That's how I tag kevin sometimes but he knows it and it never seems to hit him. But pp tends to invalidate most of ganons good options by always being the right distance away. If I jump he nairs me before I can do something lke retreating fair oos, but that should work against many foxes.
I played kevins fox more than his falco, so I know a lot of things that sort of work, but that he's found a work around for, so idk how useful anything I say is, because really everything ganon has can be worked around, but everything he has can also work in the right situation.
To speak semi cryptically as kevin would, you have to show fox that u can defend his approaches either with a retreating fair, a turnaround bair, a crouch cancel, or maybe even an ftilt of some sort. Once u make him second guess his own approach, you can take some space and try to box him in. Anywhere on the stage he has the advantage, but as with pretty much any character, if u can get him above you, you're doing something right. Quick movements on platforms can produce some attack angles that can cut through a linear fox. Fox is fast, but if you can find a way to limit his space, you can fight him. Foxes moves don't directly beat ganons, so while you have a hitbox out, he's forced to avoid you. Bair is big, and it lasts a while.
If he dash dances outside of your range, take another step next time and hit him for it. Make him run out of spac and stagee if he wants to play that game.
Edit: far les cryptically: wavedash oos during his approach to get free grabs. Works on falco too.