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Hunter X Hunter Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
In fact, I encourage our newbies and less experienced players to bro it up more.

It really helps in hard bodieng scum.

It also makes the game funner and easier to get motivated to find scum.
Isn't that setting yourself up to get stabbed in the back eventually? Shouldn't you question everyone from the get-go?

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Oh I should clarify, but good point. I mean, if you actually read them as town, then I would encourage people to bro up. You should question people, and if you buddy, you have to double check and re-evaluate them at times.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Mannnnnn this game spiced up..... after I ****ing died ;_;

cept ewwwwww gross kingmakerish endgame megalamez

oh look how surprised i am ryker was scum

im not surprised at all

ggz all, atleast it was a tight game, kinda thought scum were gonna like trainwreck town by like day 4

didnt read with almost any detail after i died so i have no opinion worth caring about for MVP

very cool setup Rajam, lots of neat things happenin in this setup, lots of meaningful choices all players can make. def very well done sir


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
What a good read! Well done scum. And good **** Rajam for hosting such an interesting game.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Laughing at the idea of us getting outplayed. We couldn't kill Ryker because he was our only chance and having you and Orbo in that lylo probably would have screwed us. Me and Zen didn't believe Ryker was town, maybe indy. Scum works I suppose? We also had Kevin/194 as scum nearly the majority of the game but changed them for the sake of surviving. We knew that if we turned on Kevin then they would just kill us.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Zen claims, then Soup shows up:

To be ****ing honest, that claim he made was ridiculous. Who in their right mind would claim to kill Kevin as Indy...why not just ****ing pin it on someone else? I was pretty upset.


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
that gif is hilarious

lol this game reminds me of batma(n)fia 2 where kevin and ryker were also scumbuddies


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh yeah, I'm not saying the claim wasn't ridiculously ********, but once he claimed it, you had a responsibility to not **** it up, no matter how **** it was.

Gotta look at the bull**** your partner put on the table, get a good solid whiff of it, breathe deep, and say,

"This is MY turd, and I ****ing LOVE how it smells."


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
gosh darnnit BSP lol. i was almost certain you were gunning at that angle >.>//

And naw broin it up isnt setting you up for anything as long as you keep your eyes open.

Look at how i approached orbo, i had a town read on em, told em we could bro it up but that i was going to have my eye on him in case i saw anything. turns out i made the right call on that one to bro with him

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Well I guess I'll just say a few things.

So. Much. Swing.

I'm not personally a fan of having to race to get actions in before others.

Not upset that town lost, not surprised how last Day turned out.

BSP played ok (was pretty obvtown) and wasn't lynched
Joker was more or less the worst person to get Town Bomber;
his lynch was more or less necessary to provide points against Ryker etc.

How people ended up lynching Riddle I have no idea; IMO town was in trouble there, but that decision was more or less the end of it.

Also haha at Ryker shouting 'how do you know mafia can pass cards' at me at one point :p

MvP: Kary

though NL played well til about Day 5, GJ

Rajam + Ran thanks for modding this, I'm sure it must have been a lot of work. You guys did a great job.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
well if you want to bring that up, I did take Joker's card, not least so that mafia couldn't thief it from him. I kept a trade so that I could give it back to him.

If I'd known he had an anti-town killing role and an inability to read/understand his role pm, then I probably wouldn't have done it.

But I really don't think I'm to blame for him losing his ****.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
If you were scumreading him i can understand, yet i did see it as anti town if not. (although was funny)

I do agree that joker got confused, and panicked. Yet who wouldnt get paranoid in that situation. (if my card got stolen i would think scum did it) him losing his **** after that, is his fault and he needs to try to control that in clutch situations or he will lose the game.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I had him as null, but even if he was town, I could see mafia taking that card from him (it's what I would've done as mafia), which I didn't want, so I took it first.

I completely understand him thinking mafia stole the card, but I could also more or less clear myself through crumbing/claiming the results of my duplicate ability, which I used on town-reads.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
See, the difference here is that Zen was Indy, not Town. And got screwed in LyLo based on timing + BSL + claim follies.

Ruy wasn't even close and was on the game-ending QL.

Zen figuratively literally lost to a coin toss.

Hell, I'm inclined to believe (and it honestly isn't too far fetched) that he literally lost to a coin toss.
Not really, though. (The coin toss said NL, but I had already decided [tentatively] beforehand.)

Also, I'm kind of disappointed that my early game coin tosses were only right on one of the mafia members. :c


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Reminds me of Final Fantasy 9 mafia where you had your indie pair (soup, th3kuzinator|July) up against the mafia (J|Ryker|Niche, Sephiroth's Masamune) and town basically throwing the game up in the air and allowing the two factions to war with each other. The numbers come roughly out to the same as well. In that setup I think there were fifteen players, this one comes out to fourteen.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
well if you want to bring that up, I did take Joker's card, not least so that mafia couldn't thief it from him. I kept a trade so that I could give it back to him.

If I'd known he had an anti-town killing role and an inability to read/understand his role pm, then I probably wouldn't have done it.

But I really don't think I'm to blame for him losing his ****.
I want to clarify that there was never any point where I hadn't fully read my role PM, or lacked an understanding of how it worked. I 100% understood exactly how my role functioned, and never claimed otherwise.

Me killing BSP was a completely voluntary gamble. I knew exactly what would result from me releasing the bomb on him, and I rolled the dice. That bomb was going off regardless, I had every intention of detonating it that day. If the only card I had purchased in the entire game hadn't been snaked from me by Kary, it would have been much later in the day. I even considered claiming my role and presenting the option to the town for discussion. Didn't really get the chance though.

Kary, you suck so hard :/

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
That's not even what I meant, but whatever.

I know what I did, and I've learned from it. If you wanna just label me an idiot for that, you go right ahead.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
That bomb was going off regardless, I had every intention of detonating it that day.
I see, but what exactly did you panic about leading to the detonation on me? (which I appreciated actually, I was quite done lol). Your card for removing restrictions was stolen.

Also also, the card's ability was that it could remove any restrictions from your role PM, so whoever ganked it from me may now have the ability to remove restrictions. Since the bomb was classified as a restriction, this person now has the ability to destroy the bomb as he sees fit, which means trying to telegraph distribution of the bomb is now impossible to do safely, considering the thief could potentially be (and very likely is) mafia.
Removing the restriction would just remove the bomb, correct? You'd just have one dud. You had plenty more bombs though. I don't think that was worth immediate detonation.

them removing the restriction wouldn't have blown it up, it would have wasted it. I was banking on No Lynch giving it to scum. Since No Lynch specifically telegraphed to the world that the bomb was classified as a restriction, I had to blow it up before they removed it.

I was gonna wait til later in the day to blow it up so we'd have time for discussion, but the thief was smart enough to ninja the **** out of my card so I thought they'd be smart enough to figure out a clever way to use it too.
@Bold - problem #1 XD
@underlined - brings me back to the first quote and statements under it.

It's fine that you detonated believing I had the bomb and you scum -read me, but what if I had passed it and didn't say anything? I don't remember exactly when NL passed it, but I may have had time to. Risk > possible rewards in that situation imo.

-unnecessary stuff

Anyway, I thought your explanation post-panic made sense and IDK why town lynched you for it really.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Well, i'm not sure I follow what you do mean.

I don't mind you saying that I suck, or that I shouldn't have taken your card.

And I'm explicitly not trying to call you an idiot. I don't see the benefit.

On the other hand, I think you completely misunderstood how to play your role, not least in that you thought it would be a good idea to use your ability in a situation without some sort of guilty result.

But then again you're probably never going to get such a weird role again, so take from this what you will.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
@Rake: Yea, I had you as town.

@BSP: I kinda panicked, mostly because I did want to target you (I read you as likely scum, if not just hardcore anti-town), and if it had been made a dud, there was no guarantee of me being able to target you again. I didn't have control over who has the bomb in the day phase, and if I had let it go for the day, there was no way for me to know if that bomb did or did not still exist, or where it was going to be anymore, creating more risk for any future detonation attempts. If Kary hadn't stolen my Vase card, I could've had the ability to track the bombs, which would've been perfect. That would've given me more peace of mind about letting you go for that day, and may or may not have swayed me from detonating that day. Unfortunately, it didn't go down like that.

@Kary: I was saying you suck cuz you stole my card! That card was just what I needed and would've made my role a lot easier to use.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Ok, looking back, I'm disappointed in town on Joker's lynch. All of his points were more or less ignored, and he just got frustrated and quit, not that I blame him. Good **** to whoever wasn't town during that portion though, frustration is your friend. Everyone else, I'm not really seeing what was so bad.

Also, now that I look back a bit more, scum led this game actually. That was a shame, although I can't say I did much to stop that. It won't happen again though.

Also, I think I'm going to take reading mistakes or lack of post acknowledgement more seriously in the future. If you aren't reading everything correctly, or you're just flat out ignoring things, that means you're not worried enough/ not trying hard enough to find things, or you don't want to acknowledge things for some reason...and that's a problem.

@Kary - you said I played alright? That was god awful. I couldn't have asked for a worse start, and as a result, I sat back and let the anti town factions lead the game and didn't try to help.

@Joker - ok, but risk > possible reward in that situation imo. You obviously didn't know this at the time, but that card wasn't the only way to get your restriction removed, which means you could have eventually had your tracker working.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I agree, BSP. The scum being in charge of the game like that was a pretty dissapointing reveal. I really didn't get why everyone had KevinM and Ryker as solid town reads, and just gave them free passes for so long. I'm mad at myself for not saying something about it. No Lynch had me slightly more fooled, however, so good **** to them.

