Hello everybody.
My name is Tim "Vandire" Fletcher. I'm an Illinois Marth main for Melee and a Roy/Marth main for Project M. I'm an intermediate player who is still learning the ropes but on my way to become a better player. Recently, I have been having doubts about my own mains. It may be just my frustration with having problems with them, or in a case i've been having.. they seem bland.
It's just a forward throw to fairs and up airs all game. Recently, with Apex and VOD's, Ganon has been peaking my interest quite alot. Even when i first started playing, and I first saw Ganon in a match in Melee, I literally told myself, " This monster is pulling mid-air Gears of War curb stomps. I wanna do it." But, at the time, was told to pick a high tier to learn at a faster rate.
I've heard the Ganon family is an incredible family. I've been talking with Eikelmann and he told me you guys are the best family to grace Smash.
I'm willing to drop my high tier and learn entirely from scratch on this ruthless, violent, head kicking demon. Show me tips, vids, anything you got for me. Show me a reason to change.
( orginal post: