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I am really not excited for this game any more - possible spoilers


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
This is literally Krystal's first appearance in 12 years. If I were a Krystal fan I'd be pretty happy tbh.
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Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
This thread is basically you saying "my most wanteds didn't get in, so I'm salty about the turnout of the game and I'm not going to buy it," which is acting pretty entitled. Not ungrateful, just entitled.
Except it’s neither.

It’s his money

If he doesn’t want to spend over 60 dollars on a game that’s fine.

Enough of the labels.

Either way, I’m sorry you feel this way about the game, but it’s a new game so I’m not gonna trip on characters so much there’s so many.

I don’t know how old most of you are but I grew up playing Super Mario RPG and Banjo Kazooie, and personally I can’t see the fascination with the characters you guys have. I wanted Lyn before Brawl came out, which sucks, but it’s whatever lol

Piranha Plant was a brilliant inclusion from a marketing and designer perspective. It’s such a fresh concept, and I would sooner have more selections like these than just obvious hopefuls.

I’m just glad we’re getting more and the complaining will soon subside.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
No they don't Brawl stickers were balanced via Size and were only usable in Story mode. They are obtained in all game modes and the effects that they had were generally, "Give item" or stat increases. Spirits, on the other hand, have been shown to affect stats, abilities themselves, fighter properties, stage properties, etc. They appear available outside of the Story mode and obtainable only in story mode or their supported modes. Again, closest comparison is equipment, but it really is a loose comparison. That, and there is a consistent limit to the amount of spirits you can use. (1 primary and 1-3 secondary)

Brawl stickers are nothing like Spirits. I liked Brawl stickers, by the way. Made Subspace more interesting. No flinch stickers for life!

With the stages, that's just silly. "Of course it would be less." It's a direct comparison. And ultimate spent time not only improving old stages, but remastering them. Layout is simple. Redoing all the assets for most of the non-N64 returning stages? That isn't a "hurt" situation. The stage addition count stands.

I understand why you might see that, in regards to engine. It's Smash 4's base engine, but it also appears to be revamped with a ton of tweaking. A lot of the models are either updated or outright new. I just can't see what you see, but then we might be looking at different things when we refer to the engine.

I disagree with the "with a smaller team" statement. We got more stages, with most of them completely re-vamped outside of layout, more new characters overall with more on the way, and, as per Reggie, another full story. Sure, we lost some modes, but I do fully believe that they may be includable later and/or were appropriate losses. Trophies I agree with, but then I understand the removal towards time gains as well. I can only imagine all the time that was spent gaining licensing for most of the roster.

Most of the characters are not clones or echoes. That's simply demonstrable fact and it can even be argued that some of the clone/echos aren't even really clone/echos. Ken is the strongest example there. As for new movesets no longer being needed, and stages, there is a ton of work that goes into updating those assets. And, for the most part, movesets were altered pretty heavily from the vets returning. Look at Wolf. Foundations are there, but actual moves are different on several moves. That's just an example. Also, I really hope you aren't saying that the assets of Brawl vets returning weren't taken straight from Brawl. That's just... Dude. They are clearly re-done.

Ultimate is bigger then Brawl and Smash 4. Spirits looks huge and we never know what they may add in the future. I've a feeling Spirits will scratch the 1p mode itch and Classic will be the most unique it's been ever. I can understand why some classic 1p modes were scrapped, but it's possible they may see a return. I enjoyed Home Run Contest as much as anyone, and I do miss the coin minigames from the previous entries. Even with that said, in my view, this game will have enough to keep solo players happy while also appealing to the competitive crowd.
Spirits seem like an update to Brawl’s stickers still. Both are images of characters used to change up the characters. While they are going further, stickers were the foundation that lead up to Spirits along with equipment which was also a natural progression of the system. Also both allowed for around 3, so adding one more isn’t that much of a change. To give credit though, changing stage layouts seems to be new.

I said there would be more stages based on Sakurai’s comments that he is using the Wii U engine. He has all the stages from Smash Wii U that he can easily port over by doing this, as all were already made in HD. To comment, as I think this is a matter of differing opinion, but I think bringing stages back only hurt the game. We now have 4 new stages, so many of Nintendo’s recent titles couldn’t have stages, or even neglected older titles. I guess to me, I’d rather have new stages that take advantage of titles like Shadows of Valentina, Robobot, Color Splash, ARMS, etc. I like some of the older returning stages, like Hanenbow because it gets some Nintendo history. But some like Mushroomy Kingdom could have been left in the past for some newer ones.

Sakurai did have a smaller team pre-4. He had his own company Sora LTD. which was a smaller sized company. For Ultimate and 4, he teamed up with Bandai Namco, a huge gaming company, to make the titles, so technically yes, his team was smaller going into Brawl over the other two. Brawl also had issues with development teams as one section would work on Smash, while the other does Subspace, they ended up not finding another team, so everything needed to be done in house.

