the background.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
I feel sorry for you Toud fans, Captain could have been a awesome character, at least he's in Smash tho, it's an honor!
on behalf of the toad fans thank you

Okay.....um guys, so this just surfaced....sorry for this coming out of no where, but what you thinking?


View attachment 171457
looks pretty fake im sure ive that shadow render before


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
Okay.....um guys, so this just surfaced....sorry for this coming out of no where, but what you thinking?


View attachment 171457
Extremely fake. The characters are just pasted on in the exact same spots as the last banner with no characters moved around, they're all too small and have no depth like the other drawings when looked at far away, chorus kids are less blurry than the others.

The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
The Fact that there is not a lot of activity is scaring me, if the Leaks true, I'll be very upset, seriously, I would say I'm disappointed with the end result, yet grateful, this Image sums it up....

Extremely fake. The characters are just pasted on in the exact same spots as the last banner with no characters moved around, they're all too small and have no depth like the other drawings when looked at far away, chorus kids are less blurry than the others.
Ghost, the name of the employee was found, they have connections with Bandai Namco, and the characters dont have any counterpart online...

I'm Scared to say, and I really don't want to, but it might be real...


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I do admit my heart skipped a beat in worry when Green Hill Zone turned out to be the stage this week.

But luckily the cameos weren't mentioned. If they were, it'd admittedly make supporting Tails a little more difficult since the site mentioned the cameo before some appearance as a playable character. Unfair to us it might of been, it might of been enough to draw people's skepticism of Tails becoming playable later even as DLC.

As for the recent "leak". I'm skeptical. 7 characters, 5 uniques and 2 echoes seems like one of those too good to be true kind of things. I feel some people may be banking on it solely because it would finally break speculation free of not only Vergeben's claim but the Box theory as well.

I won't mind if it turns out real as it is an amazing set of characters. But for now I remain skeptical.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
I do admit my heart skipped a beat in worry when Green Hill Zone turned out to be the stage this week.

But luckily the cameos weren't mentioned. If they were, it'd admittedly make supporting Tails a little more difficult since the site mentioned the cameo before some appearance as a playable character. Unfair to us it might of been, it might of been enough to draw people's skepticism of Tails becoming playable later even as DLC.

As for the recent "leak". I'm skeptical. 7 characters, 5 uniques and 2 echoes seems like one of those too good to be true kind of things. I feel some people may be banking on it solely because it would finally break speculation free of not only Vergeben's claim but the Box theory as well.

I won't mind if it turns out real as it is an amazing set of characters. But for now I remain skeptical.
Not even just for the sake of Tails, but besides the bad character sizes and lack of depth. Some characters are way to intensely blurred than others when the pictures is taken right above it and not an angle. The picture wasn't taking of a screen either, allegedly it's a flat surface meaning the contrast in focus wouldn't be that different all over the page if there is no glare.What makes it worse is that the two images that proceed the actual leak are extremely clear images of the work and desk area where the images were taken. The **** is fake and if I'm wrong I'll eat my words for it, but there's some highly questionable facts of the story.
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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I will say I won't mind if this does turn out real. I stand firm that even with Shadow in as an Echo, Tails has a shot at DLC. Tails isn't going to be an echo, so Shadow getting the Sonic echo slot does not impact him in anyway meaningful. We wouldn't be able to push for the package deal anymore. But we can still push for Sonic being the first 3rd party series to get a proper new character that isn't mostly a carbon copy of Sonic's moveset

(And I doubt Shadow isn't an echo in this leak for those who may think that. You have 7 characters and only one of them is an echo? Yeah, Shadow's an echo in this)
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Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Amazing how fast people are ready to discredit Vergeben and believe in a leak when it actually gives them way more characters than they expected rather than less. It's all bias.

How do they expect to show this many characters in the last direct? You can't. You can't just chum them out like they're echo fighters or something. I don't believe it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
Amazing how fast people are ready to discredit Vergeben and believe in a leak when it actually gives them way more characters than they expected rather than less. It's all bias.

