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Hunter X Hunter Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Ok so I was convinced I was gonna get balls deep in this game today, but sadly it does not seem to be so :/ tomorrow should be wide open for me, so expect my activity to improve a bit then.

after skimming through so far, I'm not sure what all the fuss over BSP is about. He reads pretty null to me. I don't see much getting done in the way of forming reads until voting picks up, which I believe doesn't start for 2 days? Maybe I'm wrong about that, and I suppose tomorrow I'll be jumping in on the fun that occurs in this first Buy phase.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
By the way, I don't care for the Buy phase mechanic or the minigame, I don't believe it should hinder on how we scumhunt and it seems like mostly a gimmick mechanic, the first person to use them as a tell in this game will get personally tunneled by me.
Why would you assert something like this with so little information and so early in the game? I don't care that you don't like the Buy phase, it's a part of the game, and if you plan on playing this game as well as possible, you're almost definitely going to have to take it in to account with regard to scumhunting/decisions during the day.

What's to gain by completely ignoring (in terms of scumhunting at least) an important part of the game?

This goes to other people who agreed with No Lynch as well (BSP and Vinyl in particular).

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
And I'm around! Will be around all night for tonight. Will be V/LA this weekend though. I'm going to be playing Yomi and whatnot today now that I'm off work, but I'm here.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Because it's not important. It's a pure gimmick and the moderator has already confirmed that there are no Vanilla Roles, and the fact is that most of everything is purely disclosed. The only opening buying that occurs is for priceless cards, and if you want to use that as a tell, by all means go ahead because it's something that is public. I don't want to fodder with hypothetical or ask myself why players would buy certain cards, because it doesn't matter until they've revealed it. What about you?

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
Because it's not important. It's a pure gimmick and the moderator has already confirmed that there are no Vanilla Roles, and the fact is that most of everything is purely disclosed. The only opening buying that occurs is for priceless cards, and if you want to use that as a tell, by all means go ahead because it's something that is public. I don't want to fodder with hypothetical or ask myself why players would buy certain cards, because it doesn't matter until they've revealed it. What about you?
This was me.

Ok so I was convinced I was gonna get balls deep in this game today, but sadly it does not seem to be so :/ tomorrow should be wide open for me, so expect my activity to improve a bit then.

after skimming through so far, I'm not sure what all the fuss over BSP is about. He reads pretty null to me. I don't see much getting done in the way of forming reads until voting picks up, which I believe doesn't start for 2 days? Maybe I'm wrong about that, and I suppose tomorrow I'll be jumping in on the fun that occurs in this first Buy phase.
I'm the only person who's made a fuss about him, you're making a big deal out of this but responding very scarcely.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I really hated his comment and how he's just willing to appeal to me after I hypothetically held him at gun point,
How exactly was that response appealing to you?

his lack of defense for himself bothered me greatly.
I didn't put down a defense because I don't see an offense. I took that vote as RVS, and I don't think you really have a case for me to argue.

The lack of defense is what I was referring to. I think he's going to float around until he gets his feet on the bottom, but even then, I think he's likely not to be too adamant unless something REALLY catches him. He strikes me as the kind of newer player that wants to be very precise (for lack of a better word). Keep his options open and want really desperately for the game to be black and white.
While the game being black and white would be helpful, that's not going to happen if the scum team is smart.

If by precision you mean that I won't want to see someone lynched unless there's a decent amount of stuff against them, you'd be correct.

What do you mean by "keep my options open"? Are you implying that I'm scum this early?

Push him and he'll drop text book new scum tells because they're the kind of things hypothetical town would say (my death doesn't matter, etc, etc). That's the what I mean by "I think he's just like that."
Push me if you want. At this point, I don't think you really have anything substantial to go off of.

Push him more and he'll crack like cheap glass. I wouldn't push for that point until I had something more substantial in the game to force him to grab hold of.
Ok, so you're aware that you have nothing substantial right now too. Great.

You could certainly get more legitimate stances out of him at this point instead of him reserving his thoughts. You want to go for it, go for it. Not a bad cause. I could get behind it.
I think you're both reaching if you're seriously going to try to make a case on me off of 1 post. Does that count as a legitimate stance?

You're also game to getting on the wagon even though you just said there's nothing substantial atm. You two are buddying really quickly. Maybe you're trying to go after me because you think I'm an easy target for a D1 mislynch?

I get what you mean on his play style, I think he's that kind of player too due to observation of [redacted]. The thing I don't like the most is that I feel like he's just waiting for something to happen, like his opening comment for example.
If you're getting on me for this, why aren't you looking at Badwolf and Vinyl too? They both posted, and neither of them have started looking into anything either.

He wasn't like that in the last Newbie we played but I'm not going to say that players or change or they get progressively better, which is why I'm not holding him to that specific standard, however I am holding him to his more passive approach and his lack of initiative. I can't ignore that the game hasn't officially started but I agree that he could give more legitimate stances if he wanted to.
You need to drop this passive idea right now.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Well, I said I wasn't too fond of the buying card stuff. Thiis is the first time I've been on a game with some mechanic I find bit weird. Hence why I got confused when soup voted, and I thought buy phase was D1.

I only agree with soup because I think there's talk about in reference to cards unless they have something more to it.
I think it's like playing mafia with Pokemon cards, going like this:

"hey did you get ivysaur"

"yeah, I did"


"because........idk, he's cool and stuff"

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
BSP said:
How exactly was that response appealing to you?
You responded to me saying that you would be fine with dying if I did happen to shoot, for the sake that town would have something to work with. You were accepting of my push and didn't even consider why I was doing it.

I didn't put down a defense because I don't see an offense. I took that vote as RVS, and I don't think you really have a case for me to argue.
I told you it was serious, RVS doesn't intentionally mean that I voted for random reasons.

Push me if you want. At this point, I don't think you really have anything substantial to go off of.
You do it again here, you're just accepting of things and you're letting people stomp all over you, you're not even looking at why people are pushing you or if you should be questioning it.

You need to drop this passive idea right now.
Why should I? You're still being passive. Prove me wrong.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
These are all of the posts after the official game start and before my first post.

In minigame

@Mod Is there a way to earn Janis other than the Daily competitions?
In minigame

Vote Frozenflame

If someone gives me a gun, I will shoot him right now. Zen, you would be my second choice.

I have Badwolf blocked, Soup, you'll tell me if he claims/says anything I need to know, right?

Kevin, you read him for me.

Hando and Macman, make sure he's right for me.

Kary, truce until the end of Day 2? Be the wall I can use to bounce ideas off of. I work better when I can talk.

Zen, what's your read on me.

Riddle, step up your act. I can see you going easy within the first two days dependent on Badwolf and Joker's play. I don't have time to waste on them, so I'll likely stop them from saving you if you need to go.
I am going to be gone a lot of afternoon's, possibly for a month. I should be able to play enough from work, school, and afternoon's I go to where there is internet that it shouldn't affect much.

FF, what do we gain from finishing the day before the minigame is over?
I want that Risky Dice because I love the name and I think I'm a pretty lucky dude, but I want to play RPS, so I don't want to enter an auction I'll lose.

FF, scratch my last question. What do you think of rigging the RPS tournament so that I win?
Can someone ask why the **** Ryker has me blocked?
Lol, ryker.

In mini-game
Nobody join the minigame until I've gotten an answer from FF.

Is Badwolf in the Minigame?
Goddammit, Vinyl.
For the record, Zen, yes, this is me jockeying for a position at the front of the thread before you get here to try and muscle me out of it (or FF tries, I guess, I think he'll be too inactive to attempt it). That being said, I think there's room for both of us. Talk to me about your take on me.
Lucky you Soup is going to be doing most of the posting. I don't have much time to play mafia.

But I like you, dammit.

I like Soup more though.

Give me your thoughts on the mechanics. Leave Soup your thoughts on what you think scum does with this first buy phase and have him give it to me after a little time has passed.