Assets are taken from the previous game for every Smash title and reworked. Most likely Sakurai used already created Brawl models and updated them as he did with the roster for Wii U. Wolf was definitely altered the most, but most likely the base was already established, making it easier to bring the characters back compared to say Mewtwo in Wii U, where they had to make a completely new model due to Melee data being deleted. Characters like Pichu and Young Link had the benefit of being clones, as to not take to much time, Pichu taking off the base of Pikachu, and Young Link getting extremely lucky and having Link assets, and a smaller Link build to work off of with Toon Link.

Content-wise for core Smash, yes, Ultimate is way bigger. Bigger roster and Stage count overall, but to me that doesn’t make for a compelling Smash experience. Brawl is bigger to me personally as it has things to do, multiple modes to try out. Subspace was a big win for Brawl, and while I think the cutscenes were pointless after a play through, I thoroughly enjoyed the platforming it brought. Ultimate doesn’t have that. Spirits doesn’t look like a good substitute for any of the modes as Spirits lacks variety. Spirits is just special matches, not much better than events. Subspace on the other hand, even excluding cutscenes, was its own thing. It called upon Smash’s platforming roots and make an equal side mode to Smash, adding more single player value. And no Subspace wasn’t just a one time thing, Melee’s Adventure Mode along with 3DS’s Smash Run both did similar things to Subspace in having platforming take center stage. It was sort of a staple to have a Platformer side mode, but now it’s gone, which sucks.

If you love core Smash, this is your game. Heck, I’ll still buy it as I’m sure Core-Smash will be great, but I can’t help but feel disappointed in the fact that that’s it. It feels like Mario Tennis Aces, a game that makes the main mode perfect, but trampled on side modes that built the series up to do it. I think that’s why me and many others got burned by the direct, this game feels lacking in so many areas when compared to other titles.

Yeah, and it took twice as long to make that game. And in Sakurai's eyes the cutscenes were a total waste because they just got uploaded to the internet. And the "ton of modes" that were removed was mostly filler. Citing the loss of Home-Run Contest is funny to me because it's a 10 second mode where the characters are irrelevant and you are just hitting a sandbag over and over. Can you honestly tell me you think anyone ever played that for more than 5 minutes at a time?

Besides, has that much really been removed or does it just seem that way?
  • Classic returns and is unique for each character
  • Spirits Mode added
  • Adventure Mode added
  • All Star is now integrated into Multi-man
  • Events are integrated into Spirits and each Spirit seemingly has a unique event (which is insane if you think about it)
  • Special Orders were essentially Spirit battles but more random
  • Training is more practical
  • Multi-man is integrated into one as they were practically the same anyway minus Cruel Smash which is still there
  • Target Blast gone
  • Home-run contest gone
  • For Glory gone but replaced with more robust options
  • Stage Builder gone
  • Trophies are now Spirits
  • Equipment is now Spirits
  • Custom Moves gone minus Mii Fighters (lets be honest, did anyone really use them?)
  • Trophy rush is unnecessary because of Spirits mode
  • Masterpieces gone
  • Squad Strike added
  • Smash Down added
  • Tournament mode returns
  • Smash Tour gone (lol)
(Note: modes that didn't change at all aren't listed)
Honestly I’d be fine with Smash being held back a year. It’d probably make 2018’s titles better. Nintendo clearly put all stock into Smash and treated other franchises that should have had more time in the oven as filler. Kirby and Mario Tennis should have been the holiday titles, given more time to make them complete instead of having to do this ‘free DLC’ garbage. Both games have a fantastic base, but are lacking much content to make me and quite a few others care.

As to talk about the content, yes it feels bare. I get that Sakurai doesn’t like cutscenes, but you can still make a platforming mode without them. People liked Smash Run, why not bring it back and update it. Add a little variety. Have platforming levels for the different series.

You can say all you want about Home-Run and Target Blast, but modes like Board The Platforms, Break The Targets, Race To The Finish, and Boss Battles were all modes many missed that could’ve been here. Make special Break the Targets rooms, not for every character of course, but maybe like franchise ones, a Mario room or so on. Boss Battles were also a fun mode, that granted may come back, but seems somewhat unlikely.

Stage Builder should have also been there. It was a great idea that I’m sure people would have used isf it wasn’t always treated like such a last minute addition. They barely spend time on Stage Builder, so maybe they should have made it a bigger priority to make it worth using. What we get is a removal...nice.

Then some modes are integrated into others, and it feels...wrong. All-star was nice onslaught of various characters in sections to test your skills, but now it’s multi-Man smash, excuse me? I loved the structured battles, this game even had a fantastic gimmick for it to, why not fight the newcomers of each Smash entry to work your way up. Split them up by franchise, just have something as All-Star feels less important and cool now.

