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How Super Smash Bros Brawl SHOULD be.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Everybody shut the **** up.


Mods should close any of these threads that pop up. I mean, there have been others before anyway. it always turns into a flame war where ******** casual players start revealing their age saying others are tourneyasses or emos or noobs, because they play "how its supposed to be played"

No. You are wrong. Yeah, you see that icon there? The item switch? the off option? it was programmed into the game.
For the love of god finally. Plz sombody get a mod and close this so I won't be drawn into this bull**** anymore. BTW if he makes another thread like this you should ban all three of them, well his IP so he won't make another account,


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
Why can't all scrubs just adopt you your philosphy and stop complaining/spamming/flaming?
To be completely honest, I still find the way that the tourney scene plays the game to be stupid and counter to the philosophy of Smash. I just realize that nothing will change that, and I don't really care about being THAT devoted to a video game anyway. I have too many other hobbies. I get much more enjoyment out of teaching myself to play guitar, for instance.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2007
K then, what do you think about Halo 2 then? With all its advanced teqhniques. Wanna ***** about that too? They have tournaments and rules. Here's what you should do, go to the biggest Halo 2 fourm board and make a topic just like this, see how much more you get flammed there.
I think Halo's a fun series and the best FPS series out there for people who don't like FPSes. Kinda like Super Smash Bros. It's easy to get into it and have lots of fun with it if you don't have experience with fighters or FPSes.

I'm not at all familiar with any Advanced Techniques from Halo, nor am I familiar with their tournaments. If they cut out all the guns but the SMG and Battle Rifle (and the sword, which I love to death), I'd be similarly annoyed, but to a lesser extent, because I play Halo far less.

That, and Halo fans are morons. I'd be an idiot to try and change their opinions.

Same characters and stages? WTF? Viewtiful Jeff, you obviously don't know enough about tourney play to talk about it. Pika Pika Pi, why don't you use the exploits? Or even better yet, you don't exploit the physics, and do everything that was intended including shffl, l cancel, edgehog, etc. It is possible you can with without exploits, but you still have to practice and you still have to use every tech that the developer's INTENDED.

Edit: Pika Pika Pi, you know that you take this no exploits thing pretty seriously right? Which means you are serious about this game, too. Just pointing out the contradictions.
From what I've seen, "serious" matches are always on Final Destination or some similarly simple flat stage with Fox, Falco, or Captain Falcon.

And that concludes this thread. Mod lock this please.

Oh and btw b4 its locked I'd like to have your mario kart DS friend code so I can pwn you tonight.
Stop trying to get a thread that's in the middle of a discussion locked. Just because you disagree with the side that started the discussion doesn't mean it deserves to be stopped.

Don't be a Kissass. If you didn't take Smash Bros. seriously, why are you here? I find Smash Bros. fun because of advanced techs. I don't need items to succeed. And if your such a casual gamer, why are you even on SmashBoards? Shouldn't you be playing with items?
So what you're saying is that casual players shouldn't go on SmashBoards at all?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Aweful. Items ruin matches, and stages with cheap gimmicks are fun, but rather trivial. Honestly, the serious pro smasher, who dominates the gameplay and is the main consumer/user, is who the game should be catered around. not the little ten year olds who dont kno what a smash attack it. really, if you want that, go back to SSB on the 64 and leave all us smashers alone.
Completely and utterly incorrect. The general casual gamer population is the main consumer/user. Stop thinking so highly of your god**** self!


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
From what I've seen, "serious" matches are always on Final Destination or some similarly simple flat stage with Fox, Falco, or Captain Falcon.
Well the stages avalible are Dreamland, Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Fountian of dreams, battlefield, and pokemon stadium. Also you see Fox, Falco, or Falcon because they are high tier. You've obviously haven't seen enough.
BTW I play as Jigglypuff


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2006
New Paltz, NY
Playing on the same stage with the same characters and using the same techniques all the time strikes me as way more boring.

Also, don't be an ***. What I'm saying is, if you got lucky, you deserved to get lucky.

I won't touch on the 'advanced techs', since besides Wavedashing, I admittedly have very little experience with them.
14. That's the amount of stages that's allowed in tournaments. I'm not even going to touch on characters since every single character can be potentially used in a tournament.

I dunno. The prospect of getting money does horrible things to people.
Erm, okay. So basically there's no refutal to the luck argument then?