How do they expect to show this many characters in the last direct? You can't. You can't just chum them out like they're echo fighters or something. I don't believe it.
Pushing out characters isn't what makes it unbelievable in my opinion (anything could happen on that front) what's confusing me are things like the blurred name.....I could understand if you didn't notice your name in the shot, if it was halfway of screen or too small, but no. A name is in shot, that was supposedly noticed and blurred only the bottom, if you noticed your name in a shot like this you would go out of your way to make sure the entire thing was covered up. It feels like that whole bit was intentionally done to get people to look up the name to start. It's just all very strange to me.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2017
So one of the new Sonic songs seems to be an unremixed Fist Bump.

Not that it's any surprising.

Also Crunchii does seem to know things about the game and has been given permission by NIntendo to post certain things like this, the full Flash Man remix and the Menu theme.
To be honest with you I never liked Fist Bump. It was way too cheesy(Yes even for Sonic standards) and too generic. Would've honestly preferred 'What I'm Made Of' from Sonic Heroes, 'Never Turn Back' from Shadow The Hedgehog, 'Knight of the Wind' from Sonic and the Black Knight or 'Tornado Time' from Sonic Lost World(Pretty sure this one is obvious). And if we are talking about other tracks from Sonic Forces, then I would have taken any of the Avatar Songs or Sunset Heights.
Probably a little too obvious (Since I'm not sure there's too many that's active here that won't) but if Tails gets in Smash will you get a Tails Amiibo? And if so, how soon would you try to get one? ASAP or would you wait a bit after the immediate rush ends?

I would definitely try to pre-order one as soon as it became available. I'm not a collector of many Amiibo and only got characters I really like or felt like would be cool to have (Like how I have the mount rushmore of gaming we got in Smash 4. Mario was my first Amiibo and of course I was going to get Sonic's. But thought I'd get Pac-Man and Mega Man anyway). But I for sure would want to have Tails amongst my favorite character collection.
I don't buy Amiibo's all that much, but I would definitely add Tails to the list, alongside Corrin and Ridley.
Guys, Green Hill Zone Has Appeared On The Blog Post, It dosen't mention the Tails, Knuckles or Silver Cameos, here's the description.

What Could That Mean? They would've mentioned the Cameos as that's one of the unique things about GH, so what's up with That?

View attachment 171438
Don't get your hopes up yet.
This could be either good or bad news.
I feel sorry for you Toud fans, Captain could have been a awesome character, at least he's in Smash tho, it's an honor!

IKR! Guess we might not have to get hit by the 'Tails is Decomfiemed because he appeard in Green Hill' Excuse, I know I was kinda gloomy before, but this THEORETICALLY could give us a better chance!!

Also, it was RineYFD who pointed out the possibility of no cameos being mentioned in the Blog Post, so credit goes to him Ghost.
Again, we aren't in the clear boys. This doesn't de-confirm Tails being in the background anymore but it doesn't confirm it either.
Okay.....um guys, so this just surfaced....sorry for this coming out of no where, but what you thinking?