Spirits taking up events seems cool. So I’ll give it that. But adventure mode bothers me. Spirits doesn’t seem big enough to fill in even a Smash Run, they just seem basic. I know someone will comment about how the events are unique but are they? One is for Lakitu which is just fight Iggy Koopa and small bowsers. An electric Pokemon, so the floor is electric. They still seem like basic matches but some tiny thing is changed, which is hardly a good substitute for Adventure to me.

Spirits taking trophies...ehh.. no. They aren’t the same. Trophies gave people insight on various franchises most probably didn’t even know existed. The descriptions made trophies, which is why I’m sad to see them go.

To end off, I’m still getting the game. It has the core locked down, but does that mean I’m happy with Ultimate all around....no. I’m really not a hard person to please either. If trophies couldn’t be done then fine. I can’t get my most requested character, fine. I can take the loss of tons of modes, Home-Run, while a staple, can go. But give me something. Just a small platformer type mode like the previous entries have. I don’t want just core-Smash again, I did that with Wii U, and honestly after one frustrating run through, it was hard to play it again. Classic was a disaster and All-Star was structured poorly, then..that’s it. That’s like the full extent of the game. In comparison Brawl is so much fun to go back to with Subspace, structured Classic and All-Star, a way better stage builder, a boss Battles mode, etc..

I want to like Ultimate completely, the style is fantastic. Gameplay looks exciting and better than ever. Classic is fixed, thank God. I just want a platformer mode. Repackage Smash Run if need be, but just something for me to use all these characters in outside of just Smash matches as that’s something the series did better than any other fighting game.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I think Captain Shades Captain Shades is the first person I've ever met that actually likes playing through Subspace more than once. Overall I put a lot more time in Smash 4 than Brawl thanks to the improved online, with 200 hours logged between both versions, most of that on For Glory.

While I would have liked platforming stages, more and more I'm looking forward to World Of Light. The map looks expansive and the fights will probably be more fun than the more blase platforming of previous games.
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Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
I should point out that there are 110 Challenges in the game, decently less than Smash for Wii U's 140. Make of that what you will.

Deleted member

I see a sentiment that often can be boiled down to “Ridley and K. Rool got in, so [popular requested character] should also get in!” It ignores that these two characters were important to the history of their long running franchises (more important than basically any of the requests left), and that these characters have consistently been requested since Melee, while nowadays bandwagoning seems more common than ever.
Just a quick correction; while Ridley had requests since Melee's release, K. Rool hadn't really had his time for Smash popularity until after Diddy showed up in Brawl. Once Diddy was out of the way, then people flocked to Rool.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Just a quick correction; while Ridley had requests since Melee's release, K. Rool hadn't really had his time for Smash popularity until after Diddy showed up in Brawl. Once Diddy was out of the way, then people flocked to Rool.
He wasn't a top 5 character request or anything but he was definitely murmured about here and there. It's not uncomparable to how Dixie got talked about as well during Smash 4 even when K. Rool was dominant. Heck, you'll find people on this site saying they've been "waiting for K. Rool since Melee."

Deleted member

He wasn't a top 5 character request or anything but he was definitely murmured about here and there. It's not uncomparable to how Dixie got talked about as well during Smash 4 even when K. Rool was dominant. Heck, you'll find people on this site saying they've been "waiting for K. Rool since Melee."
People will say they've been waiting for Geno since Melee too, but we all know he didn't start gaining traction until Brawl's development. :p


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
People will say they've been waiting for Geno since Melee too, but we all know he didn't start gaining traction until Brawl's development. :p
The root of Geno discussion came from the "Smash 2" poll where Geno placed, so that isn't an exactly untrue statement, even if Brawl was his peak.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
I think Captain Shades Captain Shades is the first person I've ever met that actually likes playing through Subspace more than once. Overall I put a lot more time in Smash 4 than Brawl thanks to the improved online, with 200 hours logged between both versions, most of that on For Glory.

While I would have liked platforming stages, more and more I'm looking forward to World Of Light. The map looks expansive and the fights will probably be more fun than the more blase platforming of previous games.
I don't like Subspace either. I think it is uninspiring as hell. The level design that was mostly simple thin plataforms, without any beauty to them. The enemies.. eletric clouds, some generic clones... It was just bad to me. The only good thing in Subspace were the occasional Boss Battles, where you could see a lapse of quality and brilliance, that fades off when the next generic uninspiring section begins... Serious, the level design in SSE is just awful.

BUT... all this doesnt mean a good or excelent adventure mode, with side-scrolling gameplay, isn't possible. There are many games like this on the past, games you fight over the scenarios to advance with some level of plataforming that have good quality. Of course it's not the same style of action, but we can remember Metal Slug, many Power Ranger or Teenage Mutant Ninja games of the SNES era, Metroid, Mega Man... God... they could do so much. The levels, they could just take full inspiration from levels from MANY of the games of characters of their roster, many of them that are considered the top of the plataforming games ever done.. Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Metroid, Mega Man... so many.. I really don't understand how can be so hard for a competent development team to come with a great idea of a full plataforming/fighting game using the Smash base and having so many fonts of inspiration at their hands, and do it in a way that it would be totally awesome.
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Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I see a sentiment that often can be boiled down to “Ridley and K. Rool got in, so [popular requested character] should also get in!” It ignores that these two characters were important to the history of their long running franchises (more important than basically any of the requests left), and that these characters have consistently been requested since Melee, while nowadays bandwagoning seems more common than ever.

