SUP GUYS -incoming wall of text-
smashboards hasn't notified me for this thread in over a month (but it was for others), so I just thought this thread wasn't too active...
Just read like 10+ pages, reading and watching everything (except twitch links, won't load).
A lot of good stuff. I loving the activity here and it keeps me thinking about new ways to evolve my game. In passing, good **** @
Bizzarro Flame beating Fly (also the double jump + aerial down B to counter getup attack was mad cute), and sick combo video @
Liking all the new presence here too. There have been more and more good ganon footage appearing on youtube and I think with the amount of activity there is now, it's a great opportunity to push the ganon meta.
As for me, my teammate and I just got 3rd in doubles at
A New Hope, beating VaNz + Pat as well as the local heroes Nakamaru + The Lake, losing to MDVA players Boss + DP. I played poorly in singles bracket losing 2 sets right away (it still happens!), but I'm not too salty because I felt like I learned a lot, and based on the doubles I'm definitely improving.
One thing that bugs me is how consistently well I place in doubles in comparison to how consistently poorly I place in singles. I do well every once in a while, but there are players that seem to be on a much lower level that I still go even with or lose to. This tournament was one of those. Someday I'd like to present some of my doubles play and some of my singles play, and ask you guys what you think. (While my partner is a very good player, he doesn't completely carry me, and he does better with me as a teammate than with some other players who are better than me [So don't say that it's just my partner carrying me, which a lot of people probably believe]) There's no way that everyone else is just that much worse at doubles than singles... is there? On a side note, it sucks to always be the guy with no support [in singles]. I don't mean to accomplish anything by this ******** but it seriously bugs me when generic S-tier guy has friends cheering him on and giving advice while I've got nothing. If they can't beat a ganon without help, they probably deserve to lose

but I'm morally against mid-set coaching anyway... *johns johns johns*... where's the ganon appreciation? Maybe it's time to really embrace the villainous. /rant
I'll post the vids when they are up.
Side note: as excessive as it sounds, I'd like to make a thread / discussion that is a complete guide to the chaingrab on sheik. It is obvious in my set against sweet that I wasn't proficient with it, despite it being one of the easier chaingrabs. This is due to both lack of knowledge and (more importantly) lack of experience on my end. I believed the sheik CG process to be something like this:
Away DI: JC grab 0-80 (ish)
Behind DI: Turnaround grab 0-40ish, Turnaround dash JC grab OR turnaround dash grab 40ish-80ish
Also (equally importantly): finishers. I know for no DI you can upsmash (maybe also dair) / bair, and for away DI you can fsmash (maybe fair), and for behind DI you can bair (maybe also fsmash). Take note that whether or not these truly combo will depend on the % that you finish the CG on.
Here's what I want to figure out: at what %s (before the throw) will each regrab connect at: full DI behind + away, partial DI behind + away, and no DI, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the amount of time required for the average player (or maybe slightly slower than average) to visually recognize which option to use and react (about 12 frames?). Same thing for the finishers: which have the best killing potential off the top + each side (or edgeguard setup potential) for each DI, and at what %s (near the optimal ending %: keep in mind that some finishers may require her % to be BELOW the highest %s of the chaingrab to truly combo [while also taking into account the required time for reaction])
I would ALSO like to include at what % sheik can land on the platforms for every legal singles stage (accounting for at least upward DI)
It would be great if @
Magus420 was still around, but he doesn't appear to be, and I don't have the necessary tools or knowledge to extract this information (if any of you know exactly how to do so, but have no interest in doing such, please share your knowledge with me). Some of you might think that this is excessive, the wrong thing to focus on to find success, or not worth the trouble, but I think that writing the book and doing it right will give the average ganon player a powerful reference to improving their punish game in a very hard matchup. As a complement we could add a list of grab setups / most likely or successful methods of getting grabs on sheik.
So with that out of the way, it's good to be back and I'll be sure to check this thread (& contribute) regularly, regardless of smashboards lack of notifications. Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm in it for the long haul, and all of you guys have helped me in some way or another.
Pseudo, great set with Oro, but seriously you should have had it. I was really impressed with how many times you caught him off guard. I felt like your conversion from neutral game was very strong. Unfortunately you had a few *facepalm* moments (like that fthrow at the end of game 1). A couple of edgeguards were really derpy and your combo DI was sometimes really bad. If you just drill a few aspects of your game really hard, you will seriously be so good.
Ace, of all the advice I read on here, I find yours to be the most helpful. I really understand the way you explain things or situations, your terminology is effective, and your points are directed and intent. I find it a treat when you write a lot, because I always find something you say helpful, even if I already knew it. So keep doing that **** lol
And renth, sick video (and other friendly sets). I'm still surprised by
something every time I see another one of your sets, and thus, you are always giving me new ideas. You are really innovative and I honestly think that if you decide that it's important to you to become great, and you worked hard and tried your best, you could truly succeed and become the next really BIG ganon. Take that as you will, as it's just one novice's opinion.