View attachment 171457
Why the hell is all of these leaks so blurry, all the godamn time?
It just makes more obvious that it's fake. If you didn't do much of a great job, why even leak it?
Granted, there has been information traced to him, that he actually does work at a French marketing place and that he sent it from a Snapchat, but that even leads to more questions.
If he works at a place like that, how do we NOT know he simply faked it, since he works for a company like that? Why would you send it to a Snapchat out of all places? Why would you not cover up your name fully, so Nintendo can't sue you for leaking information you weren't meant to? Why risk the cost of losing your job, because if Nintendo won't sue you when your company is surely going to fire you, even if it fake I'm sure he wasn't supposed to fake something like this.
If this information is true, then he handled it very poorly, because now Nintendo can find him and he posted a very low-quality image.
Also, if there are seven characters, why didn't Sakurai just reveal one or two of them this month and reveal the rest of them in November or December.
That was the whole point he delayed Smash Announcements. Unless Sakurai's planning to do a reveal in November and somewhere between the 1st or 6th of December.
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Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Pushing out characters isn't what makes it unbelievable in my opinion (anything could happen on that front) what's confusing me are things like the blurred name.....I could understand if you didn't notice your name in the shot, if it was halfway of screen or too small, but no. A name is in shot, that was supposedly noticed and blurred only the bottom, if you noticed your name in a shot like this you would go out of your way to make sure the entire thing was covered up. It feels like that whole bit was intentionally done to get people to look up the name to start. It's just all very strange to me.
I'm sorry but I personally can't see them pushing out in 1 direct. That's 5 unique characters. The most we've ever gotten in ANY direct is 2 unique. One at the beginning, and one at the end. Where are they going to find the time to give a trailer to every single one of those? Why save 5 unique characters when they could have shown us them in October? It doesn't make any sense to shoehorn them all in November. It'd be breaking the mold in a lot of ways.

And you got this going against Verg because of the absence of Incineroar. Remember the same people all screamed "MUSIC THEORY IS DEAD" the moment a Pokemon song showed up on the website. Like c'mon.

You've got a blurry picture with 7 characters, most of which the average fan will go bonkers over, and it just screams bias.

The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
Since this day has gone a bit dim, I've commissioned a piece of art on Twitter, its Tails in Smash, I'll post it on here when it's ready, if you all are interested...

And about that leak...i don't know what to think, I'm being very serious with it so I'm on Team Neutral.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
To be honest with you I never liked Fist Bump. It was way too cheesy(Yes even for Sonic standards) and too generic. Would've honestly preferred 'What I'm Made Of' from Sonic Heroes, 'Never Turn Back' from Shadow The Hedgehog, 'Knight of the Wind' from Sonic and the Black Knight or 'Tornado Time' from Sonic Lost World(Pretty sure this one is obvious). And if we are talking about other tracks from Sonic Forces, then I would have taken any of the Avatar Songs or Sunset Heights.

I don't buy Amiibo's all that much, but I would definitely add Tails to the list, alongside Corrin and Ridley.

Don't get your hopes up yet.
This could be either good or bad news.

Again, we aren't in the clear boys. This doesn't de-confirm Tails being in the background anymore but it doesn't confirm it either.

Why the hell is all of these leaks so blurry, all the godamn time?
It just makes more obvious that it's fake. If you didn't do much of a great job, why even leak it?
Granted, there has been information traced to him, that he actually does work at a French marketing place and that he sent it from a Snapchat, but that even leads to more questions.
If he works at a place like that, how do we NOT know he simply faked it, since he works for a company like that? Why would you send it to a Snapchat out of all places? Why would you not cover up your name fully, so Nintendo can't sue you for leaking information you weren't meant to? Why risk the cost of losing your job, because if Nintendo won't sue you when your company is surely going to fire you, even if it fake I'm sure he wasn't supposed to fake something like this.
If this information is true, then he handled it very poorly, because now Nintendo can find him and he posted a very low-quality image.
Also, if there are seven characters, why didn't Sakurai just reveal one or two of them this month and reveal the rest of them in November or December.
That was the whole point he delayed Smash Announcements. Unless Sakurai's planning to do a reveal in November and somewhere between the 1st or 6th of December.
EXACTLY what I was thinking. If you're working for a company that deals in marketing (Cardboard cutouts, ads, etc) and you just so happen to be deep into the Smash community as well it probably wouldn't be difficult to make yourself seem very credible and I don't think it's a stretch to say that. Working at a business like that, you probably already have good craftsmanship skills, but if it is faked by an actual employee they could have come to the belief that if it wasn't real they couldn't get in trouble for it. Though that's just some assumptions.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
We should all chill out either way when it comes to Tails regarding this leak.

If it's Fake, there's even less characters likely at most 5 or less. Of which Tails just isn't going to be one of them

If it's real, even with an echo shadow. Tails has things going for him in DLC. And I will try to lead a charge for that. Once the full roster has been officially confirmed.