I also see backlash against characters like say, Sora, because they aren’t among the most requested characters in the diehard Smash fanbase, even though Smash has never been just added the top ten most popular characters of each game and always looks to other factors. Cloud was probably less requested in the thick of Smash 4 speculation than half of the newcomers, yet he became arguably the most talked about character reveal for the game because of how insanely iconic he is and the shock factor of the protagonist of a Sony killer app being in Smash.

With K. Rool and Ridley in, outside of Dixie Kong, Toad, and Bandana Dee, it doesn’t feel like there are really any major omissions. Everyone else left is either a side character, from a niche series/game, too new, or third party. That’s why I’m fine with characters like Piranha Plant, and not in a childish “haha they got in and a popular character didn’t!” sentiment, but because Sakurai has already given us so much that asking him to not indulge himself and just keep adding fan favorite characters no matter how unimportant just feels selfish to me at this point.

Be disappointed and hate the game all you want, but ask yourself how realistic your expectations really were after everything we’ve seen in Smash history.
Not only this, but support for Geno fell drastically during Smash 4 speculation and only went back up to Brawl levels when Sakurai mentioned him in one of his columns. Meanwhile, support for K. Rool and Ridley always remained strong before their confirmations in Ultimate.
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soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
I don't like Subspace either. I think it is uninspiring as hell. The level design that was mostly simple thin plataforms, without any beauty to them. The enemies.. eletric clouds, some generic clones... It was just bad to me. The only good thing in Subspace were the occasional Boss Battles, where you could see a lapse of quality and brilliance, that fades off when the next generic uninspiring section begins... Serious, the level design in SSE is just awful.

BUT... all this doesnt mean a good or excelent adventure mode, with side-scrolling gameplay, isn't possible. There are many games like this on the past, games you fight over the scenarios to advance with some level of plataforming that have good quality. Of course it's not the same style of action, but we can remember Metal Slug, many Power Ranger or Teenage Mutant Ninja games of the SNES era, Metroid, Mega Man... God... they could do so much. The levels, they could just take full inspiration from levels from MANY of the games of characters of their roster, many of them that are considered the top of the plataforming games ever done.. Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Metroid, Mega Man... so many.. I really don't understand how can be so hard for a competent development team to come with a great idea of a full plataforming/fighting game using the Smash base and having so many fonts of inspiration at their hands, and do it in a way that it would be totally awesome.
it's called development time


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
Just look at all the people in this video that were pleasantly suprised/excited by Piranha Plant's reveal. If this isn't proof that many of us on the internet are living in a bubble, then I don't know what is.
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Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
Just look at all the people in this video that were pleasantly suprised/excited by Piranha Plant's reveal. If this isn't proof that many of us on the internet are living in a bubble, then I don't know what is.
Fantastic point - but as i said I myself even am pretty down for PP. Hes pretty hillarious and looks fun. My problem is deconfirming and/or lowering the likelyhood of so many other huge characters.

And more importantly, imagine how crazy peoples reactions would have been if they saw isaak, skull kid, banjo, geno, waluigi, or any number of other characters they want to see. If people are getting excited for PP, their reactions for fan favorites would be 10x crazier.

also it looks to me like a lot of peoples reactions (though none are negative ones) are more shock and WTF reactions. Like yea PP is shocking AF cause no one would have ever thought of it. But that isnt necessarily a good thing (its not a bad thing either.. its just random). Shock value doesnt last in all cases.
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The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Fantastic point - but as i said I myself even am pretty down for PP. Hes pretty hillarious and looks fun. My problem is deconfirming and/or lowering the likelyhood of so many other huge characters.

And more importantly, imagine how crazy peoples reactions would have been if they saw isaak, skull kid, banjo, geno, waluigi, or any number of other characters they want to see. If people are getting excited for PP, their reactions for fan favorites would be 10x crazier.