Again, money does horrible things to people, and this is a perfect example. You've siphoned all the fun out of the game in the name of reducing it to purely a matter of skill. Unless I miss my meaning, this is so the risk of you not getting the money is reduced. Whoever decided to mix high amounts of money with video games is an utter fool, as far as I'm concerned.
Refer to my "fun is subjective post"

Adi said:
Fun is subjective. Competitive players are characterized by their determination to walk the path of self-improvement. I personally find it exciting to watch videos of myself when my Falco could barely Short Hop Laser to today where I can pillar flawlessly. This same feeling of self-improvement and acheivement isn't really met when you get gimped in a match due to an explosive crate.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
To be completely honest, I still find the way that the tourney scene plays the game to be stupid and counter to the philosophy of Smash. I just realize that nothing will change that, and I don't really care about being THAT devoted to a video game anyway. I have too many other hobbies. I get much more enjoyment out of teaching myself to play guitar, for instance.
We play with advance techs and tourney rules to have fun. In fact, I will tell you the story of how I got into tourney stuff. I got the game when it first came out and played like a casual player would. I didn't know how to do anything besides tech, I would play with items, and I would play in free for alls. I did have one on ones with no item if there was not enough people for ffas. I got bored with the game since not enough people played the game and got tiring playing it the way I was. Then, I learned about advance techs. The game became much more fun for me and so I started going to tournies to have even more fun.

I understand that people like you want to play this game like it was Mario Kart (without snaking XD) and have randomness and stuff. You got to understand that we play two different ways, both ways are not stupid. We both play for fun. Some people like to see themselves improve and only use their character with no luck involved. Others like chaotic/random battles. Both are fine, but nobody should act like they are a better person because they play a certain way. No one should complain about something that doesn't affect them that much either,. . . . . . . . . . .those are my only qualms.

Edit: Viewtiful Jeff, you just proved my point. You don't know about tourney play enough. You can play any character you want and there are 14 stages to play on. Like Adi said. :)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2007
Tournaments will be without Itens and this will not change.

Why do you people think they did put an option to turn off the Itens?

I've been playing this game about 9 years now, since the first Smash got out. And I play with and without itens. Use them in Free for Alls and turn them of to get some serious playing with my friends.

If you want a tournament with itens, make it yourself, and see how much people come to play.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2006
I'm a snake, marth, and zelda in training.
playin with items: I find that random factor to be fun when playing the game with friends or family

Playing without items and adv techs: I find playing the game competively against master players using wavedashing is very fun to me also

also if you like to play with items play with items. If you don't like to play without items don't play with them. It's your game play it as you like.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
playin with items: I find that random factor to be fun when playing the game with friends or family

Playing without items and adv techs: I find playing the game competively against master players using wavedashing is very fun to me also

also if you like to play with items play with items. If you don't like to play without items don't play with them. It's your game play it as you like.
Why can't people be like you guys?


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
It should have ended such a long time ago >_>. Where are the mods when you need them?

And btw we are like those guys because we want the option, they want it without options. So we have to play THEIR WAY. Instead of both of us playing our own ways. I'm telling you he probably got owned by a player that wavedashed or something so he brings his anger onto the boards.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
New York
First off, "wavedashing". I have no doubt in my mind that this technique (or, glitch, really) should be completely removed from the game. It just doesn't serve any practical purpose. I've seen it used in matches and referred to as an "advanced" technique, but the only reason it's in use is because every one else uses it. If it weren't there, I assure you, the majority of players would not miss it. It's a glitch, and it shouldn't be in Brawl.
Wavedashing isn't a glitch. It's built into the physics engine of Melee (If Sakurai didn't want it in Melee he would've taken it out of the PAL version) and will be there if air dodging is there (Didn't we already confirm wavedashing anyways? Wario did one I think.). And why would you even say "The only reason people use it is because everyone else uses it"? That's like saying people only play video games because other people play video games. If everyone is doing it than it must be useful, and it is useful for most characters (and even the ones with really short wavedashes still have some use for wavelands or some other use of wavedashing.).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Rythian Colony #448
Why can't all scrubs just adopt you your philosphy and stop complaining/spamming/flaming?
That's why we casual players are offended. Don't get me wrong, there are idiots on both sides, but the serious players tend to think that they're better than the casual players, and put casual players in classes. We'll play the game the way we want, and just because you may be better than us at a game doesn't give you the right to put us into classes.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
That's why we casual players are offended. Don't get me wrong, there are idiots on both sides, but the serious players tend to think that they're better than the casual players, and put casual players in classes. We'll play the game the way we want, and just because you may be better than us at a game doesn't give you the right to put us into classes.
If it comforts you, I don't put casual players into classes. . . . . . . . only scrubs. :)


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
It's exploiting the physics engine of Smash Bros to do something the developers did not intend.
They did intend. Nintendo saw this b4 they released it, but they kept it in even though it was a glitch.