You seriously expect me to have stances off of these? You two are reaching.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
Why are you pairing me and Ryker together? Ryker didn't even attack you and gave you benefit of the doubt, you're getting jumpy over absolutely nothing. I didn't tell you to make an essay out of the game, I just wanted you to produce more useful content like Ryker suggested.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
By the way, I do have reads on those players and Mafia as Ryker suggested isn't black and white. I could tell you right now how I feel about Badwolf based on his responses and attitude on Ryker, and I could tell how I feel about Ryker going in with a commanding attitude and trying to get the ball rolling.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
You responded to me saying that you would be fine with dying if I did happen to shoot, for the sake that town would have something to work with. You were accepting of my push and didn't even consider why I was doing it.
I wouldn't exactly call it a push. The way I see it, you literally had nothing against me at that point.

Also, how would you know if I considered why you were doing it or not?

I told you it was serious, RVS doesn't intentionally mean that I voted for random reasons.
Ok, it's serious. I still don't see a legit case. If you have one, show it to me.

You do it again here, you're just accepting of things and you're letting people stomp all over you, you're not even looking at why people are pushing you or if you should be questioning it.
You're not a mind-reader, so quit telling me what I am and am not doing.

I would hardly call 1 vote that doesn't even count and what I think is a weak case being stomped all over.

Why should I? You're still being passive. Prove me wrong.
Working on it.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
They don't have to be strong. At this point, they probably aren't strong, but they do exist and you're being called out to talk with us. You don't have to be right, you don't have to be confident. When the situation calls for it, you set your cards on the table and you talk with us about whatever it is you're thinking. You'll get feedback, you'll get reactions from other players, and we'll get a paper trail to look back on later in the game in addition to whatever you bring to the table.

So, BSP,



Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Why are you pairing me and Ryker together? Ryker didn't even attack you and gave you benefit of the doubt,
Ryker said:
Push him more and he'll crack like cheap glass. I wouldn't push for that point until I had something more substantial in the game to force him to grab hold of. You could certainly get more legitimate stances out of him at this point instead of him reserving his thoughts. You want to go for it, go for it. Not a bad cause. I could get behind it.
He specifically says he could get behind your push.

you're getting jumpy over absolutely nothing.
You started this thing over 2 posts. Don't come at me with this.

I didn't tell you to make an essay out of the game, I just wanted you to produce more useful content like Ryker suggested.
I write a lot.

By the way, I do have reads on those players and Mafia as Ryker suggested isn't black and white. I could tell you right now how I feel about Badwolf based on his responses and attitude on Ryker, and I could tell how I feel about Ryker going in with a commanding attitude and trying to get the ball rolling.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
I wouldn't exactly call it a push. The way I see it, you literally had nothing against me at that point.

Also, how would you know if I considered why you were doing it or not?
You don't say? I stated my push was legitimate and you try to act it off as RVS, either you don't realize how much damage a Gun could possibly do or you're just acting stupid.

Ok, it's serious. I still don't see a legit case. If you have one, show it to me.
I don't have a case, I never had a case. Not everything needs a case or an explicit reason, I was jerking your chain for a reaction due to a feeling I got from your posts. If you responded well or something I would deem acceptable, you wouldn't be in this position, but you didn't and now I'm questioning you and you're definitely not in a position to play the innocent victim.

You're not a mind-reader, so quit telling me what I am and am not doing.

I would hardly call 1 vote that doesn't even count and what I think is a weak case being stomped all over.
I'm literally ringing you by the neck through the internet, I have put down all the brakes and have the center of attention towards you. Think fast! How you respond may save your life.

Working on it.
Working on it? I thought you weren't being Passive?

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
BSP said:
He specifically says he could get behind your push.
Read between the lines, he also says he needs more and he has a different vibe from your posts, saying that might just be "who you are."

You started this thing over 2 posts. Don't come at me with this.
What did I just say about being the innocent victim here? We're still playing this hypothetical game and I could hypothetically shoot you at anytime.

I write a lot.
Really now.