also it looks to me like a lot of peoples reactions (though none are negative ones) are more shock and WTF reactions. Like yea PP is shocking AF cause no one would have ever thought of it. But that isnt necessarily a good thing (its not a bad thing either.. its just random). Shock value doesnt last in all cases.
While I agree with a lot of you are saying. I think people in the crowd are hyped/shocked due to him being unexpected but also because he's a Mario character. Instantly recognizable. I bet if Sakurai added a Walking ? mark block people would be losing their minds too. Also to the characters you listed up there I only see Waluigi and MAYBE Skull Kid getting the reaction PP did. Simply because their from Mario/Zelda the only franchises besides Pokemon Nintendo fans give a damn about. Just look at K.Rool's reaction compared to PP's. A HIGHLY requested and highly deserving character received a very mellow and ho-hum reaction from the audience at NY Nintendo Store. I think Banjo, Isaac, and Geno would've garnered more of the K.Rool reaction where their was some enthusiasm but most of it was very ho-hum and confusion. Pirhana Plant appeals to the SUPER casuals who don't play anything outside of Mario and most people shopping at Nintendo Store in NY I imagine are mostly casual Nintendo fans.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
I don't know how you can stop being excited for a game where K Rool and Wolf can fight Donkey Kong and Fox McCloud.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
Fantastic point - but as i said I myself even am pretty down for PP. Hes pretty hillarious and looks fun. My problem is deconfirming and/or lowering the likelyhood of so many other huge characters.

And more importantly, imagine how crazy peoples reactions would have been if they saw isaak, skull kid, banjo, geno, waluigi, or any number of other characters they want to see. If people are getting excited for PP, their reactions for fan favorites would be 10x crazier.

also it looks to me like a lot of peoples reactions (though none are negative ones) are more shock and WTF reactions. Like yea PP is shocking AF cause no one would have ever thought of it. But that isnt necessarily a good thing (its not a bad thing either.. its just random). Shock value doesnt last in all cases.
like the above poster said the majority of the people will recognize and enjoy pp more then any of the ones you listened. I personally was rooting for them for the fans after ridley and rool I had no major wants to root for so I am disappointing for the fans but I still see pp as a legit character, he is recognizable, he has a good moveset, and we need those unasked for characters it's those that makes the game more flavorful instead of a fan made game.
Apr 7, 2017
I'm in sorta the same boat. On the one hand, I can appreciate all the ambition in this game. Everyone is here was by far the most hype Smash Bros moment for me, like, ever. Most of the stuff they've done is amazing. I still love ol' Saks, and I don't even think Ultimate is objectively bad. Quite the opposite. Even if I wasn't heavily rooting for any of the newcomers, I do still consider most of them great additions and they look fun as hell (with the exception of PP, who I still feel was a ******** pick, but eh, I don't feel so strongly about him as I did a few weeks ago.) But there were a few things that came out after the direct that have dropped my hype slightly. This is all aside from the fact that literally none of my most wanted characters got in (and only Geno still has a fighting chance out of all of them. RIP forever Waluigi.). and it looks like we'll be getting more awful **** for DLC (like Minecraft Steve. I love Minecraft and all, but picturing Steve in Smash Bros makes me feel ill)

  1. A lot of bizarre moveset choices on veterans. Maybe due to the fact that they had to make 74 ****ing fighters, but still, some unique attacks some characters had got shelved for much more generic ones. Ike has an up air just like every single other FE character instead of his unique one from Brawl and Smash 4. Wolf's dash attack and nair are ripped straight from Fox instead of the original ones he had earlier. And Luigi's up tilt is now Mario's. This is super duper minor, though, and is really more of a nitpick.
  2. Every character has only 8 costumes. So many classic costumes (like Fire Mario) got cut. No reason whatsoever. That would have been cool if they went all in on alts, but unless they're saving them for free DLC, they REALLY wasted potential with this one.
  3. The single player looks really underwhelming. Like, so many unnecessary cuts. Home Run Contest being gone baffles me. Like, it's a small mode and all, but it seems like it would take minimal effort to bring it back, so cutting it would be a literal waste. Stage Builder. Gone. This one hurts the most to me. I was hyped big time for All Star Mode. Whoopie, now it's merged with Endless Smash, which isn't at all a suitable replacement. Some other options are gone (like 10 Man Smash and Rival Smash). I can't understand why. Some modes I absolutely won't miss (like Smash Tour and Target Blast. Lol, get wrecked, trash modes), and Classic Mode seems like it has potential. I know that for most, single player isn't the most integeral part of the expirience, but I play alone often, so single player is invaluable to me. and seeing what happened to it in Ultimate just hurts.


After my previous rants here, my friend (great guy) convinced me all was not lost. He convinced me to look ahead and to the future. He also brought up a great point about the single player; it's completely possible that many old and new single player modes will show up as free DLC, inline like Splatoon 2.

Also, the leaked music is ****ing awesome, and...

while before, Spirits seemed like a low point (picture a balloon deflating, and you'll get my feelings when I found out what Spirit mode was after the Direct) the datamine suggests that there's quite a bit more to the Adventure Mode than we realized (like, a seperate World of Dark map,and even a third map? HOLY ****, THIS IS GONNA BE BIG.), and no joke, this has made me much more exicted for World of Light, and it's actually made me kinda interested in where the mode goes. Will I like it as much as I would have liked a Subspace styled platformer? Nah, highly doubtful, but as it's own thing, these leaked aspects have rekindled some of my interest in the game.