They could have removed it. What they did remove though was the IC freeze Glitch, Samus's extended grapple, and Links super bomb jump. But not the wavedash.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2003
thanks wfl.... i don't know how many times i have to say that... WD is a PHYSICS EXPLOIT, NOT a glitch....

dear scrubs,

if you don't like the way we (the people who are good at the game) play... then don't play that way... we're not telling you to wavedash or l-cancel, or take items out and only play on 6 stages... see the thing is, the developers could leave all these exploits in and most scrubs WOULDN'T know the difference anyway, this game is so perfect for both us seriously competitive players, and the scrubs who want all the random events in the world.... the difference is that the good players aren't telling YOU how the game 'SHOULD' be played...


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Tourney***s: I don't even see why you chose to post in this ****ing topic

Casual***s: Shut up, play Street fighter or the "real fightan gaemz"
Lmao, I guess I'm just attracted to responding back in threads like these. But I'm also trying to end this seeing how this thread gets worse and worse as it goes one. >_>


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2007
Well the stages avalible are Dreamland, Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Fountian of dreams, battlefield, and pokemon stadium. Also you see Fox, Falco, or Falcon because they are high tier. You've obviously haven't seen enough.
BTW I play as Jigglypuff
Unless I've gone senile, Dreamland, Final Destination, Fountain, Battlefield, and Yoshi's Story all have an almost exactly similar layout. The only different one is Pokemon Stadium, due to its shifting. Thus, pretty much proving my point. Same with Falcon, Falco and Fox being used due to being "high tier".

14. That's the amount of stages that's allowed in tournaments. I'm not even going to touch on characters since every single character can be potentially used in a tournament.
With enough training, I suppose that's true, but wouldn't that amount to about a thimble full of vodka without those "Advanced Techniques"?

Erm, okay. So basically there's no refutal to the luck argument then?
Well, my argument is that a certain amount of luck should be desirable because it adds fun to the game, but as you've said, and I have to concede, fun is subjective. So I guess I don't have much to refute that. Although, I just really can't see the rulesets in the Smash Bros. tournaments being conceived as 'fun', no matter how subjective it is.

Also, this is utterly off-topic, but I find your sig to be quite awesome, Adi. FE for life!

Causal players can come on here, but they sure can't spam and make arguements and piss everybody else off.
That's odd, because you and Salaad are being far more offensive and obnoxious than we are. I'm not spamming, I'm trying to have a discussion. You seem hellbent on making me and Pika Pika Pi seem like horrible spamming trolls.

It should have ended such a long time ago >_>. Where are the mods when you need them?

And btw we are like those guys because we want the option, they want it without options. So we have to play THEIR WAY. Instead of both of us playing our own ways. I'm telling you he probably got owned by a player that wavedashed or something so he brings his anger onto the boards.
No, this is because if we ever want to go into a tournament, we automatically have to play YOUR WAY. You've got it completely backwards.

Jeff made this topic for the controversy.
Maybe. But I stayed because I'm actually getting some decent discussion, courtesy of the levelheaded people like Adi and the like.

Yeah so stop telling us to play your way you dumb scrubs.
Please. Calling a casual player a scrub is roughly the equivalent of calling a black person that one n-word I'm not gonna say, because I'm somewhat sure I'd rack up a few no-no points if I did.

Pika Pika Pi

Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2007
They did intend. Nintendo saw this b4 they released it, but they kept it in even though it was a glitch.

They could have removed it. What they did remove though was the IC freeze Glitch, Samus's extended grapple, and Links super bomb jump. But not the wavedash.
When you have a deadline to get the game out, and the effort to fix the error in the physics engine would be difficult, those exploits remain in the game.

In Halo 2, there was an exploit there you could steal the other team's flag from under the base. Bungie was aware of it before the game released, but they were unable to fix it before the game had to be shipped.