Great? That's it? Great? What's Great about it? What about your reads on the players I've mentioned? What about me putting you in this position. Certainly all these things are great too.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Because it's not important. It's a pure gimmick and the moderator has already confirmed that there are no Vanilla Roles, and the fact is that most of everything is purely disclosed. The only opening buying that occurs is for priceless cards, and if you want to use that as a tell, by all means go ahead because it's something that is public. I don't want to fodder with hypothetical or ask myself why players would buy certain cards, because it doesn't matter until they've revealed it. What about you?
I think it could potentially be very important. I don't think Buy Phase 1 is going to find any scum for us or anything, but as everyone figures out the ins and outs of this mechanic, it could potentially be a very useful tool for town. I think you're seriously limiting your game by writing it off so quickly.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Nevermind, BW just left. >.>

BSP, can you give your current reads on the actives now? And can you make a quick explanation/summary on any/everyone.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
You don't say? I stated my push was legitimate and you try to act it off as RVS, either you don't realize how much damage a Gun could possibly do or you're just acting stupid.
Ok, I'm the stupid one for shooting someone off of 1 post. :glare:

I'm sticking to what I said. No one who's on the Town's side would shoot me that fast with no substantial evidence. Hypothetical situation or not, I don't think you have a gun right now, and if you do and you shot me, I think you're sealing your own death later.

I don't have a case, I never had a case. Not everything needs a case or an explicit reason, I was jerking your chain for a reaction due to a feeling I got from your posts. If you responded well or something I would deem acceptable, you wouldn't be in this position, but you didn't and now I'm questioning you and you're definitely not in a position to play the innocent victim.
Well we're going to be butting heads a lot then, because I don't just take actions like this off of little feelings and such.

What kind of response would you have deemed "acceptable" anyway?

I'm literally ringing you by the neck through the internet, I have put down all the brakes and have the center of attention towards you. Think fast! How you respond may save your life.
I still think you're working off of nothing. You can't get me killed by yourself (As far as I know), and I'd be really surprised if enough people voted to lynch me for this.

Working on it? I thought you weren't being Passive?
It's difficult to look through the thread when I make a duplicate tab and see a new post from you every time.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
Riddle said:
I think it could potentially be very important. I don't think Buy Phase 1 is going to find any scum for us or anything, but as everyone figures out the ins and outs of this mechanic, it could potentially be a very useful tool for town. I think you're seriously limiting your game by writing it off so quickly.
Until then. If it becomes a serious issue I won't ignore it.

BSP said:
Ok, I'm the stupid one for shooting someone off of 1 post.

I'm sticking to what I said. No one who's on the Town's side would shoot me that fast with no substantial evidence. Hypothetical situation or not, I don't think you have a gun right now, and if you do and you shot me, I think you're sealing your own death later.
You underestimate what a gun can do, but you're right, I don't have one. How would I be sealing my death here? I would shoot a scum-read at any given moment if it's strong enough if I had such a power.

Well we're going to be butting heads a lot then, because I don't just take actions like this off of little feelings and such.

What kind of response would you have deemed "acceptable" anyway?
This isn't little, if it was little I would have left you alone by now. I don't get why you think i'm joking around, or what it's going to take to get it through your head that I'm not. You state things like this but then tell me I'm reaching on the pretense that I don't have anything on you. Which is it? Do I have nothing on you, Or am I just joking with you?

I still think you're working off of nothing. You can't get me killed by yourself (As far as I know), and I'd be really surprised if enough people voted to lynch me for this.
I just stated I was working off nothing, and I stated why I've put you under the spotlight. I've revealed my hand, now it's your turn to do so, this defense thing doesn't work too well out on paper if you haven't thought it through.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
Working off nothing=/=Having an intention to push something.

Scum reads do not just show up in thin air, You have to do something or have some sort of base behind them in order for them to exist. You can say that my base was your first comment and it has now snowballed into what I am pushing on you right now.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
What did I just say about being the innocent victim here? We're still playing this hypothetical game and I could hypothetically shoot you at anytime.
And I'm tired of this game because I still think you have nothing.

Great? That's it? Great? What's Great about it? What about your reads on the players I've mentioned? What about me putting you in this position. Certainly all these things are great too.
How about you calm yourself down and give me a chance to actually look at the material on the table.

I've already said what I think about you putting me in this position. I think you're going off of nothing and looking for my reaction. I'm guessing you're not satisfied since you keep asking me things. Regardless, you're just trying to check my slot. While I do think you're reaching, I'll give you a null-town for now, as you are trying to get things moving I guess.

Off the top of my head, Vinyl is here and sort of taking a back seat to all of this. *Apparently* my reaction is something to work off of, but he hasn't said anything yet, and he hasn't commented on your questions toward me.

