Smash Cadet
I think you'd enjoy FoD once you learn sheild dropping, I haven't really yet either but it's on my to do list. I agree with @
about it being a good CP against fox because of how small the stage is. I think I remember @Bizzarro Flame saying somewhere how once you grow accustomed to its tendencies it essentially becomes a second YS.
Right now I feel most comfortable on BF and YS but am working on FoD and DL64.
FD is bad for Ganon but I don't hate it. Once I develop a more solid ground game I'd like to think I'd be more comfortable playing there compared to the randomness of PS.
I like the grass stage on PS and neutral stage is okay.
Fire stage has a mini cave of life which can be good for survival and teching the tree can save you sometimes.
Water stage pretty much sucks, oddly placed platforms and windmill seem more like obstacles instead of beings useful to navigate the stage, I like to do crazy angled grounded wizard foots off the windmill but just like the stage, this also sucks.
Hate the rock stage, pit is usually bad for ganon, on the plus side, there's that getup attack gimmick on the cliff, but not a whole lot of room to fight and you can get stuck trying to roll away from the right ledge #Banned
If spaceys weren't so popular this definitely would be banned already and I've even talked to some spaceys who agree.
I agree about not being able to control space on DL and the survivabiltiy of the stage usually just means i takes a few more edgeguards to get killed. Wavelanding around the platforms seems slower than BF or YS but I probably just need to get used to it.
Shiny Mewtwo aka Jigglysir
Idk if we have mental blocks, I think it's more of a lack of execution like I know what I have to do against Marth but have not gained the consistency in execution that is needed for victory.
I gotta thank @
and @Omni for kind of opening my mind to playing this game differently, playing to learn rather than playing to win and growing as a player.
I lose a lot but I never really get frustrated because it shows me what I need to work on to be better and ever since I focused more on learning rather than winning it was like I instantly started playing smarter. Instead of getting 3 or 4 stocked consistently I'm taking them to final stock situations where I make one fatal error and lose.
I really think that's why I like playing as Ganon, his flaws make it harder to be successful with him. The challenge is invigorating and the struggle makes me stronger. You have to be perfect or you lose there is no middle ground. It's either the penthouse or the outhouse.
I see other players that have played longer than I have playing Sheik or space animals get frustrated and contemplate quitting because they can't get past this so called "mental block". They've grown spoiled in their characters advantages that they haven't been able truly understand the games fundamentals. They keep making the same mistakes and never learn from them because they're characters attributes can overcome these in low level play but when they get to the next level they show their true colors. They want to win now and while I'm not saying they don't work hard for it, in a way, playing a high tier character stunts their growth as a player in the long run. In order to succeed with a low tier character you HAVE to do all the little things right, you HAVE to understand your weaknesses and maximize your strengths. Know what options are available for you and your opponent at any given moment and capitalize. I use to focus so much on the technical aspect of the game but now I feel as if I'm finally starting to understand the fundamental side of the spectrum and bring balance to my playstyle.
I never knew who Ganon was until I played this game.
He maybe the King of Evil but to me atleast in this game, playing as him is almost like choosing to follow the light side of the force.
Not giving in to the dark side temptations like Sheik, Fox, or Falco.
Resisting the urge to win immediately.
Humbly making today's mistakes tomorrow's experience.
Not shying away from adversity.
Showing the ones who have turned from the light what real power is.
I love this game.
Hope everybody has a blessed day.

Right now I feel most comfortable on BF and YS but am working on FoD and DL64.
FD is bad for Ganon but I don't hate it. Once I develop a more solid ground game I'd like to think I'd be more comfortable playing there compared to the randomness of PS.
I like the grass stage on PS and neutral stage is okay.
Fire stage has a mini cave of life which can be good for survival and teching the tree can save you sometimes.
Water stage pretty much sucks, oddly placed platforms and windmill seem more like obstacles instead of beings useful to navigate the stage, I like to do crazy angled grounded wizard foots off the windmill but just like the stage, this also sucks.
Hate the rock stage, pit is usually bad for ganon, on the plus side, there's that getup attack gimmick on the cliff, but not a whole lot of room to fight and you can get stuck trying to roll away from the right ledge #Banned
If spaceys weren't so popular this definitely would be banned already and I've even talked to some spaceys who agree.


I gotta thank @

I lose a lot but I never really get frustrated because it shows me what I need to work on to be better and ever since I focused more on learning rather than winning it was like I instantly started playing smarter. Instead of getting 3 or 4 stocked consistently I'm taking them to final stock situations where I make one fatal error and lose.
I really think that's why I like playing as Ganon, his flaws make it harder to be successful with him. The challenge is invigorating and the struggle makes me stronger. You have to be perfect or you lose there is no middle ground. It's either the penthouse or the outhouse.
I see other players that have played longer than I have playing Sheik or space animals get frustrated and contemplate quitting because they can't get past this so called "mental block". They've grown spoiled in their characters advantages that they haven't been able truly understand the games fundamentals. They keep making the same mistakes and never learn from them because they're characters attributes can overcome these in low level play but when they get to the next level they show their true colors. They want to win now and while I'm not saying they don't work hard for it, in a way, playing a high tier character stunts their growth as a player in the long run. In order to succeed with a low tier character you HAVE to do all the little things right, you HAVE to understand your weaknesses and maximize your strengths. Know what options are available for you and your opponent at any given moment and capitalize. I use to focus so much on the technical aspect of the game but now I feel as if I'm finally starting to understand the fundamental side of the spectrum and bring balance to my playstyle.
I never knew who Ganon was until I played this game.
He maybe the King of Evil but to me atleast in this game, playing as him is almost like choosing to follow the light side of the force.
Not giving in to the dark side temptations like Sheik, Fox, or Falco.
Resisting the urge to win immediately.
Humbly making today's mistakes tomorrow's experience.
Not shying away from adversity.
Showing the ones who have turned from the light what real power is.
I love this game.
Hope everybody has a blessed day.
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