I've still cancelled my preorder, but I'm thinking of waiting it out for a bit after release, and then I'll likely end up getting a used copy, because I still don't quite have enough faith to pay full price for the game.
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The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Edit: The soundtracks makes me extremely excited alone. These remixes that are leaking out just make me more and more hype by the day!
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Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
I'm in sorta the same boat. On the one hand, I can appreciate all the ambition in this game. Everyone is here was by far the most hype Smash Bros moment for me, like, ever. Most of the stuff they've done is amazing. I still love ol' Saks, and I don't even think Ultimate is objectively bad. Quite the opposite. Even if I wasn't heavily rooting for any of the newcomers, I do still consider most of them great additions and they look fun as hell (with the exception of PP, who I still feel was a ******** pick, but eh, I don't feel so strongly about him as I did a few weeks ago.) But there were a few things that came out after the direct that have dropped my hype slightly. This is all aside from the fact that literally none of my most wanted characters got in (and only Geno still has a fighting chance out of all of them. RIP forever Waluigi.). and it looks like we'll be getting more awful **** for DLC (like Minecraft Steve. I love Minecraft and all, but picturing Steve in Smash Bros makes me feel ill)

  1. A lot of bizarre moveset choices on veterans. Maybe due to the fact that they had to make 74 ****ing fighters, but still, some unique attacks some characters had got shelved for much more generic ones. Ike has an up air just like every single other FE character instead of his unique one from Brawl and Smash 4. Wolf's dash attack and nair are ripped straight from Fox instead of the original ones he had earlier. And Luigi's up tilt is now Mario's. This is super duper minor, though, and is really more of a nitpick.
  2. Every character has only 8 costumes. So many classic costumes (like Fire Mario) got cut. No reason whatsoever. That would have been cool if they went all in on alts, but unless they're saving them for free DLC, they REALLY wasted potential with this one.
  3. The single player looks really underwhelming. Like, so many unnecessary cuts. Home Run Contest being gone baffles me. Like, it's a small mode and all, but it seems like it would take minimal effort to bring it back, so cutting it would be a literal waste. Stage Builder. Gone. This one hurts the most to me. I was hyped big time for All Star Mode. Whoopie, now it's merged with Endless Smash, which isn't at all a suitable replacement. Some other options are gone (like 10 Man Smash and Rival Smash). I can't understand why. Some modes I absolutely won't miss (like Smash Tour and Target Blast. Lol, get wrecked, trash modes), and Classic Mode seems like it has potential. I know that for most, single player isn't the most integeral part of the expirience, but I play alone often, so single player is invaluable to me. and seeing what happened to it in Ultimate just hurts.


After my previous rants here, my friend (great guy) convinced me all was not lost. He convinced me to look ahead and to the future. He also brought up a great point about the single player; it's completely possible that many old and new single player modes will show up as free DLC, inline like Splatoon 2.

Also, the leaked music is ****ing awesome, and...

while before, Spirits seemed like a low point (picture a balloon deflating, and you'll get my feelings when I found out what Spirit mode was after the Direct) the datamine suggests that there's quite a bit more to the Adventure Mode than we realized (like, a seperate World of Dark map,and even a third map? HOLY ****, THIS IS GONNA BE BIG.), and no joke, this has made me much more exicted for World of Light, and it's actually made me kinda interested in where the mode goes. Will I like it as much as I would have liked a Subspace styled platformer? Nah, highly doubtful, but as it's own thing, these leaked aspects have rekindled some of my interest in the game.

I've still cancelled my preorder, but I'm thinking of waiting it out for a bit after release, and then I'll likely end up getting a used copy, because I still don't quite have enough faith to pay full price for the game.
I really hope there is future dlc in the form of modes and stuff. Hopefully the splatoon model is continued in smash. i dont know if thats sakurais style though thats why im kinda reserved on the idea. id like to see what happens with single player though. hopefully it is bigger than we think


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
I really hope there is future dlc in the form of modes and stuff. Hopefully the splatoon model is continued in smash. i dont know if thats sakurais style though thats why im kinda reserved on the idea. id like to see what happens with single player though. hopefully it is bigger than we think
There's a rumor spreading that there's a day 1 patch with new gamemodes.


Smash Rookie
Nov 11, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6308 7173 2712
Banjo's inclusion is entirely based on nostalgia. It doesn't matter if he is historical to Nintendo there are agendas involved here. Yes Phil said that publicly but what happens behind the scenes is a different story.

Microsoft's agenda = Banjo's inclusion only benefits them. If you like Nuts & Bolts that is fine, but most of us consider it trash. Given MS is marketing to a T why wouldn't they want to push modern Banjo above the Banjo the majority are asking for.