More in a second.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
BSP said:
And I'm tired of this game because I still think you have nothing.
I had nothing in the first place, but now I have plenty reason to push you like I am right now, I have told you that you cannot simply ignore this or pretend that I have nothing.

How about you calm yourself down and give me a chance to actually look at the material on the table.

I've already said what I think about you putting me in this position. I think you're going off of nothing and looking for my reaction. I'm guessing you're not satisfied since you keep asking me things. Regardless, you're just trying to check my slot. While I do think you're reaching, I'll give you a null-town for now, as you are trying to get things moving I guess.

Off the top of my head, Vinyl is here and sort of taking a back seat to all of this. *Apparently* my reaction is something to work off of, but he hasn't said anything yet, and he hasn't commented on your questions toward me.

More in a second.
Your passive-aggressiveness is noted. Do tell.

You're on my case for being passive, but that's all you have to say about this?
I quoted it for Ryker because I know he would be interested in it.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Terywj, I see you reading this.

Give me a sentence or two on your opinions of at least two players currently talking.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Off the top of my head, Vinyl is here and sort of taking a back seat to all of this. *Apparently* my reaction is something to work off of, but he hasn't said anything yet, and he hasn't commented on your questions toward me.

More in a second.
So is this where you give out your reads on others after this?

Also, I thought that question was towards Ryker. I stated if you're being sincere, which was response on what you said.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
You underestimate what a gun can do, but you're right, I don't have one. How would I be sealing my death here? I would shoot a scum-read at any given moment if it's strong enough if I had such a power.
If the town knew you made said shot, I don't think they would accept your justification after, and probably lynch you.

Of course, IDK how they view this atm, so maybe you wouldn't. They may think this is telling.

This isn't little, if it was little I would have left you alone by now. I don't get why you think i'm joking around, or what it's going to take to get it through your head that I'm not. You state things like this but then tell me I'm reaching on the pretense that I don't have anything on you. Which is it? Do I have nothing on you, Or am I just joking with you?
I know you're not joking.

Explain to me exactly what you have on me right now. I'm guessing you're not satisfied with my responses.

Working off nothing=/=Having an intention to push something.

Scum reads do not just show up in thin air, You have to do something or have some sort of base behind them in order for them to exist. You can say that my base was your first comment and it has now snowballed into what I am pushing on you right now.
Alright, fine then. So what do you think so far?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Vote Frozenflame

If someone gives me a gun, I will shoot him right now. Zen, you would be my second choice
lol y u so bad

Do you just pick random games you're in with me to say this and just hope you're right so you can be all like "LOL I NAILED FF AS SCUM BEFORE THE GAME EVEN STARTED DURRR HURRR IM SO GOOD" even though you've been wrong every time?

I want that Risky Dice because I love the name and I think I'm a pretty lucky dude, but I want to play RPS, so I don't want to enter an auction I'll lose.

FF, scratch my last question. What do you think of rigging the RPS tournament so that I win?
Nah ***** I wanna win get @ me

/in Mini Game

Wish there was a way to speed up the buy phase, not being able to vote sux

so much lol worthy bickering right now haha this thread right now


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Why would you assert something like this with so little information and so early in the game? I don't care that you don't like the Buy phase, it's a part of the game, and if you plan on playing this game as well as possible, you're almost definitely going to have to take it in to account with regard to scumhunting/decisions during the day.

What's to gain by completely ignoring (in terms of scumhunting at least) an important part of the game?

This goes to other people who agreed with No Lynch as well (BSP and Vinyl in particular).
How do you take the buy phase into account for scumhunting? We don't know what anyone is buying, and we can't verify it.

I would ignore it because we can't fully trust the info we get from someone who claims to have used X card and say Y thing happen.

Now, if someone gets cleared or you fully trust someone, then you could believe what they say about their cards.

No Lynch

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2012
What I've been saying is exactly what I have on you. I've laid out what I've thought clearly and pushed you attentively, you've reacted and given me what I wanted. I am keeping anything else disclosed from now until I get more opinions, the whole point was to get the game to focus on you and get people to discuss the situation.
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