Even if Tails doesn't make it through this entire game's lifetime. I admit I'll be a little salty on the Sonic side of things that Shadow made it in just for being easier to make. But I can't be mad that they got freakin' Banjo-Kazooie back on a Nintendo system after nearly 2 decades. I'm not even a Banjo-Kazooie fan and I think that's HUGE.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I think this one might be real. Let's hope Tails is DLC, or at least returns with a better costume that has his face over the Mii's face. (I don't need the Mii face).


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Switch FC
I think this one might be real. Let's hope Tails is DLC, or at least returns with a better costume that has his face over the Mii's face. (I don't need the Mii face).
If he gets a big enough push..that's what I'm worried about...
the fact that Shadow echoed his way in and not Tails will Sting..


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
If he gets a big enough push..that's what I'm worried about...
the fact that Shadow echoed his way in and not Tails will Sting..
Tails couldn't be an echo, I am certain of that after Sakurai's comments after Isabelle. So it doesn't mean alot.

And if this leak is real, we should all appreciate what this roster is even if Tails doesn't make it (even after DLC). We'll have almost 80 characters. And there's most certainly still going to be DLC either way. And Tails should have a shot barring him showing up as a 2nd Sonic assist trophy. But I feel like Knuckles will be alone on that front.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Switch FC
Tails couldn't be an echo, I am certain of that after Sakurai's comments after Isabelle. So it doesn't mean alot.

And if this leak is real, we should all appreciate what this roster is even if Tails doesn't make it (even after DLC). We'll have almost 80 characters. And there's most certainly still going to be DLC either way. And Tails should have a shot barring him showing up as a 2nd Sonic assist trophy. But I feel like Knuckles will be alone on that front.
I'm sorry but i can't. it's just how i feel! Least Smash Flash 2 has him.
Looks like Pikachu will be my main for a 5th time lol..


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I enjoyed playing as "quote" Tails as a Mii costume. The Gunner moveset that people developed for him felt realistic to him as well.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Switch FC

Saw this and thought you guys might wanna have a look at it.
IF and only IF The "leak" is True Then I'll hold of on smash ultimate
until i see what happens with Tails!
If he's DLC, so be it!
As for the video, not only he Survives..
he lives on for ever! <3

The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430

Saw this and thought you guys might wanna have a look at it.
This was actually nice to watch, but it gets ruined due to everyone mentioning the leak, it's like a plague to be honest.

The points he brought up were fair and completely justified. I also went to the poll and saw a good chunk of love for Tails, but that leak...

It seriously had drained me out, I've token a break from Amino, I might have to leave here for a couple of days, but I might pop in to say Hi.

See ya later pals...

The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
Just wanted to to bring this to your attention...

The Printing Company has made a statement.

Rumors of privacy leak on the latest version of the super smash bros game report a link to our company. All these rumors only support one idea, journalism is not limited to searching google.
Indeed, the person involved in this "rumor", if so, is no longer present in our company since November 2016., which has not put its linkedin profile up to date, some wanted to make a rapprochement with The Marina workshops that cannot exist.
Namco is a company we have worked with and with which we want to work again, this is not the case currently for the launch of super smash bros ultimate. These rumours are therefore discrediting our widely recognized professionalism, particularly with regard to our confidentiality commitments.
We are now contacting all these sites and namco / Nintendo to remove this false information and evaluate the judicial suites to be given.
The Marina Team.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2017
Just wanted to to bring this to your attention...

The Printing Company has made a statement.

Rumors of privacy leak on the latest version of the super smash bros game report a link to our company. All these rumors only support one idea, journalism is not limited to searching google.
Indeed, the person involved in this "rumor", if so, is no longer present in our company since November 2016., which has not put its linkedin profile up to date, some wanted to make a rapprochement with The Marina workshops that cannot exist.
Namco is a company we have worked with and with which we want to work again, this is not the case currently for the launch of super smash bros ultimate. These rumours are therefore discrediting our widely recognized professionalism, particularly with regard to our confidentiality commitments.
We are now contacting all these sites and namco / Nintendo to remove this false information and evaluate the judicial suites to be given.
The Marina Team.

