I just wrote out a whole big thing about those matches, and then when I clicked send the page wouldn't load, and now everything I typed is gone. Because I don't want to rewatch the videos and retype everything, I'm going to be lazy and summarize it all. I'm in a bad mood now because I'm annoyed at this website, so this is going to be really quick and condensed.
I haven't read what other people wrote so that I can make sure this is my opinion and not theirs.
You die a lot from double Uair. I'm sure there's a way to DI this, but I don't know how to do it.
You get comboed a lot. After the last NCSU, I was told DI and CCing helped prevent combos, so I think you need to work on these, like I do. I say you CC a few times, and I'm fairly confident if you did it more it would have prevented combos.
Fairs aren't good. A lot of the time you got punished for empty Fairs or Fairs on shield. It looks to me like you should only Fair if you're at least 95% sure it'll hit.
You also get punished a lot for shielding. It seems to me like you should focus on DDing and other forms of evasion, and only shield when you have absolutely no other options.
You ledgedashed too much. Often you ledgedashed into attacks. Try mixing it up with ledgehops, ledgehop Uairs, or just the basics. I'm interested in trying out ledgehop UpB to see how it works out, but I doubt it'll be any good.
Try out Nair. Nair is fast, and you need fast moves against Falcon. I don't know how well it'd work, but I'd say it's worth trying.
Jab more. Jab is really fast, and helps prevent a lot of his attacks. I'm biased, because I think the jab is Ganon's best move, but I still think you need to jab more. There were times when you jabbed a lot, and times when you didn't. In general, you did better when you were jabbing a lot.
Ledgeguard better. I've recently tried out SH reverse Uairs near the edge, and I feel like they'd work really well against Falcon's recovery. It also think just basic ledgehogging would work well.
You did a good job baiting, but you weren't always prepared for the attack when it came. I'd suggest using a jab to prevent it, or a Ftilt if you have time. An SH Nair might be good, but I'd have to try it out.
I think that was everything I typed out, in a much more condensed form. I could be wrong, though. If I remember something else, I'll post it.
I'm going to read what everyone else has said now to see how similar what I've said is. Hopefully some of what I said is good and I wasn't completely off.
From my understanding, $Mike is really good. You should be proud of how well you did against him.
EDIT: I just tried out ledgehop UpB. It's a good way to mix things up, but it's rarely going to actually work. Think of how situational an on-stage UpB is. It's about as situational as that.
EDIT2: I just watched Kage v S2J. Based on that, I feel like there are three moves you're going to love in this matchup - Jab, Uair, and holding down on the control stick. You're also going to love SideB and FUtitlt, but you're not going to use them as often.