Same deal here. Whether Nintendo knew of it or not is irrelevant. It's doing something that they did not intend.

Pika Pika Pi

Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2007
Yeah so stop telling us to play your way you dumb scrubs.
And that's why things like this thread happen. Some people have such a holier than thou attitude for something as trivial as video games that they start flaming others for it. That irritates casuals, and then they bite back. That causes other tourney players to join in on the argument.

You're just spouting flamebait.
If that's all your good for, then just get out. Seriously.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Wavedash is simply the result of airdodging into the ground. From word of mouth its in the actual debug mode, just its not called wavedashing, just part of the physics engine.

Even though it was just a regular part of the physics engine, the developers did not intend for it to be used that way. And franky, I don't care. Wavedash is not the same as snaking. Unlike snaking, which is pure reflex, wavedash is incredibly easy to perform, but requires quite a bit of mental utility in order to use it to its full potential. Its just a silly little slide, it doesn't make you invincible, but you can do any standing move during it. However that slide opens up a wealth of possibilities, like edgehogging, spacing, etc. Learning it doesn't instantly make you "good", many people learn the wavedash and still suck, myself included.

Also, unlike snaking in MKDS, relying on Wavedash alone won't get you anywhere, as there are advanced techniques much more powerful than the wavedash. Like L-Cancelling, SHFFL [they gave all the convenient tools for it], platform dropping, jump cancelling, etc. Just learning the techs won't get you anywhere, you have to be good with them.

Also, why do people get angry at tournament players for the way they play. Most tournament players are fine with the way casual players play, so why do all scrubs insult Tournament players.

Understand that a scrub is not necessarily a casual player, skilled people can also be scrubs, read http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/intermediates-guide/introducing-the-scrub/ it will tell you EXACTLY what a scrub really is. For example, Ogre Link is casual, but from looking at his posts he is not a scrub. Scrub =/= Noob, there IS a difference.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Ok I dunno about you guys, but I'm getting board of this place and listening to Jopann and Volerc (apperantly you haven't because you haven't responded back to them). If you don't want to play our way then don't come to our tournaments. I mean it was your choice to come to a place WHERE WE PLAY. Its like a Dog going to drink milk with cats instead of eating the dog food.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
Hopewell Junction!
i think figuring out your opponent's mindgames and taking advantage of them is way more fun then items. and im sure a lot of the competitive smashers will agree. It takes way more skill to figure out somebody then it does to throw a pokeball.

We're smart so we like to play smart :)


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2007
San Antonio, Tx

No, this is because if we ever want to go into a tournament, we automatically have to play YOUR WAY. You've got it completely backwards.
You see, no one said you must go to tournaments and play. The people who play at tournaments play competitively and use every and all options available for them to win. You, being a casual player, do not. So why do you go to tournaments at all? All you have to do is gather a few of your friends and host your own tournament if you feel that strongly about it. But tournaments imply competition and if your not competitively playing then you shouldn't bother.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Oh btw if you like Items so much play as Peach or Link. They've got items, some times peach will even get a beam sword, bomb, or mr. saturn. Were all happy now aren't we?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
thanks wfl.... i don't know how many times i have to say that... WD is a PHYSICS EXPLOIT, NOT a glitch....

dear scrubs,

if you don't like the way we (the people who are good at the game) play... then don't play that way... we're not telling you to wavedash or l-cancel, or take items out and only play on 6 stages... see the thing is, the developers could leave all these exploits in and most scrubs WOULDN'T know the difference anyway, this game is so perfect for both us seriously competitive players, and the scrubs who want all the random events in the world.... the difference is that the good players aren't telling YOU how the game 'SHOULD' be played...
They dont' tell us how the game should be played. They just act elitist and proclaim themselves to be the only ones who are "good" at the game, in some cases.

i think figuring out your opponent's mindgames and taking advantage of them is way more fun then items. and im sure a lot of the competitive smashers will agree. It takes way more skill to figure out somebody then it does to throw a pokeball.

We're smart so we like to play smart :)
This is more of what I'm talking about. Arrogance like this will ensure that these debates never die. Hint to people like cloudz: people who play with items must necessarily also play against items. To scoff and say that it takes no skill to win an items match is ridiculous. It can be every bit as strategic as an itemless match on FD.
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