MVP: No Lynch imo

Just gotta keep on making mistakes so I can learn from them, I suppose. I knew the risk was there, but my read on you made it one I was willing to take. **** happens

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Also, for future reference, BSP. When you have a role like Jailer, it's ALWAYS worth claiming when you think your life is on the line. Obviously, you couldn't have known I was gonna blow you up when I did, but you getting frustrated by talk of your lynch and calling it quits like that is a pretty jank thing for a protective to do. If you had just kept your chin up and continued fighting for your slot, I would never have blown you up, and I think anyone else misreading you would have eventually changed their tune. Claiming your protective role and becoming a NK target is always better than getting mislynched, and it's always a better option than just giving up hope.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
@Kary - you said I played alright? That was god awful. I couldn't have asked for a worse start, and as a result, I sat back and let the anti town factions lead the game and didn't try to help.
You got needlessly tunneled by NL D1, which was interesting and led to several people scumreading you. I read the interaction as TvT, and by the time you were saying to lynch yourself over 194 you were obviously town; there was literally no reason for scum to do that, especially at that time.

So going into Day 2, regardless of how fed up with the game you were, or how much scumhunting you'd done etc., you'd still put in a lot of legwork and left town with something to work with. I have literally no problems with your play, it could have been a lot worse, and I'm sure you would've got into the game if given a bit of time and some breathing room.

But I think I'm done talking about this game.

Ryker clearing KevinM through a card = suspect (too convenient)
KevinM clearing Ryker through, uh, nothing? = worthy of attention
KevinM lays down a big Tery/194 case, but doesn't push his lynch = jackpot

Of course I was dead by that point so what'chu gonna do.

Now I guess I really am done :)


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Also, for future reference, BSP. When you have a role like Jailer, it's ALWAYS worth claiming when you think your life is on the line. Obviously, you couldn't have known I was gonna blow you up when I did, but you getting frustrated by talk of your lynch and calling it quits like that is a pretty jank thing for a protective to do. If you had just kept your chin up and continued fighting for your slot, I would never have blown you up, and I think anyone else misreading you would have eventually changed their tune. Claiming your protective role and becoming a NK target is always better than getting mislynched, and it's always a better option than just giving up hope.
This is all true, but I really just didn't care at that point. That's why I even self voted (but it didn't count lol). I know town has to work as a team and that was pretty selfish of me, but eh, just didn't matter to me right then :/

The problem was accepting the bull**** that came my way D1. Never again.

So going into Day 2, regardless of how fed up with the game you were, or how much scumhunting you'd done etc., you'd still put in a lot of legwork and left town with something to work with.

My death -> 2 townies dying at night + no discussion that day -> Joker's lynch -> You dying -> Riddle's lynch -> doesn't matter at that point.

I didn't leave any legs. The closest thing I had was feeling off about NL, but I couldn't really support it (or at least, I didn't see it at the time). I doubt anyone would've believed me anyway. I really didn't do anything useful this game.

Had I been through BAM before this game, things would've been different. There were so many small things I just let go. But I needed this too, I guess. If something feels off, go after it.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Ryker for MVP seems the obvious choice and no one is saying otherwise, so:

MVP: Ryker (officially)

I completely agree with this, it was a solid play in all areas. Correctly pinned the cop N1, leaded the game in the directions he wanted most of the time, had a great control on when to "move" and when to remain more silent, had Town following him, made good decisions with Night actions, and even with a high risk-high reward movement which initially worked by getting Riddle lynched (and would've lead to his faction winning at that Night Phase 9 out of 10 times), was able to revert the bad situation in which he was left afterwards (because of Kevin's flip) due to all the lies that were around. My only critic would be to work / communicate more with your scummates since it seemed to me that Tery / 194 / IceKirby was never taken into account very much, at least from what I saw in the QT. MVP still well-deserved though.

No Lynch seems to be more controversial; I still think he was just milimeters away from taking victory, having bad luck with Good Eye D5 (after an almost flawless plan with Heart Gauge + Clones + Transform + Defensive Wall), and being out-speeded last Day, but I can agree that his claim was handled poorly. I'd like to hear more oppinions on whether NL should take MVP or not.

Honorable mentions to KevinM for an all-around solid play.

In Town, Riddle started playing solidly imo at the beginning of D1 but after that, inactivity was an issue for him and started to get lost in the game. It also seemed that the cards mechanic was never a thing in which he felt comfortable. BSL did a good job looking townie and making contributions, but his reads weren't good :X. I think the other players have already said to Joker everything that needs to be said regarding his play this game.

I guess Kary did ok but no much more than that. frozen and BadWolf were sorta of a non-presence, with BadWolf being more inactive too. Rake didn't live long enough to make an impact, but I think he was doing fine. BSP reacted too emotional to pressure which conditioned his gameplay imo. Orbo was too sporadic and probably should've started to use his ability earlier on some players which were being a detriment, like 194.

Lastly, Vinyl got transparent too early lol but at least he left a good bunchload of wifom behind, specially regarding BSP. Tery, 194 and IceKirby were too inactive to say anything else other than you were too inactive lol. Hope you can stick around here in DGames and play some more!

Sorry if I'm not being more specific or using more details in these analysis but my memory isn't my strongest quality, so I'm going with my overall impressions.

Special thanks to Rake, BSL, 194, and IceKirby for joining as replacements!

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Shoutouts to me for screwing myself over.

Shoutouts to orboknown for supporting myself screwing over.
You did a good job for being screwed over, honestly. I would've shut up sooner because some of the stuff you said could've hurt Kevin, but all in all, it worked.
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