So instead of saying he's been fired, he hasn't even been with the company since 2016. Unless they were already making merchandise for the game, I highly doubt he got the actual banner for Ultimate at that time period.
The chances of him faking it, are becoming more likely.
Edit: Apparently Nintendo Acu manage to find the supposed author of the leak.
Translation: A source @NintendoActu was able to find out from the supposed author of the supposed Super leak #SmashBros. Ultimate, who claims to be unaware of the situation and has not been contacted by partners about it.”
Considering how this leak is too good to be true to begin with, along with this new evidence, it's becoming more likely it's fake.
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The Snitch Studio

Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2018
United Kingdom
Switch FC
3637 4300 0430
TeamSonicRacing is delayed to 21 May 2019. Statement from SEGA:
"During this additional time, Sega and Sumo Digital will continue to hone the title to enhance the player experience to ensure Team Sonic Racing delivers the best gameplay experience possible"

What's your thoughts?


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
TeamSonicRacing is delayed to 21 May 2019. Statement from SEGA:
"During this additional time, Sega and Sumo Digital will continue to hone the title to enhance the player experience to ensure Team Sonic Racing delivers the best gameplay experience possible"

What's your thoughts?
This is a good thing. They're not rushing the game to make the holidays and get out a product that's initially bad. I think there had been noted issues some fans have pointed out with the game that need to be fixed. And an additional 5-6 months is plenty of time to sort out issues.

Also it's not going to be completely destroyed by Smash in the sales department if it still came out where it was planned. Most of everybody who wants Smash will have Smash by May.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2018
So instead of saying he's been fired, he hasn't even been with the company since 2016. Unless they were already making merchandise for the game, I highly doubt he got the actual banner for Ultimate at that time period.
The chances of him faking it, are becoming more likely.
Edit: Apparently Nintendo Acu manage to find the supposed author of the leak.
Translation: A source @NintendoActu was able to find out from the supposed author of the supposed Super leak #SmashBros. Ultimate, who claims to be unaware of the situation and has not been contacted by partners about it.”
Considering how this leak is too good to be true to begin with, along with this new evidence, it's becoming more likely it's fake.
That leaves a massive plot hole in the story, so one of 3 things are to be assumed.
1. The supposed leak did not originate from the company the alleged leaker previously worked at, but somehow the current company he does is where it leaked.
2. Someone else wherever they are actually did leak it and they tried to frame him/or noticed the guys name and tried to poorly cover it up as not to involve him.
3. It's fake.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Switch FC
That leaves a massive plot hole in the story, so one of 3 things are to be assumed.
1. The supposed leak did not originate from the company the alleged leaker previously worked at, but somehow the current company he does is where it leaked.
2. Someone else wherever they are actually did leak it and they tried to frame him/or noticed the guys name and tried to poorly cover it up as not to involve him.
3. It's fake.
I'll go with #3 Fake!


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I think the safest position right now is to take neither side. I don't think there's compelling enough evidence whether it's real or fake yet. Both have good points.

I lean on the more skeptical side of things. But I think there may at least be some partial truth (Like a few characters in the leak might actually be in) but not all.