Nintendo's agenda = What possible reason would they want to include Banjo for? Nintendo in my eyes operate by the mentality of 'as long as we are doing it, it is fine but when we want it dead you will forget it fanbase. Got that?' Nintendo want to move on from Wii and they don't force you to make Miis anymore to prove it. Nintendo want Rare's legacy with DK buried as much as they dare and they create Tikis and Lord walrus to prove it.
I mean, Phil Spencer is down for having Banjo be in Smash (I know he doesn't really have control over that, but I mean, he is the head of Xbox after all). Besides, Rare is in the copyright for Smash from the leaked files, so Banjo has a solid chance.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2014
Wasilla, Alaska
Switch FC
SW 5644 9593 9010
I understand your complaint but from the beginning we knew there wouldn't be newcomers. We also don't 100% know who the DLC character are, we have speculations (besides the de-confirmed trophies). If you don't like what's in the game then just don't buy it. Don't say it's not worth it without the characters YOU specifically want because that's just toxic thinking. We have the best roster we can get. 74 characters, soon to be an even 80 and 103 stages, soon to be 108.

Iron Kraken

Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2014
Including DLC and counting Pokemon Trainer as 3, we're going to have 82 characters in this game.

82 characters.

The gameplay is so much faster than Smash 4. Aggressive play is rewarded. Edgeguarding is actually an important part of the game again.

The stage selection is by far the best ever, especially with the hazards toggle.

The visuals are gorgeous and we have over 1000 beautiful musical tracks to choose from.

I couldn't ask for anything more in a new Smash game.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2009
I think Captain Shades Captain Shades is the first person I've ever met that actually likes playing through Subspace more than once. Overall I put a lot more time in Smash 4 than Brawl thanks to the improved online, with 200 hours logged between both versions, most of that on For Glory.

While I would have liked platforming stages, more and more I'm looking forward to World Of Light. The map looks expansive and the fights will probably be more fun than the more blase platforming of previous games.
Hi. Fellow SSE player here. :U

I enjoyed it. I still play through it constantly. It's not a bad platforming adventure segment, but granted this is with PM's engine. The homogenized Brawl engine really did make it horrible though. It's much more fun with the PM engine, and at some points it can be a bit more challenging.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Hi. Fellow SSE player here. :U

I enjoyed it. I still play through it constantly. It's not a bad platforming adventure segment, but granted this is with PM's engine. The homogenized Brawl engine really did make it horrible though. It's much more fun with the PM engine, and at some points it can be a bit more challenging.
Nice to see a fellow Subspace fan. The mode was really great overall, and I loved the extra mile the Smash Team went to create it. My recommendation for improvement would be to make it more franchise based. Subspace was a little too original for its own good, so adding more elements from Smash would be cool.

In other news, I have been watching more videos for Ultimate, so I want to share some new opinions.

1) Classic Mode is top tier this time. I love that Beast Ganon and Giga Bowser appear as final fights in Classic for Link and Mario. I feel that differentiation between bosses will make Classic mode extremely fun to play. I also love that they have a platforming section as a mini game. I’m disappointed by the fact that there only seems to be one, but I’ll take it regardless. Honestly, Classic is shaping up to be my favorite mode and I will definitely be playing it first.

2) Music Remixes are fantastic, so too bad not all franchises are getting them. I do find it funny how Hanenbow gets a remix but not Sonic, Kid Icarus, or Xenoblade. Overall music is fantastic

3) World of Light is starting peak my interest. While I am not completely sold yet, it definitely seems better than the Direct made it. The biggest issue I can see for it is not allowing for all characters to participate because Square has put up some restrictions on letting Cloud participate in World of Light.

To comment on other things being discussed on this thread....

1) I do not see modes being DLC. Smash has never done that, nor has Mario Kart. I think Sakurai wants to sell people a complete game from day one, so I doubt that any modes would be added. I can only see new Spirit Battles being added as the all but confirmed new 3rd parties enter Smash.

2) I doubt Banjo’s inclusion. Remember, Nintendo is picking the DLC now. If any Microsoft rep we’re to get in now then there’d have to be a somewhat mutual benefit for both parties. Nintendo will most likely want to advertise franchises that you can buy on their console after all. With that being said, I believe our best bet for a Microsoft rep will be Minecraft’s blocky boi, much to the dismay of many. We have already seen Nintendo promote Minecraft heavily through their online service presentation, custom 3DS, cross-play, and overall advertising of this one title. We already know Minecraft Dungeons is slated for a 2019 release, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see promotional Steve brawling in Smash to get people talking about Dungeons.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well I’m still getting s switch and smash will be a highlight game for me

Anyway classic is definately more like smash 64 and the fact it’s different for everybody really pleases me even the bosses

Oh and now we at long last know what Sakurai meant by streamlined on getting characters unlocked as well.

you just finish any mode I mean any fighting mode (except for training mode) after your done the wheel of challengers spins and then the one it lands on is who you fight (it’s not a wheel it’s just random)

