Source gaming has done their translation, but their site is dying at the moment, so they've let someone else post it elsewhere for those wanting to read it:
"…That said, if you were thinking that we’d just be dropping a bunch of newcomer trailers all the way up until release, you’d be sorely mistaken. We may have gone a little bit overboard up until now, so we’re going to slow our pace from here on out."
it only states that their slowing the pace of reveals, not that their won't be many more newcomers. it may have a similar connotation, but it's also not a definitive answer that confirms anything. so I'm not letting the famitsu column keep me down that much. though i'm still keeping my expectations low.
regardless of whether the music theory has held true or not, the lack of new Sonic music this far in is enough to keep my hopes up for Tails. Incineroar is my favorite Fire starter, so i wouldn't mind if he disproves the theory.
on another note, I think Tails has taken the spot of my most wanted character now. at first it was Chibi-Robo. but his lack of popularity in speculation and discussion has kind of dwindled my hopes for him making an appearance. and my other hopes seem to be longer shots than that. I've been thinking about his potential reveal this morning and it brought me so much joy just thinking about it. here's hoping it becomes a reality.