Until we have a definitive answer, which won't come until whenever the Smash direct is coming most likely. We can only do so much.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2017
That leaves a massive plot hole in the story, so one of 3 things are to be assumed.
1. The supposed leak did not originate from the company the alleged leaker previously worked at, but somehow the current company he does is where it leaked.
2. Someone else wherever they are actually did leak it and they tried to frame him/or noticed the guys name and tried to poorly cover it up as not to involve him.
3. It's fake.
I don't think they would go THAT far to frame the other guy for the leak. I mean that's just way paying way too much attention to detail and is pretty wrong when you think about it, framing someone else to take the blame just to leak the game and also spoil the game for everyone else. That's pretty selfish and cruel.
What I find interesting about this leak, is that it's saying we won't get a new Pokemon rep but we get a new retro rep(Mach Rider).
And Vergeban is saying we will get a new Pokemon(Incineroar) rep but not a new retro rep.
Keep in mind since Melee we have both gotten a new Pokemon rep and Retro rep in every game.
Melee- Mewtwo and Pichu(Pokemon). Ice Climbers and Mr. Game and Watch(Retro)
Brawl- Pokemon Trainer and Lucario(Pokemon). Pit(Technically at the time, counted as a Retro pick) and R.O.B(Retro)
Sm4sh- Greninja(Pokemon) and Duck Hunt(Retro).
Notice how in Smash 4 we only got one Pokemon character and one Retro character, whilst in the last two games, we had a theme of receiving two new Pokemon characters AND two retro characters. They both have the same common theme with receiving the same number for newcomers.
Since we have a common theme with all the Smash games since, Melee I doubt Sakurai will ignore this in Ultimate, if both the Mural and Vergeban leaks are fake.
Also, paired with some of the other evidence we've gotten for the Mural I'm doubting this leak even more. Way too many characters, only two echoes, is just true good to be true, being posted on Snapchat(Why didn't he just take a picture and then send to his friend through a text? I'm sure it would have been better quality than), ignoring the theme of getting a new Pokemon rep but still getting a retro rep, and also that the Shadow render looks too similar to Nibroc Rocks'. Yeah, I have a good reason to believe this is fake.
Not that I ever believed Vergeban, to begin with.
Though, I will have to say this is probably the most legit picture leak, we've gotten yet.
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Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
I don't believe that there are only 2-3 characters left and those characters are an echo of Ken and a Pokemon. Smash is going to end on a high note. This is why I am leaning towards the Banner being real. Now whether the banner is the final roster or not is an interesting discussion that people are just now starting to have.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I'm still on a bit neutral on this leak. The possible Golden Sun item that was shown briefly during the Wendy's Tailgate event is really the only thing that has ticked me closer to the "Huh, maybe this is real" side.

But I can't help but shake the feeling of worry from Vaanrose's analysis of the banner as well as the word of insiders, including especially trusted ones like Serebii that this is not it.

I'm leaning closer to the leak being PARTIALLY correct in that some characters are indeed in. But not all 7. Which characters I don't know for sure. The only ones I'm now leaning towards being in for sure now are Ken and Isaac.

On another subject though, when we start a Tails DLC campaign. Would any of you be ok with a Discord server for it? I plan to have it on Twitter first, but thought a live chat place could be good too.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I don't think that this leak is real. It looks more like a wishlist than something that is actually credible.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Switch FC
The Lack of a New Pokemon is primarily why i don't believe it!
A Sun and moon Trainer battle remix is already in the game..
it Just makes sense to have a Gen7 Rep along with it.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
The Lack of a New Pokemon is primarily why i don't believe it!
A Sun and moon Trainer battle remix is already in the game..
it Just makes sense to have a Gen7 Rep along with it.
it would be a little strange if this was the first smash without a pokemon from the latest gen


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
The Lack of a New Pokemon is primarily why i don't believe it!
A Sun and moon Trainer battle remix is already in the game..
it Just makes sense to have a Gen7 Rep along with it.
it would be a little strange if this was the first smash without a pokemon from the latest gen
I do feel like that maybe there's a possibility that instead whoever is the Gen 7 Pokemon. Incineroar being the most named for it anyway. That he might be one of the earliest DLC characters if he's not in base. With how greedy Gamefreak is I could honestly see that as a possibility. Maybe they had dollar signs after Mewtwo's sales and decided to have the Smash team wait until the DLC portion of the game to place in a new character.

Albeit you could argue they may want to instead jump straight to Generation 8 in DLC instead. Though again this is in the situation that this leak is true. Which again I'm not sure about yet.
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