Deleted member

User was warned for this post; spam
This thread is basically you saying "my most wanteds didn't get in, so I'm salty about the turnout of the game and I'm not going to buy it," which is acting pretty entitled. Not ungrateful, just entitled.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
2) I doubt Banjo’s inclusion. Remember, Nintendo is picking the DLC now. If any Microsoft rep we’re to get in now then there’d have to be a somewhat mutual benefit for both parties. Nintendo will most likely want to advertise franchises that you can buy on their console after all. With that being said, I believe our best bet for a Microsoft rep will be Minecraft’s blocky boi, much to the dismay of many. We have already seen Nintendo promote Minecraft heavily through their online service presentation, custom 3DS, cross-play, and overall advertising of this one title. We already know Minecraft Dungeons is slated for a 2019 release, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see promotional Steve brawling in Smash to get people talking about Dungeons.
There is literally code for Rare spirits in the game but absolutely nothing about Minecraft.

We have no idea what the future holds for Nintendo/Microsoft's relationship and whether or not Banjo games will see the light of day on Nintendo again.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
There is literally code for Rare spirits in the game but absolutely nothing about Minecraft.

We have no idea what the future holds for Nintendo/Microsoft's relationship and whether or not Banjo games will see the light of day on Nintendo again.
If anything, I have more doubts about the Square rep due to Square being, well, Square in regards to content in Smash Ultimate

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
There is literally code for Rare spirits in the game but absolutely nothing about Minecraft.

We have no idea what the future holds for Nintendo/Microsoft's relationship and whether or not Banjo games will see the light of day on Nintendo again.
Umm... Who are the Rare Spirits? Unless you mean the Donkey Kong characters, that Nintendo most likely owns as they’ve appeared as collectibles in other Smash games, it seems that Banjo is missing.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Umm... Who are the Rare Spirits? Unless you mean the Donkey Kong characters, that Nintendo most likely owns as they’ve appeared as collectibles in other Smash games, it seems that Banjo is missing.
According to reports, there are some Jet Force Gemini Spirits in the game.


AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Umm... Who are the Rare Spirits? Unless you mean the Donkey Kong characters, that Nintendo most likely owns as they’ve appeared as collectibles in other Smash games, it seems that Banjo is missing.
According to reports, there are some Jet Force Gemini Spirits in the game.
supposedly code referencing the series blast corps and jet force gemini was found, not actual spirits (i think they were listed under series with spirits though) also heard a rumor about something about rare copyright and music too but do not remember seeing any evidence of that so not sure how accurate that actually is,

also for some reason, and i have seen the evidence for this, there is a quiz question in the code for one of leaked bosses
marx, believe it asks what spirit is chrom's sister
which seems rather odd but some are hoping this is a hint at a different boss

should note that all of this could still all just be an elaborate fake again though

the pictures of jet force gemini and marx are a bit harder to find but i did see it yesterday and you probably could find them with a bit of research
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I'm still plenty excited for this game. I guess I'm in the minority since the last direct actually boosted my hype for this game.

I really don't miss the excluded modes, aside from Stage Builder, as I barely touched them at all. Outside of unlocking things, I really don't touch the single player stuff and just jump into the main battle mode, even when playing alone. World of Light and Spirits look fun to explore and discover the different spirits.

As for the roster, my top 3 newcomers got in along with my boy Snake, so I'm very satisfied with the case. I am excited to see who was picked for DLC.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2018
The only thing I'm annoyed about is that they are removing coin battle, stadium (home-run, targets), stage builder and
classic clear movie scenes...

But still the game looks great so far!


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2018
Not sure why people are so annoyed at Pirahna Plant. Every Smash game has had one dumb/WTF pick.

Smash 64 had Jigglypuff.
Melee had Mr. Game and Watch.
Brawl had ROB.
Smash 4 had Wii Fit Trainer/Duck Hunt Duo.
And Ultimate's is Pirahna.

I'm more concerned if characters are fun than their origins but that's just me. Only exception is if they added Rayman or Doomslayer. I'd main them in a heartbeat. Rayman especially, he could be the worst character in the game and I'd still main the hell out of him.

PP looks fun so can't say I'm personally disappointed, if they had to pick from any Mario goon I'd want him. But I see where your coming from, hopefully future DLC could have inclusions that maybe change your mind!


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2018
But I can see that items are confirmed as spirits just like trophies.
So far Freezie, Starman, Rambling Evil Mushroom, Bullet bill, Fire flower, Sandbag and Smash Ball are items as spirits.
I couldn't find the fire flower spirit image though.



Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2018
I really want to, trust me. You can't expect anyone outside looking in to feel like huge things await after Piranha Plant, especially knowing it was Nintendo's decision to include the likes of Corrin as well (which I personally have issue with to this day).
Corrin wasn't a nintendo decision it was a dev decision due to the high amount of the dev team loving fe.
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